Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by darthdarrel
are you crazy?:confused: :p
I don`t have any photos of me in a bathing suit! You want people to leave WDWMAGIC in DROVES???:lol:
LOL! I wont let anyone take photos of me in a bathing suit!:eek:

Oh c'mon! You've got close to 4 months. You don't have to do it now. that's he whole point.

I guess I'll take that as two "no"s so far.:lol:


Well-Known Member
BATHING SUIT?! :dazzle: Ok, I felt I made HUGE strides forward in the area of self confidence by going into the pool at the poly last trip, but I don't think I'm up to posting a picture. :lol:

I don't know if anybody has really thought anything about it, but I'd just like to say here and now that I don't think I'm "fat" and I am one of those who can't stand the skinny girls who obsess over every extra gram on them. I just want to be where I was before all this pregnancy and giving birth sillyness. :) I want a six pack, dammit! OH! OK, how's this, if the six pack ever comes, I'll post the pic. ;) I've got 4 months? *sigh* OK! :lol:


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by MouseMadness
I want a six pack, dammit! OH! OK, how's this, if the six pack ever comes, I'll post the pic. ;) I've got 4 months? *sigh* OK! :lol:

Oh no you don't! You can't play it like that. If you say you'll only do it if you're happy with the results, you won't have that Sword of Damocles hanging over your head, and then what incentive will you have?

Take the plunge! Say you'll do it, and then think about September 1st everytime you sit down to eat.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
Oh no you don't! You can't play it like that. If you say you'll only do it if you're happy with the results, you won't have that Sword of Damocles hanging over your head, and then what incentive will you have?

Take the plunge! Say you'll do it, and then think about September 1st everytime you sit down to eat.

:eek: :veryconfu :hammer: (my best "I'm thinking about it!" smiley line up) Ohhhhhh, I'll get back to you.... :lookaroun

*runs like heck* :lol:

No, seriously, I'll think about it. :wave: It would be great motivation, as if the wedding, summer spent at the lake by the skinny girlfriends of my brothers in law and a h.s. reunion weren't ENOUGH motivation! :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
Re: Proposal

Originally posted by garyhoov
[Bcould be a bonus benefit...

What do you think? Anyone have the guts (no pun intended) to go for it? [/B]

he he he, Gary said BONUS, he he he.

Let's see, September, hmmm. I will commit to not commiting on being noncommittal. I may be 60 feet from the camera, but I'll go for it if we get at least 5 commitments.


Trophy Husband
Re: Re: Proposal

Originally posted by JBSLJames
he he he, Gary said BONUS, he he he.

Let's see, September, hmmm. I will commit to not commiting on being noncommittal. I may be 60 feet from the camera, but I'll go for it if we get at least 5 commitments.

Well you, me and Christy would make 3. I would say flattering camera angles, lighting etc. are all fair game.

(who needs a six-pack when you've got a keg) :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Proposal

Originally posted by garyhoov
Well you, me and Christy would make 3. I would say flattering camera angles, lighting etc. are all fair game.

(who needs a six-pack when you've got a keg) :lookaroun

LOL! I was gonna say something about having to make a washboard out of what now looks like the pile of laundry. :lookaroun :hammer:


Trophy Husband
I just discovered a great new diet technique: Shirtless Toothbrushing

I've now got an image of all my flab jiggling around that should be with me when I order lunch today.

Uhhhhhhhmmmmm . . . I may need some more time. October 1st anyone?


New Member
Original Poster
Yes. One more month may be in order. By the way, thanks for the mental image, I need like a saltine to cleanse my pallet.


Well-Known Member
:sohappy: My new appliances arrived this morning. Looks like my kitchen (and diet) should be back on line by the weekend, keep your fingers crossed for me.

And the sight of Gary jiggling....I don't know.........:hurl: :lol:

I wore a bathing suit this past spring break in Florida, but then I don't have to face those people again, ever! :animwink:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by tigsmom
:sohappy: My new appliances arrived this morning. Looks like my kitchen (and diet) should be back on line by the weekend, keep your fingers crossed for me.

Back on track, are we?

On the new appliance note, we picked up a small microwave ($39) for our camper. Not really roughing it anymore. We have the TV/VCR combo so the kids can watch their videos (CATS at breakfast Sunday), the microwave, air conditioner, and most (not all) of the comforts of home.

Amazing how easy it is to stay on the South Beach Plan at the old campground. Ahhh, Grilled Meat over and open fire. :slurp:


Well-Known Member
I don't think I could live without my microwave anymore. We use it so so many things in the course of a normal day.
And camping...we don't do that anymore. Love to cook over an open fire, but there is something about smokey chicken noodle soup that tastes...:hurl:

My stove & micro are working. The guy is here making a template for the new Corian counter top. As soon as that is done (anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks) I get my dishwasher & sink and then its finished. :sohappy:


Trophy Husband
Just a little over 1 week on the "shirtless toothbrushing" diet, and I think I'm starting to see some results. The duration of the jiggling seems to be a bit shorter. I'm a little concerned that the longer I go, the less effective this method may be. I may have to go on a "shirtless jumping jacks" diet if all goes well.

Anyone want to go for Oct. 1st, or should I just drop that idea?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
Just a little over 1 week on the "shirtless toothbrushing" diet, and I think I'm starting to see some results. The duration of the jiggling seems to be a bit shorter. I'm a little concerned that the longer I go, the less effective this method may be. I may have to go on a "shirtless jumping jacks" diet if all goes well.

Anyone want to go for Oct. 1st, or should I just drop that idea?

I rarely have my picture taken & definately NEVER in a bathing suit. :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
I'm still in. Maybe we shouldn't fully tie it to dieters. I have know problem seeing some of the members in a bathing suit:eek: . . .

Let's see. . .Gary, Judd, and Christi. Only two more to go. Maybe we could work this in as a WDWMagic "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder Pagent". Someone could come up with some pagent worthy questions and we'll have a swimsuit contest. Just thinking outloud. I wonder how Maria will answer the question of, "What's your favorite position?"

**Note** Position in football of course. Sheesh.:veryconfu


Well-Known Member
Well, the boyfriend and I are tired of competing for the Elephant Seal of the year award, so on Sunday we went to our local Safeway and piled on the Special K cereal. We're doing the replace two meals with Special K food plan. I prefer food plan over diet. Sounds less drastic. Anyway, yesterday was our first day and it went okay. Except I was STARVING come dinnertime. And my salad wasn't cutting it. It didn't help we went to Barney's for hamburgers and fries and a basket of fried everything the night before we started. This is going to be a long two weeks.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cherrynegra

It didn't help we went to Barney's for hamburgers and fries and a basket of fried everything the night before we started. This is going to be a long two weeks.

Why do we do this to ourselves? Its that damn last meal syndrome. For me its always pasta & ice cream. Two things I shouldn't be eating anyway. :rolleyes:

I haven't heard of the Special K plan...whats it about?

And don't worry, if you need any sort of encouragement (or ya just want to ) we're here for ya. :wave:


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by JBSLJames
I'm still in. Maybe we shouldn't fully tie it to dieters. I have know problem seeing some of the members in a bathing suit:eek: . . .

Let's see. . .Gary, Judd, and Christi. Only two more to go. Maybe we could work this in as a WDWMagic "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder Pagent". Someone could come up with some pagent worthy questions and we'll have a swimsuit contest. Just thinking outloud. I wonder how Maria will answer the question of, "What's your favorite position?"

**Note** Position in football of course. Sheesh.:veryconfu

Well I don't think we should make it a contest because anyone who's got the nerve to do it deserves credit. (and I don't expect any of us to look great, just good enough that the thought of putting our pictures up here won't kill us - or maybe the thought would kill us unless we work our butts off between now and Oct. 1st).

How does this sound, for anyone willing to take and follow through with the following pledge:

"I have a serious intention to lose weight and get in shape over the next few months, and to help my motivation and show off my results, I promise today that, on October 1st, 2004 I will post a photo of myself on this thread wearing nothing but a tasteful bathing suit (no speedos or butt-floss on a Disney site please), or, if I'm not comfortable with that, shorts and a T-Shirt."

I'll offer to put up $10 per person (up to 50 people total) donation to the Make-a-Wish foundation for everyone who pledges and follows through.

How's that sound?

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