Disney OCD - The Little Things That Bug You


Active Member
What about when your in a hurry or some reason and you get on the bus at POR to go to MK and the driver is driving exactly the speed limit(I know its the law) and takes the longest way possible by way of MGM and TL. The bus was actually packed with ppl standing and not everyone got on the bus. When we finally got to MK we had to wait for a bus to unload at the POR stop, guess what ....it was the ppl that had to wait for the next bus.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
ICP06 said:
Other things that annoy me... When people find out that I'm gonna be working in WDW (AFTER I've told them that I'll be doing park greeter/parking/ride ops/show ops), they look at me and say "So, you'll be dressing up as Mickey then?"... No. I won't be. Whats worse is when people who KNOW the position I'm going to be working in say things like "Well, they'll never let you be Mickey Mouse with an attitude like that!" or "Oh, well at least I wont be dressing up as Mickey Mouse this summer!"
I get the exact same response whenever I tell people that I'm applying for a science internship in Epcot! Immediately after the words "Walt Disney World" come out of my mouth, the first thing that people ask is "Will you be dressing up as Mickey, then?" :(


New Member
GrandFloridian1 said:
I know this was mentioned earlier but I just wanted to expand on the bus situation a bit.

Disney needs to re-think the bus situation and how they route traffic around the "World". I don't think it is appropriate to have children and their parents with strollers standing 10-20 minutes on a packed bus to or from a park. :brick: Safety is the first "Key to the Kingdom" and having people stand like that is not safe at all. I also think that each resort have their OWN bus. For example, PO Riverside and PO French Quarter each should have their own bus. This would cut down on the overloaded busses and cut down on travel time to and from the parks.

Well, the federal department of transportation has determined that it is reasonably safe to stand on transit busses, as long as you are behind the line in the front of the bus. While it certainly isn't the most ideal situation, every new bus order Disney makes for WDW transit has fewer seats in it, and more open areas for standing. On thier newest busses, the only forward facing seats on the whole bus are the driver's seat and the seats at the very rear of the bus.


Well-Known Member
MissM said:
The other thing I hate is if I pick a spot to watch Wishes and I stand around for 20 minutes, don't you dare push your damned kid in front of me or step right in my line of sight. Jeez people. I've been standing here for a reason, not so I could look at the back of your head or your kid on your shoulders!

I couldn't agree more! We had staked out a spot of Wishes on a nice discreet bench and there was only one group near us. As soon as the show started, up went the kids on the shoulders. My husband and I were a little miffed but just decided to stand on the bench, then everything was fine. Other annoyances:

- Mean scooter people
- Mean stroller people
- People who don't move all the way down a row in a theater
- People that have to describe *every* detail about aride to their children....their children that are old enough to understand the ride (i.e. Winnie the Pooh)
- People that can't surpervise their children
- People that don't advance in lines, holding up the entire line for no bloody reason!


Well-Known Member
It's been summed up before in this thread but I can say one thing I hate:

Disn00bs, in otherwords, the really dumb guests who have no idea what's going on and mistake characters for COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CHARACTERS, use incorrect names, and not know anything about Disney's history beforehand, which makes WDW's celebration of DL's 50th really bothersome as the advertising is incredibley misleading to the Disn00bs.


New Member
ICP06 said:
Other things that annoy me... When people find out that I'm gonna be working in WDW (AFTER I've told them that I'll be doing park greeter/parking/ride ops/show ops), they look at me and say "So, you'll be dressing up as Mickey then?"... No. I won't be. Whats worse is when people who KNOW the position I'm going to be working in say things like "Well, they'll never let you be Mickey Mouse with an attitude like that!" or "Oh, well at least I wont be dressing up as Mickey Mouse this summer!"


I'm doing operations too!! Woo-hoo! A couple times people have said, "Oh, you might be Jasmine/Snow White/Belle!" Sometimes I "forget" to correct things like this (not only am I doing operations, but I'm waaaay to short to be most face characters). :D

One of my friends also said that she wouldn't want to do the college program because of the restrictions they set on looks, like lens frame color. Who cares? Like I'd rather find a summer job in my boring town! Working at WDW is a BLAST. (my sister did it a few years back). All the people you meet, free park admission, a foot in the door of the company...the list goes on and on...


New Member
Oh, another random comment. Kids seem to bother people often. I love kids, and have spent a lot of time around them since I myself was younger, so I know how they are and I don't get annoyed. (The exception is mega spoiled children who boss their parents.)

The age group that really annoys me is teenagers. Haha, by April I won't be one anymore. :D


What really bugs me, like many of you, is when people call the parks by the wrong names, or say a non disney park is a disney park. On our last trip, on a bus from CBR to Epcot, I over heard some parents telling their young son that they had to go to Epcot to get on the "train" (monorail I would assume) to take them to Seaworld. They didn't only say that though, because the son kept asking them when they would get to the park and they kept saying, "When we get off the bus, we're going to get on the train and go to Seaworld. Without getting on the train, we can't get to Seaworld." DH said, "Do they realize the monorail dosen't run throughout all of Orlando?" :lol:

Mecha Figment

New Member
I hate it when groups of young adults come into the park and throw very bad curse words around like candy in the parks. Young ears are listening and you best be on your best behavior or the seaguls will get you.

Thats another thing. THE stupid seaguls have gotten way out of hand in the magic kingdom. I mean they are everywhere now. it really does a lot to destroy the magic in my oppinion. unfortunatly disney can't do anything about it.

They were already there but since this last huricane season it blew a whole bunch of them inland and they havne't left nor do i ever think they will.


Well-Known Member
ICP06 said:
Other things that annoy me... When people find out that I'm gonna be working in WDW (AFTER I've told them that I'll be doing park greeter/parking/ride ops/show ops), they look at me and say "So, you'll be dressing up as Mickey then?"... No. I won't be. Whats worse is when people who KNOW the position I'm going to be working in say things like "Well, they'll never let you be Mickey Mouse with an attitude like that!" or "Oh, well at least I wont be dressing up as Mickey Mouse this summer!"
That is funny! I saw two other people responded to this too. I never even thought of writing that down, but that happens to me all the time. Every time I tell someone I did the college program there like "oh so were you mickey mouse." It drives me nuts! Just because usually when I tell them what I actually did they sound pretty disappointed.(not all people, but some people) Don't people realize that there's countless of other jobs at WDW. Not everyone can be a character. Either that, or they assume I was down there to play my trumpet since I was involved a lot in band in high school and am in college marching band.


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Original Poster
People referring to Fantasmic as the Fantasia show. Not sure if that one has been said or not.

It also bugs me when people walk around smoking. I'm sure they know there is certain areas. You would think they would catch on that no one else is walking around smoking.


This may not be related to anything at WDW, but it's still related.

I hate talking to friends of mine (who just don't get it) about WDW and an upcoming trip. Now, of course I'm ultra excited and just chitchatting with friends about it. I hate when they cut me off to say "I have no desire to go to WDW" or "I'd rather spend my time elsewhere" or something along those lines. I'm sitting there like "umm when did I invite you to go?? I didn't say I was taking you along". I can respect the fact they have no desire to go, but to rain on someones parade like that because they're so bah humbug on going to Disney is just rude. Friends share things. I listen to them go on & on about EVERYTHING else (like the things their kids are doing that I *really* don't need to hear, but I listen like a good friend). Soon as I start getting antsy for an upcoming trip they start spitting out those comments. :rolleyes:

I have to add to the comments about people trying to get in front of you after you've staked out a spot or trying to steal your spot outright.

I also hate when parents tell their kids "They're not real, it's just a person in a costume". :brick: I wonder if they also tell their kids Santa Clause isn't real too when they see him at the mall or whatever. :brick: :brick: :brick:


New Member
A few to add to the great list:

  • Younger, healthier people that don't offer monorail seats to those standing that need to sit.
  • Families that jump their turn with characters at character meals.
  • People that sound like they are using megaphones in resort hallways after bedtime.
  • The endless chants/cheers by the latin american tour groups (sorry, but you know it bugs you too).
  • Accidentally getting myself stuck in a after-parade traffic jam...with a stroller.
  • Knowing you NEED to potty when you are in the middle of a ride or show.
  • People that check in for dinner way before or way after their priority seating time (me included, but it is annoying when you are on time and are standing behind them).
  • Waiting in line for a ride and just before boarding, it breaks down.
  • And finally....long queue lines without shade AND/OR line neighbors with poor "sphincter control" or BO.
Thanks for listening to me ramble! Aaron


Well-Known Member
bluejayx said:
when a guest asks what time is the 3 o clock parade :brick:

Better yet, when they call a LONG DISTANCE PHONE NUMBER (i.e. 407-W-DISNEY) just to ask what time is the 3 o clock parade on such and such a date. Before I started at DRC, I always thought this question was an urban myth:hammer:

Guest: "What time is the 3 o clock parade on April 15-16?"
Cast: "On Easter Weekend, the 3 o clock parade will be cancelled so we can present to you the 12:30pm parade and the 3:30pm parade."


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JPVonDrake said:
Better yet, when they call a LONG DISTANCE PHONE NUMBER (i.e. 407-W-DISNEY) just to ask what time is the 3 o clock parade on such and such a date. Before I started at DRC, I always thought this question was an urban myth:hammer:

Guest: "What time is the 3 o clock parade on April 15-16?"
Cast: "On Easter Weekend, the 3 o clock parade will be cancelled so we can present to you the 12:30pm parade and the 3:30pm parade."

It IS an urban myth. It didn't use to be, but now that so-called "dumb question" has become such a huge part of business and customer service training folklore, that most people have heard about it. These days, when people ask that question, they're pretty much just messing with you.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Christopher5927 said:
"Disneyworld" is actually three words: WALT DISNEY WORLD. So named by his brother Roy, so we would not forget who started it all. How sad that so many people have.

THANK YOU for pointing this out....i was wondering if i was the only one who picked up on this!

I always refer to the FL park as "Walt Disney World" and not "Disney World". I'll admit though that on my crazier days, i may refer to it as "Dizzy Wurld" ( don't ask why! lol!!)

Folks think im nuts for going there all the time alone, having no kids, and spending so much time and $$ on my 'disney addiction". They also think i'm nuts for calling it by it's full name. I do this with Epcot too....it's 'Epcot Center" people! :p


New Member
When people believe things that are not true-- such as that there are no Disney characters at Epcot. (there weren't at first, but thankfully Disney added them)


Well-Known Member
DisneyWales said:
Kids how cry during Phillharmagic, Voyage of the Little Mermaid, Tough to be a Bug, etc, etc. Drives me crazy, Ive never heard kids cry more than at WDW.
Well, in the kid's defense, those attractions can be pretty intense for some kids. Especially the bugs and Little Mermaid. That Ursula is FREAKY!

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