One Little Spark...
I want to go see Ultron, but I really have no interest in it. Not at movie prices (and I don't go to the movies but a few times a year)...Our conversation is all over the place tonight.....
Suffice to say, theyre going to oversaturate the market. Much like the Pirates franchises and the Zombie franchises before it, the comic book properties will eventually wear thin. Lets use Spider-Man as an example. We've had two different Spidey franchises in 12 years. (2002, 2004, 2007, 2012, 2014). I honestly DONT CARE about him and would like to see him go away for about 20 years. They screwed it up twice and I'm gonna need a break. Now lets use the Nolan-verse of Batman. (2005, 2008, 2012) Arguably the best Batman in god-knows how long. Its not even four years and they're going to reboot it again?
Its too much. Its way too much. And I dont see it lasting in cinema with Film after Film. Hollywood is great at milking things dry and running them into the ground. Its what Disney does best.
I thought Avengers 2 was a much better written movie than the first. But for the love of god, how do we have an Ant-Man film instead of a Black Widow film?
I just cant see Ant Man working at all.....
I'm an outlier, but I am a reflection of a larger market. I'm a nerd, interested in the story, but not interested in the presentation. I'll wait until I can get it through cheaper medium and on demand when I'm bored, as I don't expect Ultron to really further the "plot" much at all...
And I think you hit the nail on the head for what is going to happen.
When I was a kid, this SAME STORY was told through comics, and we waited months and years between releases to find out what would happen next. It was like Archie soap operas.
However, now we are all older. Those of us in our 30s KNOW the story they are weaving (and likewise remember how the Dark Pheonix story was screwed up with the X-man trilogy after the win that was the first movie.
All it will take is one commercial flop, and the whole house of cards comes tumbling back down.