I'm not sure that a person with an insulin pump would qualify for a GAC. It is a tool to treat diabetes just like regular injectable insulin and oral medications and a prescribed diet. Speaking as a diabetic, if she is sick enough to need to be in a wheelchair then she really shouldn't be in the parks, but seeking medical care. It will not stop her from playing, running around, walking or standing inline. There are professional athletes who compete while using them, normal everyday people who work their nine to five and then some with them. This will not incapacitate her, but actually help to make her healthier since her diabetes will be better treated.
A teenager on my son's crew uses an insulin pump, and unless you knew her, you would have no way of knowing. She is able to compete out in 90 degree weather with no more problem than anyone else on the team, so I doubt that it would affect her waiting in line at WDW.
I think that the instructor may be passing along misinformation, perhaps based on an individual who had multiple problems aside from (or even related to) the diabetes? :shrug: