Well-Known Member
Thanks!Welcome BSDB! I've read you elsewhere and enjoy your writing. We're glad to have you.
I hadn't thought about it before, but you're correct. Definitely in the style of Baz. I'm eager to see what he does with Gatsby.I did see some of the opening and I thought it was all pretty interesting and quite breathtaking at times. The transitions from the Farm to the Industrial Revolution reminded me of something Baz Luhrmann (Moulin Rouge) would do.
YES! That's precisely what Disney park shows need more of, that 'blending of many different tracks.'The Smokestacks rising and the flying Rings were also really dramatic and cool. They blended many different tracks at once and it must have been a wild sonic experience. It made me wonder why World Showcase could not do something more abstract...kind of multi cultural and yet historic to update Illuminations.
So many of the park shows focus on one singular element at a time, then switch to another singular element for awhile, then yet another, ad nauseam. For a typical stage and theatre setting, that's fine, given the inherent lack of real estate. But a show like Illuminations is massive in size because of the World Showcase venue, requiring an atypical theatre presentation. It's the perfect setting for that 'blending of many different tracks' we saw at the Opening Ceremony.
I wish Disney would take a page from Danny Boyle and the others who've created these Olympic spectacles, and bring their park shows into the 21st century for their multi-tasking audiences. We can handle many different tracks at once. In fact, I would argue that first world cultures not only handle it, but prefer it. Focusing on one singular element at a time has become lazy and unimaginative. Time for Disney to jack up the 'WOW!' factor once again.
Pretty much what you did. The transition from agrarian Britain to industrial was simply awesome. All of those sooty, gritty workers rising up from below the tree's branches, juxtaposed to the cadre of well-heeled Victorian businessmen and suffragette marchers, the raising of the smoke stacks, the foundry workers pouring the ring, all underscored with that massive driving drum beat... simply genius. Very emotional presentation for what could have been a total snore.I usually enjoy the openings as they raise the bar in one way or another. This one did so too. Thanks for asking. What did you like?
You should. You designed it!Love the Avatar!