Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
I was going to bump this, too. I FINALLY started working out again. I'd gotten to the point where I wasn't sleeping well, and was having headaches all the time, and that's what it took to get over my laziness. :lol: I'm also trying to cut WAY back on caffeine, since living off of it leaves me feeling completely zapped by the end of the day.


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Original Poster
Not doing to well. A lot of stress at work makes all the carbs in the world look SO GOOD. Put a few back on. Would like to lose the gains prior to the WDW trip on the 19th. Must put down the Fritos. . .


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I was going to bump this, too. I FINALLY started working out again. I'd gotten to the point where I wasn't sleeping well, and was having headaches all the time, and that's what it took to get over my laziness. :lol: I'm also trying to cut WAY back on caffeine, since living off of it leaves me feeling completely zapped by the end of the day.

:sohappy: I've been walking & using my glider...10 minutes 3x/day. There is a new study out that backs up the notion that it helps to burn more calories this way...we'll see.

I try to stay as decaffienated as possible (for medical reasons), but its not easy. Remember to drink plenty of liquids as dehydration (even slight) can cause wicked headaches.

I had my first checkup yesterday since starting MediFast and I don't like the dr's scale (mine shows 3 pounds less), but there has been a definate "shift" in weight. My face is definately thinner, but that could just be because I chopped most of my hair off. :lol:


Trophy Husband
speck76 said:

We got huge order at work, so I haven't been very focused. I've got to get back on track. Is anybody still interested in Feb. 1st, or should we re-focus and maybe push it off to May 1st?


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:

We got huge order at work, so I haven't been very focused. I've got to get back on track. Is anybody still interested in Feb. 1st, or should we re-focus and maybe push it off to May 1st?

Does this mean you've fallen of track? I'm down 10 pounds, but its slowed to a crawl. Anytime you want is ok by me. Maybe we can get speck to rejoin us?


Trophy Husband
tigsmom said:
Does this mean you've fallen of track? I'm down 10 pounds, but its slowed to a crawl. Anytime you want is ok by me. Maybe we can get speck to rejoin us?
I haven't gained, but I haven't lost much either. I always joke with the guys in the plant that they do most of the actual "work" while I do most of the actual "staring at a calculator and looking deep in thought".

Since we got this order, I've been out in the plant hauling pails and doing other actual "work". I've been too tired and distracted to get into the gym or pay much attention to what I've been eating. A few days ago one of the plant guys who knew I used to always weigh myself asked me how my weight was going. I told him that I hadn't checked since we started the order. He said he thought I was probably losing weight just from all the work I was doing, so he made me get on the scale and I was at 198.5, That was on the low end of where I've been, but I still don't feel focused or dedicated the way I need to be.

I should be finishing up in a week and a half and then heading to Disney World, so, hopefully I'll be able to refocus when I get back. I'm thinking May 1st will give me some time to get serious if everyone else is good with that.


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
Does this mean you've fallen of track? I'm down 10 pounds, but its slowed to a crawl. Anytime you want is ok by me. Maybe we can get speck to rejoin us?

How about we split the difference and go March 15th.


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
I haven't gained, but I haven't lost much either. I always joke with the guys in the plant that they do most of the actual "work" while I do most of the actual "staring at a calculator and looking deep in thought".

Since we got this order, I've been out in the plant hauling pails and doing other actual "work". I've been too tired and distracted to get into the gym or pay much attention to what I've been eating. A few days ago one of the plant guys who knew I used to always weigh myself asked me how my weight was going. I told him that I hadn't checked since we started the order. He said he thought I was probably losing weight just from all the work I was doing, so he made me get on the scale and I was at 198.5, That was on the low end of where I've been, but I still don't feel focused or dedicated the way I need to be.

I should be finishing up in a week and a half and then heading to Disney World, so, hopefully I'll be able to refocus when I get back. I'm thinking May 1st will give me some time to get serious if everyone else is good with that.

I ahve been gaining like there is no tomorrow. In February, I was at 168, which was a good weight for me, although I would really prefer lower 160's.....as long as it is in the correct areas. As of this morning, I am pushing the high 180's, and I feel like crap.

I am walking around with 20 more pounds than I was in the spring.....and that really blows. I get tired/out of breath more easily, I sweat more.....it is nasty, and I need to refocus.

I am not starting nay major changes now (except working out more), because, being the holidays, with all of the holiday goodies that come but once per year, I will never maintain......but after Christmas, I need to get my butt in gear!


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
How about we split the difference and go March 15th.

Thats sounds good to me...right before we head to Florida for Spring Break.
I need to find a non WDW room for a few days.

Does this mean you are back in? :cool:

Edit: Never mind. I should learn to read all the new posts before I do any posting. :hammer:


Trophy Husband
March 15 sounds good to me.

I'll add Speck onto the list I had for Feb.:

cherrynegra (5)
speck76 (5)

And we'll shift it to March 15th.

Anyone on the list or anyone who wants to get on, please check in and let us know for sure that you're in.


Well-Known Member
My hope is to really focus and be back in shape by Christmas! :eek: Haven't ventured near a scale lately, because I see no use for depressing myself. But I feel horrible!! I think pumpkin pie has lodged in my gut somewhere.

You know, gary, with all the actual work you're doing, I wouldn't worry about missing the work-out so much. :) It's why people back in the "old days" weren't obese... they didn't workout, they worked! (that, and if htey wanted a cheeseburger, they'd first have to milk the cow, make the cheese, kill the cow and grind up the meat, grow the wheat, make the bread, squish the tomatoes for the ketchup,.... :lookaroun )


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
March 15 sounds good to me.

I'll add Speck onto the list I had for Feb.:

cherrynegra (5)
speck76 (5)

And we'll shift it to March 15th.

Anyone on the list or anyone who wants to get on, please check in and let us know for sure that you're in.

Just remember....In my picture, I will be nekkid, so send me a reminder to adjust my white balance


Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
You know, gary, with all the actual work you're doing, I wouldn't worry about missing the work-out so much. :) It's why people back in the "old days" weren't obese... they didn't workout, they worked! (that, and if htey wanted a cheeseburger, they'd first have to milk the cow, make the cheese, kill the cow and grind up the meat, grow the wheat, make the bread, squish the tomatoes for the ketchup,.... :lookaroun )
I think you're onto something! The diet of 1837. Add a liberal sprinkling of bacteria and a long, cold trek to the outhouse, and I think you've got the recipe for weight loss!:lol:


Trophy Husband
I was almost afraid to get on the scale this morning after not checking for several weeks, but I figured I should see where I'm at, good, bad or ugly. I was at 199 which is pretty good. At least I haven't been gaining, but I've been hovering right at 200 for a long time now.

Hopefully now I can get re-focused. Here's my weekly weight chart going back to May (I averaged my last weight with todays to fill in the empty weeks):


  • weight.jpg
    7.5 KB · Views: 18


Well-Known Member
I've lost 2 more pounds...and I celbrated with a doughnut. :zipit:

I know, but KirspyKreme recently opened up & its only my second one.

*hangs head in shame*

My dr has decided that my metabolism is about zero....now she wants me to exercise about 40 minutes every day. *sigh* I hate my life.


New Member
tigsmom said:
My dr has decided that my metabolism is about zero....now she wants me to exercise about 40 minutes every day. *sigh* I hate my life.
I know I have mentioned this gizmo in the past - but excercise with a heart rate montor. Once you have taken maximum and minumum heart rates you do a little maths to figure out the best zone for fat burning. This zone is surprisingly mild. The "No pain, No gain" mentality does not work for fatburning. I usually do an hour on the ski machine and can happily carry out a conversation at the same time without gulping for air - that's how relaxed the zone is.

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