Disney has built last park in Central Florida


Well-Known Member
PhotoDave219 said:
I dont want my taxes to go up to support a medocire basketball team that cant make the playoffs.

Well I guess you don't realize that we started 2 rookies this year and this year was successful considering we completely revamped the roster from the previous year. It takes time to build team chemistry. The Magic made the playoffs 8 years and have appeared in 2 Eastern Conference finals. You act as if they are the Clippers or something. They've had 2 down years. So what? I'm not a fairweather fan and I'm smart enough to realize that JW has done a great job at building the foundation for the team. And also I'm sure you already know this, but the Magic were playing without Hill, Turk, Francis, and Christie at the end of the season. That dampered the playoff hopes just a LITTLE bit.

And if you don't want to pay for them and the bill passes, you can move. There is nothing that says you have to stay in Orlando :wave:


Well-Known Member
DisneyFreak529 said:
I think Disney is thinking of the out of town guest. Come one how am I spost to find room for five parks In 7 days. I need at least one rest day and one day in Universal studio or shopping or sight seeing. What they should do is find a way to build some were eles in America. Do another Disney World, maybe not as big but some were in the middle of FLordia and California, they are on oppsite sides.

Are you sure Disney would want you to take time off property to visit universal?

A 3rd resort in the US would be over doing it.


donald23 said:
I think that even if another "theme park" is not built, WDW will have plenty of other attractions to add to "the world". Disney has always done things first-class, so any new plans for WDW will be good no matter what.
Exactly.. I think they should keep their money and keep adding top class attractions to the existing parks.. 5 parks just wouldnt sound right...



Well-Known Member
I kinda like the idea of 5 parks, that way MK would be front and center everytime there's a group shot/logo. And it would also make it 1 park per day if you spend a week in WDW :D (I think if they do build a 5th park, they're gonna beef up the existing 4 to keep up with their new baby brother anyway) , i know i'm in the minority, sorry.


New Member
Although I would love any additional park added to WDW I think using the $$ to expand what is there is a great idea and should keep all of us Disney crazy's going for a while. The only thing that makes me laugh about these companies and esp. the finanncial analysis people is, how do they really expect international tourist to keep coming here if they keep building over there. Yes, I know there are many tourist that love to come to WDW esp. with the dollar so low. NY is booming becuase of it. But Disneys fastest growing main tourist comes from the far east and now there will be 2 parks in that area of the world! So why would that the laegest growing customer come here? Unless they make WDW even better so they want to come here.


Active Member
First, I hate all these sports teams expecting taxpayer's to fork over the money to build stadiums that they can well afford, even going so far as blackmailing them into it. If cities stuck together and didn't pay for them they'd have no choice but to build their own.

I noticed the drop in international tourism when they opened Tokyo. You used to see large groups of Japanese tourists in the parks all the time, but now not so much. Most American's don't take a 14 day vacations, but most European's do take a 14 day vacation at least once a year. I don't see the American culture drastically changing on that point any time soon. And, if you build parks everywhere of course international tourism is going to slow down in FL, duh!

The $1,500 vacation is a farce because that doesn't include FOOD. When you factor in food and airfare, you are talking about $3,000 plus for a family of four.

I am an investor in Disney and I would like to see them put money back into the parks that they have existing already. Refurb rides, add more C and D rides besides E-ticket ones. Look at Pooh that is a great ride, bouncing with tigger is so neat. Where else can the entire family of all ages go and everyone can go on rides, maybe not all of them, but there is something for everyone.

Disney needs to get back to the business at hand and attend to their "cash cow" because the cow is not well, buying ABC a/k/a the money pit was a big mistake and took away from the parks. They need to let the imagineers run a project and not the financial people. Financial people don't have a clue, since they are always looking at the short term and not the long term return. Look at the rides that have stood the test of time, financial people didn't control them.


New Member
2 Cents

Ok Here we go...

1) I love how people go on tangents and then totally mess the oringinal intent of the main thread... sounds like a convo with me! For anyone one that knows me it is true, they will agree!
2) Great way that basketball entered into a theme park and mouse conversation1

~~ Back to oringal Thread~~

I worked in Orlando for 8 months and loved the experience, atmosphere, people, everything about it. I worked at EPCOT and loved being able to ride the monorail to MK or walk to MGM b4 i had to go to work! It was great with everything there at a resonable distance.
One thing as i was reading all 10 pages of this thread... i realized a few things...
1) Is it possible to expand on the orignal 4 parks in WDW?
As im thinkin about space around MK it doesnt seem possible just redo the attractions they have there and what not and tahts good.. EPCOT surround by roads, resorts, (and cant think of another R) so no where to go but around backstage areas... MGM... Roads and guest area.. AK.. already moving ahead and making the park better and making it a little more than a half day park with EE! since it is the largest area with more than 500 ac. they can move around more and expand.. the best idea yet!

And like always.. i had more and then got so worked up i forgot it lol!!

~~ Adam ºOº


In Epcot, they can
a) add new pavillions (plenty of room)
b) add to current pavillions (like rumored canada ride)
c) change current pavillions (like demolishing WoL for something new and better)

For DMGM, there is plenty of areas that can use attractions. ABC Theater is empty (former Superstar TV) and now that Disney owns the Muppets, they can add to that section of the park. Also, Lucas has said that Star Tours will get an upgrade (is that confirmed, no...but still).

AK has plenty of room and ideas :)cough:Beastlie Kingdomme:cough:)
MK is a little more constrained, but can still change Timekeeper (unfortunate but inevitable), Golden Horseshoe Review, Space Mountain upgrade (a la Disneyland), and Galaxy Palace Theater to name a few.


Pixie Duster

New Member
Great article, I loved reading all the facts about the market, as it confirmed the research I did all semester... it may be heartbreaking for some, but it does make a whole lot of sense.


New Member
amfail20 said:
1) Is it possible to expand on the orignal 4 parks in WDW?
As im thinkin about space around MK it doesnt seem possible just redo the attractions they have there and what not and tahts good..

If you think that the Magic Kingdom can't expand, you should take a look at what Disneyland has been doing for the past 50 years. It still amazes me that they can fit everything that they have inside such a little space.

But you still have to take into account that the Haunted Mansion is almost toughing Splash Mountain...


Active Member
Pongo said:
If you think that the Magic Kingdom can't expand, you should take a look at what Disneyland has been doing for the past 50 years. It still amazes me that they can fit everything that they have inside such a little space.

And even further, Disneyland actually has a lot of underutilized acreage available in the Park. It's amazing when you think about land premiums in SoCal and yet there we have land just sitting there doing nothing!

As I say, my 1st trip ever to Magic Kingdom, I was aghast at how much land was used on landscaping. We could never afford that "luxury" here in SoCal. And man oh man how I would love to have a lagoon in front of Disneyland and be able to boat past it at leisure. Could never happen unless the streets surrounding Disneyland suddenly became a coast line due to a major SoCal earthquake ;)


Active Member
Sergeant Tibbs said:
But is it true that Disney is looking to buy land in California?!?!?!

Depends you who talk to. The 3rd Park rumor has been around as soon as California Adventure opened. With the lack luster attendance of DCA I wouldn't expect it anytime soon. The rumor was that they are buying land behind the Anaheim Convention Center to make another park over there and connect via monorail but as you can see from this post's many hits, that Monorail expansion is not a profitable venture. Also the park would be some distance from DCA and DL if this area is brought. If you google it you'll find tons of stuff on it but I doubt it will happen until DCA is brought up to speed. The latest in this is that a "Epcot"-esque Water Park would open with Themed areas like the World Showcase in place of the Westcot idea which lost to DCA back in planning stages and looks like it won't happen as a third park now. The problem in CA is that an entire city is lined up around DL where WDW has the acres to remain slightly separated.

Whew! :D


Third Theme Park

Disneyfan1981 said:
Depends you who talk to. The 3rd Park rumor has been around as soon as California Adventure opened. With the lack luster attendance of DCA I wouldn't expect it anytime soon. <snip>

Ha! I had forgotten about that. Didn't the website for the third park go up before DCA even opened? Gotta love that Pressler magic! Now that's optimism. It's probably a good thing it stalled, too, because it sounded like the least defined concept ever.

But hey, what do I know? I'm still rooting for Westcot :)
blackride said:
I dont want another park myself. I would rather them focus on improving what they have.

Coudn't agree with you more now we can see DAK at its full potential.And we may be seeing all thse rumors rides we been hearing about.They might even got all 4 parks at Magic Kingdom level so this is great.


You know, there is a reason no one has posted in this thread in about 10 months. How I wish there was a rule that after a few months of no posting a thread automatically is locked.


New Member
Well thank god for that. I would much rather have a higher quality Animal Kingdom than another Animal Kingdom that just opened two weeks ago... If that makes sense.


This was written by a journalist. Reporters are usually wrong because they only hear what they want to hear. Who knows what is really going on. The only ones who know are the ones in that closed board room. What I do know is that although there are generations that are getting older, new generations keep being born, and will love Disney as much as we all did and still do. If people keep visiting, Disney keeps making money, therefore; Disney keeps building.

Dont worry so much. Disney knows where to make the dollars. :)
I can see the American Park going in as the 5th park for WDW by 2020. A new park does draw bigger crowds to all of WDW and makes a big splash for promoting the whole thing. An American park will draw more Americans to WDW, seeing that they are the biggest population of guests to begin with. The foreign parks should be utilized more to draw them to WDW-the crown jewel in theme parks. I see the expansion of foreign parks as an advantage (if properly used) for WDW not a disadvantage.

I don't have a problem with expanding the existihng parks either to draw more crowds. I think that WDW needs a brand new resort, the Magic Kingdom could use some much needed expansion with attractions and restaurants to help with the ever increasing crowds. Animal Kingdom could still use some expansion such as a Southern and Northern American area. EPCOT could use two new countries and a new International Parade to spice up the park and World Showcase. India (missing out on a Billion people and a growing minority population in the US) and Spain would be great (to name two). The only problem that I will have is if they keep too narrow of a focus on only the four existing parks and let WDW lose its Crown Jewel status amongst their theme parks.

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