Don't Go In September


Original Poster
We just got back from DW on the 15th and I personally would not go back in September ever again.


HEAT: Crazy hot. It was almost unbearable, the type of heat you're looking for AC after a short time outside. Thus made enjoying the parks difficult. You just speed from attraction to attraction as quick as you can, plus it didn't cool off much at night.

RAIN: Every day between 1 and 4 hours. Not just sprinkle, but I mean a hard pounding downpour everyday. Although I'll admit that the only time it really affected us adversely was for Mickey's Not So Scary Party on the 14th, where it was pretty much rained out.

TOUR GROUP BEHAVIOR: I've heard the stories but had never experienced anything first hand until this trip. I was absolutely appalled at the behavior of some of the tour groups. Line cutting was insane, one person stands in line then as they approach the front a whole group will come by to get in line. Obnoxious, loud and rude is how I would describe some of these groups. Disney better get a handle on these groups and quick because it was crazy.


FREE DINING: We had it, and I'd say the dining plan is a great deal, but only if you get it for free. I don't think there's any real value to it if you have to pay for it, you simply aren't likely to eat on site as much as the dining plan provides. The downside is forget about walk ups at any restaurant anywhere on property, there were none. I totally understand that the free dining during my time there contributed to this last part.

CROWDS: Very manageable, not real light, but not insane either, our longest wait times averaged 30 minutes. Our major gripes were with the line cutting of the tour groups I mentioned above.

SUMMARY: I'd have to say that he tour groups are what really shocked me, I will never and I repeat never go back to Disneyworld if I can find out there will are going to be many tour groups present while I'm there.Although, the weather is the main reason I wouldn't go back in September. I've gone in November, December, April and the weather was much nicer then. I decided to go in September because of the free dining and the lighter crowds, I did get both but wasn't prepared for the weather or the tour groups. My bad on the weather, but I had no clue about the tour groups. Anyone else experience problems with them or is it just me??


Premium Member
We go every year at about the same time, this year it was the 10th thru the 18th. I didn't see any problems with any tour groups, but the heat was bad this year. I know we have had some hot trips in previous years, but this year was the worst that I can remember. It's not always like that.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
September for me has always been the best time to go, even though it can still be quite warm out.

For the past several years i have often gone the week after Labor Day, when all the kiddies go back to school. It would be heaven, as the Parks were literally empty except for locals on the weekends and overseas visitors. It was bliss....

Then "Free Dining" started up in 2005 or so and that all went to heck. Now September seems to be busier because of it, and i really can't blame anyone for it being so: the Free Dining is a good deal...exspeciall FREE!

I went the first two years of Free Dining and enjoyed it immensely. The second year i noticed larger crowds, and getting ADR's at any sitdowns could be challanging if you wanted to eat when the rest of the world wanted to.

I used to go in October...that was a wonderful time to go back in the 80's and 90's before the Halloween Events started. Now i hear it is busier because of i have not been back. September always seemed to work out good for me.

I will be back in a few days, and will miss this years' Free Dining. I am hoping to see smaller crowds, but with the big EPCOT Event happening ( see my link below) i think i am in for a surprise!


Oh Meyla Weyla
I was there last week and didn't notice tour groups, but did feel the heat pretty badly this time.

I too felt like I was rushing from one air conditioned place to another, rather than taking my time to see things in between. I even became over heated while waiting in line once after a long walk to get there. It almost ruined my day I felt so bad. I had to go inside and sit down with a bottle of water to recover. My daughter found me a strawberry slushy type thing that helped too!

So yeah it's pretty hot here in Sept.. My favorite time to visit the parks is Nov. through Feb. for weather reasons.


Well-Known Member
We came back a week ago today and yes, it was VERY hot! We have never been in Sept before but I will have to say that for us, it was great. We did not have free dining.

I was happy mainly with the low attendance. We walked onto almost everything with little or no wait. We never waited more than 20 minutes all week, for anything.

I will say that there was one time when I noticed a RUDE tour group and you wont believe me when I tell you that it was with a bunch of old people. I guess they were on a senior's day out or something but when we were about to get onto the Snow White ride at MK, a few of them rounded the corner and but me off from my kids. They just kept on going into the line and never even offered to let me catch up with them. The "leader" finally let me go by so that I could ride with them. It was just about 30 old people & me and three kids. I just found it rude but IDK. If the kids had not already been in line we would have waited. It's not like we were going to ride Soarin or anything. :lol:

Over all, we had a great time and I will look into going in Sept. the next time we go. :animwink: ( hopefully with free dining!)


New Member
Tour group season has been over for a couple weeks now. I haven't seen any while working or as a guest for a while. You want to see tour group insanity, you should have been here in August...You haven't seen anything until you've seen how may tour groups are here in August.


Well-Known Member
I was at WDW Sept 14-17 and I have two words: Never again! The last time I visited during Sept was 1999 - and Hurricane Floyd came calling then. Now I remember why I hadn't been back during Sept since then.

I was lured down for free dining, but won't be taken in again. It's too much food and takes too much time away from touring. Like the OP, I was at a very soggy MNSSHP on Sept 14 :hammer:. At least WDW activated all of the MNSSHP tickets for that night as 1-day tickets to MK.

I didn't notice any tour groups, but I agree that the heat was almost unbearable. I prefer touring in Oct, Dec or May, so I'm going back to those months. The only exception will be my upcoming trip Sept 28-Oct 1 for Epcot's 25th.


New Member
last year I landed labour day sunday and stayed for a week. Although they didnt offer free dining i must say it was amazing. Yes i agree that it rained every day at almost exactly 3:30-4pm (just picked the long rides to go on at that time: COP, UOE (ellens' ride), etc.

What i really loved about that week is that it was completely dead and felt as if the park was ours...we walked onto every ride (EE 4x in a row!!! 2 times the front seat!). We laughed as the only ride we waited for was one silly ride at blizzard beach! not even the big one, just a secondary one.

We also easily obtained second row centre/center for Cirque!

I think that there may be much more people due to the free dining now, so i can't speak for the restaurant capacity but I loved september and hope that 3 weeks from now its as light as it was last year!

Sorry to hear your trip had some bad apples, hopefully they weren't enough to ruin the magic of the parks!
We just got back from DW on the 15th and I personally would not go back in September ever again.


HEAT: Crazy hot. It was almost unbearable, the type of heat you're looking for AC after a short time outside. Thus made enjoying the parks difficult. You just speed from attraction to attraction as quick as you can, plus it didn't cool off much at night.

RAIN: Every day between 1 and 4 hours. Not just sprinkle, but I mean a hard pounding downpour everyday. Although I'll admit that the only time it really affected us adversely was for Mickey's Not So Scary Party on the 14th, where it was pretty much rained out.

TOUR GROUP BEHAVIOR: I've heard the stories but had never experienced anything first hand until this trip. I was absolutely appalled at the behavior of some of the tour groups. Line cutting was insane, one person stands in line then as they approach the front a whole group will come by to get in line. Obnoxious, loud and rude is how I would describe some of these groups. Disney better get a handle on these groups and quick because it was crazy.


FREE DINING: We had it, and I'd say the dining plan is a great deal, but only if you get it for free. I don't think there's any real value to it if you have to pay for it, you simply aren't likely to eat on site as much as the dining plan provides. The downside is forget about walk ups at any restaurant anywhere on property, there were none. I totally understand that the free dining during my time there contributed to this last part.

CROWDS: Very manageable, not real light, but not insane either, our longest wait times averaged 30 minutes. Our major gripes were with the line cutting of the tour groups I mentioned above.

SUMMARY: I'd have to say that he tour groups are what really shocked me, I will never and I repeat never go back to Disneyworld if I can find out there will are going to be many tour groups present while I'm there.Although, the weather is the main reason I wouldn't go back in September. I've gone in November, December, April and the weather was much nicer then. I decided to go in September because of the free dining and the lighter crowds, I did get both but wasn't prepared for the weather or the tour groups. My bad on the weather, but I had no clue about the tour groups. Anyone else experience problems with them or is it just me??

I'm sorry but I just don't agree with much of this post. I just got back from a full week at Disney yesterday. Yes it was hot but hello.... you're in Florida. Personally it was a nice break from the 100 plus degree heat (and drought) we're having here in GA. The comment about the rain is kinda silly because it rains sporadically in Florida all the time. We only had rain on 2 or 3 days of our trip and it never lasted more than 20 minutes each time. I saw the tour groups out but didn't have a single negative encounter with them. I'm sorry you did though. However, everyone's trip is different than another's so you just can't say "don't go in September." We had a blast and will go every September in the future! We had what felt like all of MK to ourselves one morning. Can't beat that.

I was lured down for free dining, but won't be taken in again. It's too much food and takes too much time away from touring.

This one made me laugh. You're complaining about getting too much food for free? Boy I'm sure many other posters on the forum would trade places with you in a heartbeat to be able to visit while the dining plan is free. My family and I ate at Biergarten, Prime Time, O'Hana, 1900 Park Fare, and the steakhouse at Canada FOR FREE - and that was just our table meals! If it "takes too long" then just do counter service each time. What difference does it make since it's free anyway...


New Member
This one made me laugh. You're complaining about getting too much food for free? Boy I'm sure many other posters on the forum would trade places with you in a heartbeat to be able to visit while the dining plan is free. My family and I ate at Biergarten, Prime Time, O'Hana, 1900 Park Fare, and the steakhouse at Canada FOR FREE - and that was just our table meals! If it "takes too long" then just do counter service each time. What difference does it make since it's free anyway...

Amen .. I just missed the free dining...Even if ya dont eat it you said it's FREE! :hammer:
And Mom taught me never ta pass up FREE Food!...LOL :ROFLOL:

Goin in a few days and I hope the weather is a little more timid than these people are talkin, if not then, We'll make the best of it...


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Tour group season has been over for a couple weeks now. I haven't seen any while working or as a guest for a while. You want to see tour group insanity, you should have been here in August...You haven't seen anything until you've seen how may tour groups are here in August.

I encountered a few Portuguese tour groups at Epcot last month. One of their leaders (flag holder... whatever) was swearing in English into his phone, at the top of his lungs, in front of M:S. Ugh. :brick:

Another tour group nearly trampled me in UoE when the doors from the pre-show to the theater opened (I was standing up... and I was no where near the doors

...and finally... they smoked... everywhere except in the designated smoking areas. *sigh*

Tour groups ...the ones that walk around like they own the place, and that have complete disregard for everything and everyone around them... really irk me.

Anyway... I usually go to the world every SEPT... but I went AUG this year. Sorry that the orig poster had a tough time. I love going in SEPT. :)


Active Member
I just got back from my longest vacation ever. I was there from August 21st until September 23rd. Being there most of September I saw a huge difference to past Septembers. I have always enjoyed the heat so that did bother me but the crowds were crazy this time. According to a travel agent from London, Disney had a HUGE marketing push in Europe and it looked like it worked. As usual in September there is a huge contingent of guests from Europe but this was ridiculous. I love Europeans so I am not saying that was a problem I was only talking about the number of people in the parks, resorts and restaurants. This marketing push as well as the free dining plans really made September a much more crowded month then previous years. It is in Disney's best interest to keep the crowds large but next year I am thinking of going in October instead if the free dining is offered in September again. I was also floored with the amount of school aged children in the resorts during the week. I do not know the European schedule for school but there were so many children it reminded me of my last trip in July. Do parents keep the kids out for a vacation or is Europe on a different school schedule then the US?

The rain was crazy most of the time I was there. It would be beautiful all day but around 6PM it would start raining and last most of the night. I miss the days of the 3PM thundershower and the clearing by 5PM. On August 24th I was at the Princess and Pirate Party and it was the worst weather I has ever experienced there. I was also at the MNSSHP on the 14th and that was some pretty bad weather also. I was glad that Disney gave us free tickets to the next Halloween Party on the 21st because the weather was much better that night.

I didn't see many tour groups and I know what they look like because I used to vacation in July when the Tourismos were in full swing. I did see some groups of people that would all start singing at the tops of their lungs while walking through the park. I have no idea what that is all about but I wish they would stop it.

All and all September is usually my favorite time to go to WDW but this was a lot more crowded then past trips. The fun factor was still ultra high but I was not prepared for the changes that I experienced.

The Mom

Premium Member
As a Floridian, I do apologize to those who didn't realize that September/October are very rainy months. We still have the afternoon, heat triggered thunderstorms, but it is also the height of Hurricane season. You also experienced a "nor'easter" or front during your stay, which are more common this time of year....and continue sporadically through the fall. Assorted areas of FL have been dealing with sporadic flooding and road closures all last week, along with some intense storms.

These are the fronts that produce day long (or night long) rain with flooding, etc, rather than the every afternoon but over in an hour thunderstorms.

This week is going to be drier and cooler (by FL standards) than earlier this month.
The OP sounds like a friend of a friend who was down at WDW very recently and had the same opinion. The heat was too much. Sorry you had a not so good time because of that. But I do hope as posted recently that it's going to be a little cooler and dryer this week, since we have 3 more days until we go! :wave:


New Member
Just got back myself from a 10 night stay. We actually laughed becaued it was cooler in WDW then it has been at home!

We have gone every year for the past 10 years during the same time period. We have been there during tropical storms and during hurricanes. We did notice more rain then during any of those other times, but only 1 or 2 days did it last over 1 or 2 hours.

Free dining did not cause us many problems. We don't do free dining. I only made one ADR before I left, and had no problems getting table at places I wanted to go.

Hoping for another September vacation next year.

Stange enough, we did not see our first love bug until our departure day on 9/18.


Original Poster
Thanks for everyones input, please don't get me wrong we had a great time, and I'm sure that my expectations are unrealistically high, but after going to DW more than 15 times this was the one time where all of the things I mentioned just seemed to converge in the perfect storm.

And when I say don't go in September, it's not to disparage Disney or anyone else who goes, it's just my opinion. Disney is genius for offering the free dining and heavily marketing overseas travelers for their slower period, they're a business and as a business owner I applaud them. I'm just providing my perspective on what I encountered, good and bad.


Well-Known Member
I loved the crowds last weekend while I was down there! and we welcomed the rain too since it made MGM pretty much emptied and cooled down to about 75 outside! And believe it or not it is alot cooler than it was last month!

darn love bugs are out tho...


Well-Known Member
I'm torn now after reading all these comments. We are planning on a Sept. vacation next year. I'd like to take advantage of the free dining if they offer it for next year. It's not that we can't afford a trip without it (the free dining) but we may be able to afford a longer trip with the free dining. I've been to WDW before in the middle of June. It was HOT and it rained almost every day we were there. For the most part the rain was in the afternoon and then it cleared up. Although one night it did pour! Also, the crowds were crazy in June. So, how does June compare to Sept.? Is Sept. hotter than June? Does Sept. have more rain? Do you think it is worth battling the elements to get a few extra days on your vacation at the "World"? Also, in terms of crowds is June as busy as it gets (besides for holidays - I know they're crazy)? The reason I'm comparing to June is b/c dispite all the cons we still had a wonderful time in June. I dealt with the crowds, I managed the heat, and the rain didn't bother me! So, would Sept. be a good choice for us?


New Member
I live the drought stricken Lower Midwest, and we would welcome any rain. On my computer, I have a weather temp pop up that I have set for my hometown and Orlando. 9 days out of 10, it is cooler in Orlando than in my hometown. I would take Disney World anyday, because you're in DISNEY. Watch the weather maps and adapt next time. Learn to expect anything....this is global warming. And yes, I know people that take their kids out of school in Sept to go on vacation...even to Disney World. There are really no slow seasons anymore.

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