Disney and Universal working on Marvel deal for Florida?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, well There's a chance Star Wars will blow away Marvel.

Oh, a chance?

LOL, by this time next year, Episode VII will be the #1 film of all time and the fastest selling Blu-ray of all time (though the latter isn't saying much, unfortunately).

I have said "possibly" before, but I'm willing to go out there on that very secure limb right now.

The mass audience appeal is incredible - every day I talk to people in their 50's, 60's, and older who would never go see a "space film" normally and who smile at the mere mention of it. People that haven't even seen a Star Wars movie in 30 years. Marvel has a wider appeal than folks think (it's not all teenage boys) but Star Wars has been a cornerstone of American (and World) culture for 40 years, it's going to be the biggest film of all time.

And I swear that's not the fanboi in me - he's there too, but I have no care in the world how well or not well the media I enjoy performs. For example, I've still only seen half the Marvel films - I've liked the half I've seen, but I'm a DC guy and they only get me interested because they seem to be making good, enjoyable films. In fact, except for the fact that profitability means I'll see more of the media I like, I actually prefer when things are more under the radar.

That said - I just don't see how anyone can not realize that Star Wars is about to redefine the word "Blockbuster" yet again.

And Disney holding the key to both these kingdoms is what is most likely going to make them the most profitable studio in the most profitable movie decade of all time.


Well-Known Member
I think Ant Man is going to be more of a test - can they really make a no-name character star of a successful film again (or was GoG a fluke).

It's really the third time because Iron Man was Marvel's initial (and first successful) attempt at making a no-name character the star of a successful film. And, of course, you have to remember they made Phil Coulsin into the star of a major network television show, too (and you don't get more no-name than that).

Does it guarantee Ant-man will be successful? No. But they are three-for-three so far.


Well-Known Member
It's really the third time because Iron Man was Marvel's initial (and first successful) attempt at making a no-name character the star of a successful film. And, of course, you have to remember they made Phil Coulsin into the star of a major network television show, too (and you don't get more no-name than that).

Does it guarantee Ant-man will be successful? No. But they are three-for-three so far.

And I'm saying that the Super Hero oversaturation level has been achieved and Marvel films will slowly ebb over the next coupld of years.

IMO, of course.


Well-Known Member
And I'm saying that the Super Hero oversaturation level has been achieved and Marvel films will slowly ebb over the next coupld of years.

IMO, of course.

They just opened the 6th largest film in history and people called it a disappointment. If that's going to be the standard going forward, of course anything from here on out can only be considered a decline. You can't have every film be a Top 5 All-Time grossing film.

These Marvel movies are licenses to print money (as is the Star Wars franchise). They will be making them for a very long time.


Well-Known Member
They just opened the 6th largest film in history and people called it a disappointment. If that's going to be the standard going forward, of course anything from here on out can only be considered a decline. You can't have every film be a Top 5 All-Time grossing film.

These Marvel movies are licenses to print money (as is the Star Wars franchise). They will be making them for a very long time.

Im suggesting the market is oversaturated.


Well-Known Member
Meh. I'm not excited by Suicide Squad.

I'm in the middle, Ledger's Joker wasn't perceived that hotly until the film actually was out, I'll judge it when I see it. I never was terribly familiar with Suicide Squad until the recent DCAU film, and I found the concept pretty entertaining.

I am highly anticipating BvS, though - and if that takes, and they go ahead with the solo films and do well - I do think they have a chance to make a nice Dent (no pun intended).

That said, I wouldn't bet on anything - but Star Wars, LOL. That's the only certainty I see in the future of the mega franchises.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the middle, Ledger's Joker wasn't perceived that hotly until the film actually was out, I'll judge it when I see it. I never was terribly familiar with Suicide Squad until the recent DCAU film, and I found the concept pretty entertaining.

I am highly anticipating BvS, though - and if that takes, and they go ahead with the solo films and do well - I do think they have a chance to make a nice Dent (no pun intended).

That said, I wouldn't bet on anything - but Star Wars, LOL. That's the only certainty I see in the future of the mega franchises.

I am not interested by Batman vs Superman one iota.

Well, more interested in that than the lunatic ravings about Disney buying the marvel contract out from Universal.


Well-Known Member
I am not interested by Batman vs Superman one iota.

I think that's because I have had the advantage of seeing Batfleck humping out of that Batsuit with a chin that could support a small nation.

Maybe once you see Gal Gadot in motion in the trailers you'll at least have a passing interest.


Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Why is this thread still going? It's just pages of assertions by people who want Marvel in WDW for some unfathomable reason, followed by pages of denials from people who are in the know and are the only ones worth reading, and yet they're not believed and so we get more assertions, and jeez, 61 pages. Why is it so hard to believe that Disney is fine with the Marvel arrangement with Universal, and so is Universal?


Well-Known Member
Haha got into a debate on this very topic with a co-worker the other day. She said she couldn't wait until Nintendoland was built at Islands of Adventure so Disney could finally build a Marvel Land at WDW.

I corrected her, but she insisted I had no idea what I was talking about and that all that's holding Disney back from building mega Marvel Lands is Universal still having the theme park rights and as soon as WDW 'cancels' Universal's contract, they will begin construction.

Some people just refuse to hear anything other than what they want to hear.

Arthur Wellesley

Well-Known Member
I am not interested by Batman vs Superman one iota.
I feel the same way. It's just too soon to reboot the Batman character after the popular Nolan trilogy (imo). Now had this been a continuation, with Christian Bale's Batman in Nolan's universe battling Superman, then I might have a lot more anticipation for the film. But the way it stands, no. Too many reboots in too little time.

Probably the same reason why I've lost any interest in where Spider-Man's character goes in his (3rd?) reboot coming up.

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