Disney Plans Gentler Mission: Space


New Member
TurnipHead said:
Haha Wow, comparing Sorin' to M:S would be like comparing apples to banannas.... The whole concept of M:S is the experience of feeling the G's, without that it is nothing....
Maybe it would be "nothing" to those of us who know and love the G-force version, but for those who can't handle or don't want to try the origional, I can still see them enjoying a version without G-gorces.

The pods themselves are great and extremely immersive, arguably some of the best "ride vehicles" on property. Regardless of which version you choose, anyone can appreciate the pods, from all of the little gadgets and buttons, to the "windows" showing you the beauty of space travel.

The interactive element can also be enjoyed by anyone. Once again, G-forces or not, it's fun to pretend you are an astronaut and that the success of your mission lies in your hands.

Finally, the story doesn't change, guests will still blast off, see Earth from space, wake up after hyper-sleep in the middle of a meteor shower, perform an emergency landing, and almost fall off the edge of a cliff. It's a fun and exciting story.

Yes, the version with no G-force would seem like "nothing" to those of us who have braved the origional, but I can without a doubt see plenty of guests having a lot of fun on this new version.


TurnipHead said:
I love how people are saying now more people can "enjoy" M:S. The new version is NOT going to be M:S, get a clue! The whole point of the attraction was to give you the sensation of the G's, but now you will be sitting in a capsule looking at a screen. Sure this may boost attendence for a short while, but after a while it will just go back to minus zero attendence once again....

DITTO!! My fiance was complaining about that last night when I told him what they were doing to the ride, and he said "that's not even worth going on!" And we both HATE this ride with a passion, and will NEver go on it again! If I want to see someone barf in a bag, I can do that for free, shouldn't have to pay money to see that kind of stuff! (sorry I am A Big MS hater, some guy threw up and ruined it for me and I don't want to go back because I am afaird someone is going to barf again. I am not a wimpy rider, just when someone throws-up, I almost lose it myself!!):mad:


Well-Known Member
Timmay said:
The more I think about this, the more I see I am of two minds about the entire deal.

1. If it is Disney's goal to get more people interested in riding M:S, then great. I see no problem with that by itself...however...

2. I just hate the attitude of having to make everone feel "included". Some rides are not meant to be enjoyed by everyone, period. How many people don't go on ToT, RnR etc, etc? Not because they don't like the rides, but because they know they can't handle or stomach them. There are rides I know I can't handle...and I don't plan on riding them, and I don't think I would be any more inclined to try out a "tamed down version" either. What would be the point. It is not the original design or intent of the attraction. I almost see this as changing a work of art (stay with me here...I do see these Imagineers as artist of a sort). Why change a painting just becuase some can't enjoy it as others do?

Like I said, I am split about this now...I have no doubt Disney will not just throw soemthing together for the sake of it, I am sure they will put some effort and original thought into it...or maybe not. We will just have to wait and see.

I agree with your second point, but I think this is a unique opportunity. I will say I am assuming they make this a worthwhile attraction without the g-s. Will it be E-ticket? of course not. But it still needs to be worthwhile. having said that, normally the "including" everyone comes at the expense of an attraction. SGE, Allegedly Dinosaur, etc. are times when we LOST the point of an attraction being scary and intense. Here, nothing is being lost other than some minimal capacity so long as this is marketed as an alternative experience. The artwork is not being altered in any way. They are merely painting a different version that is easier to interpret. This is NOT M:S, and it does not sound like they are saying that in any way. It is more a kiddie version thereof. They could lower the height requirement most likely, have a separate entrance zone and perhaps marked off queue, and make it very obvious this is the Jr. Gemini to the Gemini situation (for any Cedar Point fans). It's like getting two attractions out of one, IMHO.


New Member
RedGear said:
DITTO!! My fiance was complaining about that last night when I told him what they were doing to the ride, and he said "that's not even worth going on!" And we both HATE this ride with a passion, and will NEver go on it again! If I want to see someone barf in a bag, I can do that for free, shouldn't have to pay money to see that kind of stuff! (sorry I am A Big MS hater, some guy threw up and ruined it for me and I don't want to go back because I am afaird someone is going to barf again. I am not a wimpy rider, just when someone throws-up, I almost lose it myself!!):mad:
So if a child in the same boat as you throws up the next time you are on Pirates of The Caribbean, will you and your fiance HATE that ride with a passion, and never go on it again?

Your argument makes little sense.

It's okay not to like an attraction, like Mission: Space for example... but to say you HATE an attraction because of something that happened to someone in the same pod with you on one occasion just doesn't add up.

I've seen people throw up while walking down the sidewalk before, but I have not now become a "big hater" of sidewalks.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Timmay, I think your posts are great and well thought out.. You are not argumentative nor disrespectful to peoples opinions and feelings.. I commend you on that...

With that being said.. Disney does market M:S as a family attraction, when, quiet honestly, it isn't.. Their commericals with the little boy telling his friend that he went to mars, then shows him on M:S is misleading as to what kind of attraction it is... People, kids especially, will see these commericals, and think M:S is OK for their child.. Never mind the warning signs... Disney markets M:S as a family fun attraction... Truth is, M:S, in the current form, is not for everyone.. especially families with kids... I am in no way saying everything should be for children, but, when you market something with children in the ride, it should be child friendly, less intense.. M:S fails in that. the lite version, chances are, won't...

I don't see any ToT pictures marketed by Disney with little kids in the elevator... I see teens and adults.. Same with rock n roller coaster... unless I am missing something.. and if anyone can find ,arketing material showing little kids, not teens, on these rides, I'd love to see them..


Well-Known Member
dxer07002 said:
Timmay, I think your posts are great and well thought out.. You are not argumentative nor disrespectful to peoples opinions and feelings.. I commend you on that...

With that being said.. Disney does market M:S as a family attraction, when, quiet honestly, it isn't.. Their commericals with the little boy telling his friend that he went to mars, then shows him on M:S is misleading as to what kind of attraction it is... People, kids especially, will see these commericals, and think M:S is OK for their child.. Never mind the warning signs... Disney markets M:S as a family fun attraction... Truth is, M:S, in the current form, is not for everyone.. especially families with kids... I am in no way saying everything should be for children, but, when you market something with children in the ride, it should be child friendly, less intense.. M:S fails in that. the lite version, chances are, won't...

I don't see any ToT pictures marketed by Disney with little kids in the elevator... I see teens and adults.. Same with rock n roller coaster... unless I am missing something.. and if anyone can find ,arketing material showing little kids, not teens, on these rides, I'd love to see them..

But it is okay for many children...just like it is okay for many adults. My son went on it at 7 years of age and it remained his favorite ride anywhere for the next two years. My two nephews went on it this past winter (one being 9 and the other 7...the 7 year old being the one thinking it was kinda boring). I have seen many younger aged children ride it and enjoy it...although I will admit my dealings with that aspect are limited. BTW, my son won't get within a hundred yards of ToT


New Member
dxer07002 said:
Timmay, I think your posts are great and well thought out.. You are not argumentative nor disrespectful to peoples opinions and feelings.. I commend you on that...

With that being said.. Disney does market M:S as a family attraction, when, quiet honestly, it isn't.. Their commericals with the little boy telling his friend that he went to mars, then shows him on M:S is misleading as to what kind of attraction it is... People, kids especially, will see these commericals, and think M:S is OK for their child.. Never mind the warning signs... Disney markets M:S as a family fun attraction... Truth is, M:S, in the current form, is not for everyone.. especially families with kids... I am in no way saying everything should be for children, but, when you market something with children in the ride, it should be child friendly, less intense.. M:S fails in that. the lite version, chances are, won't...

I don't see any ToT pictures marketed by Disney with little kids in the elevator... I see teens and adults.. Same with rock n roller coaster... unless I am missing something.. and if anyone can find ,arketing material showing little kids, not teens, on these rides, I'd love to see them..

I mean no offense by this post, just speaking what I think... but...

How can you possibly know which kids can and can't ride Mission: Space. That is entirely the decision of the parents. There may be millions of kids out there that would do perfectly well on Mission: Space. There may be millions of kids who can't handle it. However, whichever situation it is, you cannot claim to know.

Just keeping things in perspective :wave:


Well-Known Member
imagineersrock said:
Maybe it would be "nothing" to those of us who know and love the G-force version, but for those who can't handle or don't want to try the origional, I can still see them enjoying a version without G-gorces.

The pods themselves are great and extremely immersive, arguably some of the best "ride vehicles" on property. Regardless of which version you choose, anyone can appreciate the pods, from all of the little gadgets and buttons, to the "windows" showing you the beauty of space travel.
Um, people don't go on attractions for the ride vehicles, they go for the experience, nice try though....

The interactive element can also be enjoyed by anyone. Once again, G-forces or not, it's fun to pretend you are an astronaut and that the success of your mission lies in your hands.
The interactivity of this ride is laughable. Moving the joystick and pressing the buttons has absolutely no bearing on what's going on in the screen. If I wanted to pretend I'm an astronaut I would play Galaxian at my local arcade.

Finally, the story doesn't change, guests will still blast off, see Earth from space, wake up after hyper-sleep in the middle of a meteor shower, perform an emergency landing, and almost fall off the edge of a cliff. It's a fun and exciting story.
Without the physical sensations, who cares? People just are not excited anymore by sitting in a box looking at a television screen. They would probably have more fun watching Apollo 5....

Yes, the version with no G-force would seem like "nothing" to those of us who have braved the origional, but I can without a doubt see plenty of guests having a lot of fun on this new version.
Once again doubtful. Once riders see what a waste it was to sit in a ride vehicle and do nothing but stare at a screen they won't be reriding. Without the G forces, M:S has absolutely no reridability factor, and that is crucial. ....
See my opinions above....

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Pongo said:
I mean no offense by this post, just speaking what I think... but...

How can you possibly know which kids can and can't ride Mission: Space. That is entirely the decision of the parents. There may be millions of kids out there that would do perfectly well on Mission: Space. There may be millions of kids who can't handle it. However, whichever situation it is, you cannot claim to know.

Just keeping things in perspective :wave:

The same way you can tell which adults can and can't ride M:S.. you don't. But, to market it as a kid friendly ride is misleading.. Pooh is a kid friendly ride.. M:S is thrills, no so much kid friendly... yes, parents should make that decision, but, when someone sees the commerical, their reaction could be OHH THIS IS TAME... Then, after riding it, sees it isn't... and something their kid should never have been on.. These parents won't put their kids on a roller coaster, but, they allow them on M:S... Why?? Partly cause of how it is marketed... Partly because the kids enjoy it..

EDIT: I just looked at Disney's website.. The video for M:S clearly shows kids running around excited about going on this ride... This will signify that it is family friendly, just like Pooh.... They will see how Disney markets this as interactive... the video makes it look that way, especially the arcade portion..... Kids would beg to go on it... The parent of course should know the specifics of the ride and decide if the kid should be on it.. But, if Disney markets the ride as a ride for kids, then what parent wouldn't let their kids on? The lite version would now be perfect for those parents who won't let their kids on this ride because they know the specifics... Now M:S would truly be family friendly...


New Member
Timmay said:
2. I just hate the attitude of having to make everone feel "included". Some rides are not meant to be enjoyed by everyone, period. How many people don't go on ToT, RnR etc, etc? Not because they don't like the rides, but because they know they can't handle or stomach them. There are rides I know I can't handle...and I don't plan on riding them, and I don't think I would be any more inclined to try out a "tamed down version" either. What would be the point. It is not the original design or intent of the attraction. I almost see this as changing a work of art (stay with me here...I do see these Imagineers as artist of a sort). Why change a painting just becuase some can't enjoy it as others do?

Well said!


Well-Known Member
TurnipHead said:
The interactivity of this ride is laughable. Moving the joystick and pressing the buttons has absolutely no bearing on what's going on in the screen. If I wanted to pretend I'm an astronaut I would play Galaxian at my local arcade.
See my opinions above....

Isn't this incorrect?? If you don't press a certain button in time, the screen flashes up that the Auto-pilot or computer will activate the function, and does. If you do press it in time, the mission continues as is. So the buttons are not exactly dead pieces of hardware.


Well-Known Member
Once again doubtful. Once riders see what a waste it was to sit in a ride vehicle and do nothing but stare at a screen they won't be reriding. Without the G forces, M:S has absolutely no reridability factor, and that is crucial. ....

And once again no one is making you go on this version of the ride. Also why don't we wait and see what they come up with before saying how horrible it will be. I know, that's a novel idea in this internet age where we all decide whether something is good or not before we see it, but why don't we give it a chance. I just don't understand people who get so upset over offering an alternative to those who might want it when it doesn't effect YOUR ride at all.


New Member
kcnole said:
And once again no one is making you go on this version of the ride. Also why don't we wait and see what they come up with before saying how horrible it will be. I know, that's a novel idea in this internet age where we all decide whether something is good or not before we see it, but why don't we give it a chance. I just don't understand people who get so upset over offering an alternative to those who might want it when it doesn't effect YOUR ride at all.

I'm not upset that it is going to affect my ride. I know it's not.

It's the fact that it's (a) wasting space, (b) a bad idea, (c) WDI can and has come up with much better ideas, (d) M:S is not a ride that was meant to cater to everyone, (e) etc.

It's the principle of the matter. It's just a bad idea.

All in my opinion, of course :wave:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
But MS was to be a signature attraction.. a signature attraction should be for everyone... And how is it wasting space.. in all due respect, you are saying this will affect you... When, it won't... The space will be utilized by those who cannot ride or will not ride the original version.. That is far from a waste of space.. And , if the line for the mild ride is non-existant, they can turn the centrifuge on... I still think this is win/win


New Member
blowing off a little steam

as a CAST MEMBER who works at space let me tell you a couple of things. first off this hasn't happened yet! they still have ti figure out what to do with the queue. the toned down ride still spins...kind of....it spins at the very end of the ride, becasue it has to for the ride to reutrn to it's "home" position. secondly space is a family ride...that's why there are 4 positions on the ride...for a family of four. last but not least it is a kid friendly ride, the adults get sick more than the kids do, from my experiences working the for the past 3 years know are as follows...the only reason why poeple get sick on the ride is four 2 reasons; reason 1 is becaseu they don't follow the rules that are given out in the pre-flight video. And 2 becasue they spend the whole time worrying about the ride spinning and make themselves sick. I for one and not looking forward to this move becasue myslef and fellow cast will have to deal with all of the

for example....let's say the get ride of th singles line, so ww have a split standyby Q, the one line is 60 minutes for those who don't want to ride to "spin" and 15 for those who do. and then when they get up to where we put then on the numbers for the first video they want to change theri minds...that's not fair to the people who waited an hour not to spin, but that's really nothing i can do i have to try my hardest to accomidate that guest and im not usally in the mood to be called names!

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
testtrack3 said:
for example....let's say the get ride of th singles line, so ww have a split standyby Q, the one line is 60 minutes for those who don't want to ride to "spin" and 15 for those who do. and then when they get up to where we put then on the numbers for the first video they want to change theri minds...that's not fair to the people who waited an hour not to spin, but that's really nothing i can do i have to try my hardest to accomidate that guest and im not usally in the mood to be called names!

And you work in a place where you deal with the public yet you don't like to deal with what comes with working with the public WHY???? Maybe, if you don't like it, you can find something else to do.. like work for Universal.. they don't have many people there so your public interaction ay be limited to a screaming child... LOL...

People, sorry, but this move is going to happen... the announcement did hit the media... So, get ready for Mission Space the ride that can now be enjoyed by EVERYONE!!!! :sohappy:


New Member
dxer07002 said:
But MS was to be a signature attraction.. a signature attraction should be for everyone... And how is it wasting space.. in all due respect, you are saying this will affect you... When, it won't... The space will be utilized by those who cannot ride or will not ride the original version.. That is far from a waste of space.. And , if the line for the mild ride is non-existant, they can turn the centrifuge on... I still think this is win/win

I did not say that having a toned-down centrifuge will affect me. In fact, I know it won't. I'm just disappointed in this decision. I think it's a bad for for reasons I have already stated in numerous threads.

Also, Expedition Everest is a signature ride. Splash Mountain is a signature ride. Tower of Terror is a signature ride. Those are clearly not for everyone.

No ride is for "everyone".


New Member
dxer07002 said:
And you work in a place where you deal with the public yet you don't like to deal with what comes with working with the public WHY???? Maybe, if you don't like it, you can find something else to do.. like work for Universal.. they don't have many people there so your public interaction ay be limited to a screaming child... LOL...

People, sorry, but this move is going to happen... the announcement did hit the media... So, get ready for Mission Space the ride that can now be enjoyed by EVERYONE!!!! :sohappy:

whoa buddy! you miss understood me, im all fine with them changin the ride not a probleum. im telling you from experience this is what is goin'a happen. WDI is going to set it up how ever they want..and then in 2 monhts when they realilze it's not working THEN they will and operatons how it should work. ALSO i don't have a probleum with guests or their complaints... check this out. the singles line is almost usually shorter. it was created becaseu it more efficent for us. we can then fill in all the seats. so if the wati is and hout and signles is 20 minutes everyone will flood the singles line, if if the greeter tell tehm they will be seperated in one ear and out the other so when they get to where we load them up and we ask for one and they say no were together and then there like no were 2. it get rather bother some. do yuo work at disney? no...well then you think you know but you have no idea what goes on.

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