Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
Cheesecake for breakfast, and I am still down 2 more pounds today from last time I weighed myself :sohappy: :lol: Total of 4 now since I've gotten serious about it. (Which, since I only had 10, 12 I wanted to get rid of, is pretty good.) :)


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
Cheesecake for breakfast, and I am still down 2 more pounds today from last time I weighed myself :sohappy: :lol: Total of 4 now since I've gotten serious about it. (Which, since I only had 10, 12 I wanted to get rid of, is pretty good.) :)

:sohappy: good for you!

I've been reading The Sugar Solution...it uses the glycemic index to prevent insulin spikes and thus promotes weight loss. I'm a little po'd right now because there is a lot of food that I like listed as low GI that my nutritionist told me to stay away from because of its sugar content. :mad:
One cup of cantaloupe is only 12 gms of carbs!

I'm going to make a little experiment and see what happens... following the doctor's plan is not helping me at all.


Well-Known Member
Good luck!!

Is the 12 grams counting the fiber or not. Becuase I'd always been under the impression that you could subtract the fiber from total carbs. Is this true?

Like I said, I refuse to cut out any fruits and veggies. (This, however, coming from an overall healthy 30 year old, lol)

I checked my BP at the store the other day while waiting for Mallory's asthma meds to be filled, and it was 127/67. :cool:


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
Good luck!!

Is the 12 grams counting the fiber or not. Becuase I'd always been under the impression that you could subtract the fiber from total carbs. Is this true?

Like I said, I refuse to cut out any fruits and veggies. (This, however, coming from an overall healthy 30 year old, lol)

I checked my BP at the store the other day while waiting for Mallory's asthma meds to be filled, and it was 127/67. :cool:

Right, to find the net carbs you subtract the fiber count...so thats 12 after the subtraction. I love all sorts of veggies (and they encourage them), but they took all my fruit away. Its been 3 years and i've had very little fruits (except in yogurt, or a few grapes or a slice of pineapple) so I'm looking forward to this experiment.

1 cup of fresh strawberries is just 13 carbs, add a little no sugar whipped cream and....:D

Thats great about your BP! You have high Cholesterol/triglycerides too, right? I read in Prevention that 2 Kiwis/day will drop that dramatically within a week! I'm trying to get Katie to eat them because she can't take any meds because of her age and hers are dangerously high.


Well-Known Member
Cholesterol is high, always has been. Triglycerides, I don't remember :eek: But my GOOD cholesterol is very high, and from what I understand, with that, higher is good. (?right? :lol: )

I will try the kiwis! I am eating a ton of grapefruit. I LOVE it, could eat it all the time. But it's time for some new fruits and veggies, I think.


I just got back results from my last blood work...

My a1c is 5.8....0.1 above "normal"....considering my Dr. was looking to just get me below 7...wow. I went from 11.3 to 9.2 down to 5.8.

Only thing is my HDL is a little low, thats the first time for that one. I'll have to eat some more fish etc. At least my LDL, total Cholesterol and Cholesterol ratios are within the "normal" range.


Well-Known Member
DarkImage4 said:
I just got back results from my last blood work...

My a1c is 5.8....0.1 above "normal"....considering my Dr. was looking to just get me below 7...wow. I went from 11.3 to 9.2 down to 5.8.

Only thing is my HDL is a little low, thats the first time for that one. I'll have to eat some more fish etc. At least my LDL, total Cholesterol and Cholesterol ratios are within the "normal" range.

Congratulations! You must be very proud! Such great progress reports! :sohappy:


Trophy Husband
DarkImage4 said:
I just got back results from my last blood work...

My a1c is 5.8....0.1 above "normal"....considering my Dr. was looking to just get me below 7...wow. I went from 11.3 to 9.2 down to 5.8.

Only thing is my HDL is a little low, thats the first time for that one. I'll have to eat some more fish etc. At least my LDL, total Cholesterol and Cholesterol ratios are within the "normal" range.

Good job!

Can any nutrition experts comment on this: Is it bad to have a low HDL if LDL is also low? I sort of thought the HDL "counteracts" the LDL, but if both are low, I didn't think that was a problem (my last test, both of mine were slightly high, but I've changed my diet fairly drastically since then, and I'm expecting both to drop).


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
Good job!

Can any nutrition experts comment on this: Is it bad to have a low HDL if LDL is also low? I sort of thought the HDL "counteracts" the LDL, but if both are low, I didn't think that was a problem (my last test, both of mine were slightly high, but I've changed my diet fairly drastically since then, and I'm expecting both to drop).

Yes. The HDL or "good cholesterol" is what protects against heart attacks.
The LDL or "bad cholesterol" is what causes the palque buildup in the arteries.

So low levels of HDL put you at a higher risk for a heart disease and all that comes with it. Most experts believe that the HDL helps to remove the cholesterol from the bloodstream thus preventing (or at least slowing down) the buildup of plaque.


Trophy Husband
tigsmom said:
Yes. The HDL or "good cholesterol" is what protects against heart attacks.
The LDL or "bad cholesterol" is what causes the palque buildup in the arteries.

So low levels of HDL put you at a higher risk for a heart disease and all that comes with it. Most experts believe that the HDL helps to remove the cholesterol from the bloodstream thus preventing (or at least slowing down) the buildup of plaque.

Interesting. Thanks!


Trophy Husband
Is everybody ready for June 1st?

I have to admit, I'm a little frustrated. I've been doing very well recently, and my long term progress is generally good, but I had thought I would be pretty good if I could get down to 170. Now that I'm within 20 pounds of that goal, but don't look much different than when I started, I'm thinking I'll have to go to at least 160 or farther, and that's going to take a while at this pace.

I guess I'm ready for June 1st, but I'm already sure I'll still be fat.


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Well-Known Member
Gary, we still have 4 weeks to go, which if you just keep on with what you're doing could mean another 5 to 10 pounds! I think maybe the biggest thing (at least for me, when I'm in a similar situation, which I have been :lol: ) is to not let myself get SO frustrated that I just say "screw it" and give up completely. Just keep plugging along... tortoise and the hare and whatnot :animwink:

My MIL commented last weekend "Oh! you're really losing weight!" I said yeah, a pound or two a week and she said "Yes, you lose it in your face first, I can really see it."

Which, of course, me being a female, I took to mean I have a fat a$$ :lol: :lookaroun :mad: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Gary, have you looked into the percentage of body fat vs muscle? You may be at the right weight, but still have too much body fat.

I'm going to have to bow out. The change in meds (again) have added 6 pounds and wipes out all I have lost. I'll be having a mighty discussion with my nutritionist on Tuesday. :fork:


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
Gary, we still have 4 weeks to go, which if you just keep on with what you're doing could mean another 5 to 10 pounds! I think maybe the biggest thing (at least for me, when I'm in a similar situation, which I have been :lol: ) is to not let myself get SO frustrated that I just say "screw it" and give up completely. Just keep plugging along... tortoise and the hare and whatnot :animwink:

My MIL commented last weekend "Oh! you're really losing weight!" I said yeah, a pound or two a week and she said "Yes, you lose it in your face first, I can really see it."

Which, of course, me being a female, I took to mean I have a fat a$$ :lol: :lookaroun :mad: :lol:

Face & chest first, butt last. :lol:


Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
Gary, we still have 4 weeks to go, which if you just keep on with what you're doing could mean another 5 to 10 pounds!

Yeah, but at 5 to 10 pounds less than I am now, I'm still going to be pretty fat.

On a more optimistic tone, I do think I'm getting to the point where people won't describe me as fat. A few months ago, people would probably describe me by saying: "You know Gary, he's the fat guy with the beard."

Hopefully now I'm getting to the point that it will be: "You know gary, he's the ugly guy with the beard.":lookaroun

tigsmom said:
Gary, have you looked into the percentage of body fat vs muscle? You may be at the right weight, but still have too much body fat.

I'm going to have to bow out. The change in meds (again) have added 6 pounds and wipes out all I have lost. I'll be having a mighty discussion with my nutritionist on Tuesday. :fork:

I haven't actually measured it, and I have some muscle so that will probably affect what my ultimate weight should be, but the bottom line is I've clearly got a lot of fat no matter how you look at it. All I have to do is look in the mirror to tell that.

Sorry to hear you won't be in on the 1st. I'll take you off my sig, but don't give up.

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