Beauty and the Beast,” the studio’s latest live-action update of a cartoon classic, waltzed its way to a towering $170 million debut this weekend, setting a new record for a March opening and solidifying the Mouse House’s status as the dominant player in the film business.
Sixty percent of ticket buyers were female, while families accounted for half of the opening weekend audience. Children under 12 made up 22% of the crowd, while people between the ages of 26 and 34, the same demographic reared on the animated film, comprised 21% of the audience.
Disney’s big-screen remake of
Beauty and the Beast is on track to become the most successful live-action movie musical of all time, raking in an estimated $170 million in its opening weekend.
That summer-sized box office take makes the film the most successful March opening in history, and the seventh-largest film opening ever. Internationally,
Beauty and the Beast earned another $180 million, bringing the global gross to $350 million.
Directed by Bill Condon, the film can expect to overtake the highest-grossing movie musical, 1978’s
Grease ($188 million lifetime gross) within days. The other top movie musicals domestically are the Oscar-winning
Chicago at $170.6 million,
La La Land at $149 million,
Les Misérables at $148 million and
Mamma Mia! at $144 million.