Downtown Disney District Extends to Buena Vista Street


Well-Known Member
When did "tyrant" become a democratically elected position?
Around the time the difference between the cold and flu became esoteric knowledge.

No, but he can request it.

Just like the USS Mercy.

Or all the Federal resources the Governor of New York asked for and got.

That is how the system works. The State declares the emergency, then FEMA gets involved.

Weather issues, Fire issues, Medical issues, all the same.

The local and state declarers the emergency, and then the Feds respond.
Do the Feds have a stockpile of nursing and medical licenses to hand out?

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
No, actually, I'm in my 30s.

And apparently, it wasn't you (sorry I suspected you), but rather @TP2000 who claimed Newsom hates theme parks and that he is correct about that. Therefore, the comment still stands about the chance that Newsom will never, ever allow parks to reopen ever again, ever, even with a vaccine and the end of the pandemic.

That comment is opinionated. Why are you listening to folks here and thinking everything we say is factual?


Well-Known Member
Made one last visit before operations probably change again (fingers crossed they don’t)


And very eerie of a dark Pixar Pier and empty Hyperion Theater




Well-Known Member
Around the time the difference between the cold and flu became esoteric knowledge.

Do the Feds have a stockpile of nursing and medical licenses to hand out?

You can expand capacity all you want but you can't expand experienced ICU staff with it. Hopefully we don't see it but a couple states are scared local hospitals will have to turn down patients regardless of injury. Car accident, heart attacks and even women in labor will be out of luck due to lack of space and especially lack of trained staff.


Well-Known Member
And apparently, it wasn't you (sorry I suspected you), but rather @TP2000 who claimed Newsom hates theme parks and that he is correct about that.
Newsom doesn't hate theme parks, he's just more of a WDW guy!

Made one last visit before operations probably change again (fingers crossed they don’t) View attachment 517017
View attachment 517018View attachment 517020View attachment 517019
And very eerie of a dark Pixar Pier and empty Hyperion Theater

View attachment 517021
View attachment 517022
Any Christmas tree?


Well-Known Member
Does a state governor have the authority to deploy federal resources?

Are you new? That's exactly how this has worked since March. And exactly how this was set up to work since World War I ended in 1918. And it's why we pay such high taxes to maintain the best military on the planet. (Those Germans and Frenchmen also thank you for your tax dollars for protecting them from the Russians for the past 75 years.)

Which is why Mayor Garcetti got the USNS Mercy to sit unused in the Port of Los Angeles for a month last April, even though Mayor Durkan in Seattle asked for it two days earlier. But LA outranks Seattle, so Trump sent the UNSN Mercy to LA instead to sit unused for a month in sunny SoCal instead of rainy Seattle.

The same thing happened with the USNS Comfort, which was sent from Newport News up to New York to sit unused for a month last April. Along with the 1,000 bed field hospital built by the US Army in the Javits Center, before it was closed up in May.

All of this can happen again, with just one call from Governor Newsom to President Trump. Thousands of beds can be built in field hospitals from Sacramento to San Diego, and the USNS Mercy can arrive in San Pedro on Saturday to add a few hundred ICU beds to LA's supply.

I forget what it is. Maybe it was @1HAPPYGHOSTHOST or @Dr. Hans Reinhardt, I forget. But somebody definitely said it.

It was me. My growing suspicion is that Governor Newsom views Disneyland as distastefully as he views a gas powered car. It is wasteful and tacky and a relic of the 20th century. And it's used primarily by unfashionable people who shop at WalMart or eat ground beef and should know better but they don't, so he will force them to live a better life by outlawing the goods and services they use. Like cars. And Disneyland. And ground beef.
Um it wasn't me. The idea that the governor hates DL or theme parks in a state that relies on a robust tourist economy is absurd.

No more absurd than a governor who has already worked to outlaw gas powered cars and all fossil fuels in a state that relies on the petroleum industry for $152 Billion in sales and employs 366,000 high-paying jobs.

In Berkeley, they won't even let you install a natural gas stove anymore in your kitchen. So you think those same folks are going to want a decadent, wasteful theme park for WalMart shoppers to exist?

Theme parks in California only create a fraction of the jobs and taxes that California's petroleum industry provide.

But if Governor Newsom can publicly and openly try to shut down the petroleum industry in his state and outlaw the sale of gas powered cars, the permanent closure of California's seven major theme parks and the approximately 100,000 low-paying jobs they employ is easy.
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Well-Known Member
Around the time the difference between the cold and flu became esoteric knowledge.

Do the Feds have a stockpile of nursing and medical licenses to hand out?

No, but the Governor can relax requirements, such as residency to allow more folks to receive licenses and work in the field. That is a state thing.

But the Feds can send Military personnel to operate sites.

They sent quite a few to New York earlier this year.


Well-Known Member
Ugh... my eyes.....

Why do you all keep rehashing the same arguments you've been having for 8 months? Why do I keep reading? Why, when so many good businesses have given up, is there any inkling that Captain Kidd's will re-open? Ever?

So. Many. Questions.

Carry on, wayward sons.... I'll show myself out.


Well-Known Member
Ugh... my eyes.....

Why do you all keep rehashing the same arguments you've been having for 8 months? Why do I keep reading? Why, when so many good businesses have given up, is there any inkling that Captain Kidd's will re-open? Ever?

So. Many. Questions.

Carry on, wayward sons.... I'll show myself out.

I think we could all collectively agree if Captain Kidd’s never reopen that no one (at least on here) will lose any sleep.


Well-Known Member
Ugh... my eyes.....

Why do you all keep rehashing the same arguments you've been having for 8 months? Why do I keep reading? Why, when so many good businesses have given up, is there any inkling that Captain Kidd's will re-open? Ever?

So. Many. Questions.

Carry on, wayward sons.... I'll show myself out.

Because Disneyland is still closed.

And Governor Newsom hates gas powered cars and trashy theme parks as much as he loves a cozy dinner party at The French Laundry.

But mostly because Disneyland is still closed. And won't reopen for another six months, if it ever reopens.


Well-Known Member
I've seen lots of photos of Eat at Joe's French Laundry overlay sign. I've got to give some background. Joe's has been on PCH in Redondo Beach since before 1968. A local landmark. I've eaten there many times-big, long tables and benches. You have to get a "John Wayne"-- $10.99 Two eggs over medium, cheese, on home fries and a tortilla, smothered in Spanish sauce and surrounded by sausage.
The owner plans on defying shut down orders. I'm not sure I agree with him, but America loves a rebel.

From the Easy Reader:

County says close, owner says no, customers support Eat at Joe’s in Redondo Beach​

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Eat at Joe’s Alex Jordan pokes fun at Governor Gavin Newsom by hanging a French Laundry sign. He has defied the County health order banning outdoor dining. Photo by Donny Morrison
by Donald Morrison

Shortly after lunchtime, Tuesday, inspectors from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health showed up at Eat at Joe’s and issued an order to owner Alex Jordan to stop serving customers on his outdoor patio. Last Wednesday the County banned restaurants from serving outdoors for three weeks.

Jordan has ignored the ban, and said he plans to continue ignoring the ban, despite the county officials threatening to fine him, and suspend his health department permit.

“Threaten, fine or suspend. That’s all they can do,” Jordan said after the county officials left. “I don’t know how long we can stay strong, depending on what the threats are. If they just fine me, to a certain level I’m fine with that. I can see it through. But if they pull my health department p ermit it will be very difficult to operate.”

“In March we closed down because they told us to close down,”Jordan said. “But I had less fear then because my employees were getting unemployment. Now that’s not the case and that’s the reason I’m not shutting down.”


Longtime Redondo Beach community activist Victoria Page-Schmalz and son Nick Durslag said they had breakfast at Eat at Joe’s Wednesday morning to show their support for the restaurant. Photo by Kevin Cody
Jordan said he had 25 employees before the pandemic. In March, when restaurants were ordered to close, he laid off everyone, including himself. After receiving a Federal Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) loan he was able to bring back 11 employees, but the PPP money was quickly exhausted. Last May, when outdoor dining was allowed, Jordan said he spent thousands of dollars on patio dining equipment, including tents and plexiglass to protect workers.

“I’m not a rebel by nature. I don’t want to go against science,” Jordan said. “But without outdoor dining I will have to lay off all 11 of my employees before the holidays.”

Jordan told his employees last week that there would be no punishment for missing work if they didn’t feel safe working during the pandemic. He said all 11 wanted to keep working.

“Outdoor dining is not any more dangerous than going to the gym,” Jordan said. “And the gym isn’t closed and non essential retail isn’t closed.”

Customers have been supportive and there’s been an atmosphere of protest among patrons, according to Jordan.

“I would say today was probably the busiest Tuesday I’ve had all year,” Jordan said.


Lunchtime Thursday, customers were lining up to eat at Eat at Joe’s. Photo by Craig Hymovitz
Rocky Liuzzi has been dining at Eat at Joe’s for the better part of 50 years. He ate outside Tuesday morning and said he never felt unsafe.

“I feel they should be open,” Liuzzi said. “Especially because they are doing everything safely.”

Like Jordan, Liuzzi didn’t think shutting down outdoor dining made sense when businesses such as gyms and grocery stores remain open at reduced capacity.

“These are not only businesses, but people’s lives and families,” Liuzzi said. “They all need to be fed. They all need to survive and people are having a hard time.”

Jordan cited the lower numbers of positive coronavirus cases in the Beach Cities as the main reason he doesn’t believe in an outdoor dining ban in Redondo Beach.

“The numbers in the South Bay are not nearly as bad as other parts of LA County, but it doesn’t matter. They treat us all the same.”

The City of Redondo has taken a hands-off approach to enforcement of County health orders.

Redondo Beach City Attorney Mike Webb said Tuesday, the city does not enforce the county’s health orders, but does pass complaints on to the county.

“It’s their order, they’re enforcing it,” Webb said. “We are passing along information to make certain that they’re aware of any complaints regarding businesses violating the order.”

“The county’s approach has been education first, but if you have someone who keeps returning to, say the Esplanade, when it is closed, they will issue a citation, or will try and get cooperation,” Webb said.

Redondo Police Chief Keith Kauffman said Tuesday, “I’ve asked my officers to educate and inform rather than become the front line of enforcement for the County.”

On Wednesday, Kaufman said the county inspectors requested Redondo Beach police to be present when they issued the closure order to Eat at Joe’s.

“Officers responded and kept the peace while the order was served without issue,” Kauffman said.

“If I have to go to court I will,” Jordan said. “I kind of feel like I’m on the moral high ground a little bit. So the fear of it is not as great as if I was being sneaky and undercover. But it still keeps me awake at night.” ER


Well-Known Member
Do the Feds have a stockpile of nursing and medical licenses to hand out?

The "Feds", via the United States Department of Defense, currently have about 130,000 doctors, nurses and medical professionals on staff to draw from. Plus a World War's worth of supplies. Currently, the majority of that medical staff is sitting around hospitals on bases, airfields and ships waiting for war to break out.

The vast majority of US Armed Forces personnnel are young and healthy, so the medical infrastructure to support them is underutilized as it is designed to triage and treat their injuries during wartime.

In the absence of wartime, they can be used to staff and operate field hospitals and hospital ships docked in civilian ports. Which is what happened last April in New York, Detroit, Philadelphia and Los Angeles but then went almost completely unused because it was an over-reaction to the initial panic of Covid-19 last spring.

All of those resources, including a dozen 1,000 bed field hospitals from Sacramento to San Diego can be brought back next week if Governor Newsom wants. He just has to make a formal request from the President. The US Army can build a 1,000 bed field hospital in any convention center in about 72 hours. The ARCO Center, Cow Palace, Staples Center, Anaheim Convention Center, etc., etc. They all sit there currently empty and unused.

This is why we pay taxes. Any Governor just has to pick up the phone and ask.

I will also mention, that when the San Andreas Fault rips open shortly with a 7.8 magnitude earthquake, these same DoD folks will be used to set up field hospitals and hospital ships throughout SoCal to treat tens of thousands of injured and dying civilians after The Big One.

Again, this is why we pay taxes and why we should be thankful for the greatest military force on the planet.
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Well-Known Member
I've seen lots of photos of Eat at Joe's French Laundry overlay sign. I've got to give some background. Joe's has been on PCH in Redondo Beach since before 1968. A local landmark. I've eaten there many times-big, long tables and benches. You have to get a "John Wayne"-- $10.99 Two eggs over medium, cheese, on home fries and a tortilla, smothered in Spanish sauce and surrounded by sausage.
The owner plans on defying shut down orders. I'm not sure I agree with him, but America loves a rebel.

From the Easy Reader:

County says close, owner says no, customers support Eat at Joe’s in Redondo Beach​

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Eat at Joe’s Alex Jordan pokes fun at Governor Gavin Newsom by hanging a French Laundry sign. He has defied the County health order banning outdoor dining. Photo by Donny Morrison
by Donald Morrison

Shortly after lunchtime, Tuesday, inspectors from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health showed up at Eat at Joe’s and issued an order to owner Alex Jordan to stop serving customers on his outdoor patio. Last Wednesday the County banned restaurants from serving outdoors for three weeks.

Jordan has ignored the ban, and said he plans to continue ignoring the ban, despite the county officials threatening to fine him, and suspend his health department permit.

“Threaten, fine or suspend. That’s all they can do,” Jordan said after the county officials left. “I don’t know how long we can stay strong, depending on what the threats are. If they just fine me, to a certain level I’m fine with that. I can see it through. But if they pull my health department p ermit it will be very difficult to operate.”

“In March we closed down because they told us to close down,”Jordan said. “But I had less fear then because my employees were getting unemployment. Now that’s not the case and that’s the reason I’m not shutting down.”


Longtime Redondo Beach community activist Victoria Page-Schmalz and son Nick Durslag said they had breakfast at Eat at Joe’s Wednesday morning to show their support for the restaurant. Photo by Kevin Cody
Jordan said he had 25 employees before the pandemic. In March, when restaurants were ordered to close, he laid off everyone, including himself. After receiving a Federal Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) loan he was able to bring back 11 employees, but the PPP money was quickly exhausted. Last May, when outdoor dining was allowed, Jordan said he spent thousands of dollars on patio dining equipment, including tents and plexiglass to protect workers.

“I’m not a rebel by nature. I don’t want to go against science,” Jordan said. “But without outdoor dining I will have to lay off all 11 of my employees before the holidays.”

Jordan told his employees last week that there would be no punishment for missing work if they didn’t feel safe working during the pandemic. He said all 11 wanted to keep working.

“Outdoor dining is not any more dangerous than going to the gym,” Jordan said. “And the gym isn’t closed and non essential retail isn’t closed.”

Customers have been supportive and there’s been an atmosphere of protest among patrons, according to Jordan.

“I would say today was probably the busiest Tuesday I’ve had all year,” Jordan said.


Lunchtime Thursday, customers were lining up to eat at Eat at Joe’s. Photo by Craig Hymovitz
Rocky Liuzzi has been dining at Eat at Joe’s for the better part of 50 years. He ate outside Tuesday morning and said he never felt unsafe.

“I feel they should be open,” Liuzzi said. “Especially because they are doing everything safely.”

Like Jordan, Liuzzi didn’t think shutting down outdoor dining made sense when businesses such as gyms and grocery stores remain open at reduced capacity.

“These are not only businesses, but people’s lives and families,” Liuzzi said. “They all need to be fed. They all need to survive and people are having a hard time.”

Jordan cited the lower numbers of positive coronavirus cases in the Beach Cities as the main reason he doesn’t believe in an outdoor dining ban in Redondo Beach.

“The numbers in the South Bay are not nearly as bad as other parts of LA County, but it doesn’t matter. They treat us all the same.”

The City of Redondo has taken a hands-off approach to enforcement of County health orders.

Redondo Beach City Attorney Mike Webb said Tuesday, the city does not enforce the county’s health orders, but does pass complaints on to the county.

“It’s their order, they’re enforcing it,” Webb said. “We are passing along information to make certain that they’re aware of any complaints regarding businesses violating the order.”

“The county’s approach has been education first, but if you have someone who keeps returning to, say the Esplanade, when it is closed, they will issue a citation, or will try and get cooperation,” Webb said.

Redondo Police Chief Keith Kauffman said Tuesday, “I’ve asked my officers to educate and inform rather than become the front line of enforcement for the County.”

On Wednesday, Kaufman said the county inspectors requested Redondo Beach police to be present when they issued the closure order to Eat at Joe’s.

“Officers responded and kept the peace while the order was served without issue,” Kauffman said.

“If I have to go to court I will,” Jordan said. “I kind of feel like I’m on the moral high ground a little bit. So the fear of it is not as great as if I was being sneaky and undercover. But it still keeps me awake at night.” ER

You've got to read the whole story to get the whole story. And it's fabulous.

How on earth the Science & Data show that outdoor dining is spreading Covid is still a mystery. But when I get back to SoCal, I now have half a mind to take a day trip to Redondo Beach! The spirit of American rebellion still lives!
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Well-Known Member
No, but the Governor can relax requirements, such as residency to allow more folks to receive licenses and work in the field. That is a state thing.

But the Feds can send Military personnel to operate sites.

They sent quite a few to New York earlier this year.
Intensive care is not exactly the sort of training that can be rushed.
The "Feds", via the United States Department of Defense, currently have about 130,000 doctors, nurses and medical professionals on staff to draw from. Plus a World War's worth of supplies. Currently, the majority of that medical staff is sitting around hospitals on bases, airfields and ships waiting for war to break out.

The vast majority of US Armed Forces personnnel are young and healthy, so the medical infrastructure to support them is underutilized as it is designed to triage and treat their injuries during wartime.

In the absence of wartime, they can be used to staff and operate field hospitals and hospital ships docked in civilian ports. Which is what happened last April in New York, Detroit, Philadelphia and Los Angeles but then went almost completely unused because it was an over-reaction to the initial panic of Covid-19 last spring.

All of those resources, including a dozen 1,000 bed field hospitals from Sacramento to San Diego can be brought back next week if Governor Newsom wants. He just has to make a formal request from the President. The US Army can build a 1,000 bed field hospital in any convention center in about 72 hours. The ARCO Center, Cow Palace, Staples Center, Anaheim Convention Center, etc., etc. They all sit there currently empty and unused.

This is why we pay taxes. Any Governor just has to pick up the phone and ask.

I will also mention, that when the San Andreas Fault rips open shortly with a 7.8 magnitude earthquake, these same DoD folks will be used to set up field hospitals and hospital ships throughout SoCal to treat tens of thousands of injured and dying civilians after The Big One.

Again, this is why we pay taxes and why we should be thankful for the greatest military force on the planet.
So again, we should ask ourselves, has the guy who doesn’t know the difference between cold and flu figured out something that befuddles doctors and administrators across the country or does the federal government not have a bunch of qualified personnel sitting around doing nothing. Given that you keep going on about beds, which is not the big issue, it seems you also do not know the difference between a bed and a nurse or doctor.


Well-Known Member
So again, we should ask ourselves, has the guy who doesn’t know the difference between cold and flu figured out something that befuddles doctors and administrators across the country or does the federal government not have a bunch of qualified personnel sitting around doing nothing. Given that you keep going on about beds, which is not the big issue, it seems you also do not know the difference between a bed and a nurse or doctor.

I don't know how many times I have to say it, but here's my understanding of the difference between a cold and a flu;
  • A cold is milder, and confined to your head with coughing, stuffed up nose, runny nose, etc.
  • The flu is more severe, and is combined with similar cold symptoms plus fever, body aches, congested lungs, etc. A flu can also subject the elderly and sickly to other health problems because it's more severe than a cold.
I think the two things are caused by different viruses, but I can't tell you the exact differences in the viruses.

How did I do? What am I missing? Is this being tracked in my personnel file here on this website? Is this going to come up in my annual review with my manager?

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