Disney OCD - The Little Things That Bug You

Peg J

New Member
Yes, the middle of the row thing makes me crazy!! I can't believe how really stupid people are. Like the view is SOOOO much better from that dead middle seat!!!


Well-Known Member
Being an animation fan, and prior CM, It really BUGS me when they come in and wonder where the merchandise is for looney tunes characters, and then have to explain they were in the wrong park, and then asked if I could call another shop to find some.....:brick:


New Member
Sledge said:
The little kids that stand behind you in line right on your heels and sometimes even lean against you. I'll usually give them and their mom a look and then after that I'll "accidentally" take a step back and step on their little feet.

Well...you know they pack'em in pretty tight in those queues and it can't be helped...sometime the "well behaved" adults stop all of a sudden and when a 5 year old is looking straight at someone's big butt...collisions occur.

Not that I'd let my kids get that close to anyone because I worry that the adult isn't paying attention to the kids...but if you stepped on my kid's feet, they'd be calling security on me, because I'd be busting someone's chops.



Well-Known Member
TiggerRPh said:
Well...you know they pack'em in pretty tight in those queues and it can't be helped...sometime the "well behaved" adults stop all of a sudden and when a 5 year old is looking straight at someone's big butt...collisions occur.

Not that I'd let my kids get that close to anyone because I worry that the adult isn't paying attention to the kids...but if you stepped on my kid's feet, they'd be calling security on me, because I'd be busting someone's chops.



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Sledge said:
With a lot of the people around here having a lot of passion for Disney and Disney Theme Parks, I thought it would be interesting to start a thread on this. This isn't meant to be a negative thread, but more of a "I can't believe this bugs me. Anyone else?" I'm talking the smallest things that just bug you, not to the point of being angry but just slightly irritated.

For example:

I had to sit through a 10 minute presentation on Disney World that a girl did for my speech class. She refered to Tomorrowland as Futureland, called SSE 'the big ball', and then she listed the parks as Epcot, MGM, Animal Kingdom, and Disney World. Oh, and apparently (I quote) "this year they are celebrating Disney World's 50th birthday, so go now!" I was sitting there going insane. When she asked if there were any questions of course I had to chime in and correct her on everything she messed up. "Isn't it DisneyLANDS' 50th?" She tried to argue with me and I tried telling her I've been going since I couldn't even talk so when it comes to common Disney World knowledge I know it. Finally the teacher agreed with me and said I was right, so I was happy.

Something really stupid that bugs me is when people call it Disneyworld. I think since Disneyland is all one word, they spell Disney World the same way. It's so petty but it bugs me. :lol:

What are some of y'alls?

I understand her mistakes bugging you (well, actually I don't understand it. There much bigger things in life to get annoyed about), but was it really necessary to correct her in front of a classroom full of people? Did that make you feel really big? Just curious, because I think that was a really mean thing to do. I also think it was unprofessional of the teacher to "settle" the argument by agreeing with you. Of course, that's assuming that part of your story is true (which I find myself kind of suspecting it's not).


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Sledge said:
The little kids that stand behind you in line right on your heels and sometimes even lean against you. I'll usually give them and their mom a look and then after that I'll "accidentally" take a step back and step on their little feet.

So you like to ridicule people when they're doing public speaking and you also like to abuse little children? Not exactly the most "Disney" kind of person, are you?


New Member
Merlin said:
I understand her mistakes bugging you (well, actually I don't understand it. There much bigger things in life to get annoyed about), but was it really necessary to correct her in front of a classroom full of people? Did that make you feel really big? Just curious, because I think that was a really mean thing to do. I also think it was unprofessional of the teacher to "settle" the argument by agreeing with you. Of course, that's assuming that part of your story is true (which I find myself kind of suspecting it's not).

If the girl was supposed to be presnting to the class (a form of teaching), it makes sense that someone straighten out the facts. I wouldn't want my biology teacher telling me that all living things are made of sunshine and rainbows.


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Original Poster
Merlin said:
I understand her mistakes bugging you (well, actually I don't understand it. There much bigger things in life to get annoyed about), but was it really necessary to correct her in front of a classroom full of people? Did that make you feel really big? Just curious, because I think that was a really mean thing to do. I also think it was unprofessional of the teacher to "settle" the argument by agreeing with you. Of course, that's assuming that part of your story is true (which I find myself kind of suspecting it's not).
I didn't literally correct her on everything. That would have taken too long. I think I just corrected her on the big ball part and the Disneyland's birthday part. I didn't think it was mean. If she isn't going to take the time to do the research, then she should be ok with people correcting her. It's irresponsible to make a presentation giving false information. I didn't correct her in a snotty way, it was more nicely informative. This was also a Speech class where we were to critique the person giving the Speech (ex. people said I didn't make enough eye contact.). Had it not been under those circumstances then no, I probably wouldn't have said anything.


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Merlin said:
So you like to ridicule people when they're doing public speaking and you also like to abuse little children? Not exactly the most "Disney" kind of person, are you?
What is with you?

And no, I don't literally crush their feet, I'll just basically put my foot back onto theirs without stepping down hard. I've never, nor tried to, hurt a kid by doing that. I just step back to give them a hint that their way to close. It's usually when they start leaning against my legs. If the parents can't keep their kids off of other people then stepping back to get them to move isn't that big of a deal to me. Like I said, I never put weight on them so it's not like it hurt them or anything like that. I'm not that stupid.


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Sledge said:
I didn't literally correct her on everything. That would have taken too long. I think I just corrected her on the big ball part and the Disneyland's birthday part. I didn't think it was mean. If she isn't going to take the time to do the research, then she should be ok with people correcting her. It's irresponsible to make a presentation giving false information. I didn't correct her in a snotty way, it was more nicely informative. This was also a Speech class where we were to critique the person giving the Speech (ex. people said I didn't make enough eye contact.). Had it not been under those circumstances then no, I probably wouldn't have said anything.

If you were supposed to give her constructive feedback, then that's a horse of a different color. Your post didn't mention that. Sorry.


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Sledge said:
What is with you?

And no, I don't literally crush their feet, I'll just basically put my foot back onto theirs without stepping down hard. I've never, nor tried to, hurt a kid by doing that. I just step back to give them a hint that their way to close. It's usually when they start leaning against my legs. If the parents can't keep their kids off of other people then stepping back to get them to move isn't that big of a deal to me. Like I said, I never put weight on them so it's not like it hurt them or anything like that. I'm not that stupid.

Okay, once again, your post made it sound as if you were intentionally trying to hurt them. That struck a nerve with me. My apologies for jumping to a conclusion.

On that note, though, perhaps a better way to handle it would be to talk to the parents. I don't think a little kid is going to understand why this big adult is suddenly stepping on his/her feet. Just a thought.


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Pongo said:
If the girl was supposed to be presnting to the class (a form of teaching), it makes sense that someone straighten out the facts. I wouldn't want my biology teacher telling me that all living things are made of sunshine and rainbows.

They aren't???:eek:


New Member
I know this was mentioned earlier but I just wanted to expand on the bus situation a bit.

Disney needs to re-think the bus situation and how they route traffic around the "World". I don't think it is appropriate to have children and their parents with strollers standing 10-20 minutes on a packed bus to or from a park. :brick: Safety is the first "Key to the Kingdom" and having people stand like that is not safe at all. I also think that each resort have their OWN bus. For example, PO Riverside and PO French Quarter each should have their own bus. This would cut down on the overloaded busses and cut down on travel time to and from the parks.


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TAC said:
Would it not make better sense to inform the parent that their children are breaking your personal space ?
Yes, but most the time if you just step back the kids get the hint. It's all being blown out of proportion. I know I said I step, but I don't literally step down on to the kids foot. It's more like putting my foot back to nudge them off a little bit. If they can run into the back of my legs then I highly doubt moving my leg back is that big of a deal to them. I made a big mistake in my wording. I didn't exactly mean it literally. It's seriously being blown out of proportion, but I'm sorry I didn't mean to give the impression that I hurt the kids.


Well-Known Member
A huge pet peeve of mine is that the Valu Resorts do not have a "deep end" or a pool slide. Being the family Resorts that they are that especially cater to children and kids, a deep end would be appreciated. And being at Disney, I think you should get a slide. I don't stay at Value Resorts, but just the fact that slides are not included and pools are shallow really, really bugs me!!


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Sledge said:
Yes, but most the time if you just step back the kids get the hint. It's all being blown out of proportion. I know I said I step, but I don't literally step down on to the kids foot. It's more like putting my foot back to nudge them off a little bit. If they can run into the back of my legs then I highly doubt moving my leg back is that big of a deal to them. I made a big mistake in my wording. I didn't exactly mean it literally. It's seriously being blown out of proportion, but I'm sorry I didn't mean to give the impression that I hurt the kids.

FYI - If Woody13 (the lawyer wannabe on these boards) hears about this, be prepared to hear a lecture from him using all kinds of impressive sounding legal terms and trying to scare you into believing that you've somehow broken the law by touching someone. :p

For the record, though, I'm clear now on what you meant.:wave:

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
It really bugs me when people can't park their vehicle. A few weeks ago at Downtown Disney, the lucky owner of a Dodge Caravan who had it's left tires on the other side of the white line got their mirrors adjust FREE OF CHARGE!


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Original Poster
Mr Bill said:
It really bugs me when people can't park their vehicle. A few weeks ago at Downtown Disney, the lucky owner of a Dodge Caravan who had it's left tires on the other side of the white line got their mirrors adjust FREE OF CHARGE!
Haha. I think thats funny, but I'm sure some people here will let you know how you had no right to do that to someone's car! :p


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I hate seeing parents yelling at their tired, crying children that "We paid a lot of money for this vacation and you're GOING to have FUN [occasionally with expletive]!"

A parent telling their child, who is obviously eager to try a ride they haven't been on, "No sweetie, that ride's no fun, let's go on... [fill in tame ride here]" - If the ride is scary and you don't think the child can handle it, say so. If you don't want to ride it with your child because you don't like or are afraid of it, say so too!

A less than stellar moment from personal experience:

After six of seven days in SoCal were overcast and/or raining and cooler than normal, my ex loudly complaining "I didn't come all the way to California for THIS kind of weather!" - Yes, when I booked in October for our January trip, I deliberately timed our week to hit the coldest, dampest week :zipit: [Oh, and paid all of her expenses for the trip :rolleyes:] Not the reason she's my "ex", but... :lookaroun [Of course, the CM who cheerfully explained that it was unusual for it to be like this and that "Oddly, LAST week was unseasonably warm and very sunny!" didn't help :lol:]

DS and I are headed to WDW this Saturday... Just us!


New Member
Something that happened when I was in Disneyland Paris...

Waiting for wishes, found a good spot about 20 minutes before the show and started waiting.

During the final bit before the show with the "we will be dimming the lights" thing, a tall guy (probably about 6'6, 6'7 - I'm only about 5'8) came up, smoking (middle of Main Street USA), stood right in front of us AND put his daughter on his shoulders. It was pretty packed on either side of us, so we couldnt really move to either side. Gawd, I wanted to kick the backs of his knees so badly...

Other things that annoy me... When people find out that I'm gonna be working in WDW (AFTER I've told them that I'll be doing park greeter/parking/ride ops/show ops), they look at me and say "So, you'll be dressing up as Mickey then?"... No. I won't be. Whats worse is when people who KNOW the position I'm going to be working in say things like "Well, they'll never let you be Mickey Mouse with an attitude like that!" or "Oh, well at least I wont be dressing up as Mickey Mouse this summer!"

Oi vey...

What reeeeeally bugs me is... well... I used to have (before I bought the CD) a recording that someone had made of Wishes (At WDW). About 5 minutes in, you can hear something and then the woman who's recording the show says in a high nasal, annoyed voice "[childs name here... I forget]! Be quiet!". Made me angry every time I heard it. The woman was ignoring her child...

Finally, it doesnt bug me, but I hate seeing it... When you see something that was installed but is no longer in use. Like the Odyssee restaurant in Epcot for instance. When I walk by it, I cant help but feel sad because I hate to see things like that not being used. Same goes for the skyway stations in MK etc. or if I see, for instance, a light fixture that's not being used (like, say, if the timekeeper scrolling sign was turned off). I know it's not economically (or whatever) viable to have them open, but I hate to see them closed. I wouldnt say it disappoints me, but it makes me kinda wish I had been there to see them in use, if that makes sense...

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