However the chew n screw method does apply to Disney - get the food in you then head off to the next ride! I tend to just to counter restaurants for the most past, but when I ate in waiter service places that were not in World Showcase, I could not help but feel hurried - they wanted me in and out ASAP to get the table turned around for another pile of money.
Playing Devil's Advocate, but maybe, if you're the host or hostess, and you see the line of people with reservations, and the line of people on standby hoping they could be fit in somewhere, crying children, lack of seats for people waiting, tempers flaring...I could see how they might ask the wait staff to try to hurry people along. Granted, I'm sure money has something to do with it, but I'm sure it's also just as important that they try not to make anyone angry because they can't be seated fast enough, or at all. So the host(ess), wait staff and management have to constantly gauge the situation and keep the tables turning over at an acceptable rate without having anyone feel too terribly hurried. You would need a Master's in Psychology and the Jedi Mind Trick in order to keep everyone happy.
Oh, and as for the poster who complained about not wanting a beverage, I kinda agree with you, especially when it comes to alcoholic beverages. When the wait staff insists that I really really want an alcoholic beverage instead of a diet coke, THAT'S when *I* think they're looking for a bigger tip by having me order expensive drinks and lower my inhibitions. I'm not usually much of a drinker, and even less so in stifling Florida heat, where alcohol will dehydrate you instantly.
But if you're asking for nothing to drink at all, in WDW, their request might not be one of "let's see 15% of no drink at all is nothing at all!" It might be one of "It's a hundred and eleventy-seven degrees out and this cat ain't thirsty? AT ALL?"
It's of course your prerogative to not want any beverage, but often enough, if you just ask for a glass of water, it'll probably nip any potential for anger in the bud. And who knows? Maybe whatever you order will be so hot or spicy, having some water might be helpful
Food (or drink) for thought.