does anyone get this alot?


New Member
I get the didn't you just get back speech and NO I didn't it was August. We are going in 16 days and then back again in August. I also get the you must be loaded deal from everyone, but its called saving and planning.


New Member
hear it all the time from people who just don't understand. A few of my friends (remember I'm in college) think its great and wish they could go as often as me. These are my true best friends


New Member
Hey, I figure that if everyone knew how great it was, we'd be overrun with all of those people too. Let the naysayers have their ideas, we know the scoop. It takes true genius and imagination to see what WDW truly is....MAGIC.


Well-Known Member
Well, I used to get this same reaction, but then I conveted some key people in my life, so now I get to go even more than ever! I take my mom in May for Mother's Day week, and go with my best friend from work every Oct. My husband and younger son go about every other year (when I make them), but my older son inherited the Disney 'gene' from me and will go as often as possible.


Well-Known Member
aaah yes I get that ALL the time. Luckily my brother doesnt mind so he's now my disney buddy. although this summer I am doing a solo trip. My parents always gave me a hard time saying i would spend too much on it and blah blah but thats what i enjoy. i told my parents they enjoy going to races and sponsoring a race team and they go all over new england for the featherlite modified racing tours and i told them if they add up all the money they spend every year it could pay for almost 2 1/2 weeks worth of WDW. So now they respect that it is something I enjoy and are very happy that I am going solo. But don't let that get you down when people say that, I guess they just dont get the magic :)


New Member
The question I keep hearing is "why dont you go someplace different this time? You always go to Disney...... doesn't it get old?"

Again, like others have posted, there is SO much to do and it keeps changing and growing that you can spend 1 week there and barely scratch the surface. Also, as others have said, I travel many places, but everyone just remembers my WDW/Disneyland trips every few years. Mostly, it's the magic. I call it my chance to "return to the mothership" and recharge my batteries.


Active Member
I think the comment that agravates me the most is the "It's just for kids" one. When I'm down there working, I don't have to deal with it so much, because, well my fellow cast members understand. It's when I'm back up in Chicago that it drives me nuts. For the most part, I make it a point to stop in mid conversation and straighten things out. Seriously, there's so much there for adults, too. Of course, why am I starting to go on that track--we all know that. This is where I step down off of my box (although, I've always wondered why it's filled with soap?)


The Foolish Mortals

I have been going to Walt Disney World for almost 30 years now and over the years I have heard all of these negative things from people before but you know what?? The people who say things like that are the ones who are truly missing out. I cannot be angry with them. I feel sorry for them. They never get to experience the wonder and joy of laughter that we feel everytime we are at a Disney theme park. Sadly, even some of them don't experience that feeling even after they have been to one of the parks. So the magic belongs to us. No one can take it away from us and no one can convince us that it just belongs to the children. So I say let them laugh and let them say what they will...we know something that they don't.


Badger Brent

Active Member
I quit drinking, I don't smoke, I work my butt off, and my wife and two kids have the same passion as me. But my family and some of my friends just don't understand. I have offered to take my two brothers and their family's and show them a good time. I took my in-laws and I think they have seen why we do what we do.

I've been a NASCAR fan since 1978. ALL of my friends always picked on me and didn't understand why I went to our local tracks and all across the states. Now, THEY are the new breed NASCAR fan and my passion and love for racing is fading. I tried back then to enlighten them without success. I guess in a few years, they will be asking me about WDW and all I will think about is how it used to be. Enough ranting I guess....



You are not alone that is for sure! My family is into Disney but whenever I tell someone else about disney they think I am crazy, and they do say the "isn't it for kids?" line? Thankfully, my boyfriend doesn't think so and my family has decided to go back every two years at least now!

Don't feel bad, at least it makes you happy and you love it. Forget about everyone else! :goodnevil


New Member
I get it a lot too - I live in a country where men seem to measure how manly they are based upon how much alcohol they can consume, how rabidly they follow their football (soccer team) how many drunken fights they get into, how many notches they claim are on their bedpost and how hot a curry they can consume. Visiting The Mouse does not give one a high ranking in these stakes :lol:

So, you are not alone, further proof will be from how many times I have seen similar threads on here in the last couple of years. :wave: :D


Well-Known Member
oh yes we get that too!!! we've been going to disney my husband and i since we honeymooned there in 96.. we were there as children but it seems so much better as you get older( for some reason).. but we always get..."again.. can't you guys think of anywhere else to go?! or i like well you do have kids....HELLO?? we love going even without kids....i think we are so fortunate to be able to take our children to disney...and you should of heard the reaction i got when i said i was going twice this year...well lets just say some people i did'nt even bother telling cause it was'nt worth that disgusted look... oh and i also like..gee you guys must be loaded!!!! no not really ....just priorities!!!! i forgot who has it as their signature but someone put it best by saying for disney there is the home equity that...



Active Member
I have been on 20 cruises as well as trips to Europe, Alaska, Canada and Hawaii, but WDW is my favorite place to visit. I go at least two times a year and never get bored or tired of it, there are many things to do and places to eat in WDW and the orlando area in general, that I'm sure that I haven't even scratched the surface. These people that always have the comments are rude because if you don't have something nice to say, keep your mouth shut. I have no problem telling them where to go because these are the same people that go the beach every year or same carribbean island which costs a heck of a lot more money than WDW and at least I know I am guaranteed to have lots of fun and eat at top quality restaurants. Also, some people no matter how hard they try couldn't plan their way out of a wet paper bag, so they are jealous that we can plan several trips a year because we know how to and also know how to get the best deals in order to make several trips.

I have no tollerance for these ignorant people and why should I, they apparently have no respect for me.


Well-Known Member
I think it's ignorant to criticize ANYONE's vacation choice, be it Disney or anywhere else. I mean, we all choose where to go, and vacation is one of the few times where one can relax and be free. It really knocks you down a peg when people make fun of your choice, especially when you've already plunked down your hard earned dollars to pay for it.

Oh, and whenever someone says to me, "Isn't Disney just for kids?", I always smile, stand up straight and tall and reply "Yep!"


Active Member
I would get that too. Some people would just laugh when I would say we are going. Others would say "I dont understand why you like it there"? I always found it funny since most of the people who would criticize had never been there before... I also found it funny when people would say it is so expensive and the over priced food. Then I would remind them that here (in dowtown Chicago) it costs $5 for a cup of coffee and you can go to the greasy spoon and get a grilled cheese with fries and a coke spend $12 with tip. Hardly a bargain just going out to eat at work. Sometimes that would keep them quiet. :D


Active Member
My coworkers and customers roll there eyes at me all the time..I even had complaints from other coworkers to keep me from going to Disney when vacation times are announced.I wear a diffrent Disney pin to work to bring a little "MAGIC" to my dismal suroundings.One day I'm really going to hit them with some "Pixie Dust" ....that will send them to Neverland,lol. :lol: :sohappy:


Active Member
LuckyBug- (and everyone else:) ) You are absolutley right. Maybe this world would be a better place if everyone took a break from day to day life and was just a kid at Disney. Someone said to me once...."You are such a kid, why do you always want to go there" I said "Why wouldn't I want to be a kid, I am an adult every other day of the week." When I go to Disney it is almost like bills and work and all the yucky things in life just don't exist. If you ask me it is a very nice way to spend a vacation, acting like a kid, plus it is the only time it is acceptable to act like a total goof ball.

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