Well-Known Member
IMHO the MYM length of stay ticket leaves visitors to resorts little option to do anything but be park commandos. They paid for it and damn it, they will use it until they drop. Squeeze every drop out of that ticket possible.
If Disney really understood and wanted to maximize their money, they'd understand that alt activities are more $ than the 5th or 6th day park ticket value. There has to be some way to add alt activity $ to a MYM just like they add "Hopper" and "Waterparks and More" options for additional $. They would have to drop the park day number or no-one will use it for alt activities when their ticket has a park day available.
Then guests would be USING the tickets they paid so dearly for to access alt activities. It may be just moving the cost to the ticket, but the psychological value of using a paid for ticket, rather than adding additional separate cost on site, may increase use. Maybe worth a trial run. Of course, maybe Disney wants alt activities to wither away.
This is a very smart post. I agree completely and find myself falling into this train of thought. I have to consciously force myself to slow down.