News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more


Well-Known Member

Also fact - if you want to continue enjoying trips to WDW, cast need to be able to afford to work there.

Funny how you keep dodging the one thing I'm trying to point out to you in this discussion.

Union and company negotiating soon both parties to compromise cast will approve contract , rinse and repeat every few years. Landlords waiting to raise that rent again that's for certain.


Well-Known Member
Nice assumption " if everyone did this, WDW operating etc ". Myself and others merely explained options to get out of paying current rent where cast are currently at.

What exactly do you think is happening? People are using those options. And what it results in is longer hours, less money, and unhappier cast members, or cast members finding similar paying jobs much closer to where they live. Some people really like their job, and are trying to get more money to make up for the much longer time spent commuting, or to move a bit closer, or get a bit more privacy.


Well-Known Member
What exactly do you think is happening? People are using those options. And what it results in is longer hours, less money, and unhappier cast members, or cast members finding similar paying jobs much closer to where they live. Some people really like their job, and are trying to get more money to make up for the much longer time spent commuting, or to move a bit closer, or get a bit more privacy.
Don't you know they should have to suffer. They are only cm's, they shouldn't expect any kind of quality of life(insert sarcasm here).


Well-Known Member
I dont think this was meant as you took it. There's a few people who seem to lack any empathy for cm's who are clearly struggling. They just want their fun and couldn't care less about the people who are actually making it special.
More than a lack of empathy, if you are working an “entry level” or “non-skilled” job and you are over the age of 18 you are apparently non-motivated, lazy, or just plain stupid according to some posters.
Happens often on here, unfortunately.

This forum has many who are old, entitled, out of touch armchair speculators that expect the world out of Cast Members while simultaneously berating them from their cushy, easy office jobs.
I'm all for the cast members organizing and hope they succeed in significantly improving their pay and benefits. But I don't think "unskilled" is a term of abuse or that it means that somehow a job is easy. Garbage collecting is an unskilled job but harder than hell and I sure wouldn't want to do it. But I guess these days you have to use euphemisms for any terms that somebody somewhere somehow objects to.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for the cast members organizing and hope they succeed in significantly improving their pay and benefits. But I don't think "unskilled" is a term of abuse or that it means that somehow a job is easy. Garbage collecting is an unskilled job but harder than hell and I sure wouldn't want to do it. But I guess these days you have to use euphemisms for any terms that somebody somewhere somehow objects to.
You are right. I am a garbage collector or as we prefer sanitation workers lol. It is unskilled other than we need a cdl but it is not easy. Thpugh alot of my coworkers dont like being called unskilled. Luckily I work for nyc so we get paid very well and get a pension after 20 years. And here these cm's are fighting for just a dollar more and people think they should just suffer.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for the cast members organizing and hope they succeed in significantly improving their pay and benefits. But I don't think "unskilled" is a term of abuse or that it means that somehow a job is easy. Garbage collecting is an unskilled job but harder than hell and I sure wouldn't want to do it. But I guess these days you have to use euphemisms for any terms that somebody somewhere somehow objects to.
Besides your post describing garage collecting as unskilled I don't recall another poster using unskilled as a description. I would think " no experience necessary " is a good description of a role being advertised but there will always be an apple in the bunch complaining about that description of a role.


Well-Known Member
You are right. I am a garbage collector or as we prefer sanitation workers lol. It is unskilled other than we need a cdl but it is not easy. Thpugh alot of my coworkers dont like being called unskilled. Luckily I work for nyc so we get paid very well and get a pension after 20 years. And here these cm's are fighting for just a dollar more and people think they should just suffer.
Getting paid well is very true. I slept about 10 min an entire night staying in an apt in midtown NYC with all the noises of the city including the sanitation workers doing their roles outside my window at 3am.


Well-Known Member
If you need a CDL it’s definitely not an unskilled job.

I would argue that no job is “unskilled” its an outdated term that needs to go away.

Any guest facing job at Disney requires skills in customer service.
Guest facing roles require speaking English also. Some non guest facing roles does not.


Well-Known Member
Someone please fact check me on this, but I heard it’s written in the “union” contracts that the cast members are not allowed to strike?

Oh yea, how silly of me, I forgot, the union’s only job is to take union dues..


Well-Known Member
WDW is in a very rare situation that most other companies do not enjoy. Disney can pay its workers horribly....because so many people "want" to work there. Yes, even though the pay is terrible, people suck it up and continue applying for these jobs. How many other companies are "that" atteactive to people while offering lousy pay?

It's people specifically move to Orlando to get a low paying job at WDW because they think that working at WDW will be emjoyable?
In my getting to know cast while visiting the parks I met many cast with various backgrounds
Husband and wife work to support a family and enjoy almost every day off playing in the parks
CP happy to be working in food and beverage and partying with other CPs in CP housing and playing in the parks
Retired school teacher and cop both collecting pensions from working up North but bored at home and happy to work part time at the parks and enjoying the free passes perks
A CM working in housekeeping barely speaks English but happy to be living and working in the USA
The list can go on and on.


Well-Known Member
If you need a CDL it’s definitely not an unskilled job.

I would argue that no job is “unskilled” its an outdated term that needs to go away.

Any guest facing job at Disney requires skills in customer service.

Well said.
I think entry level vs not is a better way to put it if nothing other than a few soft skills required. Obviously CDL is not entry level.
And on the side of for better pay, Since Disney demands and delivers the best service for a resort. They should certainly be competitive to the best pay.

Honestly as important as the pay are the culture and benefits. It would not take much more pay for me to return to work in the industry compared to teaching, but the hostile culture environment from within is something I would never return to.
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Well-Known Member
Someone please fact check me on this, but I heard it’s written in the “union” contracts that the cast members are not allowed to strike?

Oh yea, how silly of me, I forgot, the union’s only job is to take union dues..

Labor contracts will often have a no strike clause that can be enforced during the terms of the contract.

The previous contract between the unions and Disney expired in October. Hence the reason they are now in negotiations for a new contract. Both sides can agree to honor the terms of the previous contract while the new one is being negotiated, but such agreements can also expire or be based on conditions such as both sides continuing negotiations.

Depending on where they are in the negotiation and/or what the union has agreed to, the no-strike clause could expire.


Well-Known Member
Well said.
I think entry level vs not is a better way to put it if nothing other than a few soft skills required. Obviously CDL is not entry level.
And on the side of for better pay, Since Disney demands and delivers the best service for a resort. They should certainly be competitive to the best pay.

Honestly as important as the pay are the culture and benefits. It would not take much more pay for me to return to work in the industry compared to teaching, but the hostile culture environment from within is something I would never return to.
Yes, they by and large provide a well above average guest experience and should be compensated fairly.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Disney cast members are also held to higher standards, scrutinizer over, and expected more of than ANY other theme park employee. For Disney to not recognize this and at least match Universal is absolutely insulting and shows the contempt Disney has for its' employees. I also love that the brief facade Iger enjoyed as the "Disney savior" is quickly crumbling. Everyone seemed to forget that most of the company's problems stem from him, but maybe now they'll start remembering.


Premium Member
Well said.
I think entry level vs not is a better way to put it if nothing other than a few soft skills required.

What do you call an ‘entry level’ job that people keep for 10plus years?? The reason it’s considered entry level is because someone can fill it without a lot of experience- and also what makes it pay less than more experienced roles.

But entry level could mean junior sales person’, or ‘mechanics apprentice’. Or even ‘financial analyst’. That’s why it’s not a good descriptor for off the street hourly jobs that require no specific experience or training- just be employable and willing to meet the job expectations.

The reason ‘unskilled labor’ is used is because it describes the pre-requisites for the job - not because it describes the job itself.

Another reason ‘entry level’ is a horrible description for front line CMs is… then what do you say to the person who has been doing that ‘entry level’ job for 10yrs? Then people would have to face the discussion about why their pay should not grow endlessly with their tenure


Well-Known Member
What do you call an ‘entry level’ job that people keep for 10plus years?? The reason it’s considered entry level is because someone can fill it without a lot of experience- and also what makes it pay less than more experienced roles.

But entry level could mean junior sales person’, or ‘mechanics apprentice’. Or even ‘financial analyst’. That’s why it’s not a good descriptor for off the street hourly jobs that require no specific experience or training- just be employable and willing to meet the job expectations.

The reason ‘unskilled labor’ is used is because it describes the pre-requisites for the job - not because it describes the job itself.

Another reason ‘entry level’ is a horrible description for front line CMs is… then what do you say to the person who has been doing that ‘entry level’ job for 10yrs? Then people would have to face the discussion about why their pay should not grow endlessly with their tenure
Entry level still applies to your first part. Just because someone keeps the entry level.role. for ten years doesn't mean they are irreplaceable. There is a small.amojnt of merit pay for their seniority.
Even when a job could replace someone they don't want to as each time costs money.
The role itself is still entry level and is the most curious and honest term I can think of.

Furthermore, this goes beyond Entry Level. For example, I am currently an educator. I get paid what I get paid regardless of my years at this point, however, I can move up if I take more college credits and training to move up in the pay scale. Just teaching for ten years will not do it.

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