Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I was actually going to dig this thread up today and say that I hoped the reason nobody was replying lately was because we were all so busy working out and eating our veggies! ;)

Uhm.....no. :(


New Member
garyhoov said:
Has this ever happened to anyone else?

I was walking into the Bally's yesterday, and I saw this heavy-set, round guy coming toward me, and then realized it was me in a full length mirror.:(
Well I never did that, but I did bump into a mannequin once and said excuse me miss! :lol: Boy was I embarrassed when I realized it was just a mannequin! :D


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I was actually going to dig this thread up today and say that I hoped the reason nobody was replying lately was because we were all so busy working out and eating our veggies! ;)

...or busy having our photos retouched...

NO, NO, I'M JUST KIDDING...I won't do that!


New Member
Original Poster
3 weeks to go until deadline number 1. I have been up and down the past few weeks and want to really give the diet a push for the remainder of the month. Of couse, this morning I wake up with a sore throat and a slight fever. So what is is; Feed a Fevor, Starve a Cold: or visa-versa?

If it is feed a fevor, I hope it likes cheese and meat. . . :hammer:


Well-Known Member
JBSLJames said:
So what is is; Feed a Fevor, Starve a Cold: or visa-versa?

I think you have it right. Get under some blankets and sweat it out, i know it sucks but hey it always works wonders for me :D . Drink some OJ. Hope you get to feel better :wave:


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else trying to be super good these last few days?

I haven't had more than 10 carbs today & I'm about ready to float away. :zipit:

(and I'm really cravin a hot fudge sundae :cry: )


Losing weight

even though I just started reading this thread it sounds like you all are doing a pretty good job of losing the weight. I have been trying also to lose weight over the last 4 yrs. I have lost up to 50 lbs in all. my gosl is at least 10lbs per yr so I don't feel that I am losing out on my fav. foods. I started at 298 and I am douwn to 237 this morning.


Well-Known Member
Disnut said:
even though I just started reading this thread it sounds like you all are doing a pretty good job of losing the weight. I have been trying also to lose weight over the last 4 yrs. I have lost up to 50 lbs in all. my gosl is at least 10lbs per yr so I don't feel that I am losing out on my fav. foods. I started at 298 and I am douwn to 237 this morning.

Welcome! All I can say is WOW!!!!!!! :sohappy: Hang out with us if you'd like to. Ask questions or leave some tips. (maybe a recipe or two ) :wave:


I don't have any recipes but I do have a tip. Don't do away with foods you like just limit yourself to a bite or two that way you don't deprive yourself of what you like. Thanks for inviting me.


Well-Known Member
JBSLJames said:
All of those Real Men spots are pretty funny. How is our Motor City Madwoman doing???

I am doing super now that I think you just came up with my new title!! :sohappy: :kiss:

And I, too, have been trying to be super good, but my motivation is more that we leave for WDW a week from today!!! :sohappy: :sohappy: My carb count is considerably higher than yours, Mad, but considerably lower than it had been the past few weeks. *cough months/years cough* :lookaroun And most importantly I'm sticking with my nearly every day workouts. :)


Well-Known Member
Disnut said:
I don't have any recipes but I do have a tip. Don't do away with foods you like just limit yourself to a bite or two that way you don't deprive yourself of what you like. Thanks for inviting me.

Thats a good tip. So many diets make you give up the foods you love so you soon give up that diet. I'm a chocoholic...I love Hershey's miniatures...only 5 carbs/bar (the real deal not sugar free or low carb ). I can have 3 as a snack, stay within my limits and still be happy. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Lets just put it this way , my moms diet goal (which she did reach before her surgery) was to fit into a pair of my pants. She did alright. But since her knee surgery 2 weeks ago she cant move and walk around on it quite well, but once shes back up and running its her goal again to fit into my pants.....there goes my clothing LOL


Trophy Husband
tigsmom said:
Is anyone else trying to be super good these last few days?

I haven't had more than 10 carbs today & I'm about ready to float away. :zipit:

(and I'm really cravin a hot fudge sundae :cry: )
I've been working really hard over the past few days and I think I should finally break below 200 for my weekly average if my weight tomorrow is good.

At this point, it's too much to hope for me to be below 195 by October 1st, but I'm going to get as low as I can by then and then start thinking about Feb. 1st

(So be kind on October 1st. I may have to change my title.)

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