Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


I do differant things to keep me going on my diet or as someone told me once it is a liveit not die but live it. when I go into the kitchen to get something to eat then instead I get a drink of water not anything else or I put on some music to make me dance or I just look into the mirrow and say I want to be a size smaller before I go to WDW next.


Well-Known Member
Is McDonald's cravings strictly American? :slurp: I remember after I had Kaitlyn I ate two, yes TWO, Big Macs within 10 minutes time! :eek: But I was soooooooooo hungry. And, as you've heard, it's called "labor" for a reason, and the ice chips just didn't quite cut it. :lol:

I'm struggling to get back on track, too. :(


Well-Known Member
Well, I didn't have the Big Mac. :D

I went to the diner for lunch (tomorrow is shopping day...not too much left in the house) and I had a cup of Lentil soup ( :slurp: ) and a mesclun salad with roasted red peppers & fresh mozzarella with grilled salmon and a diet soda. It comes with a dessert so I had a smidge of cheesecake (it killed me to throw the rest away)...all for the grand price of $8.

Better than McDonald's any day. :sohappy:

Now...what to have for dinner. :confused:


New Member
MerHearted said:
I know what you can do! Everytime you're tempted by food, light your pants on fire! :sohappy:
The danger then being that some will think "Hmmmm. I could barbeque a nice burger on that flame"


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
Well, I didn't have the Big Mac. :D

I went to the diner for lunch (tomorrow is shopping day...not too much left in the house) and I had a cup of Lentil soup ( :slurp: ) and a mesclun salad with roasted red peppers & fresh mozzarella with grilled salmon and a diet soda. It comes with a dessert so I had a smidge of cheesecake (it killed me to throw the rest away)...all for the grand price of $8.

Better than McDonald's any day. :sohappy:

Now...what to have for dinner. :confused:

Ahh, here's my problem. I need to grow my adult taste buds in. :( salad with roasted red pepper and salmon or big mac... I'd still choose the big mac! :eek:


New Member
MouseMadness said:
Ahh, here's my problem. I need to grow my adult taste buds in. :( salad with roasted red pepper and salmon or big mac... I'd still choose the big mac! :eek:
"Big Mac" and "Taste". I fail to see the connection :lol:
Take the pickle out and there is no taste.


Trophy Husband
It's funny that everybody's talking about McDonald's. I don't usually go there, but I stopped by one for lunch today.

I got a fish sandwich and two cheeseburgers. Then I felt a little hungry so I topped it off with a 6 piece chicken McNuggets.

My boss stopped by a deli and picked up some pickled eggs (that he knows I love), so I ate three of those. . .

I'm such a pig.:brick:

Time to get serious about the "don't be a pig diet" again.

Disnut, are you in for February 1st?


Well-Known Member
:lol: Gary, you kill me.

I think the stress of the deadline has gotten to us all. I'm still craving that Big Mac..........may get one for dinner. *sigh*


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
It's funny that everybody's talking about McDonald's. I don't usually go there, but I stopped by one for lunch today.

I got a fish sandwich and two cheeseburgers. Then I felt a little hungry so I topped it off with a 6 piece chicken McNuggets.

My boss stopped by a deli and picked up some pickled eggs (that he knows I love), so I ate three of those. . .

Impressive!! :king: LOL!! Don't feel bad, I've been eating rice krispy treats all afternoon... with chocolate and butterscotch chip "icing" :eek:

Chicken McNuggets?! :slurp:


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
Impressive!! :king: LOL!! Don't feel bad, I've been eating rice krispy treats all afternoon... with chocolate and butterscotch chip "icing" :eek:

Chicken McNuggets?! :slurp:

Stop it! *slaps everyone's hands* Yeeeesh! :rolleyes:


New Member
Original Poster
We'll try this since my software for my digital camera won't work with the XP system we just purchased. This pic was taken while we were playing putt-putt at Deer Creek State Park.


Trophy Husband
JBSLJames said:
We'll try this since my software for my digital camera won't work with the XP system we just purchased. This pic was taken while we were playing putt-putt at Deer Creek State Park.
:sohappy: Looking good! That makes an even $100. I think I'll go ahead and send it in, and if we get any more, I'll see if I can add on or just add it to the Feb. 1st one.

Are you in for Feb. 1st?


Darthdarrel *
Figmentmom *

Merhearted *
Tigsmom *


cherrynegra (5)


Well-Known Member
Gary, I completely forgot about this until Mad told me...I'll post a pic when I get back from WDW. I promise, so you can add me to the list.

(Am I good for it? :lookaroun )


Trophy Husband
WDWFREAK53 said:
Gary, I completely forgot about this until Mad told me...I'll post a pic when I get back from WDW. I promise, so you can add me to the list.

(Am I good for it? :lookaroun )
Thanks! I just sent in the donation:


(you can see the certificate at the above link)

but I'll either make a new one when you post or add your $10 to the Feb 1st totals.

Have a great time in Disney World!:wave:

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