Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


New Member
garyhoov said:
I think I'm the only one who has posted so far who has some actual fat on my body.
This must be the first case of a photo of a Gumby being flattering. I had my asthma checkup and was told that technically I have to lose another dozen or so pounds to get my BMI to what is considered an acceptable level. In reality though they said I've nothing to worry about at the moment.

garyhoov said:
I'm spreading reputation all over the place, but it still seems like everytime I try to give somebody some it tells me I have to spread some more. How much do we have to spread before repeating?:veryconfu
I've got the same problem. Will be curious to know how much to spread before a repeat.


Well-Known Member
Gary, I haven't posted my picture yet, but you're are skinny compared to me. :lol:

As far as the rep points, I had to spread the love to quite a few new people before I could go back and hit my pals up again. Guess Steve has clamped down after our shameless escapades. :eek:


Trophy Husband
tigsmom said:
Gary, I haven't posted my picture yet, but you're are skinny compared to me. :lol:
Well this has worked as a good motivator for me. Every time I've been working out or eating for the past few months I've been thinking: "October 1st, October 1st, OCTOBER 1ST"

But I am afraid that the people who have posted so far are the ones who haven't had as much work to do, so I hope others aren't getting scared away.

I want to try to lose at least another 20 pounds, so I'm hoping I can get some people interested in Feb. 1st. That would also be interesting because we'll have some "before" photos.


Well-Known Member
I'm only down 11 (out of too many to count) and Katie is only down 6...I'm looking at this as my "before picture" also, you can add me to the list for Feb 1st. I'll try to get the pics up by Monday, Katie is out for the day. :wave:


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
:sohappy: but I hope you're working on gaining weight not losing. I'm spreading reputation all over the place, but it still seems like everytime I try to give somebody some it tells me I have to spread some more. How much do we have to spread before repeating?:veryconfu

Yes, that's why I first peeked into this thread. Weight's just a much of an issue for me as it is for everyone else. I did gain five pounds for this photo - no more sharp angles - I've made progress.

I get the same results when I try to spread reputation, too - but every once in a while, I score - so I'm working on it, folks! Points from figmentmom are on the way! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Well, I lost two pounds, which, when you're down to the last 10, is difficult! Like I said, I'm asking Santa for my gym membership back, that was when I was truly able to see some progress. Working out at home leaves too much opportunity for avoidance and excuses. :lol: I wanna see those abs, darnit!


From what I am reading you all are doing pretty good at losing and gaining weight wherever you need it. Keep the trying up. As for me I have done pretty good losing on my own since I just started on WDWMAGIC I am trying to do better so I can go to Disney a lot smaller than what I was in 2002 and I weighed 250 then now at least I am 230 as of this morning.


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
Well, I lost two pounds, which, when you're down to the last 10, is difficult! Like I said, I'm asking Santa for my gym membership back, that was when I was truly able to see some progress. Working out at home leaves too much opportunity for avoidance and excuses. :lol: I wanna see those abs, darnit!

You look terrific, Christy! :sohappy:

And I agree, Disnut - great progress!


Well-Known Member
Thanks :) But, always room for improvement.

And, it should be noted, that I'm sitting down for the first time today to eat something that didn't come out of a bakery. :lookaroun :eek:


Trophy Husband
tigsmom said:
Not the best picture, but our "photographer" (my DH) kind of lost patience with us. :rolleyes:
:sohappy: A two-fur. Looking good!

Figmentmom *

Merhearted *
Tigsmom *

Only two more to hit $100.

Who's in for February 1st? I think all I have definite right now is:



New Member
Hi everyone

I haven't posted here in a while but sent my picture in. Just wanted to tell you all to keep up the good work and hang in there. I feel as if I have been "falling off the wagon" lately. I have been feeling stressed and when that happens all I want is Tim Horton's! (they have great donuts for those of you who may not be familiar) However, once again you all have motivated me to buckle back down and watch what I eat.

Gary...I think you said in one of your posts that you're the only one who has fat on your body. Believe me when I say that I have fat on my body, I'm just real good at hiding it!! I think you look great and I know you'll reach your goal. :wave:


Trophy Husband
Hi everyone

I haven't posted here in a while but sent my picture in. Just wanted to tell you all to keep up the good work and hang in there. I feel as if I have been "falling off the wagon" lately. I have been feeling stressed and when that happens all I want is Tim Horton's! (they have great donuts for those of you who may not be familiar) However, once again you all have motivated me to buckle back down and watch what I eat.

Gary...I think you said in one of your posts that you're the only one who has fat on your body. Believe me when I say that I have fat on my body, I'm just real good at hiding it!! I think you look great and I know you'll reach your goal. :wave:
So can I put you down for February 1st?

Is anyone else still going to post? I'd like to get at least a couple more to get to at least $100.


Well-Known Member
I've PM'd the stragglers, we'll see what happens. :wave:

Is Judd on a business trip? I haven't seen him on lately. I know he has a vacation coming up in the near future.

Heard from FREAK, he should be contacting you. :wave:

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