Disney OCD - The Little Things That Bug You


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TTFN-Tiggger said:
Annoying would be - the people that walk right in front of you and don't seem to care as you take a picture - had it happen to me 3 times in Italy during the Masquarde Festival they used to do. :(

On the other hand, it annoys me to no end when people stop in the middle of a walkway, or stand infront of others who were there first at shows/etc trying to get a picture - they act as though the world should stop because they want a photo.


Grade "A" Funny...
Standing in line at a Fastpass return being held up by groups of people who have fastpasses for other times but figured they would "give it a try" anyway......If the little red clock doesnt match your ticket - you lose, thanks for playing, and try again!....:brick:

Also . . . and this one gets me everytime. . . the groups of international students who feel they must sing/scream in a group while (a) walking the parks, (b) standing in line behind you, and (c) on the bus, monorail, or ferryboat.

Rant concluded.....lol....and good thread idea btw.:wave:


Well-Known Member
SirGoofy said:

-When people INSIST that a Universal ride is in WDW. Last time I was there I had a guy telling me that Spiderman was in MGM, and he didn't believe me when I said it wasn't.

-This is the worst one. WHEN PEOPLE SAY WDW IS FOR KIDS!!!!:fork:

OH GOD! I HATE THOSE TOO! >< Nothing bad about making a mistake and thinking something is in WDW when it isn't, but learn to accept being wrong.


New Member
- Like many of you, when folks call the Magic Kingdom "Disney World" or my favorite when they refer to the MK as "Fantasyland." and the other parks as totally different entities.

- People asking where "common" Universal rides are and which park they are located in. :hammer:

- People complaining about BTMR not going up-side down.

- "Look, Bugs Bunny!" quoted aboard Splash Mountain on my trip in '04

- When you notice two people in front of you in line wearing the same color shirt and obviously from some type of club or orginization. "No big deal" right? WRONG!!! Suddenly there are fifty of them in the back of the line who suddenly see their friends and jump in front of you with them.:brick:

These are funny, but don't forget not everybody has the privilege to be able to go to this place as much as we might, and some folks just don't have the mental capacity to enjoy Walt Disney World for what it is.


Well-Known Member
Sledge said:
With a lot of the people around here having a lot of passion for Disney and Disney Theme Parks, I thought it would be interesting to start a thread on this. This isn't meant to be a negative thread, but more of a "I can't believe this bugs me. Anyone else?" I'm talking the smallest things that just bug you, not to the point of being angry but just slightly irritated.

As much as I hate to say this, but it's true, it's a small world. :lol:


New Member
I work with two guys who have little kids but bash Disney World and say they won't take thier kids there unless thier wives make them. Niether of them have EVER been there nor do they have the faintest idea how much fun they (and thier kids) are missing out on.

I can't stand when cast members off duty talk about who is in the costumes. I was at DL watching a parade and this kid behind me kept talking about "Jonsie" in the Prince John costume and how so-and-so who is playing Snow White got all drunk at a party- TOTALLY unacceptable! What if some little kid heard that?

My blood pressure goes up everytime I walk into a theatre and there are people sitting in the middle of a row, like they are the most important people in there. What's even worse is the cm's who don't say something to these jerks.

Parents who pay absolutley no attention to thier kids

Parents who are DEPERATE to please thier children

People who don't pay attention to thier personal heigene

Line hoppers (reallly, is it THAT imperitive that you are on the same train as your other 10 friends?)

Unfriendly food service people

People who look at you like you don't have the right to get your picture taken with a character. These people get ultra ed when the character has to leave and you've got your picture and their child hasn't.



Well-Known Member
- When people complain because there are adults with no kids ahead of them in line to see the characters

- When people don't move all the way down in the rows and laugh at the people going by them like they know that their breaking the rules but they don't care.:fork: This is when I "accidently" trip over their feet. :drevil:

- When people bring in huge cups from Universal and say that they were told that they can get free refills at any Disney Park and then argue with you. This was on my CP, you'd think I'd know what parks were part of Disney, but I guess I had to be enlightened. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Horizons78 said:
Standing in line at a Fastpass return being held up by groups of people who have fastpasses for other times but figured they would "give it a try" anyway......If the little red clock doesnt match your ticket - you lose, thanks for playing, and try again!....:brick:

Also . . . and this one gets me everytime. . . the groups of international students who feel they must sing/scream in a group while (a) walking the parks, (b) standing in line behind you, and (c) on the bus, monorail, or ferryboat.

How about groups of people who act like they dont speak english trying to use fastpasses for the wrong time. Then when they are turned away are overheard talking about what to do next in clear english.

Tour Groups

And last ut not least...

People will tell you that they just got back from DW and they loved the hulk coaster at MGM and the penguin exibit at AK was great.

Oh Yea One More....

How about when you are in line for 20 min to see a character thats not out often, then the CM anounces that 5 min till the character goes in. You look ahead and theres only one family so you think ,great no problem. Then they start taking 20 diffrent pictures with every combination of ppl in their group all along the cm acts like this is fine and even helping to take some of the photos for them so they all can be in the picture. Then when their done announces that times up.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
-People being rude to Cast Members. Dealing with the public and keeping a smile on your face is one of the most difficult things a person can do. And yet, there are some guests that have no respect for that. I wonder how they would fare, dealing with thousands of people a day and still keeping that "Disney" attitude.

-People leaving trash everywhere. There are trash cans at very short intervals everywhere in the park, and at the entrances and exits of every attractioon. However, some guests simply cannot hold on to their trash for those few extra minutes/seconds and leave it wherever they may. When I saw Phillharmagic on my last trip, it was rather late in the day, and the floor was covered in garbage. Unfortunately, the Cast simply does not have time to clean up the theater, since it has such a high turnover rate.

-And, finally I, too, am annoyed to no end by people who stop in the middle of theater rows :fork:. Seriously, the theater is designed so that every seat has a decent view. I've actually gotten quite good at estimating crowd levels, and have lately been able to position myself in the pre-show room so that I actually end up getting a middle seat legally (yeah, I know I just said that every seat has a decent view...but still :D ).

I did experience an instance of middle-row justice on my last trip, though. I was getting on Soarin', and was in the audience-right (stage left) section. As I was apporaching the seats, a father pushed past me, and positioned himself directly in the middle of the section. He motioned the rest of his family to do the same (which they did rather reluctantly), which left me to proceed all the way to the end of the row. However, in Soarin', this actually put me significantly closer to the middle of the screen, giving me a much better seat. Justice is served. :)


Well-Known Member
I got another one: Parents who leave Magic Kingdom by monorail and head to EPCOT and it only come to their attention that they LEFT ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN AT THE TTC ONE HOUR EARLIER.

True story I swear. :lol:


Active Member
How about ppl who are using drink refill cups that are 2 or 3 designs ago. I saw ppl at POR using the old yellow and black cups last summer. Im not saying I wouldnt use cups from a previous trip but when they change the design at least get a new cup. Ive got the old yellow and black ones, the DL ones and now PO ones.


Know it all's

I hate people who talk amongst there group as if they know eveything. I can't think of any examples but people who try to show off with there facts and trivia about Disney but are totally wrong about it. You can add people who also talk about rumours that they heard of first hand form a 'Leader' that are totally wrong.

I guess an example would be Pirates, I heard someone saying that Floridas Pirates isn't as good a California's because Floridas was built first and was the test:veryconfu You know things like that.

Pushy parents, the ones who tell there kids to push in ride and Shop lines.

I have to second the people who are rude to cast, and other guests.

Kids how cry during Phillharmagic, Voyage of the Little Mermaid, Tough to be a Bug, etc, etc. Drives me crazy, Ive never heard kids cry more than at WDW.

People who 'camp' the parade route, fireworks areas etc, if they want to do that fine, just dont get funny with people who want/need to get past......


Well-Known Member
People who won't move all the way down in a theater IS another big one. So rude!!

The other thing I hate is if I pick a spot to watch Wishes and I stand around for 20 minutes, don't you dare push your damned kid in front of me or step right in my line of sight. Jeez people. I've been standing here for a reason, not so I could look at the back of your head or your kid on your shoulders!


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
On the other hand, it annoys me to no end when people stop in the middle of a walkway, or stand infront of others who were there first at shows/etc trying to get a picture - they act as though the world should stop because they want a photo.
Ditto! This has always bugged me. When the person taking the picture stands on one side of the walkway and the people they are taking of picture of in on the other side (like 20 feet way) and they expect EVERYONE to stop. And when people finaly do stop it takes them forever to press the button! The thing that gets me about this is that those pictures are always the worst ones. The people are so far away that you can't even see them. :hammer:
WARNING: Next time I see someone taking a picture like that while I am trying to walk by I will jump in the picture with the other people and pose. :lol:


Active Member
I absolutely hate when people call Disney World Disneyland!!!! ahhh!!!!! It is the worst. And then they talk about Epcot, or MGM like its not even a part of Disney World??!?!?! Who are these people? lol, Mixing up Universal and Disney is even worse...they are not even close. (Well, literally they are...but still)

I cant wait until ppl start saying "where is the mummy" in animal kingdom. Or do the same at Universal, "wheres that new fandangled Mountain ride with the Snowman?" :hammer:


Sledge said:
I hate that too. I especially hate people calling it Fast Track and I get annoyed when people call it Mission To Space or Mission To Mars. :lol:

P.S. - "Disneyworld" is two words. :):lol:

Yea, but I'm really lazy, and pressing both the space bar and shift would take too much energy. :lol:


Well-Known Member
People who call SSE the golf ball well little kids saying it is cute.

People who can't find the Great Movie Ride :(

People at the TTC who don't recognize the Earful Tower symbol on the bus signs, and think you can take the Monorail to MGM.

People who you know are mentally spelling it as Disneyworld

Someone insisted that there are two Disneylands in both southern and northern california.

Called Downtown Disney City Walk :fork: Hey it's the WDW village and markeplace to me :eek:

Scream out like the muppet character Animal in the Muppet 1990 WDW movie "SNOW WHITE , CINDERELLA, jasmine AHHHHHHHHH and these r parents

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