Disney(World) vs. Disney(land)?


Well-Known Member
Let's just agree that we have had different experiences with the uber wealthy and apparently you've met the better group with humble beginnings. One would hope they'd remember that and help you if you need it (although this is America and no one should ever get help ... rugged individuals, after all.)



Well-Known Member
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Wow. You can cut the magic in this thread with a knife.


I am feeling very MAGICal.

In the next three weeks I'll be at DL and WDW ... and Knott's ... and UNI-FL and maybe BGT ... and I think I'm taking a Disney Cruise in April. I am doing all of the above, well the Disney stuff, because I hate Disney. Plain and simple. I just am such a no lifer. Gee, I wonder if Bob and Willow will be at the Emmys this year? Would love to get my picture taken with them and put it on my Spirited Christmas Card.


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That said, yes....there is early, basic work being done in preparation for the Avatar project. Doesn't mean the actual project is on schedule, chugging along, or in a holding pattern.

Yes, because prep work wasn't done for the Monsters coaster ... or monorail expansion ... or a DVC where the Four Seasons is going up or dozens of major projects.

Talked to someone of note in LA about the Avatar films, and was told they're a trainwreck right now. Never really got into any theme park angle. But you really think Cameron is putting that first or just signing off on whatever WDI does?

That's not the man.


Well-Known Member
Bless, jt posted it twice. As if it is the real truth.

So what is the real truth? :rolleyes:

Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere but I was just wondering something. Avatarland has been rumoured to be in trouble for a couple of months now and over the past couple of weeks more, seemingly serious rumours have begun to swirl regarding Carsland being brought to DHS. Is that a result of Avatarland being in trouble (allegedly) and Disney deciding to reallocate some of that budget to Carsland? Or will Carsland, if it does get build, have no impact on Avatarland?


Well-Known Member
So what is the real truth? :rolleyes:

Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere but I was just wondering something. Avatarland has been rumoured to be in trouble for a couple of months now and over the past couple of weeks more, seemingly serious rumours have begun to swirl regarding Carsland being brought to DHS. Is that a result of Avatarland being in trouble (allegedly) and Disney deciding to reallocate some of that budget to Carsland? Or will Carsland, if it does get build, have no impact on Avatarland?

The truth is no one knows for sure. This is what I know as 100% fact Jim Cameron isn't happy with the way things are going.He's very meticulous. He's not afraid to start from scratch,even if a project is already in the production phase. His effects house also filed for bankruptcy today and they have a somewhat large input into the upcoming Avatar attractions. Does this mean it won't happen,no. Does this mean it's having growing pains,yes. As far as Carsland I think we will get this no matter what happens with avatar.


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Don't agree. Plus we forget what Disney produced during that time period not directly tied to construction.

Built the most advanced omnimover yet..
Produced not one, but multiple large format 70mm films...
Produced cutting edge computer animation..
Designed entirely new centralized show control
Designed the trackless theater for energy
Created the largest AAs built to date
Built some of the largest AA shows to date
Built new AA concepts like the walking Franklin and changing sets

Epcot demonstrated not so much the speed of the company but the insane ambition the company had and the nuts to set the opening date and stick to it before they even knew what they were building.

The boldness of what was tackled then and the sheer scale in terms of world firsts... All tackled simultaneously is what makes Epcot really the pinnacle of Disney theme park vision.

Since then Disney may have built prettier things, but no where have they come close to tackling problems and goals as grand as Epcot. And to do those things at that kind of pace really makes the current Disney look foolish.

I don't know even if there's much worth adding except the scope of the project was unprecedented and the technologies used were all (or mostly) incredibly cutting edge. Everyone takes touch screens, for example, for granted because you use one 27 hours a day if you have an iPhone. But in 1982, to be able to touch a screen for information just was space age stuff. To be able to talk to anothet person by doing so, even more so (no, kids, cell phone didn't exist back then either ... they had these things called phone booths ..).

Everything from show ops computers to the lasers in the lagoon shows was stuff that hadn't been done anywhere, let alone on the magnitude that Disney did.

And all of it happened when TDL was ALSO being built a world away (when Disney had no real international experience) ... when DL had the entire Fantasyland behind construction walls (no, MK's project is nothing compared to what was done then) ... when the luxury flagship hotel was being planned for WDW ... etc.

Just an amazing time.

So to think that in this era where blueprints can be pulled up on tablets on the work site by dozens of people at once ... when Imagineers can see into an attraction/land/park before dirt is ever turned with tech ... well, nothing being done in FL right now remotely impresses me much. Making Fantasyland prettier and taking five years to do so is really small 'taters.

It was more than that. Just mere months before opening... Entire pavilions had not even broken ground.. Communicore went up in weeks!

With all the digital design and computer aided design Disney can do now.. They still can't design or build anywhere near the pace the company should be able to. They are bloated and take longer than ever to complete simply projects.

They can still decorate almost the entire park in one night.. But it takes them upwards of two years to clear an old building and build new bathrooms..

Yes. These bathroom excitment threads are becoming too much. Do you recall 2009's deal over the Skyway Station in T-land and the bathrooms and even a planter?

It's OK as a fan to say 'WDW is boring me to hell right now so much so that I am actually wasting lifetime writing about restrooms on a fan discussion forum.'' Doesn't mean you're spitting on Walt -- or at Bob.


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In their defense, the stock is doing well. Idiots may not be the right term. Maybe short-sited money grabbers with no interest in resurrecting the Magic?

That shows the problem with Wall Street and one that so many Americans don't grasp and need to wake up to.

What's good for Wall Street is absolutely not good for Main Street or Main Street USA.


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Based on no formal charges of wrong doing. No convictions by a jury.

Are they guilty of doing unpopular things? Yes. Are they guilty of profiting illegally. No.

Maybe I've missed something (or someone said something in another thread etc), but I don't know anyone has ever accused any WDW execs of anything illegal. Being greedy, immoral, unethical and not very talented isn't illegal, Wall Street loves that behavior!


Well-Known Member
The truth is no one knows for sure. This is what I know as 100% fact Jim Cameron isn't happy with the way things are going.He's very meticulous. He's not afraid to start from scratch,even if a project is already in the production phase. His effects house also filed for bankruptcy today and they have a somewhat large input into the upcoming Avatar attractions. Does this mean it won't happen,no. Does this mean it's having growing pains,yes. As far as Carsland I think we will get this no matter what happens with avatar.

I know, just curious whether Carsland might be an and/or deal in relation to Avatar. Either way I'm hoping something begins to happen at DHS relatively soon.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I've missed something (or someone said something in another thread etc), but I don't know anyone has ever accused any WDW execs of anything illegal. Being greedy, immoral, unethical and not very talented isn't illegal, Wall Street loves that behavior!
It seems to me they have raid the coffers mentality. It's sad because look at all the great companies this has happened to and they never recovered


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Are you referring to Stacey Snyder


But I 'may' be talking about Stacey Snider ... or someone else ...

Sorry, but misspellings on names drives me batty. I think 80% of the people here still don't know how to spell John LASSETER or Joe ROHDE correctly.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I've missed something (or someone said something in another thread etc), but I don't know anyone has ever accused any WDW execs of anything illegal. Being greedy, immoral, unethical and not very talented isn't illegal, Wall Street loves that behavior!

I made the same point earlier. There is a saying in Law that describes WDW management and their impact on WDW..."Res ipsa locquiter"..."the thing speaks for itself."
That shows the problem with Wall Street and one that so many Americans don't grasp and need to wake up to.

What's good for Wall Street is absolutely not good for Main Street or Main Street USA.

Wall Street is all about Gordon Gecko's 'greed is good' creed and that will destroy a whole lot more than theme parks if it continues. Great story in Rolling Stone about good old Wall Street and a dude whose name rhymes with Pitt.

I disagree. I don't think any prudent person could deny the benefits and wealth corporate America and Wall Street have provided for the people of this country.

I think the issues seen on Wall Street and TDO are separate.


Well-Known Member
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So what is the real truth? :rolleyes:

Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere but I was just wondering something. Avatarland has been rumoured to be in trouble for a couple of months now and over the past couple of weeks more, seemingly serious rumours have begun to swirl regarding Carsland being brought to DHS. Is that a result of Avatarland being in trouble (allegedly) and Disney deciding to reallocate some of that budget to Carsland? Or will Carsland, if it does get build, have no impact on Avatarland?

The real truth isn't known right now. Everything I hear is that much is in flux ... but Avatar has been, is and will likely continue to be a troubled project. Can't tell what that means for anything else just yet.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It seems to me they have raid the coffers mentality. It's sad because look at all the great companies this has happened to and they never recovered

I think a few hundred posts back I listed many great American names ... iconic BRANDS that either no longer exist or are shells of what they once were.

I truly believe that many fans think WDW or TWDC is going to be around forever just because it has been during their lifetimes.

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