Disney and Universal working on Marvel deal for Florida?

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I never said or implied Universal's hold was screwed. I have said and will continue to say it is not in their interest to keep the rights. You will see that either something gets worked out soon that is reasonable for both sides or that in the future Universal will come to the conclusion its better to just give them up. After all they only have the rights in Orlando and if they get Star Trek and other rights they need a place to put them in Orlando. With Nintendo and everything else they have they do not need the Marvel rights. HP is being built in every Universal Park. If they get Star Trek you can be sure they would build it in Orlando and California. It does not make sense for Universal to only have Marvel in Orlando. If they could go back in time I am sure they would have built Marvel in California and kept the rights around the world but they didn't. It is too late now to change what mistakes were made in the past. Universal will decide what they want and only they will decide that because both sides have to follow the contract and both sides will as long as Universal wants it that way.
You know what? You're absolutely right. If I had the theme park rights to a franchise that's currently worth billions for a very cheap price compared to what it could be the first thought I would have is getting rid of it :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
You may be 100% right and only time will tell. If you would have told me a few years ago that Disney would have control of Marvel and Star Wars, I would not have believed you. I think Disney paid way to much to get back some of the rights to Oswald the Ribbit, but they did it anyway. I just do not know what is going to happen with all of the consolidation in the entertainment area.

Oswald was a throw in. The deal was for NBC to get Al Michaels to NBC and for that it involved a lot of broadcast rights for 5 years for golf, olympics and a bunch of other things that Ive posted in this thread somewhere.

Short version, if you think the deal was about getting oswald, you're sadly mistaken.


Well-Known Member
Oh Lord, you're back.

Don't feed the troll guys. This is the guy who was convinced Universal's hold on Marvel was screwed.

As long as Uni isn't claiming in its ads that the characters are in Disney parks, there won't be any confusion.
My favorite was the guy claiming that copyrights had to be registered and that the SEC published fake/draft contracts so that the real ones would not be seen.


Well-Known Member
I thought they both sucked. The firsts' great failure was never coming close to living up to the excellent concept art. Such a massive missed opportunity.

I liked the 2D side-scrolling bits.
By the end of the game, though, I was mostly hate-playing it to say I finished it. Whoever was in charge of that game's camera system deserves a good slap.

The Tuna

Well-Known Member
Certain threads need to be like snapchat. after a couple weeks, just lock them. I snort PIxie Dust like no one else, but for gawds sake Universal is not handing over the Universal rights in Florida anytime soon, unless MIckey hands them a boatload of cash and incentives. And if they were thinking of spending billions of dollars, they could just use that money to invest in the countless other properties they haven't utilized properly yet instead of giving it to a competitor.


Provocateur, Rancanteur, Plaisanter, du Jour
The world is round so everything is "east of the Mississippi". There must be language that defines the rights within the United States.I think I need to read the Universal/Marvel contract. Does anyone have the link to what's been made public from it?


Tony Perkis

Well-Known Member
Make it something else.
Even after the massive refurbishment to ensure the attractions future? Come on. Your gut feeling is conflicting with logic and common sense.
I liked the 2D side-scrolling bits.
By the end of the game, though, I was mostly hate-playing it to say I finished it. Whoever was in charge of that game's camera system deserves a good slap.
I ended up doing the same thing: hate playing it just to see if it actually leads to a decent finale. It didn't.

Mario 64 perfected the camera system in the mid 90s. It's amazing how many games fail at this absolutely essential attribute.

Tony Perkis

Well-Known Member
Universal has the rights to use Marvel East of the Mississippi and only east of the Mississippi and as you state is required to advertise east of the Mississippi. Advertising outside the region is not required. Since Disney will be using the Marvel Characters in the western US, China and Europe and in Japan after the contract their ends in the late 2020's it would be confusing for two companies to advertise the same characters. Do you think any court would rule that it is okay for that confusion to exist? Better yet, since this would all be decided under US law by a New York Arbitrator do you think Universal would want to risk losing the rights for Orlando just to advertise outside of the eastern US? Marvel clearly owns the rights to their characters and it clearly established law that is they do not protect those rights they lose them and they become public domain. Disney is well aware of this and so is Universal. Now that both companies will be using the same characters it is critical that they both reach a reasonable solution to how this is done or Disney will have no choice but to limit Universal to just east of the Mississippi where their rights exist. Universal will someday either come to the conclusion its better to just give up all the Marvel rights or come to a reasonable resolution soon. Universal is tied to HP, the Simpsons, and other characters. Universal does not need Marvel anymore but if they want to keep them in Orlando they can but they have to follow the law and contract. They are limited to the use and only to the areas stated in the contract.
This is incredibly wrong. Source?

Seeing Spider-Man in a Universal ad while watching TV in Dallas.


Well-Known Member
Universal has the rights to use Marvel East of the Mississippi and only east of the Mississippi and as you state is required to advertise east of the Mississippi. Advertising outside the region is not required. Since Disney will be using the Marvel Characters in the western US, China and Europe and in Japan after the contract their ends in the late 2020's it would be confusing for two companies to advertise the same characters. Do you think any court would rule that it is okay for that confusion to exist? Better yet, since this would all be decided under US law by a New York Arbitrator do you think Universal would want to risk losing the rights for Orlando just to advertise outside of the eastern US? Marvel clearly owns the rights to their characters and it clearly established law that is they do not protect those rights they lose them and they become public domain. Disney is well aware of this and so is Universal. Now that both companies will be using the same characters it is critical that they both reach a reasonable solution to how this is done or Disney will have no choice but to limit Universal to just east of the Mississippi where their rights exist. Universal will someday either come to the conclusion its better to just give up all the Marvel rights or come to a reasonable resolution soon. Universal is tied to HP, the Simpsons, and other characters. Universal does not need Marvel anymore but if they want to keep them in Orlando they can but they have to follow the law and contract. They are limited to the use and only to the areas stated in the contract.

Do you have any supporting data, actual facts or financial numbers to back up your assertions? Preferably financial numbers or statements from annual reports.

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