Disney and Universal working on Marvel deal for Florida?


Well-Known Member
Make of this picture what you will (no but actually look towards the top). It's from the 24-hour event a week ago.

Lest anyone think the show director responsible for the 24 hour party did a lick of work, that's from a private travel industry park buyout


Well-Known Member
Well they didnt do Furious7 numbers worldwide. (To be fair, no one saw that coming)

Yes I liked Ultron, liked it better than the first one. I enjoy the movies. I just think we've reached a point of oversaturation where the general public might start to lose interest.

Although I think WB has much more to be concerned with....

I agree. Ultron was much better than the first Avengers. To date, Guardians is still my favorite Marvel movie (and the best imo). Looking forward to Ant-Man, only because I always was into the obscure Marvel characters (after being hooked on the X-Men and Spiderman cartoons as a kid in the 90s).


Well-Known Member
So...I finally saw Age of Ultron last night.

It's funny, because some "agenda" folks have labeled me a "Marvel fanboy" but I most certainly am not. I remember Netflixing or Redboxing the first Iron Man film, and I never finished watching it. I was like who are these people and why do I care? I actually didn't see a Marvel movie proper until I accidentally got Captain America from Disney Movie Club.

I still have never seen more than the 1st half of Iron Man, or any of it's sequels, and I haven't seen the Thor films. Unlike some folks who use everything to push their own agendas, in spite of the fact I've only seen half of the films, it doesn't prevent me from realizing how popular they are or what a good purchase it was for Disney.

However, I really enjoyed Captain America, Avengers, Winter Soldier, GoG, and now Avengers 2.

It was a great film, but of course I had this thread in my mind as I watched it. And also just learning that Joss Whedon isn't going to be involved in future Avengers films that was on my mind, as well.

I do think the one hurdle they are going to have to overcome is the loss of Joss. It may seem like these films "write/direct themselves" but Joss Whedon was very evident in Avengers (as much as could be considering it was such an origin story with so much to cover), but he was splattered all over Avengers 2. It's everything inherent to Joss' work that keeps them from being bloated CGI fests.

It's both deceptively easy and difficult to quantify at once - I think the best comparison I can think of is that Joss Whedon's signature of dialogue, story, and pacing is like Hitchcock's signature in framing and camera movements. It's so unique to him, and just like Hitchcock, when someone else tries to break it down to it's elements and replicate it, it just comes off as derivative and vapid. It doesn't work. You can add all the same ingredients but the genius is in the part you can't quantify - the genius of how it's put together, the instinctual part that cannot be replicated. The way Whedon makes you just fall in love with all the characters.

For example, one aspect of Whedon is the pressing up against the 4th wall with brief shot of irreverent humor but not breaking it. In the first minute or two of Avengers 2 that would be represented in the "Language!" joke with Captain America. It was so perfect for the characters, tells you just what you need to know about this team (even for folks who have never seen a Marvel film), where they are at, and placing it in the center of a battle sequence as a brief tonal switch - all in the space of a few seconds and less than a dozen words of dialogue. it's just so perfectly Whedon.

Now, when writers try to emulate that (and they have, after Buffy there were so many many shows that tried to replicate it and failed miserably), they say "insert self-effacing banter, OK, we got it - check." But they don't realize that again, it's just one cog in the wheel of what makes Whedon such a unique voice, and is just like someone trying to do a "Hitchcockian" shot in a film - it stands out like a sore thumb as a pale imitation. And it goes way beyond the humor - that's just one surface aspect (what happened in the development of Quicksilver was another very different tone of the same thing, as was every moment between Banner/Hulk/BW - it was all over the film).

All that said - that doesn't mean they are lost without him. There are other approaches they can take which could be as successful. It's just that they really need to find that new approach, and not try to emulate Whedon's very unique style or it will just come off as an imitation. Particularly in a two-part epic. They need to do something other than a hollow imitation of Whedon's style - an entirely different approach.


Well-Known Member
The hot cheese thread gets deleted which is real, and this thread still exists and is false. Confounding. But at least this thread the op isn't having an intergalactic tantrum/meltdown because people are being funny. That's nice.

The SS joker just doesn't stand a chance because it's still way too soon after Ledger's Joker which has become an iconic character/ performance. It's just too difficult because every other joker is going to be compared to him and there's no winning or topping it.

No matter how good MARVEL does they'll never have a legitimate acting performance that can garner an academy award (no matter how you feel about the awards themselves). I love Snyders MOS. Love Nolan's Batman franchise, which ended on a perfect note. Where DC gets in trouble is when they try to act like MARVEL. DC is darker and more mature oriented. SS looks like it might try to go the MARVEL route and that's how we end up with Akiva Goldsman Batman films.

SW is going to be huge but I think people are building themselves up way, way, way too much.

And I think you'll see Carsland on that red section of Googlemap before you see anything MARVEL. The level of denial is amazing. We'll still be having these silly rationalizations even when UNI opens up it's new Avengers attraction of why UNI will either sell off their MARVEL rights to Disney or (hahahahahaha) they just give them up, because, you know, it gets really taxing making all that money.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
The hot cheese thread gets deleted which is real, and this thread still exists and is false. Confounding. But at least this thread the op isn't having an intergalactic tantrum/meltdown because people are being funny. That's nice.

The SS joker just doesn't stand a chance because it's still way too soon after Ledger's Joker which has become an iconic character/ performance. It's just too difficult because every other joker is going to be compared to him and there's no winning or topping it.

No matter how good MARVEL does they'll never have a legitimate acting performance that can garner an academy award (no matter how you feel about the awards themselves). I love Snyders MOS. Love Nolan's Batman franchise, which ended on a perfect note. Where DC gets in trouble is when they try to act like MARVEL. DC is darker and more mature oriented. SS looks like it might try to go the MARVEL route and that's how we end up with Akiva Goldsman Batman films.

SW is going to be huge but I think people are building themselves up way, way, way too much.

And I think you'll see Carsland on that red section of Googlemap before you see anything MARVEL. The level of denial is amazing. We'll still be having these silly rationalizations even when UNI opens up it's new Avengers attraction of why UNI will either sell off their MARVEL rights to Disney or (hahahahahaha) they just give them up, because, you know, it gets really taxing making all that money.
That thread was moved, not deleted....


Well-Known Member
The hot cheese thread gets deleted which is real, and this thread still exists and is false. Confounding. But at least this thread the op isn't having an intergalactic tantrum/meltdown because people are being funny. That's nice.

The SS joker just doesn't stand a chance because it's still way too soon after Ledger's Joker which has become an iconic character/ performance. It's just too difficult because every other joker is going to be compared to him and there's no winning or topping it.

No matter how good MARVEL does they'll never have a legitimate acting performance that can garner an academy award (no matter how you feel about the awards themselves). I love Snyders MOS. Love Nolan's Batman franchise, which ended on a perfect note. Where DC gets in trouble is when they try to act like MARVEL. DC is darker and more mature oriented. SS looks like it might try to go the MARVEL route and that's how we end up with Akiva Goldsman Batman films.

SW is going to be huge but I think people are building themselves up way, way, way too much.

And I think you'll see Carsland on that red section of Googlemap before you see anything MARVEL. The level of denial is amazing. We'll still be having these silly rationalizations even when UNI opens up it's new Avengers attraction of why UNI will either sell off their MARVEL rights to Disney or (hahahahahaha) they just give them up, because, you know, it gets really taxing making all that money.

You can Find Your Hot Cheese Thread Here.

Ledgers Joker is in the same ballpark of Nicholson's Joker. However, Jack was simply playing himself. Ledger took the character to places we've never seen before.

And no, I don't think we're building Star Wars up too much. Its been 32 years since we've seen a sequel. (Dear lord I'm old)

And no, you wont be seeing Marvel in DHS beyond anything you already have.


Well-Known Member
You can Find Your Hot Cheese Thread Here.

Ledgers Joker is in the same ballpark of Nicholson's Joker. However, Jack was simply playing himself. Ledger took the character to places we've never seen before.

And no, I don't think we're building Star Wars up too much. Its been 32 years since we've seen a sequel. (Dear lord I'm old)

And no, you wont be seeing Marvel in DHS beyond anything you already have.
I'm saying that people are building SW up in the way that it's going to redefine the blockbuster. Also how people around the net are already calling it a classic based off two teasers.

And yeah, glad the cheese is saved. I was more really just poking fun at the difference in those threads, one actually had significance as actual news, even if it's just hot cheese, and vanished, and this subject being completely pulled out of the fanboi nether and continually pushed as actual news... Or rumor... Or a possibility, which it isn't. And the behavior of the OPs. It was kind of funny.


Well-Known Member
I'm saying that people are building SW up in the way that it's going to redefine the blockbuster. Also how people around the net are already calling it a classic based off two teasers.

And yeah, glad the cheese is saved. I was more really just poking fun at the difference in those threads, one actually had significance as actual news, even if it's just hot cheese, and vanished, and this subject being completely pulled out of the fanboi nether and continually pushed as actual news... Or rumor... Or a possibility, which it isn't. And the behavior of the OPs. It was kind of funny.

I haven't seen any of that regarding Star Wars.... Because I purposely avoid it. I will judge this for myself on December 18th.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
Good lord, it drives me nuts how many people think they "know" what Disney and Uni are up to. Look, they ARE in talks. No, the talks aren't looking great. At this point, Marvel may or may not wind up in Disney.
Stop spreading rumor as fact.


Well-Known Member
I'm saying that people are building SW up in the way that it's going to redefine the blockbuster. Also how people around the net are already calling it a classic based off two teasers.

I've made some lengthy posts as to why, I won't make this one too long. I'm very very cautious about predicting the future normally. And I truly am able to see past my hopes and what I really see happening in reality on the rare occasions I do.

Here's what I have seen: people that haven't seen a Star Wars film in 30 years, who haven't seen a "space" movie since then, or who were fans when they were kids but haven't watched anything after ROTJ - at the minimum they get this huge goofy grin like they are 8, and I have watched grown men tear up at the trailer. I was in an office the day it hit the net - I saw "viral" happen until folks set up a conference room to show it repeatedly and dozens and dozens of folks (from 20-somethings to grandmothers) and every single one was "I'd see that" at the least just from seeing Harrison Ford.

It's only recently that I've really admitted that I don't think there is a "chance" it could overtake Avaturd, that the evidence is mounting (particularly past the second trailer) and it really is pretty much the most sure thing I've ever seen in my life.

That said, I understand I sound like a lunatic and anyone who is skeptical is completely within rational thought to think so, LOL.

All I know is if "Furious 7" can make 1.5B, the return of one of the most beloved casts and stories ever told on film is returning thirty years later to continue the story, using the same style of film-making that everyone fell in love with to begin with, then it's got a pretty gosh darn good chance of making twice that.


Well-Known Member
And yeah, glad the cheese is saved. I was more really just poking fun at the difference in those threads, one actually had significance as actual news, even if it's just hot cheese, and vanished, and this subject being completely pulled out of the fanboi nether and continually pushed as actual news... Or rumor... Or a possibility, which it isn't. And the behavior of the OPs. It was kind of funny.

The difference was the OP reported it and asked for action. ;)

Once I saw his true colors when he returned to the thread, my ignore list became +1.


Well-Known Member
I've made some lengthy posts as to why, I won't make this one too long. I'm very very cautious about predicting the future normally. And I truly am able to see past my hopes and what I really see happening in reality on the rare occasions I do.

Here's what I have seen: people that haven't seen a Star Wars film in 30 years, who haven't seen a "space" movie since then, or who were fans when they were kids but haven't watched anything after ROTJ - at the minimum they get this huge goofy grin like they are 8, and I have watched grown men tear up at the trailer. I was in an office the day it hit the net - I saw "viral" happen until folks set up a conference room to show it repeatedly and dozens and dozens of folks (from 20-somethings to grandmothers) and every single one was "I'd see that" at the least just from seeing Harrison Ford.

It's only recently that I've really admitted that I don't think there is a "chance" it could overtake Avaturd, that the evidence is mounting (particularly past the second trailer) and it really is pretty much the most sure thing I've ever seen in my life.

That said, I understand I sound like a lunatic and anyone who is skeptical is completely within rational thought to think so, LOL.

All I know is if "Furious 7" can make 1.5B, the return of one of the most beloved casts and stories ever told on film is returning thirty years later to continue the story, using the same style of film-making that everyone fell in love with to begin with, then it's got a pretty gosh darn good chance of making twice that.

I wasnt kidding when I heard something about Ep7 possibly being the "first $4B Movie".....

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