Disney Plans Gentler Mission: Space


Well-Known Member
kcnole said:
Ok, that's it. If I continue in this thread I'm going to get a concussion from banging my head against a wall.

They're not neutering a good ride. They're taking 1 or 2 pods which are almost never used and making then a no spin option for those who can't ride it. The good ride is still there running in the same capacity that it has always run. If they have a day where there's going to be enough demand for all 4 pods running at normal strength they can bring them all up. So in what way have they neutered a ride for anyone who wants the normal ride?


I'm out. It's obvious what people have already made up their mind without once truly examining the logistics that go into this. No one who wants the normal ride will lose that. Those who can't handle the normal ride get a version. Both sides can be happy, but for some reason one side isn't. I don't get it at all.

You and I are on the same page with this one and I have the same feeling you do :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick:


imagineersrock said:
So if a child in the same boat as you throws up the next time you are on Pirates of The Caribbean, will you and your fiance HATE that ride with a passion, and never go on it again?

Your argument makes little sense.

It's okay not to like an attraction, like Mission: Space for example... but to say you HATE an attraction because of something that happened to someone in the same pod with you on one occasion just doesn't add up.

I've seen people throw up while walking down the sidewalk before, but I have not now become a "big hater" of sidewalks.

Sorry My argument is bad, but I left out the part about not liking being trapped next to vomit, I don't like being in tight places, and yes I've seen people throw up on other rides, but when it's your first ride and it makes you feel sick, you tend to not want to go on it again. The sidewalk I could walk away from, but I had to wait to get away from the vomit. Sorry, this is just one of the rides I don't really like, I guess HATE was too strong of a word. :o


New Member
jmvd20 said:
Look I am not trying to be argumentative here but the fact still remains that you have no clue how much motion the ride is capable of and neither do I. All I am saying is let WDW finish the ride prior to criticizing it.

It's not like they're going to make the pods go upside down or anything too crazy like that.

The most it can do is tilt back and forth and side to side and spin. That is all. Since there is no longer spinning, all that's left is tilting.

In my opinion, that's not very fun. I also don't think many other people will find that fun. It's not the experience the imagineers intended it to be. It's almost an insult to them.

I'm with Lee. 100%.


Well-Known Member
Pongo said:
It's not like they're going to make the pods go upside down or anything too crazy like that.

The most it can do is tilt back and forth and side to side and spin. That is all. Since there is no longer spinning, all that's left is tilting.

In my opinion, that's not very fun. I also don't think many other people will find that fun. It's not the experience the imagineers intended it to be. It's almost an insult to them.

I'm with Lee. 100%.

On both of these threads I have just been trying to say that we all give WDW a chance prior to jumping to conclusions about the ride. In the end you very well could be right but let's at least give them the opportunity to try before we say the ride will not be any fun. I will agree that they have a tough road ahead of them, but then again people laughed at Walt Disney and his ridiculous idea of "Disneyland".

Edited to add the following:

BTW, how did this thread overtake the "original" one? :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
With all this discussion, I really hope they have this in operation about a month from now when I'm down there. Even if it sucks, I still really wanna ride this thing stationary. Maybe it will make me appreciate the real ride even more.


New Member
MrNonacho said:
This is shaping up to be a nightmare for CMs. The vast majority of the M:S cast found out about this from the press release. Operations has not been told a single thing about this or allowed to give one bit of input about how this is going to work. Are we going to get rid of Singles? Are we going to get rid of Fastpass? The Powers That Be would like to keep both. How is that going to work? That would mean six different lines (unless the people are sorted at Dispatch, which is just NOT GOING TO WORK). They're essentially going to be shoehorning two separate attractions into a building designed to support one.

I've already seen several posts online from folks praising this new option as it will allow some of their party to ride the normal version while others are riding the neutered one. People are already assuming that they will be able to wait in line together! We have enough problems as it is explaining the current three options and directing people to the proper ones. I can't for the life of me figure out why they would announce this when there is absolutely no plan in place to put it into action.

This WILL affect those of you who already enjoy the ride. Having all the bays be identical gives us great flexibility in how to handle downtimes. Problem with Bay 1? Move the guests in the Ready Room to Bay 3 and give Bay 2 a bubble (don't load it for one cycle) so that their Preflight guests have somewhere to go. Guests in any bay can be moved to any other. If two bays are different from the others, that really limits how quickly problems can be resolved. It will pretty much guarantee that any little thing that happens will cause the line to stop completely rather than just slow down.

If they want this to even have a shot at all, they are going to have to go all out with signage, including new Ready Room and Preflight videos. They are going to have to train all the CMs on new procedures. There is an awful lot to be done in the month or two they have to do it. Not one CM I've talked to is liking where this is going. Many of us like that guests will have an option, but we are VERY wary of its implementation.
Great post, I was really hoping you'd add your opinion to all of this mess. As we've both said, it might sound like a pretty good idea on paper: "Change one bay so that guests who can't ride the normal version can enjoy the attraction too!" ...but in reality not sure how they plan on actually pulling all of this off.

I feel for you man, it's probably going to be one very interesting summer for you guys!


New Member
Bored now. Same meat, different gravy in the posts.

ie. 1. Love it, 2. Hate it, 3. Dumbed down for whiners and spanners, 4. Joy from whiners and spanners because they can sit in a box and watch TV.

Heres a suggestion. Keep the Body wars vehicle, keep it static and show the video in it. Plenty of room for whiners and spanners and LEAVE THE REST OF US THE HELL ALONE PLAY WITH OUR TOY IN PEACE.


Active Member
marni1971 said:
What a waste of millions of dollars of hardware.

Understatement of the year!! LOL :p

If they had anticipated this before construction, and built the "No g" version from the start, they could have saved millions of dollars!


EDIT :I mean "No G" version alongside the proper version...


New Member
If they'd anticipated the amount of whining, they could have sold the design to a real thrill ride park and no-one would have complained. It's only because it's on Disney property that everyone thinks it should be all things to everyone. You can't see Six Flags having this problem. It would just be another thrill ride. For those who don't like it or can't ride it, life sucks, get a helmet.


Active Member
What next a "No thrills" Tower of Terror, where you just sit in a lift car and nothing happens??

Would that warrant closing one of the two lift shafts down to accomplish this!



New Member
I think the logistical point that was made is an interesting one.

Confusion is bound to be high. However, I honestly can't see Disney creating a new preshow for each separate version. This will add to the problem because even the g-forceless riders will be expecting some high octane adventure, but are going to find quite abruptly that this isn't the case. So, basically Sinise's speech will be completely void for the "lite" riders. (i.e. "When he says 'go for launch,' you may want to hang on?" Hang on for what? You won't feel a thing...)

And, I know that Lee and a bunch of other posters have been advocating it over and over, but I think the integrity argument needs to be clarified yet again. Yes, we all realize that M:S will still be available in its original form. But, deep down we will know next door that the attraction will be running with out its primal component. It pains me to know that Disney's reputation will be getting the short end of the stick. People will be forming opinions on a ride THAT THEY HAVE NEVER ACTUALLY RIDDEN. It's like watching a movie, and giving a rewiew based on the trailer. Sure, you get the gist, but you're not really "experiencing" it. And, call me crazy, but that does effect me (just as other Disney fanatics find it hurtful when Universal criticizes our beloved parks in a commerical).

It may seem odd, but I'm not totally against a "lite" version of M:S. I understand the positions of both sides, and I think it may be a necessary step to increase rider attendance and confidence in the attraction. But, in my current understanding of the situation, I get a bad taste in my mouth.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
Man - this thread has been a very entertaining read with lots of good points on both sides. I think one of the reasons such passion has been invoked is that this is a very significant experiment. I'm not sure if this will be a success or not, but for a moment let's assume it is. Could this affect the way future e-ticket thrill rides are thought of/designed? In Legoland in California, the robo arm thingy is already implemented in such a way that the user can choose an experience that ranges from wimpy to certain death. What if a premium were put on designing rides where a range of intensities was possible? I shouldn't admit this in public, but sometimes I imagine I have a large amount of money (I'm very precise, I could tell you the numbers I have budgeted for attractions then you could see the true depths of my nerdiness) and then I think of what I would add/change in each of the 4 WDW theme parks. The other day when I was driving to work, I thought about plopping JTTCOTE in Magic Kingdom. Then I thought about my son who at this point in his life is easily spooked on dark rides. I wondered - "What if you could take a tour of the crystal mines an have nothing bad happen? What if there were two tracks? Would I be willing to double my budget? It would be kind of nice to have the whole family together, then we split up and meet again at the exit. Naw, that would be a logistical nightmare and cost way too much money." Now I'm not so sure. Make no mistake, the folks at Disney aren't thinking this big yet (I think this change to M:S is major coverage). However, experimental results can take you down suprising paths.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I can ride it now. Motion sickness :hurl: really gets to me even when I ride Space Mountain. I am looking forward to the toned-down version of this attraction.:sohappy:


New Member
Hasn't anyone considered shortening the centrifuge arms? If WDI did that, they could still create minute G-forces that would rarely cause someone to hurl (shorter spin radius=much less force). I feel terrible that they are going to let a giant machine just sit there without movement. It's like a normal moving elevator on ToT, but I suppose if the ride is not at capacity then they can change it.


New Member
Rayray said:
Hasn't anyone considered shortening the centrifuge arms? If WDI did that, they could still create minute G-forces that would rarely cause someone to hurl (shorter spin radius=much less force). I feel terrible that they are going to let a giant machine just sit there without movement. It's like a normal moving elevator on ToT, but I suppose if the ride is not at capacity then they can change it.

See, but the solution Disney is banking on is based on little to no cost. If they ever were to drastically change the ride system, why not invest in an entirely new experience (aka dark ride) instead of modifying a system that at its heart is bound to cause motion sickness?

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Speedbird said:
Bored now. Same meat, different gravy in the posts.

ie. 1. Love it, 2. Hate it, 3. Dumbed down for whiners and spanners, 4. Joy from whiners and spanners because they can sit in a box and watch TV.

Heres a suggestion. Keep the Body wars vehicle, keep it static and show the video in it. Plenty of room for whiners and spanners and LEAVE THE REST OF US THE HELL ALONE PLAY WITH OUR TOY IN PEACE.

There is something i find very funny about your post...

You call the people who cannot or will not ride M:S whiners.. yet, the only ones here whining are the lovers/supports of M:S.... Interesting.

Oh, and you call M:S YOUR toy.. So, it cannot be my toy too???? Why should you be the only one who gets to enjoy M:S??? The person who may be a little apprehensive about the ride should be able to enjoy it too.. And now they can... Granted, it won't be the same version, but, it could still be enjoyable.

Is the ride for everyone? Nope... And those with health issues should be riding certain things.. granted.. But, there are people who are perfectly healthy that are scared to get on this ride, probably because they read these boards and hear reports in the news about how this ride gets a lot of people sick.. They would be more inclined now to ride the tamer version and get to enjoy the 100 million dollar attraction... Whether the tame version sucks or not is nothing something we can determine right now since it isn't open...

And I feel for the CMs who are going to have to deal with the confusion.. But I am sure Disney will find out a way to make this less confusing... Hopefully anyway.


Well-Known Member
Dang this thread has been very very entertaining. Thanks for those who posted. But there is no reason to get up in arms for them toning down the ride. I can't ride teacups because it makes me ill but MS i can ride. I am dizzy afterwards and it last a long time but the tea cups make me ill. Just enjoy what you can at Disney and dont whine.


New Member
"There is something i find very funny about your post...

You call the people who cannot or will not ride M:S whiners.. yet, the only ones here whining are the lovers/supports of M:S.... Interesting.

Oh, and you call M:S YOUR toy.. So, it cannot be my toy too???? Why should you be the only one who gets to enjoy M:S??? The person who may be a little apprehensive about the ride should be able to enjoy it too.. And now they can... Granted, it won't be the same version, but, it could still be enjoyable"

First things first Pal. You've done nothing more than moan and whinge throughout this entire thread so don't don't start. If you're either unfit or scared to ride then tough. Deal with it. Personally, I can't ride M:S without anti-emetics because of ear operations left me motion sick on everything, coasters included, so I'm a spanner too. But I don't let my problems affect other people. Toughen up son for god sake.

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