Late but worth the wait! It's great to have you!
Thank you so much for those great Walter Knott quotes. What took us so long to do that? Good idea. Excellent choices.
Here's the link to "Knott's Preserved", best book on the Farm.
It is true that if you really think something is fun and interesting, a crowd will gather. As is true with Knott's. I love the other one about how making money is nice but the freedom to do what you love is better. He loved what he was doing and his motives were not to dominate, just to create and spread enjoyment. So true. Kind of why I left Disney. You just want to find the shortest distance to making great things happen.
Did you know that when he was "killing it" with the Boysenberry, he could have kept the strains to himself, but instead gave vine cuttings to his competitors so they could prosper. When I worked there in the Design Dept., he was quite old and suffered from Parkinson's. There was a mobile home right there on the property in guest view near the parking lot. I would sit in my office and see the nurse wheel him out there on the porch in his wheelchair. He could not speak, but could idly watch the guests walk by. None of them had a clue who he was. I used to sit and wonder what he was thinking as the crowds walked by.
Tragic indeed. but you chose some great quotes. If you want to know more about Mr. Knott and his incredible life, here's a link to a book on his struggle and perseverance to survive in the depression. Excellent read.