Brian Noble
Well-Known Member
You can get away with "the few, the proud, look how special you are even though we don't pay well" when it really is "the few". But, WDW employed 58 THOUSAND people in 2006. To keep that size of an enterprise going, even in the Orlando metro area (with a non-farm labor force of just over 1M people), you pretty much have to hire anyone you can.Doesn't anyone remember the 'Disney Difference?'
It was an honor to be employed by the mouse and everyone knew it. They had the best, expected the best and they charged guests accordingly.
Somewhere down the line the difference was thrown out.
I was just having this conversation online with someone on another forum just yesterday. Frankly, I'm amazed that the Cast perform as well as they do given the fact that a 7-day base ticket costs just a little bit less than a week of take-home pay for a full-time CM.