Dreamfinder: Redux?


Well-Known Member
Dragonrider1227 said:
I've said it once and i'll say it again. I like the new ride almost more than he original. I say almost because the original DOES have a nostalgic feel to it, and had more eye pleasing visuals than the new one does, but I still feel the new one fits better with the EPCOT theme of being a play of science, technology, and innovations.

I like the new version better than either of the previous. One of the main reasons... a toddler can ride it without being freaked out. The original version just wasn't a "family" attraction if your family included anyone under 3 or 4. I'm surprised so many ignore that aspect of the original.


Active Member
wannab@dis said:
I like the new version better than either of the previous. One of the main reasons... a toddler can ride it without being freaked out. The original version just wasn't a "family" attraction if your family included anyone under 3 or 4. I'm surprised so many ignore that aspect of the original.

While the one room was meant to be "spooky" it did so with a entertaining touch and was no scarier than the watching Eric Idle sing his song in the current version of the ride.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
I like the new version better than either of the previous. One of the main reasons... a toddler can ride it without being freaked out. The original version just wasn't a "family" attraction if your family included anyone under 3 or 4. I'm surprised so many ignore that aspect of the original.

Um, what made the original version so scary? I rode the original when I was six, and wasn't scared in the slightest. Plus I've seen old videos, and none of it seems very scary at all. Now the new version actually scared me! Basically the loud bang Figment makes when he explodes at the end made me jump so bad, and the darkness and train effect were too loud. I don't see how a 3 or 4 year old kid could possibly not get scared on the new version because of all the loud noises.


New Member
I remember first riding the original IMAG when I was 5 or 6.....and some of the stuff was creepy, but I was never scared.... but I could see how younger kids could be frightened by the loud popping noises ("Surpise" and fireworks, "Mickey is a *****, :lookaroun etc)....and monsters and collapsing letters......

....but, it's true, the complete darkness/train noises and the finale 'burst' of today's are very shocking, though not outright scary....


Active Member
I distinctly remember riding Journey Into Imagination when I was TWO and enjoyed so much that my dad took me on it several times in a row. Sure, there was the scary part, but I knew it was supposed to be there, in a way, and it didn't bother me.


Active Member
ImagineerMMC said:
I distinctly remember riding Journey Into Imagination when I was TWO and enjoyed so much that my dad took me on it several times in a row. Sure, there was the scary part, but I knew it was supposed to be there, in a way, and it didn't bother me.

That is the same case for me. My parents would let me ride the ride two to three times over when I was that young. Plus, after that, I would spend at least 30 min if not more in Imageworks. It makes me sad just thinking about it...:cry:


New Member
I agree with the idea of tearing the entire thing as is out.

This is Walt Disney, a company founded by a man who centered his life around imagination. It (in my mind) should be the flagship attraction in any of the parks.

It could be something that shows the history of Imagineering, starting with the simplest animatronic to the Yeti and Lucky (not those excatly but the tech behind them). The car could be a combo of the Dino/Indy jeeps speeding through all sorts of dark ride scenes demonstrating the tech. Maybe a ride system like the Mummy that just has all sorts of thing from dream sequences (Dreamfinder) to creativty.

If they want to go back to the Dreamfinder concept fine, (I didn't really enjoy it much, but whatever) just do it right.

Anything at all. But is should be spectacular. The keep doing these minor fixes blowing 40-50 million and the result is always less than inspiring. SGE, both JII, Tiki...ETC.

With what they have spent and plan to possibly spend they could have created something with a budget of 100-130 million or so.

Something built on a mind blowing scale that would increase gate sales will appease both the dweebs and the shareholders.

Then again, what do I know? :hammer:


Active Member
Avenger23 said:
I agree with the idea of tearing the entire thing as is out.

This is Walt Disney, a company founded by a man who centered his life around imagination. It (in my mind) should be the flagship attraction in any of the parks.

It could be something that shows the history of Imagineering, starting with the simplest animatronic to the Yeti and Lucky (not those excatly but the tech behind them). The car could be a combo of the Dino/Indy jeeps speeding through all sorts of dark ride scenes demonstrating the tech. Maybe a ride system like the Mummy that just has all sorts of thing from dream sequences (Dreamfinder) to creativty.

If they want to go back to the Dreamfinder concept fine, (I didn't really enjoy it much, but whatever) just do it right.

Anything at all. But is should be spectacular. The keep doing these minor fixes blowing 40-50 million and the result is always less than inspiring. SGE, both JII, Tiki...ETC.

With what they have spent and plan to possibly spend they could have created something with a budget of 100-130 million or so.

Something built on a mind blowing scale that would increase gate sales will appease both the dweebs and the shareholders.

Then again, what do I know? :hammer:

The only reason that they would close the current version is to bring back the Dreamfinder. That is what is going to be done if anything.


Well-Known Member
I hope they at least utilize the usage of the layout this time...The tunnel known as "Figment's Shortcut is dumb! It would be better to see old parts like the painting that changed would be great to see...and get the Ship back for the finale.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Here was a whole idea I posted a while ago for a redo of Imagination combining elements from from the original and new version:

The premise will pretty much be the same: you're at the imagination institue open house with your host Nigel Channing who thinks imagination should be controlled. The qeue line will be the same, but maybe with a few more details and things to look at. You board your viecles which move like a train at first, but they are actually trackless cars moving together in a line ( yes yes, I know, too costly, but hey, its my dream! ). You'll move and turn to the TV screens just like in the current version and Nigel Channing (played by Eric Idle of Corse ) Introduces himself. He then turns on the brain scanners to see what's going on upstairs ( just like the horrid JIYI ) and of corse nothing is going on upstairs imagination wise but that's just perfect for the demonstrations until Figment shows up.

Figment: Oh! Can I please go too?

Nigle: Absolutly not! This is our latest dicovery, the Figment of imagination and-

Figment: Yeah! Oh boy, and do I know alot about the Imagination! And how fun it can be when you set it free!

Nigel: Figment, this is not the purpose of this open house. We are demonstrating on how it should be controlled, now please don't interfear with the tour please!

Figent: Don't worry, I'm just going on for the ride. I'll be you *poofs into a professor suit with glasses and note pad* creative consultant if you will.

Nigel: Fine then, so, okay everyone, here we go!

The train goes through a few lame experements with lame special effects like a fish going in and out of its fish tank with handle attatched to the fish easily exposed, a room full of spinning spirals, colors appearing on a screen syncronized with sound. Figment is spotted periodicly taking notes. You come around the corner to see an AA Nigel Channing speaking into a microphone announcing the final part of the tour where on display is a chair with a helmet above. He describes it a mechanism the extracts images of ones imagination and moves it into a 3-D inviroment for all to enjoy, but not ready for testing yet when Figment Pops up in a puff of smoke and tells Channing that his experements were really lame and he's gonna invite everyone to his open house with the help of the chair. Figment pops on the helmet and there's some zapping noises and sparks and the viecles pass by computers beeping the "One little spark" melody and the trains move past a vaulted door and into Figment's Imagination. There is a ton of color in this room with projected color lighting like a rain bow. An AA channing and Figment are seen.

Channing: why figment, what an imagination you have!

Figment: Yup! This is what the imagination is like when its set free! When you use your imagination, you can write stories, create a piece of art, even discover scientific break throughs!

Channing: But I thought it was just pure genius that came up with these things...

Figment: Of course! If you let your imagination free, anyone can be a geniouse! In fact, I know someone who can tell you more about it...

The trains move into a dark tunnel, at the end is a pojected backdrop of clouds and the sillouette of the dream blimp, with a familliar voice singing "One little spark."

The viecles turn the corner into a turn table similar to the old versions one. Dream Finder is on the Blimp with Channing and Figment.

Channing: My goodness! Dr. Dean Finder, founder of the Imagination Institute!

Dream Finder: Oh my dear boy, the name I go by nowadays it Dream Finder.

Channing: So where have you been all this time?

Dream Finder: Oh, I've been soaring through the realms of imagination with Figment, teaching others how to set their minds free!

Channing: Its really a pleasure to meet you sir! So what should we do now? We have a whole tour group here.

Dream Finder: Well then, we shall take a journey... Into Imaination! *sings one little spark* Off to the dream port!

The trains then go through the dream port with some similarities, but mostly alot of new things and scenes. They then go through the art section, stories with animatronics of Channing, Dream Finder, and Figment throughout the way. Then on to, drama and movies, then to music, then the science and technology room. Ending with a finale in the space room with lots of stars and then the cars return to the institute. And turn to face some screens again.

Channing: Wow! That was fun! And now its time to measure your imaginations now... *mind scanners turn on* Whoa! Your imaginations are way off the chart! Now that's it for today's tour. Thank you all, and thank you Figment.

Figment: You're welcome! Imagination is a blast! *BANG!*

All the cars in the train break apart to dance at their own accord in a scene with a ton of dancing Figments and Channing passing under Dream Finder singing the song in his dream mobile into a colorful fiber optics filled room, where lights light up to reveal that its the exit! And then you disembark to the Dream Labs which will be in the upstairs again! yay!


Active Member
marni1971 said:
Really?...... ;)

From what my sources have told me ;)

I hope they at least utilize the usage of the layout this time...The tunnel known as "Figment's Shortcut is dumb! It would be better to see old parts like the painting that changed would be great to see...and get the Ship back for the finale.

That would be nice

Here was a whole idea I posted a while ago for a redo of Imagination combining elements from from the original and new version:

The premise will pretty much be the same: you're at the imagination institue open house with your host Nigel Channing who thinks imagination should be controlled. The qeue line will be the same, but maybe with a few more details and things to look at. You board your viecles which move like a train at first, but they are actually trackless cars moving together in a line ( yes yes, I know, too costly, but hey, its my dream! ). You'll move and turn to the TV screens just like in the current version and Nigel Channing (played by Eric Idle of Corse ) Introduces himself. He then turns on the brain scanners to see what's going on upstairs ( just like the horrid JIYI ) and of corse nothing is going on upstairs imagination wise but that's just perfect for the demonstrations until Figment shows up.

Figment: Oh! Can I please go too?

Nigle: Absolutly not! This is our latest dicovery, the Figment of imagination and-

Figment: Yeah! Oh boy, and do I know alot about the Imagination! And how fun it can be when you set it free!

Nigel: Figment, this is not the purpose of this open house. We are demonstrating on how it should be controlled, now please don't interfear with the tour please!

Figent: Don't worry, I'm just going on for the ride. I'll be you *poofs into a professor suit with glasses and note pad* creative consultant if you will.

Nigel: Fine then, so, okay everyone, here we go!

The train goes through a few lame experements with lame special effects like a fish going in and out of its fish tank with handle attatched to the fish easily exposed, a room full of spinning spirals, colors appearing on a screen syncronized with sound. Figment is spotted periodicly taking notes. You come around the corner to see an AA Nigel Channing speaking into a microphone announcing the final part of the tour where on display is a chair with a helmet above. He describes it a mechanism the extracts images of ones imagination and moves it into a 3-D inviroment for all to enjoy, but not ready for testing yet when Figment Pops up in a puff of smoke and tells Channing that his experements were really lame and he's gonna invite everyone to his open house with the help of the chair. Figment pops on the helmet and there's some zapping noises and sparks and the viecles pass by computers beeping the "One little spark" melody and the trains move past a vaulted door and into Figment's Imagination. There is a ton of color in this room with projected color lighting like a rain bow. An AA channing and Figment are seen.

Channing: why figment, what an imagination you have!

Figment: Yup! This is what the imagination is like when its set free! When you use your imagination, you can write stories, create a piece of art, even discover scientific break throughs!

Channing: But I thought it was just pure genius that came up with these things...

Figment: Of course! If you let your imagination free, anyone can be a geniouse! In fact, I know someone who can tell you more about it...

The trains move into a dark tunnel, at the end is a pojected backdrop of clouds and the sillouette of the dream blimp, with a familliar voice singing "One little spark."

The viecles turn the corner into a turn table similar to the old versions one. Dream Finder is on the Blimp with Channing and Figment.

Channing: My goodness! Dr. Dean Finder, founder of the Imagination Institute!

Dream Finder: Oh my dear boy, the name I go by nowadays it Dream Finder.

Channing: So where have you been all this time?

Dream Finder: Oh, I've been soaring through the realms of imagination with Figment, teaching others how to set their minds free!

Channing: Its really a pleasure to meet you sir! So what should we do now? We have a whole tour group here.

Dream Finder: Well then, we shall take a journey... Into Imaination! *sings one little spark* Off to the dream port!

The trains then go through the dream port with some similarities, but mostly alot of new things and scenes. They then go through the art section, stories with animatronics of Channing, Dream Finder, and Figment throughout the way. Then on to, drama and movies, then to music, then the science and technology room. Ending with a finale in the space room with lots of stars and then the cars return to the institute. And turn to face some screens again.

Channing: Wow! That was fun! And now its time to measure your imaginations now... *mind scanners turn on* Whoa! Your imaginations are way off the chart! Now that's it for today's tour. Thank you all, and thank you Figment.

Figment: You're welcome! Imagination is a blast! *BANG!*

All the cars in the train break apart to dance at their own accord in a scene with a ton of dancing Figments and Channing passing under Dream Finder singing the song in his dream mobile into a colorful fiber optics filled room, where lights light up to reveal that its the exit! And then you disembark to the Dream Labs which will be in the upstairs again! yay!

Wow, that must have taken a while to think up! Great job, and yes, you are right, we all have the right to dream. Actually when I think about it that would be a good motto for the new version of the ride, "We all have the right to dream." Great idea! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
For another fairly good rehab idea, I came up with one and Figment Fan wrote the script for it. Because I don't feel like bumping the thread inadverantly by posting the link, I'm copying and pasting the whole multi part thing (It was in StitchCastle's List of additions to WDW thread, I hope he's all right...)
Figment fan said:
Here is my script for Journey Into Imagination at long last:

The Ride:

(Guests board the Blue coloured vehicles and come to a door. It stops as the narration starts.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Welcome to the Imagination Institute. I am Dr. Nigel Channing. Years ago, one of the founders of the Imagination Institute, Professor Dreamfinder, created the first living and visible imaginary friend known as Figment. But then, he went into seclusion, leaving Figment in the hands of us before we left. Figment is the reason we started the sensory labs here at the Institute. We are trying to see what else can be created in a person’s mind. Now the tour will start.

Female Announcer: During the tour of the Institute, we will like you to follow these rules. There will be no Eating, Drinking and Smoking during the tour. No flash photography please, as our subjects during don’t want to be revealed to the world. And please, at the request of Dr. Nigel Channing, don’t let your Imagination run free.

(The Door opens and on the wall are several screens showing Dr. Nigel Channing.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Now we are going to the Sound Labs for the first test…

Figment: Doctor, I know a better way a looking at the Imagination!

(“One Little Spark” plays in the background.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Oh, this is Figment, guests. But Figment, we are showing a more scientific way of looking at the Imagination.

Figment: But mine is another good way of looking at the Imagination! You just have let your Imagination free!

Dr. Nigel Channing: I am sorry, Figment. But let’s get along with the tour.

(The cars move into the sound labs.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Sorry for that little bit of inconvenience. Here in the sound labs, we learn how sounds sometime trigger the Imagination.

(In the background some rock music plays.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: What’s going on?

(The cars move into the Sound Labs Warehouse. Figment is standing near some sound equipment, with a multi-coloured rock guitar. He is singing some words from John Lennon’s “Imagine”.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Figment, what’s going on?

Figment: I am trying to show what happens when you set the Imagination free!

Dr. Nigel Channing: It looks like you’re trying to start a rock concert, Figment!

Figment: Doc, use your Imagination!

Dr. Nigel Channing: Use my Imagination?

Figment: Yeah!

(Then a rock version of “One Little Spark” begins to play. Figment begins to sing “One Little Spark”.)

“One Little Spark” Rock Version:

When you hear a sound, The Imagination starts.
You hear things, rushing through your mind.
You hear things, real or not,
But they all come from One Little Spark!

(The cars go out of the Sound Labs Warehouse, and they stop near a closed, angular shaped door.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Guests, we are now about to move into the Sound Lab. The door will open any second now.

(The door opens and the cars proceed to where a screen a giant word game is. The Cars stop near the giant word game.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Now we will show you that the sight also triggers the Imagination. Now could try to find at least one of the words…

(Then Figment appears out of the game.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Figment? How did you manage to get into the sound lab without me noticing?

Figment: I used my imagination!

Dr. Nigel Channing: But Figment. The Imagination needs to be controlled!

Figment: Yeah, Doc. But It would be still out of control, even with it under your safe hands!

(He changes all the letters to make the words “Creativity”, “Fun”, “Inspiration” and “Imagination”. Then different things appear in room, such as butterflies, Cats, balloons, a child, even Mickey Mouse, before it all stops right in front of you.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: I couldn’t believe my eyes!

Figment: That’s what happens when you use your Imagination!

(The Sight verse in “One Little Spark” begins to play.)

“One Little Spark” Sight lab verse:

One spark of light, can light your fancy,
Your mind sees more, that what your eyes see,
Your Sense of Sight can make your fancy fly,
There’s to more to sight, than meets the eye!

The Ride (Continued):

(The Cars move out of the Sight Lab, and we move the Smell Lab, where Figment is pressing buttons, and causing nice scents to appear.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Figment, what are you doing?

Figment: Ah, Doc. The Scent of Smell is also one of the most important things in the Imagination!

Dr. Nigel Channing: Yes, but…

Figment: So let’s see some memories appear! Come on everybody!

(Suddenly in the machine Figment is near, strange versions of him appear in the machine. Figment then tries to stop it all, but he accidentally knocks over a lever and causes fouler smells to appear in the room.)

Figment: Uh oh.

Dr. Nigel Channing: I’ll sort this!

Figment: Of course.

(The scent of Pine Trees fills the room.)

Figment: Doc?

Dr. Nigel Channing: Yes, Figment?

Figment: You know…

(The Smell Lab verse of “One Little Spark” begins to play.)

“One Little Spark” Smell Lab verse:

One Awful whiff can send you reeling!
One lovely sniff can be appealing.
Your mind defies what enters through your nose,
That’s how you tell a skunk is not a rose!

(The Cars move out of the Smell Lab and into the Touch and Taste labs. We stop we get inside the room. On the table is a jar, which Flubber is in.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: We have a treat for you folks. Here is Flubber, which was created here at the Institute. It is Flying Rubber, that’s what “Flubber” is short for. It also…

(Figment flies on the table where Flubber is.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Figment, what are you doing?

Figment: To show guests that the sense of touch can also trigger the Imagination.

(Figment knocks over the jar that Flubber is in.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Figment, don’t!

(Flubber then starts bouncing around the room and knocks out the lights. Then you feel Flubber bouncing on you and the cars. Then the cars slowly move out of the Touch lab. They stop near a door. Then a projected Figment appears out of the wall.)

Figment: Doc, we need to go someplace I haven’t been for so long! To the Dreamport!

Dr. Nigel Channing: No!! Figment! Don’t!

(Strobe Lighting effects are used. Then the cars move out of the door, as we enter the Dreamport. Then hear Dreamfinder humming the words to the original “One Little Spark”.)

“One Little Spark” Dreamfinder verse:

Imagination, Imagination!
A dream can be a dream come true.
This just that spark, in me and you!

The Ride (Continued):

(Then we move into another room where Dreamfinder is. Figment and Dr. Nigel Channing magically appear in the room.)

Dreamfinder: Oh, hello Figment! How have you been?

Figment: Just great! Dreamfinder, this Dr. Nigel Channing of the Imagination Institute!

Dr. Nigel Channing: Hello there, Professor Dreamfinder! It’s a pleasure to meet the founding father of the Imagination Institute!

Dreamfinder: Yes, my boy! But the reason Figment brought you here was to show that Imagination should be released! That was his point all along!

Dr. Nigel Channing: Was it? Oh, it was!

Dreamfinder: So Figment, are ready come back home to the Dreamport?

Figment: You bet I am! Come on everybody, let’s go!
(The Original “One Little Spark” plays in the background, as the cars move into the Dreamport. When are in the Dreamport, we see Figment, Dreamfinder and Dr. Nigel Channing painting pictures. Figment is painting a portrait of himself; Dreamfinder is painting his “Dream Machine” and Dr. Nigel Channing is painting the logo of the Imagination Institute. We move into another where Figment, Dreamfinder and Dr. Nigel Channing are telling stories.)

Figment: And then, Figment was charging at the beast that was after him!

Dr. Nigel Channing: Oh, what happens next Figment?

Dreamfinder: Just wait and see. Just wait and see…

(The Cars continue moving around the room. We come at stop where Figment is a specimen in a giant microscope. At the top of the Giant microscope is Dr. Nigel Channing and Dreamfinder.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: I know now that the Imagination IS better set free! Thanks for helping me Figment! And thank you as well, Dreamfinder!

Dreamfinder: Well, Dr. Nigel Channing… It’s your key to unlock the hidden wonders of our world.

Dr. Nigel Channing: Wow!

(The Cars move into a round room. In the middle of the room is Audio Animatronic Figment. Around him are many objects. One at a time, the objects turn into little versions of Figment. He sings the original “One Little Spark” for the last time.)

“One Little Spark” Finale Verse:

We all sparks, Imaginations!
That how our minds create creations!
They can make our wildest dreams come true,
With just that spark in me and you!

Imagination, Imagination!
A dream can be a dream come true!
With just that spark in me and you!

(Repeat of the last two lines.)

The Ride (Continued):

(The Original “One Little Spark” plays in the background as the cars move out of room after completing a 360-degree run around the room. After they move out of the room, Dr. Nigel Channing and Flubber make one last appearance before the end. They are part of sign pointing to the Unload area. Dreamfinder’s piece of narration starts.)

Dreamfinder: We now invite you make more memories by coming to the Imageworks*, where the fun never stops!

Figment: Let’s go play!

(The piece of narration ends, as the cars move into the unload area.)

*The Imageworks are once again upstairs.


Active Member
The Ride:

(Guests board the Blue coloured vehicles and come to a door. It stops as the narration starts.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Welcome to the Imagination Institute. I am Dr. Nigel Channing. Years ago, one of the founders of the Imagination Institute, Professor Dreamfinder, created the first living and visible imaginary friend known as Figment. But then, he went into seclusion, leaving Figment in the hands of us before we left. Figment is the reason we started the sensory labs here at the Institute. We are trying to see what else can be created in a person’s mind. Now the tour will start.

Female Announcer: During the tour of the Institute, we will like you to follow these rules. There will be no Eating, Drinking and Smoking during the tour. No flash photography please, as our subjects during don’t want to be revealed to the world. And please, at the request of Dr. Nigel Channing, don’t let your Imagination run free.

(The Door opens and on the wall are several screens showing Dr. Nigel Channing.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Now we are going to the Sound Labs for the first test…

Figment: Doctor, I know a better way a looking at the Imagination!

(“One Little Spark” plays in the background.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Oh, this is Figment, guests. But Figment, we are showing a more scientific way of looking at the Imagination.

Figment: But mine is another good way of looking at the Imagination! You just have let your Imagination free!

Dr. Nigel Channing: I am sorry, Figment. But let’s get along with the tour.

(The cars move into the sound labs.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Sorry for that little bit of inconvenience. Here in the sound labs, we learn how sounds sometime trigger the Imagination.

(In the background some rock music plays.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: What’s going on?

(The cars move into the Sound Labs Warehouse. Figment is standing near some sound equipment, with a multi-coloured rock guitar. He is singing some words from John Lennon’s “Imagine”.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Figment, what’s going on?

Figment: I am trying to show what happens when you set the Imagination free!

Dr. Nigel Channing: It looks like you’re trying to start a rock concert, Figment!

Figment: Doc, use your Imagination!

Dr. Nigel Channing: Use my Imagination?

Figment: Yeah!

(Then a rock version of “One Little Spark” begins to play. Figment begins to sing “One Little Spark”.)

“One Little Spark” Rock Version:

When you hear a sound, The Imagination starts.
You hear things, rushing through your mind.
You hear things, real or not,
But they all come from One Little Spark!

(The cars go out of the Sound Labs Warehouse, and they stop near a closed, angular shaped door.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Guests, we are now about to move into the Sound Lab. The door will open any second now.

(The door opens and the cars proceed to where a screen a giant word game is. The Cars stop near the giant word game.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Now we will show you that the sight also triggers the Imagination. Now could try to find at least one of the words…

(Then Figment appears out of the game.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Figment? How did you manage to get into the sound lab without me noticing?

Figment: I used my imagination!

Dr. Nigel Channing: But Figment. The Imagination needs to be controlled!

Figment: Yeah, Doc. But It would be still out of control, even with it under your safe hands!

(He changes all the letters to make the words “Creativity”, “Fun”, “Inspiration” and “Imagination”. Then different things appear in room, such as butterflies, Cats, balloons, a child, even Mickey Mouse, before it all stops right in front of you.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: I couldn’t believe my eyes!

Figment: That’s what happens when you use your Imagination!

(The Sight verse in “One Little Spark” begins to play.)

“One Little Spark” Sight lab verse:

One spark of light, can light your fancy,
Your mind sees more, that what your eyes see,
Your Sense of Sight can make your fancy fly,
There’s to more to sight, than meets the eye!

The Ride (Continued):

(The Cars move out of the Sight Lab, and we move the Smell Lab, where Figment is pressing buttons, and causing nice scents to appear.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Figment, what are you doing?

Figment: Ah, Doc. The Scent of Smell is also one of the most important things in the Imagination!

Dr. Nigel Channing: Yes, but…

Figment: So let’s see some memories appear! Come on everybody!

(Suddenly in the machine Figment is near, strange versions of him appear in the machine. Figment then tries to stop it all, but he accidentally knocks over a lever and causes fouler smells to appear in the room.)

Figment: Uh oh.

Dr. Nigel Channing: I’ll sort this!

Figment: Of course.

(The scent of Pine Trees fills the room.)

Figment: Doc?

Dr. Nigel Channing: Yes, Figment?

Figment: You know…

(The Smell Lab verse of “One Little Spark” begins to play.)

“One Little Spark” Smell Lab verse:

One Awful whiff can send you reeling!
One lovely sniff can be appealing.
Your mind defies what enters through your nose,
That’s how you tell a skunk is not a rose!

(The Cars move out of the Smell Lab and into the Touch and Taste labs. We stop we get inside the room. On the table is a jar, which Flubber is in.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: We have a treat for you folks. Here is Flubber, which was created here at the Institute. It is Flying Rubber, that’s what “Flubber” is short for. It also…

(Figment flies on the table where Flubber is.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Figment, what are you doing?

Figment: To show guests that the sense of touch can also trigger the Imagination.

(Figment knocks over the jar that Flubber is in.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: Figment, don’t!

(Flubber then starts bouncing around the room and knocks out the lights. Then you feel Flubber bouncing on you and the cars. Then the cars slowly move out of the Touch lab. They stop near a door. Then a projected Figment appears out of the wall.)

Figment: Doc, we need to go someplace I haven’t been for so long! To the Dreamport!

Dr. Nigel Channing: No!! Figment! Don’t!

(Strobe Lighting effects are used. Then the cars move out of the door, as we enter the Dreamport. Then hear Dreamfinder humming the words to the original “One Little Spark”.)

“One Little Spark” Dreamfinder verse:

Imagination, Imagination!
A dream can be a dream come true.
This just that spark, in me and you!

The Ride (Continued):

(Then we move into another room where Dreamfinder is. Figment and Dr. Nigel Channing magically appear in the room.)

Dreamfinder: Oh, hello Figment! How have you been?

Figment: Just great! Dreamfinder, this Dr. Nigel Channing of the Imagination Institute!

Dr. Nigel Channing: Hello there, Professor Dreamfinder! It’s a pleasure to meet the founding father of the Imagination Institute!

Dreamfinder: Yes, my boy! But the reason Figment brought you here was to show that Imagination should be released! That was his point all along!

Dr. Nigel Channing: Was it? Oh, it was!

Dreamfinder: So Figment, are ready come back home to the Dreamport?

Figment: You bet I am! Come on everybody, let’s go!
(The Original “One Little Spark” plays in the background, as the cars move into the Dreamport. When are in the Dreamport, we see Figment, Dreamfinder and Dr. Nigel Channing painting pictures. Figment is painting a portrait of himself; Dreamfinder is painting his “Dream Machine” and Dr. Nigel Channing is painting the logo of the Imagination Institute. We move into another where Figment, Dreamfinder and Dr. Nigel Channing are telling stories.)

Figment: And then, Figment was charging at the beast that was after him!

Dr. Nigel Channing: Oh, what happens next Figment?

Dreamfinder: Just wait and see. Just wait and see…

(The Cars continue moving around the room. We come at stop where Figment is a specimen in a giant microscope. At the top of the Giant microscope is Dr. Nigel Channing and Dreamfinder.)

Dr. Nigel Channing: I know now that the Imagination IS better set free! Thanks for helping me Figment! And thank you as well, Dreamfinder!

Dreamfinder: Well, Dr. Nigel Channing… It’s your key to unlock the hidden wonders of our world.

Dr. Nigel Channing: Wow!

(The Cars move into a round room. In the middle of the room is Audio Animatronic Figment. Around him are many objects. One at a time, the objects turn into little versions of Figment. He sings the original “One Little Spark” for the last time.)

“One Little Spark” Finale Verse:

We all sparks, Imaginations!
That how our minds create creations!
They can make our wildest dreams come true,
With just that spark in me and you!

Imagination, Imagination!
A dream can be a dream come true!
With just that spark in me and you!

(Repeat of the last two lines.)

The Ride (Continued):

(The Original “One Little Spark” plays in the background as the cars move out of room after completing a 360-degree run around the room. After they move out of the room, Dr. Nigel Channing and Flubber make one last appearance before the end. They are part of sign pointing to the Unload area. Dreamfinder’s piece of narration starts.)

Dreamfinder: We now invite you make more memories by coming to the Imageworks*, where the fun never stops!

Figment: Let’s go play!

(The piece of narration ends, as the cars move into the unload area.)

*The Imageworks are once again upstairs.

I really like that one! I had always wondered if they would really use the Flubber in the Imagination Institute version of the ride. The way you described sounds great. Maybe you could have a cameo from Robbin Williams! That is an amazing script and if I were an imagineer I would greenlight the project so quickly!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Figment fan really did do a good job with the script. However, the thing behind that one was for something for Stitchcastle's Epcot as he hadn't completely removed the Institute out of the pavillion and he didn't really plan exactly how Dreamfinder would be brought back into it though he still had him listed as part of the enhanced version of Imagination.
I've actually put together ideas for a completely refurbished version of the pavillion returning it to the Dreamport theme.
I posted it my Ultimate Disneyland thread here (JII being one of the more prominent attractions in the Fantasyland of my park)

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