And I can kind of identify with the meal thing, too. I wonder, if instead of doing the dining plan and having a different TS meal every day, perhaps on the next trip, we should just plan one or two must do TS meals and then wing it on the rest of the meals of the trip; whenever we get the hankering to eat, we decide then where we want to eat. We could do this by either not doing the DDP at all, and just eating whatever CS meals suit our fancy at the time, or we could do the DDP but just decide on the fly which restararunt suits us at the time (although going this route leaves the possibility of the restaraunts having no availability).
***That's what we usually do. There were times this year where we were like "I could just eat a snack and be good for the evening but here we are at 8PM off to Boma." Usually in years passed we would do what you mentioned. What DID make it all worth it was the Food and Wine Fest as we had 16 snacks left and we shared everything we ate so we tried all the foods we wanted. Never thought about restaurants not having availability, that never happened to us and we usually go in July, but this time we noticed how full they got.***
Anyway, some ideas I have for restoring the magic on the next trip include the above (not making an ironclad itinerary, including meals), just being spontaneous and doing what we feel like doing at the time, as well as trying to give as little thought to the trip as possible in the months leading up to it. I kind of think that if you just book your trip and do the necessary planning in the time leading up to it, and then put it out of your mind and focus on your daily life, rather than a future trip, then when the trip arrives, you will enjoy it that much more. I know it's easier said than done, because I have an obsessive personality and it's hard not to go into total planning mode. But I seriously think that overplanning and dwelling on the trip too much is a big part of what ruins the magic once you get there. At least for me.
***What makes it so fun our first time is that we didn't know anything, so it was all a surprise. The 2nd time we did anything we missed and also wandered around finding all the secret stuff like the hidden movie theater. This time it was just a repeat, like we go here, now we go here, "oh look HM has no line and we just rode it but its my favorite so let's go 2 more times."***
And you may be onto something when you mention going every two years. I always said that I would love to go to WDW every year if funds would allow it (even twice a year if funds would allow it). Now I'm not so sure. When my wife and I went on our honeymoon, it was awesome. But that was my first time back to the MK since 2000 and the first time to Epcot since 1987 and the first time ever for everything else. And there was something very special about being there with my new wife, and enjoying our first trip together. It was like "hey this is awesome! I'm at WDW with my new wife!". But after going back several times and over obsessing about the trip each time, it's like I was trying to fight to keep the magic alive this last time, and almost like "ya, here we are at WDW...AGAIN!". :lol: So next time we go, I don't want to dwell on the upcoming trip every day for a year. I don't want to carry my planning guide to work with me everyday and thumb through on my breaks. I don't want to browse over my itinerary every day. I don't want to have a particular restaraunt lined up for every single day. I just want to go about my life until the trip, then enjoy it once it arrives and hopefully the magic will be back in full swing.
***I usually obsess too so it will be hard to go back and wing it, especially after 2 years.***