Disney ( World ) vs. Disney ( Land )? - Jim Hills Thoughts

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I think I'll wait and see on that rather than offer anything definite; looking back over the article I saw that JH didn't include it in the list of stuff that's just opened or is coming to WDW. Given it's an article that is pro-WDW's spending right now, I assumed he would mention the millions of dollars set aside to be spent on the development and imminent construction.


Well-Known Member
So as a Disney shareholder, if I was to complain that spending 100 million on next gen fastpass should have went to fixing up a few rides to make me want to visit the parks more make me a bad person?


Well-Known Member
Jim Hill is a company man and huffing some pretty powerful pixie dust in the same vain as Capt. Smurf - probably stronger - I sometimes think that when you get him slightly to go off key he can be interesting. But his entire article is deceptive like himself - he is a company man who writes articles, like this one, in his pro company stance to gain more media invites, gain more clicks and most of all to gain more ad revenue.

Reinvestment is good - if it is used sensibility like I don't know keeping the old Disney rule in effect of SHOW BEING MORE IMPORTANT THAN EFFICIENCY, otherwise you wouldn't have people complaining about broken AA, effects being switched off, etc. Because without care for what you have is an amusement park.

Otherwise he would notice that TDA seemingly has a great passion for the product and has vision for the resort then look at TDO, which is a bunch of myopic bean counter pocket book protector wearing morons who couldn't see vision if it slapped them on the rear end and say 'You've pulled'.

So then what is the huge draw for each park Mr. Hill is it the 'New, new but not really new Fantasyland expansion - with its French but not French restaurant, or is it the new expansion but not really of Fastamic arena in DHS. Because people didn't complain that DM at UNI wasn't an E-ticket, instead they loved it as a new attraction, to ya know freshen the place up. But I'm sure people inside the company are begging you to big up the Next Gen as well as the FP+ program as the next huge draw for visitors, and their ADD and OCD families.


Well-Known Member
By neglecting to mention a huge, costly expansion that Disney is hoping will be a counter to TWWOHP's success at Universal in an article where he is talking up WDW's current and future spending on improving the resort? Maybe he is being clever or, maybe, he knows something that we don't. Just playing Devil's Advocate here but if I were lauding WDW right now I would probably mention a multi-million dollar expansion of this scale, one that should be opening in a few years.


Well-Known Member
By neglecting to mention a huge, costly expansion that Disney is hoping will be a counter to TWWOHP's success at Universal in an article where he is talking up WDW's current and future spending on improving the resort? Maybe he is being clever or, maybe, he knows something that we don't. Just playing Devil's Advocate here but if I were lauding WDW right now I would probably mention a multi-million dollar expansion of this scale, one that should be opening in a few years.
Mentioning such rumors would be the opposite of the intention of the article. It is supposed to shut up "fanbois" by calling us idiots who do not appreciate what we are getting. Jim gets some good stories, but they come at a price, and that price is occasionally running pieces that either seek to diminish the reputation of Walt-era Disney and/or insulting the fans who keep him in business.


Well-Known Member
You will not spend the same amount of cash to fix up 1 house as you would 2.
So to say they spread the same amount of cash over a much larger amount of land is a stupid argument. For size reason WDW should have 3-4 times the amount of cash spent then DL. WDW makes much more money than DL so they should invest more not the same.

Each property at WDW should be looked at as if the others were not there. Not building any major rides in EP, HS and AK except for every 3-4 years is sick.

I agree, if you own 2 houses you should keep them just as spiffy as if you only owned 1. If you can only afford to keep one from rotting, then you shouldn't be owning 2 in the first place.


Jim Hill said:
My advice is just ignore people like this. If Walt Disney Parks and Resorts only built E Tickets in Orlando from here on in, these very same fanbois would still somehow find something else to complain about. That's just the way that they're wired. These people can't help themselves. All they can ever see (and all they're ever going to see) are Disney's supposed shortcomings.
Hey...that right there is hitting a little close to home.
Might need to have a word with Mr. Hill...

Suffice to say, I disagree with that article on many, many points.


Well-Known Member
i know what jim is trying to say in this article, but it's chalk full of false equivolancies.

i don't want an e-ticket on every inch of the park. i'd just like disney to not allow places go neglected, parks to devolve into quarter day experiences (especially for repeat guests), and to see the old standard of disney customer service. not asking a ton.

at the very least, jim's article shows that WDW management has their priorities a little skewed. more important: fast pass plus or reopening closed and/or hard-to-stomach attractions (i'm lookin' at you future world)?


Active Member
Well,this is Mr.Hill's opinion.
I don't really agree with him and some of the points. He mentioned Fantasyland Expansion. Which is right,we are getting that but he started bring up like Agent P's World Showcase,Sorcerer's,little things like that. Which i don't agree that those cost that much money to put in the parks.


Well-Known Member
What confused me the most about the article was the use of the word "fanboi". A fanboi is someone who believes Disney can do no wrong (you know, like Jim Hill). Yet Jim Hill uses the term meaning the exact opposite. Am I missing something or is Jim Hill completely clueless?

P.S. I found his attempt to compare the AOA, GF DVC, and Golden Oak real estate money grabs to the DCA expansion to be patently offensive. The last two in particular represent what is so wrong at WDW today.

Rose Marie

See my response above, but the amount of smooching he is doing to Tom Staggs in that article, you'd think he was paying for Hill's daughter to go through school.
Woah there, slow your roll fanboi, you aren't showing proper reverence to the second coming of Walt and the Messiah of the Magic Kingdom, Mr. Tom Staggs (new Chairman of the Walt Disney Company Parks & Resorts division) who insisted on pumping more money into the FLE. May the Savior of the minetrain live forever to bring us new and imaginative experiences.

Fanbois never appreciate anything. :rolleyes:

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
What confused me the most about the article was the use of the word "fanboi". A fanboi is someone who believes Disney can do no wrong (you know, like Jim Hill). Yet Jim Hill uses the term meaning the exact opposite. Am I missing something or is Jim Hill completely clueless?

I definitely noticed this too. Those who are claimed to be "never satisfied" aren't fanbois. Those who do the opposite, are. I don't know what he was talking about but he got it wrong, for sure.


Well-Known Member
I also think it is invalid to compare expenditures between the two resorts in absolute terms. Disneyworld and Disneyland have two different budgets and make two different amounts of money. Saying a 500 mil investment in Disneyland is equivalent to a 500 mil investment spread out across the entire WDW property is like comparing apples and oranges.


Well-Known Member
I also think it is invalid to compare expenditures between the two resorts in absolute terms. Disneyworld and Disneyland have two different budgets and make two different amounts of money. Saying a 500 mil investment in Disneyland is equivalent to a 500 mil investment spread out across the entire WDW property is like comparing apples and oranges.
I don't believe numbers are publicly available but it would be extremely interesting to compare revenue & profits at the WDW and DL resorts.


Premium Member
What confused me the most about the article was the use of the word "fanboi". A fanboi is someone who believes Disney can do no wrong (you know, like Jim Hill). Yet Jim Hill uses the term meaning the exact opposite. Am I missing something or is Jim Hill completely clueless?

P.S. I found his attempt to compare the AOA, GF DVC, and Golden Oak real estate money grabs to the DCA expansion to be patently offensive. The last two in particular represent what is so wrong at WDW today.

Good point. He definitely picked the wrong word. Before I started coming here I thought fanboi was just for people who were Apple geeks and had to have everything Apple. The i instead of the y since everything Apple is i-something. I'm not much up on theses terms anymore I guess.

The one point that he makes that is valid is that WDW is substantially larger and has much more infrastructure to maintain. It's still not an excuse, but I am a believer that WDW grew too fast in the 1990s and we had a decade + of adjustment because of it. You could easily spend $1 billion on each park and another on hotels and DTD area just to get things up to standard without really expanding anything. People will point out that the FLE is not really an expansion, it's just enhancing an area that already existed. I know it's partially their fault for not keeping up maintenance and cutting costs to preserve profit margins, but part of the problem is they are a victim of their own aggressive growth.


Well-Known Member
Golden Oaks & GF DVC are real estate development and would not represent a true capital expenditure - they are building to resell and quickly recover the cash...

I don't really want to add to the post count on this thread, but that's a very good -- and key -- point.

Real estate doesn't equate with fresh cutting edge immersive family themed entertainment experiences. Disney has forgotten that.

Hill hasn't, but he needs the attention.


Well-Known Member
TWDC has already proven they are willing to invest as they deem necessary. Obviously they do not have to bow to whatever is in TDO's contracts. Disney is opening two new venues and countless smaller adds to the MK in the next few months. In addition, they are building Pandora at DAK. In addition they have expanded WDI's facilities and brought in new WDI management to oversee whatever it is they are cooking up.

And we are still talking about a management structure that no longer exists the way it once did? Sorry but I am not that foolish.

You want to explain how you believe the management structure isn't the same as it once was? Are you comparing it to 1979's ... or 2002's?


Well-Known Member
What confused me the most about the article was the use of the word "fanboi". A fanboi is someone who believes Disney can do no wrong (you know, like Jim Hill). Yet Jim Hill uses the term meaning the exact opposite. Am I missing something or is Jim Hill completely clueless?

He used that term because it is used in Glendale ... of course, it's been that way as far back as the 90s and he's never used it before ... I use it all the time. I wear it as badge of honor because I know it isn't meant to be.

P.S. I found his attempt to compare the AOA, GF DVC, and Golden Oak real estate money grabs to the DCA expansion to be patently offensive. The last two in particular represent what is so wrong at WDW today.

He intended it that way. He has gone from near the top of the Disney online community to somewhere slightly below a typical Mommy Blogger from Iowa. He needs attention and clicks or the invites will stop (as they did for him for quite a while).


Well-Known Member
Actually Jim Hill has posted here once....I remember because it was in a thread that I started about the Disney airport that never came to be.


OK. Two posts on one thread five and a half years ago (when he was basically drowning in obscurity!)

I stand corrected. But I'd LOVE if he posted here. Steve probably would be too because the click count would go through the roof when Jimbo and I started going at it!
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