Disney Plans Gentler Mission: Space


TurnipHead said:
But I will have to agree, TT and M:S were both failures in my eyes. Thrill rides, and I use that word loosely, should not not be a part of Epcot in my eyes.
I couldn't disagree more.

out of every ride in epcot the only ride that really doens't belong there is soarin....u don't learn anything on that ride, it's doesn't fitin with the rest of the park unlike every other attracion there.
Well.....don't think I'd go that far. You do learn about the different types of land in the queue, and get to see many of them during the ride.

Maybe that's why it's the most popular...you don't have to be bothered with learning at a theme park. I know I want to be.


Well-Known Member
I can't get behind the neutering of a good ride.

Ok, that's it. If I continue in this thread I'm going to get a concussion from banging my head against a wall.

They're not neutering a good ride. They're taking 1 or 2 pods which are almost never used and making then a no spin option for those who can't ride it. The good ride is still there running in the same capacity that it has always run. If they have a day where there's going to be enough demand for all 4 pods running at normal strength they can bring them all up. So in what way have they neutered a ride for anyone who wants the normal ride?


I'm out. It's obvious what people have already made up their mind without once truly examining the logistics that go into this. No one who wants the normal ride will lose that. Those who can't handle the normal ride get a version. Both sides can be happy, but for some reason one side isn't. I don't get it at all.


New Member
TurnipHead said:
And what do you learn on M:S? How quickly you can lose your lunch?

what it's like to be an astronaunt. believe it or not REAL astronaunts have been on the ride before and they said if the take off was 15 minutes L O N G E R it would be just like the real thing. i don't know about you...but when i was a lad i wanted to go in a space shuttle and go to the moon.....


Well-Known Member
testtrack3 said:
what it's like to be an astronaunt. believe it or not REAL astronaunts have been on the ride before and they said if the take off was 15 minutes L O N G E R it would be just like the real thing. i don't know about you...but when i was a lad i wanted to go in a space shuttle and go to the moon.....
How is that learning? You could use the same argument for Soarin' saying that it's about learing what it's like to take a flight over California....


Well-Known Member
testtrack3 said:
actually it's my understanding that it will be two bays, bays one (gold) and two (blue) becasue they are "mild" colors and will calm people down, while 3 (red) and 4 (green) will stay the same beause they are "intense" colors. also right now to switch form spinning to non spinning ride you have to power down and the back up the ride. Also, i have ridden the non spinning ride and i don't like it becaseu i know what the ride can do, but i think it will get more pople in the building, in the last week our average has been between 8k and 10k...that horrible for a builidng that can do 1600 an hour!

testtrack3, it sounds like you actually were able to actually experience this in some form. If even possible, can you take yourself out of the "already ridden M:S" mode and say whether the non-spinning version is a decent attraction itself? Obviously this is geared toward a non-thrill-seeking crowd, so do you think people in that category would walk away satisfied?

I guess I am treating this as a new attraction and not a changing of M:S. So, I have to disagree with your neutering comment, Lee. I certainly see your position, and I would be the first to defend it if they were doing away with the spinning entirely. However, I guess I see this as if there were only 2 to begin with and they are simply adding 2 more that don't offer the spinning (but could if the demand ever came about).


So in what way have they neutered a ride for anyone who wants the normal ride?
They haven't. The REAL ride will be there, sure. But the other option will offer people a tame, watered down, low-thrill version of a ride that was meant to be intense.

It's simple. I don't care if everybody is happy.
I don't care if not everybody can ride Everest...or Tower...or RnRC...etc.

It's about the integrity of the ride. Not every ride is for everybody. Period. That's as it should be, and no ride should be toned down for that exact reason.

Mission:Space is designed to simulate space flight using high G forces. You take away the forces and you have no Mission:Space. You have sitting in a box watching a video. You could just watch the video here on the site and rock back and forth in your seat and get almost the same sensation.


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
I couldn't disagree more..
And I respect that opinion. BTW I love Firefly, it was one of the best shows ever. Maybe they should retheme M:S into a Firefly ride, and then maybe I could enjoy it. lol

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
TurnipHead said:
OK first of all political talk is NOT allowed on WDWmagic so let's keep your opinions to yourself there. Yes I hated M:S, but that DOES NOT mean that I would accept a pathetic kiddy version where you sit in a box and look at a screen. I would rather have nothing that that, so how is it being made for "people like me?" I wasn't flip flopping anting, I hated M:S and still do so please explain how I am flip flopping???
No political talk there.. Just simply describing the flip flop.... And that's fine, you don't have to like the lite version... But, it is made for people like you, the ones who are getting sick from the original version of M:S... You are exactly the person Disney had in mind by offering this toned down version....

OK I see, you can have an opinion, but I can't? Is that how it is? Hmmm well since you think this is the greatest idea of all time and I think that the idea is terrible I must automatically be crucified according to you... Also once again if you are already saying you will not ride the new version, then why are you so arguing about this? It shouldn't even concern you...
I never said it was the greatest idea of all time.. I simple said I thought it was a good idea... No one crucified you for stating your opinion.. In fact, you started in on me... And again, I am a member of this site so I can post on whatever thread I want to post on...

I will worry about it because you are an instigator. You already admitted that you don't care for M:S, so you must be getting some kind of pleasure out of arguing about this topic. I was simply exposing you for egging other member on....
I am far from an instigator on this board.. I don't know where you get this from... I post my opinions and argue my opinions.. I am not trying to convince people otherwise.. Just like everyone else on this board, we simply debate an issue.. Some of us agree, some of us disagree... I have never ever instigated anything... And please provide some sort of evidence that I egged another member on??? You in fact have done this plenty of times... You in fact have had some rather rude comments directed to others.. When ever I have gotten a little out of hand, I admitted it and apologized to that person... Like I did before...


Well-Known Member
dxer07002 said:
I am far from an instigator on this board.. I don't know where you get this from... I post my opinions and argue my opinions.. I am not trying to convince people otherwise.. Just like everyone else on this board, we simply debate an issue.. Some of us agree, some of us disagree... I have never ever instigated anything... And please provide some sort of evidence that I egged another member on??? You in fact have done this plenty of times... You in fact have had some rather rude comments directed to others.. When ever I have gotten a little out of hand, I admitted it and apologized to that person... Like I did before...
Ok please provide solid facts that I have egged on other members and directed rude comments to another user. You know what, in fact, I am done w/ arguing w/ you so please have a Magical Day, and have fun spending all of your time arguing over petty things on the board....:)


New Member
Lee said:
They haven't. The REAL ride will be there, sure. But the other option will offer people a tame, watered down, low-thrill version of a ride that was meant to be intense.

It's simple. I don't care if everybody is happy.
I don't care if not everybody can ride Everest...or Tower...or RnRC...etc.

It's about the integrity of the ride. Not every ride is for everybody. Period. That's as it should be, and no ride should be toned down for that exact reason.

Mission:Space is designed to simulate space flight using high G forces. You take away the forces and you have no Mission:Space. You have sitting in a box watching a video. You could just watch the video here on the site and rock back and forth in your seat and get almost the same sensation.

That's what I've been saying the whole day!

Maybe people will actually listen to you, Lee :rolleyes:



Premium Member
imagineersrock said:
On the other hand, I think this will just be a logistical nightmare. If people couldn't figure out whether they were fit enough to ride or not when there was only one version, how on Earth are they going to be able to differentiate between the two. While I'm sure Disney will have plenty of very clear signage, warnings, videos, etc. I only see this new option leading to many, many confused guests and an equally large amount of frustrated CM's having to spend their entire day explaining what this line leads to and what that line leads to and what the difference between the two is.

From warning signage, to height requirements, to park map descriptions, there is just a lot to think about, and I'm curious as to how exactly Disney plans on actually making all of this work. I'm very interested in seeing how it all comes together this summer.

This is shaping up to be a nightmare for CMs. The vast majority of the M:S cast found out about this from the press release. Operations has not been told a single thing about this or allowed to give one bit of input about how this is going to work. Are we going to get rid of Singles? Are we going to get rid of Fastpass? The Powers That Be would like to keep both. How is that going to work? That would mean six different lines (unless the people are sorted at Dispatch, which is just NOT GOING TO WORK). They're essentially going to be shoehorning two separate attractions into a building designed to support one.

I've already seen several posts online from folks praising this new option as it will allow some of their party to ride the normal version while others are riding the neutered one. People are already assuming that they will be able to wait in line together! We have enough problems as it is explaining the current three options and directing people to the proper ones. I can't for the life of me figure out why they would announce this when there is absolutely no plan in place to put it into action.

This WILL affect those of you who already enjoy the ride. Having all the bays be identical gives us great flexibility in how to handle downtimes. Problem with Bay 1? Move the guests in the Ready Room to Bay 3 and give Bay 2 a bubble (don't load it for one cycle) so that their Preflight guests have somewhere to go. Guests in any bay can be moved to any other. If two bays are different from the others, that really limits how quickly problems can be resolved. It will pretty much guarantee that any little thing that happens will cause the line to stop completely rather than just slow down.

If they want this to even have a shot at all, they are going to have to go all out with signage, including new Ready Room and Preflight videos. They are going to have to train all the CMs on new procedures. There is an awful lot to be done in the month or two they have to do it. Not one CM I've talked to is liking where this is going. Many of us like that guests will have an option, but we are VERY wary of its implementation.


Well-Known Member
and I understand that concern. I do hope that the imagineers find a good unconfusing way for the line structure to work. I could see it being very confusing and disjointed if they don't approach that problem as well. They'll also need a new video, etc.... I'm hoping that's something they're considering. If not, then it can be hell. To really do this right would probably require some construction with two seperate entrances and preflight rooms. I know they're not going to go that far, so I hope they have a grand idea they just haven't unveiled yet.

At least that is a factual valid criticism. I can respect that.


Well-Known Member
kcnole said:
and I understand that concern. I do hope that the imagineers find a good unconfusing way for the line structure to work. I could see it being very confusing and disjointed if they don't approach that problem as well. They'll also need a new video, etc.... I'm hoping that's something they're considering. If not, then it can be hell. To really do this right would probably require some construction with two seperate entrances and preflight rooms. I know they're not going to go that far, so I hope they have a grand idea they just haven't unveiled yet.

At least that is a factual valid criticism. I can respect that.

I agree entirely. The logistics of this could prove to be difficult. I don't think anyone is arguing that. But, they can be worked out with solid story telling and some ingenuity.


Premium Member
Epcot82Guy said:
But, they can be worked out with solid story telling and some ingenuity.

Agreed. I just wish they would give us a sign, even if it's just a tiny little one, that the people behind this have some of that.


Well-Known Member
Excellent OP Nonacho. That sums up all I that I think is wrong with this addition. I do feel that there are benefits and it might end up working well, but we can't turn a blind eye to the problems that this will cause.


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
I can say it easily.
The no-G version will have the centrifuge sitting still while the pods tilt forward and back. You will get "positive Gs" when it tilts back, and "negative Gs" when it tilts forward, all while you watch the video and punch buttons.

Oooooohhhhhhhhhh........sounds like fun.:rolleyes:

Sorry...I just can't help my opinion...I can't get behind the neutering of a good ride.

Look I am not trying to be argumentative here but the fact still remains that you have no clue how much motion the ride is capable of and neither do I. All I am saying is let WDW finish the ride prior to criticizing it.

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