Dreamfinder: Redux?


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
Sorry, but I think the Pixar brains are going to be creative. Bringing back Dreamfinder is old hat, button shoe thinking. Maybe they'll bring back the penny arcade on Main Street too! :lol:

There's nothing wrong with "old hat" as long as you don't get stuck in that mode. I never got to experience the penny arcade, but it would add much needed "charm" to Main Street.

I'm not holding my breathe for a new Journey, I'll believe it when I see it. But there does seem to be more "light at the end of the tunnel" with Johnny boy in charge now.

:D :D :D

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
I think that is 100% accurate. Before the POTC film came out, when can you ever remember there being more than a 5 minute wait on a normal, crowded Summer day? I can't.

And the HM doesn't hardly ever have large wait times.

Was this recently? I remember going for my first time in the mid 80's and waiting for Pirates outside of the queue.. It was hardly a walk on... I know the last two years I was able to walk on Pirates, with a minimal 5 minute wait.. But,years ago, during the summer, I rememebr long wait times.


Well-Known Member
The original JIYI used to be one of my fav attractions as a kid - hope they bring it back to life!

PS. The only reason this Jim Hill character is still around is because of the attention he gets, positive or negative. The more you mention his name, the more exposure he gets. My advice, if you don't care for him, is to ignore his stories and turn a cheek. That's what I do


Well-Known Member
Epcot82Guy said:
Actually, this is not true except perhaps for WoM. Horizons was doing fine until Disney basically stopped advertising it. Even then it was doing fairly well. IMAG was still posting moderate wait times, and it was changed moreso out of agreement with Kodak than any decision by the Disney company. While these were not posting 30 minute wait times all day long, they were holding their own, especially when you take into account the capacity for these attractions. Were there parts that could have been better? of course, but I would argue the first half of IMAG was as good as any dark attraction Disney has made. Additionally, you now no longer have "competition" from the other pavilions with SSE really being the only ride like this left at this point in Epcot.

I think a poll of guests, even "non-dweeby," will find a stronger interest in the original than wait times for a high capacity attraction would suggest. After all, Pirates, Mansion, and JC have all stood at low wait times even during peak times before, and I don't think anyone questions the strength of these attractions.

Just my $0.02

they were holding their own because there were no other options....

as soon as Epcot became something other than "omnimover world" the popularity of these attractions died.

Body Wars saw much better attendance than Horizons ever did....JII did not lose attendance because the new version sucks, it lost it because attractions like Test Track and Mission Space, and now Soarin' are more of what the guests visiting today want.


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
The main point of Jim Hill's article was that the restoration of Dreamfinder to JII would be a symbolic gesture by the new Pixar brains to demonstrate their unbridled commitment to making excellent attractions. Unfortunately, JII, Horizons and WoM were never great attractions in the first place.

Only a certain group of hard core Disney Dweebs had the hots for those attractions. I remember that all of them were walk-ons even during busy times at Epcot. They were just kind of average rides.

So, Disney buys Pixar and then the Pixar brains pull a brilliant move and they restore Dreamfinder to JII. Wow! Disney sure paid a lot of money to get creative talent that can't do anything more than follow the advice of a bunch of Disney Dweeb message board members. :lol:

Sorry, but I think the Pixar brains are going to be creative. Bringing back Dreamfinder is old hat, button shoe thinking. Maybe they'll bring back the penny arcade on Main Street too! :lol:
:wave: Exactly what I thought reading the article. IF this is true... it's a big step backwards.


Well-Known Member
Epcot82Guy said:
Actually, this is not true except perhaps for WoM. Horizons was doing fine until Disney basically stopped advertising it. Even then it was doing fairly well.

I guess we weren't at the same place... Horizons was not 'doing fine' at the end of the run. And yes, I agree with Woody... a few Disney Dweebs is all that kept Horizons and WoM on the map. What's even more of a shame, they want to bring it back. That's a bigger mistake than SGE. :wave:


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
IF this is true... it's a big step backwards.

No it wouldn't be. How would it be a step backwards? If they add state of the art technology and put more money into the attraction to make it better, how is it a step backwards? Just because they MIGHT add an old character back to the attraction doesn't mean it will ruin the attraction. Remember not everything old is evil and will harm your children. They did bring BACK Figment and that was overall more positive than the 2nd incarnation of the ride.

It sounds to me like you would rather have no new attraction than one that brought something back with new technology. And that makes no sense to me :wave:


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
What's even more of a shame, they want to bring it back. That's a bigger mistake than SGE. :wave:

I, personally, liked Horizons and WoM better than what is currently there, but I don't think many people at all are calling for them to come back. I think most fans of those attractions still enjoy TT and M:S very much. I know I do.

I don't know about the second part :animwink:


Park History nut
Premium Member
Woody13 said:
I remember that all of them were walk-ons even during busy times at Epcot.

Not in summer of 1990 or `93. I remember that Imagination in particular had an outdoor snake everyday before you hit the (full) foyer queue.

Wannabe, not to clash (again) but Horizons was systematically trashed by those in charge by the end of it`s run. No wonder it wasn`t pulling them in by `98 - it was still stuck in `83; those parts that actually worked properly.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
No it wouldn't be. How would it be a step backwards? If they add state of the art technology and put more money into the attraction to make it better, how is it a step backwards? Just because they MIGHT add an old character back to the attraction doesn't mean it will ruin the attraction. Remember not everything old is evil and will harm your children. They did bring BACK Figment and that was overall more positive than the 2nd incarnation of the ride.

It sounds to me like you would rather have no new attraction than one that brought something back with new technology. And that makes no sense to me :wave:
Why waste R & D time and money, construction costs and new technology to bring back an old idea? How is that even remotely creative?

The way to move forward is to apply new technology utilizing new creative ideas and themes. Dreamfinder is not needed and I daresay would not be successful to "rejuvenate" an existing attraction.

The only people that would see this idea as creative are those "Disney Dweebs"...


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Why waste R & D time and money, construction costs and new technology to bring back an old idea? How is that even remotely creative?

You haven't seen their plans or the attraction itself. Are you thinking that they are going to bring back the old attraction as it was? If that's the case, then I can see your point, But the way I read it is that we would be getting "state of the art technology" to bring a better attraction to the park. That's what has be excited, not just the fact that the Dreamfinder might come back.

wannabe@dis said:
The only people that would see this idea as creative are those "Disney Dweebs"...

So the only people that care about seeing another new addition to Epcot are Disney Dweebs? It seems to me that you are so against anything that used to be at WDW that you are missing the whole concept of this rumor. It's not the Dreamfinder that's making some of us excited. It is much more than that and if you can just delete any mention of the Dreamfinder in that article, I think you'll see it too.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
It's not the Dreamfinder that's making some of us excited. It is much more than that and if you can just delete any mention of the Dreamfinder in that article, I think you'll see it too.
Well, maybe some. But most of those "dweebs" (or purists, anti-change, etc) think this is a grand idea MAINLY because it mentioned Dreamfinder. Go back and read the posts here. There's no denying that fact.

The crux of the matter is simple... those that want TRUE progress and change are not going to be that excited about the return of Dreamfinder with or without some 'new technology'. It makes no sense for a fourth attempt. It's time for a change to a whole new idea!

Of course... the purists that are stuck in the past rejoice that this MAY be true. If for no other reason than it gives them hope for Horizons or WoM being brought back. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Well, maybe some. But most of those "dweebs" (or purists, anti-change, etc) think this is a grand idea MAINLY because it mentioned Dreamfinder. Go back and read the posts here. There's no denying that fact.

And there is no denying that the Dreamfinder coming back would be exciting to me as well. I'm all for any changes that are nods to the fans. Look at Remember Dreams Come True at Disneyland, for example. Normal guests enjoy it I'm sure, but that baby was FOR THE FANS. And I'm not saying that any JII changes will be FOR THE FANS, but it wouldn't hurt. If these changes happened and they were done well, I'm sure the normal guests would love to go along for the ride as well.

If Disney didn't think there was any interest in the Dreamfinder, they wouldn't have come out with the Mickey dressed as Dreamfinder plushes that they came out with recently.

wannab@dis said:
Of course... the purists that are stuck in the past rejoice that this MAY be true. If for no other reason than it gives them hope for Horizons or WoM being brought back. :rolleyes:

I haven't seen many posts saying things like that at all. I'm thinking that you want these people to exist more than anything. Have you ever seen the film "Unbreakable"? :lol: :wave:


Well-Known Member
Tahu said:
A reintroduction of Dreamfinder wouldn't necessarily mean that newbie guests wouldn't enjoy it. If the new ride focused on a more creative setup in addition to the dynamic duo together again would make it fantastic, even to people who never knew of either.

Good post! That sums up my feelings.


Well-Known Member
dxer07002 said:
Was this recently? I remember going for my first time in the mid 80's and waiting for Pirates outside of the queue.. It was hardly a walk on... I know the last two years I was able to walk on Pirates, with a minimal 5 minute wait.. But,years ago, during the summer, I rememebr long wait times.

During most of the 90's it seemed that the waits for POTC were very, very low and the attraction was getting by because of its history and the song. And possibly even plans for a film :lol:

Now that the movie has been released, and there is anticipation for the new films, and upgrades are being made, I would say the days of the 5 minute POTC wait will be long gone for a while.


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
You haven't seen their plans or the attraction itself. Are you thinking that they are going to bring back the old attraction as it was? If that's the case, then I can see your point, But the way I read it is that we would be getting "state of the art technology" to bring a better attraction to the park. That's what has be excited, not just the fact that the Dreamfinder might come back.

So the only people that care about seeing another new addition to Epcot are Disney Dweebs? It seems to me that you are so against anything that used to be at WDW that you are missing the whole concept of this rumor. It's not the Dreamfinder that's making some of us excited. It is much more than that and if you can just delete any mention of the Dreamfinder in that article, I think you'll see it too.

Excellent points. I don't think the alleged return of the Dreamfinder is a step backwards or an attempt to resurrect the past at all. Bringing the Dreamfinder back in whatever capacity would simply be a nod to the storyline of the original attraction and the folks who would get that are the ones who would be experiencing it all over with their kids. Nothing wrong with a little nostalgia! Isn't that the best part of the Disney experience? I mean isn't part of the fun of going back year after year, decade after decade seeing how new elements interact with the old ones? Can anyone honestly say they have never thought about a past visit or attraction with a certain fondness while visitng the parks and wishing their guests could have enjoyed it? I look forward to seeing new attractions just as much as I look forward to the old ones. There is room for both at Disney.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
If they can plus the attraction by bringing back Dreamfinder in some way, then go for it. I don't mind the latest incarnation; it has some roots in the original theme of the pavilion. But the original ride, from what I remember, made me think and, well, use my imagination more than the latest ride does. Now, bringing back the original second floor, *that* would be awesome. ;)

And, while I loved WoM and Horizons, I know there's no way those are coming back. :)

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
During most of the 90's it seemed that the waits for POTC were very, very low and the attraction was getting by because of its history and the song. And possibly even plans for a film :lol:

Now that the movie has been released, and there is anticipation for the new films, and upgrades are being made, I would say the days of the 5 minute POTC wait will be long gone for a while.

Yep. Like I said, I remember the long line in the mid to late 80's... In the 90's I rememebr walking on pretty much, never really waiting long... And in October last year, I walked right on.. No wait at all, not even 5 minutes...

I hope they do bring back Dreamfinder... How about a ride like Spider-Man where Dreamfinder and Figment take us through the imagination?? We can all be riding some sort of dream vehicle, whatever Dreamfinders vehicle was called in the original version... Our destination?? The dream port... On the way there, we embark on an adventure through the imagination.. We can be overwhelmed by "sights, smells, sounds, anything that sparks the imagination"... :)


New Member
I think making Dreamfinder like Spiderman in UIOA would be a great idea. They could make a really cool ride mixing 3d with other sights, smells, and sounds. Would definately have potential to be one of the coolest rides at WDW. Good idea DXer.

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