Does anybody else get this?


Well-Known Member
YES!! i get it all the time.

people cant understand that i go by myself and i say until u have been and seen it and done everything then u cant say anything. its my world in a world lol. its such a nice relaxing and happy place, i smile constantly when im there -it really is the happiest place on earth!:)

I went with my BF to Orlando, he had work conventions to go to so I decided to take advantage of the free room and go to WDW while he was there. Pretty much everyone in his company looked at me like I was nuts when I would tell them I was going to go to WDW by myself during the day while Damon was at work.
They just don't get it.


Well-Known Member
Me too, but more from my dad than anyone else. My mom quite understands, she would go every year if my dad would let her. They timeshare in St. Pete every winter so she's trying to come up with ways to convince my dad to spend a day with me in Disney in March. My SIL thought I was nuts until she came with us last spring and now she's hooked ... going again herself in December with my DB.

For the most part, though, I get more of the - you're going to Disney by yourself?!? :ROFLOL:Most of my friends think I'm brave to go solo, but they also think it's pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
I went with my BF to Orlando, he had work conventions to go to so I decided to take advantage of the free room and go to WDW while he was there. Pretty much everyone in his company looked at me like I was nuts when I would tell them I was going to go to WDW by myself during the day while Damon was at work.
They just don't get it.

i know but when i tell them what i got to do on my trips especially for xmas and my birthday and stuff they are all like "awww your so lucky" and "that sounds amazing".


New Member

I think those who don't get Disney or appreciate the escape it provides are those who have lost appreciation for when life was simpler. Disney provides (as was intended by Walt himself) a complete escape from the real enchanted world for kids and for adults, a journey back to the simpler, less stressful days of childhood. Those who are consumed by "reality" and take themselves and life a bit too seriously find it difficult to see the magic....often they lack imagination and likely struggle with other emotional issues. Those of us who still have a kid in us and likely have a big heart still get it. Just MHO. :)


Well-Known Member
Most people will say "Didn't you just go there?" Even though it's been a year in between visits.

BUT people that are planning a trip to Disney love that I have the Disney Bug because I help them plan there trip/itinerary so they get the most out of their time there. And when the get back from their vacation they "get it". and appreciate the Disney that I love so much.


Well-Known Member
For me, it seemed to have stages.

First, everyone would make fun of me and say I was nuts for always taking the family there.

Then it kinda became a non-issue.

Then people started asking questions about it.

Now I'm basically everyone personal tour guide and itinerary planner... And a good number of them are as hooked as I am. :lol:

Look out... It's contagious!! :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I get it all the time. Especially the "but you just went" and the "Don't you get tired of it" :hammer: I just answer well, duh, if I did, I wouldn't be planning another trip would I?!!


Well-Known Member
My high school crush and I had been becoming "more than friends" for months. When we had officially decided to go on our first date (Weirdly enough -- Lion King -- even weirder -- her choice).

Discussions afterward turned to -- "What would be your dream vacation?"

I hadn't been to WDW since before the Disney Decade began. So I said, "I'd love to go back to Disney World. It's an absolute blast. And things have grown so much since my last trip."

"Really???" -- was the response. Reminds me now of Weekend Update on SNL. She was SHOCKED that I would say Disney World. She even tried to talk me out of wanting to go. While dropping off I didn't get the goodbye kiss. She quickly left and went inside. We didn't talk for a week. Which was hard because we talked 3-4 times a day before.

So WDW was a deal breaker. And thank Jebus it was. She was finally married half way through her second pregnancy at 20.

So -- Disney World Passion can be a life saver. Ask the Wife and Kids how much they LOVE going.

Hmmm, WDW was, for me and my ex-wife, our "thing". After our first child was born was when we started going at least yearly. Unfortunately a mutual attaction to Disney World is not enough to hold a marrage together.

Intereestingly enough, now that I am singe, I go to WDW a lot more than I did in the past. I go at least once a year with my kids. One "planned" trip a year either alone or "adults only" with friends. And if I am down there on business, which happens evey so often, I now tack on a day or two (or three) to the trip to shoot over to WDW. I will be in Cali on business later this year, so here comes my first visit to DL :) My ex-wife is a bit jealous (we are still friendly)

My friends and family know I like WDW, but to my family it's the concept of lWDW that they don't understand, not the going back every year. When I was a kid, my family had a cabin in Canada. We went to that cabin every year, usualy twice a year, from the time I was born until I was 15 or so. Going to the same spot over and over again is nothing odd to my family.



I am 24 soon to be 25 and absolutely love Disney anything. I get picked on some by friends for loving it so much. They don't understand how I can visit Disney World every year and be just as happy each time as the time before.

Do any of you get that from friends and family?

I am a 35 year male and all my co workers think I am insane when I say I'm going to WDW again.:hammer:Do you know what though - I really don't care! If your having fun and not doing anyone any harm I dont see why you should not say it with pride. Adults forget how to have fun.

Most people are actually jealous that they cant get there!!


My in-laws do NOT get it. In fact, I've heard them (jokingly?) ask my daughter if Mommy's forcing that "Evil Disney" on her. She's 2! Well, joke's on them because even though we don't force anything on her, she loves everything and anything Disney and asks us constantly when we can go to "Mickey World" (I think I had a travel channel special on a while ago and it stuck) :ROFLOL:

BTW, my husband is really into Disney too. Probably wouldn't have even dated him if he wasn't. Kind of a deal-breaker for me. :)


Well-Known Member
I am 24 soon to be 25 and absolutely love Disney anything. I get picked on some by friends for loving it so much. They don't understand how I can visit Disney World every year and be just as happy each time as the time before.

Do any of you get that from friends and family?
Yes -- some people just don't understand! :shrug:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
"Oh, but why EPCOT?That place is soooo boring!"


Yeah,I think we EPCOT people get that alot.I just shrug and say if you really appreciate the world,you would understand.That one really dumbfounds my fellow highschoolers.LOL


Account Suspended
"Oh, but why EPCOT?That place is soooo boring!"


Yeah,I think we EPCOT people get that alot.I just shrug and say if you really appreciate the world,you would understand.That one really dumbfounds my fellow highschoolers.LOL

Yeah, even among Disney-fans, the Epcot crowd is a little different. Just head to some other disney boards and the common advice from the "moms" is "skip Epcot if you have kids!"

I can't wait to see Disney owned/operated board backfire on them miserably because of who they solicited to run it. :)

Im' just sayin no one who loves alucubond is going to question a princess infatuation, but can we really say the same is true vice-versa?


Well-Known Member
At 35, Disney is my top vacation pic! My boss and co-workers love to rib me but it doesn't bother me in the least. My DH had not been to Disney since Epcot opened and went back for the first time since with me. It was absolutely fantastic. I got to see the world thru "new" eyes! He now loves it just as much as I do and he's 44. The beauty of Disney is, it does not discriminate. Everyone is welcome and anybody can get infected despite age, gender and all that other good stuff.


Well-Known Member
I am 24 soon to be 25 and absolutely love Disney anything. I get picked on some by friends for loving it so much. They don't understand how I can visit Disney World every year and be just as happy each time as the time before.

Do any of you get that from friends and family?


My advice, download and open Google Earth.
Show your friends just how big it is and give them a flyover view of the property.

I have found this the easiest way to get across that WDW is just a little bit bigger than Six Flags, etc.

Call out fun facts like "the CBR has over 2200 rooms", and "here is the 4th park, AK, that tree is made from an oil derrick and has a theatre inside its trunk."

You will end up pointing out all the fun things to do as well, like "here is where you can rent boats, or go horseback riding, oh, and here is a fun place to play golf, here is the second water park, Blizard Beach."

I've always found it flabbergasts them.

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