Do you think that Disney world will reclose its gates due to the rising number of COVID cases in Florida and around the country?


Well-Known Member
That has been their stance for decades prior to April/May of this year. So have they been lying for decades or...

This example is from 2017 many more prior

Use of face masks by well persons: CDC does not routinely recommend the use of face masks by well persons in the home or other community settings as a means of avoiding infection during influenza pandemics except under special, high-risk circumstances

Prevalence is a big factor, and we at least have vaccines to mitigate the spread of influenza. We now have a disease that is present in orders of magnitude greater numbers than when the initial recommendation was announced and no vaccine or proven medication to prevent spread. Things have changed. Recommendations need to change based on changing circumstances, and will probably continue to change as we move forward.

And this can't be stressed enough... the reason why masks are now important is to prevent the spread to other people, since COVID-19 has a particularly high viral load before symptoms even appear. All those previous recommendations (that you so helpfully quoted) were against using a mask to protect yourself, not preventing yourself from spreading a respiratory virus.

Can we please stop this "They lied!" nonsense?
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Well-Known Member
I heard a deeply concerning take on it today from a doctor. She said the deaths will trail the cases significantly right now in Florida as it will take a while for the young people to give it to parents and grandparents, then for them to become sick and sadly for some to likely die.

Usually they say deaths trail by a month. This guess was 45-60 days. I guess we'll know in a couple weeks. I certainly hope she's wrong

This will increase the death rate a bit, but not nowhere near are exponentially like it did back in March/April. Nursing homes are protected etc.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Anyone want to hunt this reseller down so we can publicly shame them? $140 for a plush, plus shipping. I would but work and kids are taking up my time today.



Active Member
Frankly....none of the “hoaxer” leaning comments have aged well.
The biggest example is how many who posted in April in May the mantra of “the cure can’t be worse than the disease!” They know who they are.

Terrible...completely incorrect and that’s dangerous.

Ban me...I’m so sad/frustrated that the country we were taught from the age of 5 we lived in...doesn’t really exist.

Everyone wants to defend “freedom”...except the freedom to speak the truth and learn from our mistakes. It’s like a mental “elephant” sitting on everyone’s neck at this point.
When perception has all the consideration and truth has almost none.
Even Disney says that on a damn near daily basis...but locals in Florida tend not to believe it...

But they will believe that every price increase is because “guests wanted it”

...World gone completely mad.

I spent 5 days around July 4th in Destin, and for those unaware, there is no pandemic on the Panhandle. Well, at least that's how 95% of people act there. I saw maybe a dozen people (besides myself) with a face mask on inside the hotel. People had no problem just cramming into the indoor hot tub or anywhere, really. It's as if it was 2019 and we had never even heard of COVID.

Needless to say, we're doing a self-imposed 14 day quarantine at home now.

It looks like this pandemic will be with us for a long time...... 😷


Well-Known Member
I spent 5 days around July 4th in Destin, and for those unaware, there is no pandemic on the Panhandle. Well, at least that's how 95% of people act there. I saw maybe a dozen people (besides myself) with a face mask on inside the hotel. People had no problem just cramming into the indoor hot tub or anywhere, really. It's as if it was 2019 and we had never even heard of COVID.

Needless to say, we're doing a self-imposed 14 day quarantine at home now.

It looks like this pandemic will be with us for a long time...... 😷

I saw a story yesterday that NY may have reached 68% immunity. If true there is reason to think the peak is behind us. Grain of salt of course. A vaccine is on the way in any case.


Well-Known Member
Anyone want to hunt this reseller down so we can publicly shame them? $140 for a plush, plus shipping. I would but work and kids are taking up my time today.

I think you posted this in the wrong thread but that is really ridiculous. I've never understood why companies with these kind of "in demand" items don't just put them up for auction on eBay themselves. Let the market set the price and cut out the broker.


Well-Known Member
Many people have said this and this statement has bothered me. I am high risk. I Have to make money too, I have to live my life too. But I can't right now. How is that right? There are millions vulnerable to this. We dont get special "vulnerable unemployment checks"

Are you being given the option to stay home from your job without pay? Do you work somewhere that wouldn't allow you to wear a mask? You don't have to answer. My father is very high risk and 65. He'd be working at a printing business right now if he wasn't retired. It was considered essential and he was a manager. He couldn't have stayed home. Lots of staff worked with him too. They have adapted every business to be as safe as possible. People at risk are working as we speak in grocery stores and hospitals. I wish some people at risk didn't feel so unprotected. I feel like businesses could never be any safer than they are but it doesn't matter if people don't trust in it.

For me, taking personal responsibility is defined by limiting risky exposures if desired and taking precautions wherever I might have to go (like work). I have a history of crippling anxiety and my progress has been demolished by covid. Getting out of the house was literally my therapy. We are all in this together.

Bless you.


Well-Known Member
Are you being given the option to stay home from your job without pay? Do you work somewhere that wouldn't allow you to wear a mask? You don't have to answer. My father is very high risk and 65. He'd be working at a printing business right now if he wasn't retired. It was considered essential and he was a manager. He couldn't have stayed home. Lots of staff worked with him too. They have adapted every business to be as safe as possible. People at risk are working as we speak in grocery stores and hospitals. I wish some people at risk didn't feel so unprotected. I feel like businesses could never be any safer than they are but it doesn't matter if people don't trust in it.

For me, taking personal responsibility is defined by limiting risky exposures if desired and taking precautions wherever I might have to go (like work). I have a history of crippling anxiety and my progress has been demolished by covid. Getting out of the house was literally my therapy. We are all in this together.

Bless you.
Going to Disney yesterday was ultra therapy for me :) and it was super safe, I liked how clean it was from getting other illnesses I guess that is one benefit.


Well-Known Member
It's a great show. My favorite Star Trek, BY FAR.

But all this praise for it is making we want to play Devil's Advocate.

So here is my DS9 nitpick: All the fight scenes where a two-handed punch to the back immediately renders the bad guys totally unconscious!
Horde of attacking Klingons with swords? One little punch routinely disables each one completely. Genetically engineered Jem Hadar soldiers? Guess they have a secret weakness of getting knocked unconscious by a quick two-handed punch.

Apparently, I'm not the only one nitpicking the two-handed punch.. often used by Kira Nyres:

Your not going to convince me with those couple of things. Kira was a bad a.. and only needed to 2 handed punch. 🙂


Well-Known Member
I saw a story yesterday that NY may have reached 68% immunity. If true there is reason to think the peak is behind us. Grain of salt of course. A vaccine is on the way in any case.
NYT article on July 9 reported 68% of those tested at one clinic in one neighborhood in Queen had antibodies. Some other clinics reported high numbers as well.That’s diff than % herd immunity.

edited to fix typos


Well-Known Member
Therein lies the difference. Sick versus healthy. Symptomatic versus no symptoms at all. We will eventually have to go back to life. Do you really think the community at large will be able to stay home once the usual viruses come to call again? Every child will stay home with every sniffle even though they average 5 or more illnesses a year?? Are we going to apply the selfish badge to anyone who infects anyone with anything ever? People are blasting perfectly healthy people just for wanting to go to a movie theatre with a mask on. Is this shame game going be applied to every other virus too? Hey, I'm a germaphobe. I'd love it if people would stop spreading all germs forever but good luck with that.

It's fairly obvious that most parents often brought known sick kids to school pre-covid. Nobody gave a second thought about who it could harm. They'd argue it was unrealistic to avoid germs (and they're right) . If every life is worth the sacrifice of others not living their lives, how do we navigate the other viruses that lurk ? Those don't count? Someone could be endagered by any sickness. Where does the buck stop? This is why personal responsibility is the way through any fear or risk. I choose not to attend parties in the winter. I consciously understand that I'm always taking a risk doing anything.

We could balance this whole thing out with common sense precautions instead of shut downs. I'm impressed with how businesses have adapted. We went to freaking Ben and Jerry's and eveything was made so safe. It was great. My son did great with the mask and I knew this could be the norm for a lot of places. We still had a fun day. Can you believe it? 😉
I’m not talking about lockdowns or community-wides action. I am talking about individuals and organizations. Yes, absolutely, people who have symptoms of a contagious illness should work from home. Companies should strive to change their culture and policies to make this the norm if not required. Even something like a cold should at least have people wearing a mask.

The same is true for schools. It should not be socially acceptable to send sick kids to school. For something like a cold that kid should be expected to wear a mask. Organizations should update their policies to better support parents with sick children.

You should not have to avoid social situations because others are selfish and acting irresponsibly. They are the ones who are ill and the primary onus is on them, the contagious individual, and not others to mitigate spread.


Well-Known Member
NYT article on July 9 reported 68% of those tested at one clinic in one neighborhood in Queen had antibodies. Som either clinics reported high numbers. That’s diff than % herd immunity.

Even then at those percentages the hospitals should be overflowing by huge numbers. But not saying people shouldn't take precautions. Just offering a little light at the end of the tunnel.


Well-Known Member
Going to Disney yesterday was ultra therapy for me :) and it was super safe, I liked how clean it was from getting other illnesses I guess that is one benefit.

I'm so happy to hear that. It felt so good just popping into Oshkosh for some shoes in my little town. I hadn't been out to see for myself that it's okay to do these things. It really is. Everyone was wearing a mask and the workers were so friendly. Disney must have been like that on steroids.


Active Member
Some immigrant families I know are very close to their parents and grandparents. Some all live in the same town/city and do have regular contact. ( ie Florida ).

Not only living close to, but many live in the same households. Some of those grandparents are care-givers while parents work. One of the many things I'm concerned about when it comes to schools reopening in person.


Well-Known Member
Not only living close to, but many live in the same households. Some of those grandparents are care-givers while parents work. One of the many things I'm concerned about when it comes to schools reopening in person.
True and some immigrant 20 to 30 something age bracket live with their families including grandparents until they move out of the house ( ie getting married ) .


Well-Known Member
I'm so happy to hear that. It felt so good just popping into Oshkosh for some shoes in my little town. I hadn't been out to see for myself that it's okay to do these things. It really is. Everyone was wearing a mask and the workers were so friendly. Disney must have been like that on steroids.
Yes, recommend bringing multiple disposable medical masks, when one gets all sweaty etc. you can jsut pull out a new one, much more refreshing

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