Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
Did anyone sign up for the CarbOptions newsletter? I got my first one today...it has a recipe for low carb peanutbutter cheesecake (along with some others, but I got lost :D )

I'm being good today (for now :( ) My kitchen will be destroyed on Monday morning (its mostly packed up now anyway) so I'm not sure whats going to happen, but I'm tryin my best. :wave:

Salmon & Veggies for lunch today. :slurp:


New Member
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Sabotage. My office mates here at workl brought in a birthday cake from me and another person who's birthday was this week.

I ended up having a piece. I know, shame, shame, shame.

At least I did the Subway chicken and baby spinach salad for lunch. Yummy. Will have to hit it hard over the weekend to compensate.

Have a great weekend dieters.


New Member
Is it alright for someone with a screen name like mine to participate? I've done every diet known to man. I've been underweight and overweight during my lifetime. The ONLY thing that seems to work for me for the long stretch is "everything in moderation". When I eliminate any particular group of food it drives me nuts. On the the 3rd day of Atkin's, I had a breakdown and attempted to make oatmeal cookies. I say attempted because none of the dough actually made it to the oven! Best eating experience of my life!! Good times :slurp:
I cook most nights for my family and this is where it gets hard for me. I cannot force my husband to go on any particular diet. He doesn't have a weight issue and neither does my son. He loves the way I cook and doesn't want me to change a thing. Therefore, instead of cooking completely seperate meals for myself I just eat on a saucer instead of a plate. You are a little hungry for the first few days, but once your stomach gets adjusted you find that it's just enough. When eating out I'll order a take-out box at the beginning of the meal and cut the portion in half right at the beginning. Portion control and no in between meals have worked for me.
So far I've lost about 12 pounds in 3 weeks.:king:


Well-Known Member
Everyone is welcome here!

It takes about 2 weeks for the Carb cravings to disappear, so the begininng is really tough. Some of us have health issues, others just want to be more comfortable with ourselves. (maybe both?)

The small plate trick never really worked for me. I refuse to cook 2 meals at dinner (which is my worst time; I'm on my own for all other meals). I cook one meal and then totally avoid the potatoes, pasta, etc. or else take just a little bit. There are very few days now when I'm unable to do that. I use low carb bread so I don't feel deprived if I want a sandwich, that sort of thing. There are so many new items in the market its getting easier everyday. Stress does me in because I'm an emotional eater. :(

Congrats on the weight loss. Every little bit helps. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Morning all! :wave: Just checking in. They ripped out my kitchen (and bathroom :eek: ) Monday so all I have in the house is snacks. Ate at Pizzeria UNO last night. They have a new low carb menu. I had stuffed chicken breast ( with spinich tomatoes & cheese), broccoli in garlic butter, and their special smash (I think thats what it was called). Its mashed, cooked cauliflower with a touch or garlic & some parmesan cheese. :slurp: All that for 12 carbs. There was so much I couldn't finish. I also had a salad & a little bit of the pizza skins (so, I yielded to temptation, but just a little. :lol: )

Edit: found the menu, just click on the picture you want to see.

Click here


Well-Known Member
I have lost an inch on my waist!! :sohappy: Have no idea how much weight, though, lol. Don't think that's the best way for me to guage it. I can gain/lose several pounds over the course of a day, depending on what I do.

Are we all remembering to add a bit of resistance training to our exercise program? Raises your resting metabolic rate, and helps prevent osteoporosis!



New Member
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Originally posted by tigsmom
special smash (I think thats what it was called). Its mashed, cooked cauliflower with a touch or garlic & some parmesan cheese. :slurp: All that for 12 carbs. There was so much I couldn't finish. I also had a salad & a little bit of the pizza skins (so, I yielded to temptation, but just a little. :lol: )

Edit: found the menu, just click on the picture you want to see.

Click here

The South Beach book has a recipe for these 'fake mashed potato's. I have heard good things about them. We have an UNO's close by, we will have to try their new menu. The Max and Erma's and Ruby Tuesdays have low card fare as well.


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You know, it's kinda funny. One weekend after 'cheating' a little on your diet, you wake up Monday to see you've lost a couple of pounds. Other weekends, you practically starve yourself and exercise and the Monday morning weigh in shows no loss at all.

Diets are a fickle woman are they not?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames

Diets are a fickle woman are they not?

Women are not fickle, its just a rumor. Wait, I changed my mind. :lol:
I'm having alot of trouble trying to stay anywhere close to my diet. With no kitchen (this is week #2) we have been eating out everyday. Its hard on the pocketbook & the psyche as well as the diet. So many things have gone wrong and that just makes me want to eat. :(


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Grilling some BEEF last night (don't you love a diet that encourages meat) and my gas grill ran out of gas :(

Finished in the oven for 35 minutes at 350 deg. Turned out really good. Nothing like eating steak while watching the FRIENDS finally.

Food question - what method do you prefer; grilled, broiled, pan fried, or baked?


Well-Known Member
Grilling! That's the best for meat. Vegetables I prefer either raw or stir fried somehow, just quickly cooked in a pan. I hate food that's been cooked to death, that's the worst.


Well-Known Member
We grill alot. Steaks, chicken even pork roasts. My fish I like broiled, but every once in awhile I need some fried fish. :slurp:
I'm big on salads (esp when the veggies come from my garden)
I usually steam or stir fry them if they are to be cooked.
I can't tell you how many times we have run out of gas for the grill halfway thru. I now have a cast iron grill for my stove top...it is smooth on one side (great for pancakes & french toast) and has ridges on the other...perfect for steaks, boneless chicken and chops.

Has anyone tried the Michael Angelo's Low Carb frozen meals?
(I've tried to get creative until my kitchen comes home). Had the pork medallions with veggies in a marsalla sauce last night. :slurp: They have about six or seven different ones.
I've noticed my WalMart has started to carry more & more low carb foods. :sohappy:


New Member
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Originally posted by tigsmom
Has anyone tried the Michael Angelo's Low Carb frozen meals?
(I've tried to get creative until my kitchen comes home). Had the pork medallions with veggies in a marsalla sauce last night. :slurp: They have about six or seven different ones.

Haven't tried them yet. Convinience is such a big part of eating and if there is some Low-Carb frozen meals, it would be worth a look.

We just did the big COSTCO trip this past week and bought enough meat for the month. Gotta love the Food Savor. I feel like chicken tonite:)


Trophy Husband

Okay, I just saw some photos of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilara (sp?) and they both seem to be packing on some pounds. I thought to myself: "Gee, if I was out in the public like that, I'm sure I'd be motivated enough to keep my weight down."

That gave me a wacky idea. I've been trying to lose weight for a while, but I just can't seem to get motivated enough to make any real progress.

Here's my idea: Anyone who seriously wants to lose some weight over the next few months, make a pledge right here, that you will post a photo of yourself wearing nothing but a tasteful bathing suit on this thread on a certain date. Say September 1st. No "before" photos, no specific weight loss goals, just the knowledge that whatever you've got left on September 1st will be hanging out on here for everyone to see (and no, this isn't just a cheap ploy to get a peak at Christy in a bathing suit (though I won't deny that could be a bonus benefit;) )).

Of course if you change your mind as the time approaches, you'd be free to back out (at the risk of a bit of good natured ribbing from the rest of us).

What do you think? Anyone have the guts (no pun intended) to go for it?


New Member
are you crazy?:confused: :p
I don`t have any photos of me in a bathing suit! You want people to leave WDWMAGIC in DROVES???:lol:
LOL! I wont let anyone take photos of me in a bathing suit!:eek:


Well-Known Member
Oh, my god Gary!! No way!! I wouldn't want to inflict that on the public!! They'd want to gouge thier eys out. Including me.

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