Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


New Member
Original Poster
Get this, the local SubWays, in addition to their Adkins Friendly Wraps, are coming out with Adkins Friendly Salads on Monday. You can already get a salad at Subway (had a club salad today with all the peppers, pickles, and Oil and Vinegar Dressing = Low Carb Lunch). Looks like they are just going to use the tag line :rolleyes: as Adkins Friendly :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
All the low carbers need to find Russell Stover low carb candies and give them a try! They are gooo-ooood! Most had less than 1 gram per serving, this, of course, after they take out the amount that is present due to Malitol (sp?) which apparenlty won't affect your blood sugar. I don't know what the heck that stuff is, but I do know that I ate tons of it while doing Atkins and it never kicked me out of ketosis, so it must be ok. (Upset my tummy after too much though... be warned!)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames
Get this, the local SubWays, in addition to their Adkins Friendly Wraps, are coming out with Adkins Friendly Salads on Monday. You can already get a salad at Subway (had a club salad today with all the peppers, pickles, and Oil and Vinegar Dressing = Low Carb Lunch). Looks like they are just going to use the tag line :rolleyes: as Adkins Friendly :rolleyes:

Had that salad not too long ago. Next time NO peppers for me.
(my tongue burned for hours).

TGIFriday's has a pretty good low carb section as does Chili's and Ruby Tuesday's. Watch out for Tuesday's though. The wraps are low carb...they come with veggies as an entree. If you buy it off the lunch menu, it comes with a mound of fries. :rolleyes: Even the waiter couldn't believe it. :lol:

The Atkins name is being attached to everything as its the most recognizable name in Low Carb Dieting.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MouseMadness
All the low carbers need to find Russell Stover low carb candies and give them a try! They are gooo-ooood! Most had less than 1 gram per serving, this, of course, after they take out the amount that is present due to Malitol (sp?) which apparenlty won't affect your blood sugar. I don't know what the heck that stuff is, but I do know that I ate tons of it while doing Atkins and it never kicked me out of ketosis, so it must be ok. (Upset my tummy after too much though... be warned!)

Malitol is a sugar alcohol. Sugar alcohols are absorbed and metabolized more slowly than sucrose (table sugar).

They still contribute to the carbohydrate content of the food and, in large quantities, cause diarrhea. (hence your upset stomach). Some people use it as a laxative for babies.

I wasn't impressed with the Russel Stover's lo carb candies or Hershey's for that matter. I would rather have a smaller amount of "real" chocolate. We have a new gourmet chocolate shop here in town & the owners are doing the Atkins thing. She has these low carb (3gm) bittersweet truffels that are pretty good. They are looking into more recipes using Splenda as the sweetner.


Active Member
Originally posted by barnum42
Would you be OK for a ski machine? I have a duff right knee that does not like impact or cycling, but it's fine on the Nordic. The arm movement is smooth too - no roating.

I would think so, though Ican't afford one, and the local gym (in our smallllllll town) doesn't have one. as long as the movements are not up and down, but rather straight in front of me to the side, it is ok.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
Malitol is a sugar alcohol. Sugar alcohols are absorbed and metabolized more slowly than sucrose (table sugar).

They still contribute to the carbohydrate content of the food and, in large quantities, cause diarrhea. (hence your upset stomach). Some people use it as a laxative for babies.

I wasn't impressed with the Russel Stover's lo carb candies or Hershey's for that matter. I would rather have a smaller amount of "real" chocolate. We have a new gourmet chocolate shop here in town & the owners are doing the Atkins thing. She has these low carb (3gm) bittersweet truffels that are pretty good. They are looking into more recipes using Splenda as the sweetner.

Ohhhh, I love the russell stovers, particularly the toffees and peppermint patties. :slurp: I'd have a small amount of the real stuff, too, if I could stop at a small amount. But I can't. :lol: *hides cadbury egg* Wassat now? :lookaroun


New Member
Originally posted by FanofDinsey1981
I would think so, though Ican't afford one, and the local gym (in our smallllllll town) doesn't have one. as long as the movements are not up and down, but rather straight in front of me to the side, it is ok.
I could not afford one, but a friend bought a job lot of gym gear to kit out his garage. He was short on space and had to get rid of something, so I bought the Nordic off him. I have since notice a plethora of cut-price similar items. Given that most things are cheaper in America they may be getting nearer your budget. Alternatively, there should be a few gathering dust now that lots of New Year resolutions have gone to pot and you may be able to find a not very used one in the small ads. :)


New Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
One word of advice...forget about the percentages. They only work if you eat a 2,000 cal/day diet (thats what the calculations are based on). My dietician told us to look for anything that is 15gm or carbs or less/ serving. (calculated by subtracting the fiber from the total amount of carb Gms). Of course you could go higher if you want to, but that helps me to stay within my range of 30gm/lunch or dinner.
Food labelling in the UK is different. They do not do the nutrition per serving. You may get nutrition per spoon or per item, but they will always have nutrition per 100g.
I'm not on any specific number counting regime and just took 5g per 100 as a figure out of thin air. It just seemed "low" to me :lol:

I hope to see an increase on supermarket shelved of low carb products. I have seen the Atkins bars in a pharmacy, but they are a ridiculous price. About four times the cost of a standard chocolate bar.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by barnum42

I hope to see an increase on supermarket shelved of low carb products. I have seen the Atkins bars in a pharmacy, but they are a ridiculous price. About four times the cost of a standard chocolate bar.

And, they're disgusting!! Don't waste your money! You can order things online, my mother in law used to get the cheesecakes from the Atkins website, they were pretty good, and they were good for a sweet tooth fix. :)


New Member
You have to watch it with those low carb diets Your body has to have carbs to build muscle, without carbs your muscles will atrophy I am a diabetic and have to watch my carbs anyway, but I was told I have to have some carbs, just have to keep it under 40 per meal. Diets really don`t work for me, Lord knows I`ve tried. I even lost 90 pounds on the ultra slim fast diet plan, but I gained it all back once I went off the stuff. I am still researching gastric bypass, don`t want to do it, but it seems to be the only way I`m going to loose weight and keep it off.:(


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by MouseMadness
*hides cadbury egg* Wassat now? :lookaroun


*steals your Cadbury egg* :lookaroun :slurp:

Wassat now? :lol: :lookaroun

*chases after the cl__________g bunny in the commericals* :lol: :sohappy:


c-l-u-c-k-i-n-g is censored? :confused: :lol: :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
You have to watch it with those low carb diets Your body has to have carbs to build muscle, without carbs your muscles will atrophy I am a diabetic and have to watch my carbs anyway, but I was told I have to have some carbs, just have to keep it under 40 per meal. Diets really don`t work for me, Lord knows I`ve tried. I even lost 90 pounds on the ultra slim fast diet plan, but I gained it all back once I went off the stuff. I am still researching gastric bypass, don`t want to do it, but it seems to be the only way I`m going to loose weight and keep it off.:(

Darrel, you & I are in the same boat (and we take the same meds.) Diet & exercise is great for diabetes. I did Slimfast...twice. I lost 40 & 30 pounds, respectivly. That was before diabetes. Now I can't handle the carbs. SlimFast has low carb stuff that tasts pretty good & has helped me keep my blood sugars down. :sohappy:


Active Member
Originally posted by barnum42
Food labelling in the UK is different. They do not do the nutrition per serving. You may get nutrition per spoon or per item, but they will always have nutrition per 100g.
I'm not on any specific number counting regime and just took 5g per 100 as a figure out of thin air. It just seemed "low" to me :lol:

I hope to see an increase on supermarket shelved of low carb products. I have seen the Atkins bars in a pharmacy, but they are a ridiculous price. About four times the cost of a standard chocolate bar.

hm.....this is an intersting point. I should start looking in the papers to see if anyone is selling. I wouldn't mind putting one in our basement.....


New Member
Originally posted by FanofDinsey1981
hm.....this is an intersting point. I should start looking in the papers to see if anyone is selling. I wouldn't mind putting one in our basement.....
I think you posted the wrong quote of mine to go with your message. No worries though - I know what you mean. Hope you find find one at as good a price as I did.


New Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
Katie has a problem with carb metabolism so we have to be very careful. (its harder when you're a teen, I think).

Its not so much that as it is that the selections at school suck when it comes down to my diet. Its all carbs... even the healthy stuff! There really are very few choices for me. I eat a ton of salads and soup.

The Mom

Premium Member
I'm a Weight Watcher's person. Although I limit my carbs, I could never imagine a life without bread, potatoes, or pasta. I just don't eat them every day.

The water comments are true! Very often, when we think we're hungry, we're actually thirsty! I completely eliminated soft drinks from my diet (and I used to go through 3-4 diet Pepsi"s a day) and switched to water.

The daily exercise is also mandatory for any weight loss/maintenance program. I don't exercise/watch intake as much as I did when I was actively losing weight, I still get at least 30 mins of sustained exercise a day, and still watch the carbs. If I MUST eat rice, it's brown or wild rice, rather than white. The same with whole grain breads, and sweet potatoes rather than white.

However, WW allows me to have wine daily, so I'm sticking with it. ;)


New Member
Why all the negative posts about soda? I can relate to this with regards to high sugar and caffine, but what is the bad thing about diet sodas?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by barnum42
Why all the negative posts about soda? I can relate to this with regards to high sugar and caffine, but what is the bad thing about diet sodas?

Soda, both diet & regular, has large amounts of sodium and we all know thats bad for you. I remember a few years back Richard Simmons decided to give up soda. He changed nothing else and in one month lost 15 pounds. Guess it was all water weight since sodium helps to retain it. Thats why I try to keep DietRite in the house...no sugar, no sodium & no caffiene. I always thought it just came in cola flavor until last year. I was in Virginia & they had Black Cherry ( :slurp: ), Peach, Tangerine, & Raspberry.

Today's low carb breakfast...Cheese omelette with rye bread.
13 carbs (and I use low fat cheese) Tea with half & half (lower carbs than milk). :wave:


Active Member
Originally posted by barnum42
Why all the negative posts about soda? I can relate to this with regards to high sugar and caffine, but what is the bad thing about diet sodas?

I was asked that very same question at lunch yetserday, and I will tell you what I told my friend.

the gross taste! diet sodas have a strange aftertaste, and I don't much care for it. so I stick with water.

4 days coke free! and only one almost break down.


Well-Known Member
OR you can skip this entire thread, have a massive amount of stress thrown into your life, slip into depression, stop eating, stop sleeping, have no desire for $ex, and drop 20 pounds just like that!

Worked for me last summer and fall.

But I am better now.

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