ECV abuse caught on camera...


New Member
Ya, I generally find these kinds of threads to be very pointless and are basically nothing more than a cyber-lynch mob. Kind of like those pedophile threads where everyone and their grandma has to take their turn saying what vile filth these people are. Granted, I'm not attempting to defend pedophiles, or lazy people who rent ACV's or whatever other type of "bad guy" is being targeted in that particular thread. I'm just saying I don't understand why the need to line up and make sure you're heard (or in this case, seen) denouncing someone. I guess it makes us all feel more righteous about ourselves if we can pound on our chest and make sure that everyone else sees us talking about what vile scum these people are.

Threads like this generally get locked because there is no discussion value, other than trying to see if you can outdo everyone else in the manner in which you condemn a person. :lol:

Amen! You hit the nail right on the head.


New Member
This is one reason to keep raising the ticket prices. It helps keep the trash out. :brick:

Oh yeah right... I forgot, all people who don't have money are trash... and of course the converse is true, all people with money are not trash. Right? Just wanted to make sure I got that straight.

What a ridiculous comment.


New Member
Oh yeah right... I forgot, all people who don't have money are trash... and of course the converse is true, all people with money are not trash. Right? Just wanted to make sure I got that straight.

What a ridiculous comment.
Actually, Its a spot on comment.
Places that charge alot DO keep the trashy folks out.
Not that all poor folks are trash (not even close) BUT..It does keep the folks (trash) out. Sadly, it also keeps out decent folks without alot of money.
Thats life.


Well-Known Member
Actually, Its a spot on comment.
Places that charge alot DO keep the trashy folks out.
Not that all poor folks are trash (not even close) BUT..It does keep the folks (trash) out. Sadly, it also keeps out decent folks without alot of money.
Thats life.

yea and there aren't rich trashy folks out there :rolleyes:


New Member
no offense to everyone, but i think it takes a lot of nerve to judge others and say whether or not they need a chair. And to say that there are more people that abuse the system than need it is also way to judgemental.

i am 44, i have bad knees and a bad back. I can still run and jump like i use to when i was 20, but i can only do it for a few minutes. I can walk all over disney, but i'd have to stop every 10 minutes to rest for 5. i've done that before, and i had no fun. not to mention my friends whom i went w/, who were very patient w/ me, and did stop when i had to, it ruined their fun as well.
I am one of those that use an EVC, and i can get on and off and walk on any ride. hell i can jump and down and get on the ride. when you first see me i would look perfectly "normal" and in no need of help. but no way could i stand in a line, no way i can stand for more than 10 minutes w/o extreme pain.
and for those that say they got run over, i will defend the evc users there as well. it's hard to control sometimes. you can't stop on a dime and make quick turns like you can when you're on you're on your feet. the fact is most people don't pay attention, and walk in front of you and you try to stop, you don't want to hurt anyone. sometimes you just cant stop. and trust me, you feel really bad when you accidently hurt someone.

finally, i have to say that i would LOVE to be able to walk all day in disney like i use to. I would love to be able to play soccer, and run around like i use to. to be able to walk down mainstreet. to hold my son in my arms like i did w/ my brother as we leave for the night. but i can't.
I think it takes a lot of nerve of people to judge others and to accuse them of abusing the system. You should be happy you're not in the pain others are in. You're not the victim, you're the lucky one.


New Member
Here is a great story about why judging is a bad thing:

I was at a bookstore the other night and I parked in the disabled parking spot. the man in the car next to me glared at me, as I am young and did not have my tag up yet. Then I hung my tag and thought he would leave me alone.

Well, that was not to be. He rolled down his window and started honking the horn, I guess because he thought i was using grandma;s tag. When i stepped out of the car he continued honking. I just ignored him.

He shut up real fast when I pulled my wheelchair out of hte back of the car, and refused to make eye contact. I can stand long enough to get from the front door of my car to the back door, and I can even stand and walk for a few minutes (though not always). However, in a place as big as the bookstore, i often need my wheelchair.

That man was horribly embarrassed because he assumed I did not need my parking tag. He made an assumption that I am young and therefore cannot be sick or needful of my mobility aids.

Now I am grateful when people think I am too "young," "healthy-looking," or "pretty" to be sick and disabled, but appearances can be deceiving!

So just remember the lesson hte Prince learned in Beauty and the Beast, be compassionate and don't judge, and most of all, don't mind other people's businesses while on vacation!!!! If they are faking, let their Maker/God/Karma/fate or whatever sort it out. Unless they injure you personally, its not your concern!


As has been mentioned before WC's and EVC's do not get front of the line. Most of the Lines at WDW are mainstreamed and WC's & EVC 's enter the standby line.Sometimes WC's & EVC's (and up to 5 members of the party) are pulled out line just before the boarding area. They are being taken to the front of the line but rather to another line to wait. Most loading areas do not have an area where the EVC can be left while the guest is riding. Sometimes the moving sidewalk needs to be slowed for a guest. etc.

If someone is using a EVC at Disney just because they are lazy I think they would find out after the first day the EVC's are very inconvenient especially at Disney.
Those of us using an EVC seem to become "invisible" since able bodied guests are crossing in front of us, stopping in front of us and never seem to see us until it is time for us to load onto a bus. When we are loading onto a bus that is when we become very visible.
It is very hard to drive an EVC in the crowds in the parks.
It is not easy backing up an EVC onto the bus lift and maneuvering the EVC into the tie down is very difficult. I highly doubt "lazy" people would submit themselves to that for long.
Also EVC rental is quite expensive. My EVC cost over $200 to rent for one week. Most "lazy"people would rather spend the money on other things.
The EVC's that are loaded onto the buses are either privately owned or are rented from an offsite company.
I doubt that "lazy" people would think ahead enough to preorder an EVC from an offsite company.

Sure there may be a few people who use EVC's because they are lazy but I am betting they learn quickly it not easy or fun to use an EVC at WDW.
I know I wish I did not need to use one but without an EVC WDW would be inaccessible to me.

Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
no offense to everyone, but i think it takes a lot of nerve to judge others and say whether or not they need a chair. And to say that there are more people that abuse the system than need it is also way to judgemental.

None taken here. My post stuck strickly to the bozo in question that posted the youtube video. He had a blatant disregard for those that truly need assistance.

Now, you know you can't start a post around here about such things without it turning into something it was NOT intended to be. So, on behalf of those posting without thinking, my apologies. But this is a message board and for the most part people just say what they think. I do believe most everyone around here is well intended. I love it around here....opinions and all.

I am truly sorry you can't experience the park in the same way you once did. I will more than likely be in that same situation later in life due to a knee injury but I'm not going to care what anyone thinks about whether I need assistance or not. So, ignore those that speak before thinking.


New Member
So, ignore those that speak before thinking.

Oh, i generally try to. I guess I try to give people who make gross generalizations such as "all fat people on ECVs are just lazy" the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps they just don't understand, and a little information can go a long way. That generally is true of problems with buses. People do not realize that it is REQUIRED BY LAW for wheelchairs and ECVs to load first. So, they may not agree with the law, but now know to be annoyed with the law and not with disney or the people following that law.

Unfortunately too many people revel in their ignorance and refuse to learn. But I don't worry too much - karma gets to everyone in the end. The ones who are kind and compassionate are rewarded, and those are are unkind or mean, well, arent...

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
not to be a total suckup, but "The Mom?" You gave way too much of a consderate thoughtful reply to one of the dumbest comments I've ever read on this forum.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
This is one reason to keep raising the ticket prices. It helps keep the trash out. :brick:

Well, here's why THIS comment is Dopey.

1: If you're poor, you probably don't have the extra cash to shell out on an ECV...unless for some reason your insurance would cover the rental...but if the insurance covered the rental, then obviously you have a prexisting condition, and thereofre need the ECV.

2: It implies rich people - who CAN EASILY afford an ECV rental on top of the exorbitant ticket prices, would NEVER take advantage of an ECV. Only poor trashy types.

If stupidity is catching, I'm gonna get my shots now. Way too many "Patients Zero" in this thread.

And FWIW, if I saw someone get out of an ECV and do a double-backflip or use them to play bumper cars, I might get a tad suspicious & peeved. Otherwise I don't really think twice about people using them; I just assume they need them even if YOU don't think they look like they need them, and otherwise feel pretty happy I don't need one. One of those "I pitied myself for having no shoes until I met the man who had no feet" kinda deals.


Well-Known Member
The gym I go to has two parking lots. A small one in front, and a large one across the street.

There are allways people waiting for spots to open up in the close lot, while there a dozens of open spots across the street.

You are going to the gym, you are going to excersize, why do you need to park close. And yes I understand that in bad weather, or maybe someone rehabing a leg injury this may make sense, but there are a LOT of people doing this. I just find it funny.


That reminds me of the old question why does the roller skating rink have handicapped parking...


New Member
That reminds me of the old question why does the roller skating rink have handicapped parking...

actually for me skating is easier than walking! i can skate a little very carefully, and i love it (more ice skating than roller skating, though) even though i often use a cane to walk. before I got sick i was a good runner, and i miss going FAST under my own power.

some people also have handicapped tags because they have someone with them who is blind (it is dangerous for a blind person, especially a blind child, to walk through a parking lot any more than usual) or is a little person/dwarf (same reason as above - they can't be seen through most car windows).

a lot of it is just legal stuff. just because you don't think a disabled person can take advantage of the services there doesn't mean they don't go. if they allowed judgements like that to be made any gym or sports facility would not have handicapped parking.

I can't bowl anymore, but I still go with my friends to hang out.

I know you were being funny/ironic/sarcastic, but I have had people ask about this in earnest before, so I figured I would go ahead and answer :)

The Mom

Premium Member
That reminds me of the old question why does the roller skating rink have handicapped parking...

Maybe a relative/friend wants to watch the skaters, and share food and drink with them when they rest?

I have gone to many birthday parties at skating rinks, and have sat chatting with the other parents, watching the kids having fun. Not everyone at the rink is there to skate.

Maybe the person selling tickets needs the parking space? Maybe the DJ?

There are dozens of reasons why a business should have access, even if it doesn't make sense to the casual observer.


I thought businesses provide access because it's the law...?

You are correct.

Just an FYI:

I use a walker at home( for short distances) and I also have health club membership.

When I go to the health club, I will park in a handicapped parking space , hang my handicapped placard up, then use my walker to get the locker room. After I change into my swim suit I use my walker to walk to the pool area. The pool is a zero entry pool.
I am only able to walk about 100 feet on land before my legs go numb and
my knees buckle beneeth me but in the water I am able to walk 10-20 times that and I can do other exercises in the water that I am not able to do on land. Those exercises help keep me strong enough to keep me somewhat mobiel.

For me the nearby parking and handicapped parking spaces at the health club are truly needed.

Just my 2 cents.


New Member
I don't think anyone is questioning the placement of handicapped spots close to the door of a gym. I think what made the OP about parking at a gym laugh is the lengths some able bodied people will go to to get a close parking spot when there are open spots just across the street.

I use to have a membership at a gym and the close parking spots would be hunted like prey. Some people just had to have that spot 15 feet from the door. They could have parked farther away, but that would mean having to walk farther to the front door....:eek: OMG, The Humanity!

Don't get me wrong, if I showed up and there was a close spot open I would grab it. What I wouldn't do is wait in my car and stalk the next person leaving to grab their spot. I saw this so many times, it got kind of funny/sad to watch.

Congrats to you for staying as active as possible and finding a creative way to be even more active. A pool work out is harder than most people imagine, but it puts much less stress on the body. It is a great way to get a whole body workout.


At the end of August two years ago I fell 12 feet off a ladder and took my elbow out of its socket, blew out both sides of my ankle and had extensive damage to my knee (ACL, miniscus, cartlidge). I did everything the doctor told me and was faithful to my physical therapy (I told them I was going to WDW the end of October and there was nothing stopping me!) My DH and I were standing, leaning against the concret wall, by the beer/soda cart near The Land and a women came flying on by on a ECV and crashed right into me. Not one "I'm sorry", "oops" - nothing. Just kept going. I had an air cast on under my Dockers that suported the ankle so fortunately no additional damage was done. I do not begrudge anyone who needs handicapped parking, ECV usage and do not judge people who are using them based on their appearance but I know there are many who just do not want to do the walking. We have seen too many people using ECVs and get off and RUN to the rides, to the characters or wherever. There has to be some guidelines as is true to form, some ruin it for many!


New Member
At the end of August two years ago I fell 12 feet off a ladder and took my elbow out of its socket, blew out both sides of my ankle and had extensive damage to my knee (ACL, miniscus, cartlidge). I did everything the doctor told me and was faithful to my physical therapy (I told them I was going to WDW the end of October and there was nothing stopping me!) My DH and I were standing, leaning against the concret wall, by the beer/soda cart near The Land and a women came flying on by on a ECV and crashed right into me. Not one "I'm sorry", "oops" - nothing. Just kept going. I had an air cast on under my Dockers that suported the ankle so fortunately no additional damage was done. I do not begrudge anyone who needs handicapped parking, ECV usage and do not judge people who are using them based on their appearance but I know there are many who just do not want to do the walking. We have seen too many people using ECVs and get off and RUN to the rides, to the characters or wherever. There has to be some guidelines as is true to form, some ruin it for many!

First of all, I am one of those who gets up out of her wheelchair (i cannot use an ECV) and runs to the characters and rides. My disability allows me to do this, but not for very long.

Secondly disney cannot ask for proof of disability, there can be no "guidelines" for who gets an ECV, and they cannot force people with personal mobility devices to "prove" they can drive them. That is the law. Disney CAN require a short training class on their OWN ECVs, but not other peoples. I would be very upset if I was required to prove i can drive my own personal wheelchair. it is discriminatory, unless everyone who walks has to prove they can walk safely as well.

Oh, you know what? Last time I was in disney I had a woman cut me off pushing her stroller and HIT my foot rests and hurt me, and she did not stop to say sorry or oops or anything! Seriously those people with strollers are ridiculous and there should be guidelines about driving those things. Perhaps if her kid wasn't so big she could have driven better...

There was also two small kids running loose (probly 6-8) who ran into my chair, put their hands all over it, and their mother said nothing. there need to be guidelines about those kids!

There was also a man walking who backed up right into ym chair trying to take a picutre and hit my knee and bruised me. he did not say oops, or i'm sorry or anything.

these last three paragraphs are be being sarcastic, but trying to make a point. I have nothing against kids, strollers, or photographers. You met ONE rude ECV driver. that does not mean that everyone should be punished because of one rude person. Disney does an outstanding job, but there are rude people everywhere. Just like there are rude people with strollers and cameras and kids...

I do not know how you say "I do not judge based on appearance," and then follow it up with being annoyed by seeing people just up out of their scooters... Do you get how that doesn't work? You ARE judging based on appearance, and it is clear you know you shouldn't. Next time you see someone jump out of hteir scooter or wheelchair, be happy you are seeing someone who (as of now at least) has enough physical ability to do so. At least for me, I am grateful everyday I can get up and walk in hte morning. I don't know how long that will happen. That is just the nature of my disability.

If you had chosen to use an ECV when you had an aircast, and had stood up and walked to a ride, should we all have guessed you just didn;t want to walk?

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