Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Trophy Husband



cherrynegra (5)


Trophy Husband
I had what was probably my first really good workout since October 1st last night. I've been too busy and distracted lately, but I've got to get myself re-motivated and back on track.

It would really help me out if someone would call me a fat pig. Anyone? Anyone?


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
I had what was probably my first really good workout since October 1st last night. I've been too busy and distracted lately, but I've got to get myself re-motivated and back on track.

It would really help me out if someone would call me a fat pig. Anyone? Anyone?

Afraid I can't do that, gary, it's just not in my nature. Unless of course you cut me off in traffic while I'm trying to get the kids to school and it's raining and foggy. :) :lookaroun ("Fat pig" wasn't exactly the name, but I could use that if it helps. Anything for the cause!)

BARNUM!! :lol: :eek: :lol:

I haven't been able to start working out again, I've been sooooooo busy! My mother in law has taken it upon herself to get us a whole bunch of new furniture, so I've spent the better part of the last 2 weeks putting Sauder furniture together. There were times when I broke out in a sweat, but it was hardly aerobically effective. I have, however, gotten my eating back on track. There were days over the past couple weeks where I literally ate so much junk that I felt sick!! :eek: Then I'd wait to feel better and grab... more junk. :( But I'm back now... I'm actually hoping to be where I want by Christmas time, when my wardrobe will be added to, lol.


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I haven't been able to start working out again, I've been sooooooo busy! My mother in law has taken it upon herself to get us a whole bunch of new furniture, so I've spent the better part of the last 2 weeks putting Sauder furniture together. There were times when I broke out in a sweat, but it was hardly aerobically effective. I have, however, gotten my eating back on track. There were days over the past couple weeks where I literally ate so much junk that I felt sick!! :eek: Then I'd wait to feel better and grab... more junk. :( But I'm back now... I'm actually hoping to be where I want by Christmas time, when my wardrobe will be added to, lol.

New furniture? :sohappy: My inlaws are moving in 2 weeks (full time in Florida, they've had the condo for years) & I'm getting their 2 year old livingroom set...beautiful!!! Tons on pillows & slipcovers to boot! I've been trying to clean because we have to paint (& I have a ton of garb..stuff to get rid of).
I empathize with the junk food...I've been craving it myself...to the tune of almost 4 pounds. :eek: I finally got to start on the MediFast today (I had to wait for all my bloodwork to be redone). Its not bad...4 or 5 100cal/10gm carb shakes a day and 4 or 5 ounces of lean meat & a big salad or 2 servings of cooked veggies (or a combo) for dinner. Plus enough liquids to float a boat!
it comes to about 800 cal/day. Exercise, yep already done. :sohappy:

Good luck to us all. Oh and Gary, you're a big fat pig! :kiss:
Hope that works for ya. :lol:


Trophy Husband
Where is everybody? Are you being good? I haven't lost much recently, but I haven't gained either. I've got to crack down some more.


Well-Known Member
:wave: I'm here. Just starting my 5th day on MediFast & I'm down 6 lbs already! :sohappy:

Down side is I really miss chewing...ok guess I have the oral fixation thing going on...you always want what you can't have. I've been craving all sorts of junk, even stuff I wouldn't normally eat. We won't even go into the many trips to the br to p. e .e. :rolleyes:

I've been exercising every day & trying to extend the time by 5 minutes each day. This is probably the hardest thing I've done to date to lose weight, but I made a committment to stick with it at least a month. *sigh* hope I live that long (cause if I get any crankier somebody is going to take me out. :eek: )


New Member
tigsmom said:
:wave: I'm here. Just starting my 5th day on MediFast & I'm down 6 lbs already! :sohappy:
Congrats. I'm back on the ski machine and am trying low fat rather than low carb for a while. I've dropped about four or five pounds in the last few weeks. Slow but steady. Breakfast and lunch are not as big a bind as when low carbing.

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