disney downhill?


Well-Known Member
umm pleasure island is a group of night clubs= drinking and dancing. did you not notice that? obviously you wouldnt bring a child there...

Obviously you haven't been there lately. ;)

It's full of strollers and "parents" who think it's okay to take toddlers and children to bars...because it's Disney.

One of the many reasons the area is being closed.



New Member
Maybe it was just a down trip, you know? Things didn't go quite as you expected and in turn, you tend to nitpick and notice what's wrong with the park(s) rather than focus on having a good time. It's too bad, but I know the feeling. My last trip was like that, mostly due to the crummy weather. Hopefully you'll make a trip back soon and wipe out your last one.


Well-Known Member
You've never head a burger with lettuce, LOL? Most major national chains have some form of burger with lettuce, and in Manhattan, for instance, a burger with lettuce and tomato is called a "cheeseburger deluxe".

Lettuce is one of the most common burger toppings.

Actually, in Manhattan, the "deluxe" means it comes with fries.


Well-Known Member
Its trully terrible, exposing kids to alcohol and all these people with "alternative" lifestyles. Some parents need to take a long hard look at themselves.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with exposing children to alternative lifestyles...of course, technically, there is no such thing as an alternative lifestyle. No one group holds the claim to normal lifestyle. But I guess it depends on what you mean by "lifestyle." Do you mean public nudity, intoxication and bad manners? Then No one hould be exposed to that. Do you mean two boys holding hands or a German couple wearing lederhosen, because there is nothing wrong with that.


Well-Known Member
Actually, in Manhattan, the "deluxe" means it comes with fries.

LOL I almost brought fries into the conversation, but I didn't want to derail it further. ;)

In practice, I have found to some places a CB Deluxe means with Lettuce and Tomato, and in others it means Lettuce and Tomato with fries (it depends on where you go). In either case, I have found lettuce to be the constant. :ROFLOL:



New Member
1.Yep. I've noticed this on my last THREE trips. Not that everyone was bad, but enough that it was noticeable. I used to love the fact that EVERYONE in the parks was friendly and did their jobs so well. It was a nice break from the reality of the idiots see everyday.

Personally, I think there is a degeneration in the service industry period. I think there are many who do not take pride in their job and their performance reflects this. Though personally, I've not come across a Disney cast member that I have experienced this with.


New Member
1. Wait a year or two! I've been about 10 or 11 times, but with two years between trips. That gives me enough time to make it all fresh and exciting, as well as giving enough times for new rides and such to be added and updated.

I agree - We elect to go every 4 years for a variety of reasons, one of them that it does give a chance for new and updated things to come to the world and for us to explore them on our return trip. For example, we were last there in July 2004 and are returning in September this year and since those trips, Expedition Everest was completed; Monsters Inc Laugh Floor; Toy Story Mania; Soarin'; Stitch the Experiment replaced the Alien Encounter; the Living Seas became something new with Turtle Talk; and the Haunted Mansion, POTC, and Spaceship Earth Rehabs.


New Member
Life (and a WDW trip) tends to be what you make of it.

I don't expect other people to bring the magic. When they don't, it doesn't ruin it for me, and when they do, it makes it exciting and surprising. I never go with a feeling of entitlement.

I love monkey tails (chocolate covered frozen bananas). I always approach them with a "I hope they are as good as I remember" attitude though than an "I expect them to be as good as I remembered" attitude.

When I went on my honeymoon with my husband, we had a "bad trip". We were conned out of $80, my husband lost his raybans, I broke my toe, we all got dehydration, my husband got his legs attacked by biting ants, and we got mega sunburns. But it was the best trip ever... and maybe it's cuz I focuz on the positive things like a white sand beach, fresh quacamole, and friendly people.

I don't know the whole story. I'm sorry the OP was disappointed. I think some strategic use of fastpasses, and some checking of expectations might help in the future, but I don't know. Some trips aren't as magical as others, I guess. They're all magical to me, though.


Well-Known Member

i went for my 18th trip a week and a half ago i loved it. I even went to Hollywood studios on the star wars day ,which i did not like ,but made out fine. i always leave during the busy parts of the day and i accomplished alot. but about the bus's i have a feeling it depends on the resort u stay at carribean beach bus system was great i didnt wait over 15 minutes. i am not positive of this but i have heard each resort is responsible for their bus's is this true or no?

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with exposing children to alternative lifestyles...of course, technically, there is no such thing as an alternative lifestyle. No one group holds the claim to normal lifestyle. But I guess it depends on what you mean by "lifestyle." Do you mean public nudity, intoxication and bad manners? Then No one hould be exposed to that. Do you mean two boys holding hands or a German couple wearing lederhosen, because there is nothing wrong with that.

Can I just clarify that, what you seem to be saying is if something matches your values its OK but if it doesn't then, man the barricades, and Q the shock horror?

Never could figure out how an exposed nipple could bring down society. :shrug:


Active Member
There is absolutely nothing wrong with exposing children to alternative lifestyles...of course, technically, there is no such thing as an alternative lifestyle. No one group holds the claim to normal lifestyle. But I guess it depends on what you mean by "lifestyle." Do you mean public nudity, intoxication and bad manners? Then No one hould be exposed to that. Do you mean two boys holding hands or a German couple wearing lederhosen, because there is nothing wrong with that.

So you are saying that there are no standards for normal? That would be a tough one to get on board with.


beg to differ with beefog

was just there for our 100th trip and sorry to differ with you A BIT in that it has not lost the magic for me. if you read another thread i started about EMH and FASTPASS then you will know about my gripes.

it has not lost THE MAGIC... but when you do go there with your children and also 2 grandchildren and have to wait on line for over 2 hours for Soaring, as we chose to do, it becomes not nick-picking but observations. the MAGIC i see it with on my 100th trip is still the wonder and thrill i saw it with on my first trip... HOWEVER i don't know if waiting in line 2+ hours will provide that feeling of wonder and MAGIC years from now in my grandkids.

just my thoughts...


Well-Known Member
WARNING WARNING Rant about to begin, and non PC words may apply. However, the overall message is actually not aimed at anyone on th is board because if you are on a Disney discussion board, you are a Disney fan.

Disney is just not for everyone. Some are dragged there by well meaning friends. Some are naive and don't think it requires a lot of planning.

And when you arrive at noon because you slept in you are frustrated that to meet Mickey takes an hour. You can't have a sit down meal because just when you started to get hungry is when you decided to look for a table service restaurant. Also, you waited in line for and hour for a ride that takes 9 minutes.

Then there are those who refuse to EVER be in a photograph. Honestly, there are deep psychological issues at work here. Get some help. You are who you are. Own it, be proud of it, fix it if you don't like it. But really, never to take a photo as if not taking a photo means no one sees that you are...whatever it is that is making you not take a photo.

Or those who get annoyed at Cast Members because they are being nice. "Hi, may I....." "NO!" "Really, I'd be happy to....." "What you are doing is annoying me." "Oh good, that is my job." "Well, you are succeeding."

At Character Spot, people complain about a 60 minute wait time. I try to explain that if you tried to see these 5/6 characters seprately, it would take 3 hours.

Everyone is so right when they say that WDW is what you make it. Have a plan. Allow your plan to be flexible. And know that somethings you won't get to see unless you make them your priority.


Well-Known Member
And the crowds... peak time... as a purple dragon once said "here we goooooo!"


When did I say that!?!? :lol::p j/k

I always make a point to avoid WDW during the summer and especially around the 4th of July, the crowds are just ridiculous. Honestly if you go during peak times you can't expect to walk on every ride and for buses to be on time everywhere they go. I took my god daughter in June of last year and I knew it was going to be crowded, so going in with that mindset made all the difference. Because I expected long lines and busy buses, I was pleasantly surprised when I found short lines on some attractions, or an empty bus, or got a smile from a CM whos been sitting in the sweltering heat all day dealing with rude guests.

I think the biggest problem is people go to WDW with super high expectations, even us regulars sometimes. We forget that during the busy times of the year, everything can't be 100% because sometimes turn over times on attractions/food lines is more important than making everything completely magical for each and every guest. I mean be honest, how pleasant would you be if you had been sitting in the sweltering heat for 8 hours getting yelled at by guests who think they deserve something extra because they had to wait in line?

Hats off to every single CM at WDW for doing the best they can to keep guests happy, even if sometimes it goes unappreciated like in the OP of this thread. I think a little change in perspective is all it takes to turn a bad experience into something more positive:

-So your burger is overcooked, at least they got it to you quickly
-So a bus is a little late, at least it got you to the parks
-So the lines are long, at least you are in WDW and not at work.
-SO a CM wasn't cheery enough for you, at least you still got service

I think going to WDW and thinking you "deserve" special treatment because you paid money to be there is the worst thing you can do.


I try at most to avoid peak season and times when the parks are going to be super crowded. I agree with most other posters here that you need to not have super high expectations when you go in those peak times. Those are extemely busy days and cast members have to deal with the influx of crowds during the hot days. The service in WDW is still far superior than in other theme parks near me.

I find that every time that I go I have a good time because everyone that is there is so happy. That spirit of happiness makes the trip for me.


Well-Known Member
WARNING WARNING Rant about to begin, and non PC words may apply. However, the overall message is actually not aimed at anyone on th is board because if you are on a Disney discussion board, you are a Disney fan.

Disney is just not for everyone. Some are dragged there by well meaning friends. Some are naive and don't think it requires a lot of planning.

And when you arrive at noon because you slept in you are frustrated that to meet Mickey takes an hour. You can't have a sit down meal because just when you started to get hungry is when you decided to look for a table service restaurant. Also, you waited in line for and hour for a ride that takes 9 minutes.

Then there are those who refuse to EVER be in a photograph. Honestly, there are deep psychological issues at work here. Get some help. You are who you are. Own it, be proud of it, fix it if you don't like it. But really, never to take a photo as if not taking a photo means no one sees that you are...whatever it is that is making you not take a photo.

Or those who get annoyed at Cast Members because they are being nice. "Hi, may I....." "NO!" "Really, I'd be happy to....." "What you are doing is annoying me." "Oh good, that is my job." "Well, you are succeeding."

At Character Spot, people complain about a 60 minute wait time. I try to explain that if you tried to see these 5/6 characters seprately, it would take 3 hours.

Everyone is so right when they say that WDW is what you make it. Have a plan. Allow your plan to be flexible. And know that somethings you won't get to see unless you make them your priority.

THANK YOU!!!! Could not have put it any better myself!!!


New Member
-So the lines are long, at least you are in WDW and not at work

That one line right there is the one that sums it up for me best!! Even at it's hottest, most crowded, etc, at least your are in WDW and NOT at work!! And always remember: Nobody twisted your arm to go to DW. And happiness is something we CHOOSE! So, choose to be happy and enjoy!! YOU'RE AT WDW, for pete's sake!!




If you are good at reading people's psyches, and moods, you can tell the difference between someone who sucks and someone who is having a bad day. Look at the situation. Is the cast member trying to control lots of people in a short period of time while trying to accomplish something else? Thus....being short with guests. Is the cast member deficient in interpersonal skills, but still making an attempt to say please...but appearing to be rude? Or have you been watching the cast member for a bit of time and haven't seen them smile to one person or do more than the minimum for their job? It is the latter person that is a bad cast member.

We have people in our department that rarely smile on stage and only smile backstage when they are making fun of guests. We have cast members who do barely the minimum to accomplish their job. We have people who hide from guests whenever possible to avoid helping anyone. They suck. Then we have people who try and who occaisionally have a bad day. It is the later that get into trouble more than the former because they are putting themselves out there.

So yes, some cast members suck and some are having a bad day. Most are polite and many go above and beyond.

Yes, you are so right. I have seen castmembers having a bad MOMENT due to ungrateful, pushy rotten guests. And then seen them turn it around quickly and proceed to be wonderful again.

I am referring to the ones you refer to as S__________G. No excuse for that.

And as you say, I rate the vast majority as SUPERB.

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