Disney (and others) at the Box Office - Current State of Affairs


Well-Known Member
I had no idea either and did a search and got pages of school districts also, then a bunch of results for investor state disputes 😂, maybe your browser history needs to direct you toward the result, I still have no clue what ISD is. I’m old though so it wouldn’t be the first time I’m out of the loop.

I added the word "hate" to my search right after "ISD", and it popped up on top.

But I was still getting a bunch of school districts too, but this time with topics about "Why do kids hate school?" 🤣


Well-Known Member
Apparently that wasn't a movie that adults across the globe wanted to take their children to.

I'd forgotten about the "eco-fable" angle, which sounds even cringier than the gay kid, to be honest. Especially when the eco-fable lecture is coming from a global corporation that wastes tons of energy making robots sing and dance for tourists and sends actors to Cannes every year in a fleet of private jets so they can receive teary standing ovations. 🤣

That's a bad business and creative decision on the part of Disney, and a quick way to vaporize about $200 Million in production and marketing costs.
Go and ahead and ignore the fact most People did not care for that movie for reasons that had nothing to do with a gay character that consisted of less then 10 minutes of screen time…. But a movie failed cause “ minorities”


Well-Known Member
The goal is to score large profits…right upfront

It creates buzz…it sells product…it increases the fees for licensing deals…it increases the demand for those other things you mentioned.

You’re trying to put square wheels on your car here…just go with what works
Yes I agree that would be a goal… most Studios believe in their product…so they greenlight it…. But every film from any studio is not going to make massive amounts of profits today…and all studios understand this…in fact if you have one film that makes massive amounts of profit theatrical… you are doing great…perhaps you should buy a studio… and start looking for films to produce… since you know exactly what the masses are interested in


Well-Known Member
Funny, I thought I mentioned using a private window in my second post. That way all of your previous school-related activity wouldn't influence the results.

I just went to Google, like I always do and typed "ISD" with no punctuation. I've never had children, haven't been involved in any local school campuses or districts since my nephews were young decades ago, and have never even searched for adult classes or adult learning. And all Google gave me was a list of nationwide school districts that use the letter 'I' in their acronym.

I added the word "hate" to my search and it popped up finally. That said, I've still never heard of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD). Before I go read their site, are they the good guys or the bad guys? Are they pro-hate or anti-hate? I'd hate to get involved in weirdo hate stuff online. :oops:


Well-Known Member
Go and ahead and ignore the fact most People did not care for that movie for reasons that had nothing to do with a gay character that consisted of less then 10 minutes of screen time…. But a movie failed cause “ minorities”

Okay, so wait, now I'm genuinely confused.

Are we saying that Strange World flopped badly because the hate network around the world convinced parents not to buy tickets to it because it had gay teenagers (minorities) in it, or are we saying Strange World flopped badly because it was just a crummy movie that parents didn't want to see in general?

Did the hate network sabotage Strange World at the global box office for its portrayal of gay teenagers or not?


Well-Known Member
You can't possibly have their site open in a tab and be asking this question.

Yes, I certainly can. I just double checked. It's a webpage that has their title and then says "Powering solutions to extremism, hate and disinformation".

That's not entirely clear which side they are on. Do they want to ban free speech or opinions they deem "disinformation"? Their hazy image underneath their title page has an Irish flag waving. Are they against NATO? Are they pro IRA? Why the Ireland angle to this website?


Lotso questions before I dig into some (assumedly) European website I've never heard of "powering solutions to hate"
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Well-Known Member
Okay, so wait, now I'm genuinely confused.

Are we saying that Strange World flopped badly because the hate network around the world convinced parents not to buy tickets to it because it had gay teenagers (minorities) in it, or are we saying Strange World flopped badly because it was just a crummy movie that parents didn't want to see in general?

Did the hate network sabotage Strange World at the global box office for its portrayal of gay teenagers or not?
You know reasons that a film succeeded or failed are usually multifaceted with multiple factors involved

I will say some people used the gay characters as an excuse for their own bigotry… Strange World was an easy target since there is no denying it was a historic flop… yet you did not have the same outrage with Elemental despite featuring a non- binary character


Well-Known Member
You know reasons that a film succeeded or failed are usually multifaceted with multiple factors involved

I will say some people used the gay characters as an excuse for their own bigotry… Strange World was an easy target since there is no denying it was a historic flop… yet you did not have the same outrage with Elemental despite featuring a non- binary character

Instead of labeling it "bigotry", I think it's an issue of context and timing for most parents when their kids are pre-teens.

I'm a very mature adult gay man who certainly enjoys watching movies with gays and Lesbians in them, or (even better) with gay campy themes. But when my nephews were 8 and 10 years old I would not have taken them to see Strange World, as that's just too young for me to get involved in that sort of discussion or topic. If the nephews were 14 and 16, then sure, I'd take them to Strange World if they wanted to see it. But 10 or younger? Nope.

I'd imagine my younger sister, who was very supportive of my coming out experience decades ago and my only family ally for years, would feel the same way about taking her young sons to see Strange World.

It seems that Disney pushed the envelope too much for a family cartoon with Strange World. What sounds like a great movie idea to a bunch of childless gay men at brunch in Silver Lake, is likely not going to sound that great to middle class parents of young children in Savannah. Disney should stick to making their family cartoons for the parents budgeting their entertainment dollars in Savannah, instead of the gays having a second round of Mimosas in Silver Lake. :cool:

WDP_AnnualReport_1965_Page_38_small (2).jpg

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
You know reasons that a film succeeded or failed are usually multifaceted with multiple factors involved

I will say some people used the gay characters as an excuse for their own bigotry… Strange World was an easy target since there is no denying it was a historic flop… yet you did not have the same outrage with Elemental despite featuring a non- binary character

To the degree it impacted box office will always be a question mark. I don't think many people would argue the issue single handedly sunk the movie. It genuinely wasn't a great movie and is similar in style to other movies like Atlantis and Treasure Planet that didn't do well. The primary reason it failed was likely quality, but the attacks couldn't have helped.

We shouldn't let this distract from the effort that occurred to attack the movie. Many people don't want any people of colour or any gay characters in their movies, and they relentlessly attacked the movie despite not having seen it themselves. We see plenty of that in these very forums.

It's not just trying to sink a movie, it's wielding a movie that doesn't do well as a weapon. Audiences don't like YOU. Parents are afraid of YOU.

The arguments that younger kids shouldn't see any gay characters in an animated movie are rooted purely in bigotry. Young kids have gay parents or have friends and relatives that are gay. Are they supposed to live in a cave until they're adults less they be exposed to all types of people?


Premium Member
Instead of labeling it "bigotry", I think it's an issue of context and timing for most parents when their kids are pre-teens.

I'm a very mature adult gay man who certainly enjoys watching movies with gays and Lesbians in them, or (even better) with gay campy themes. But when my nephews were 8 and 10 years old I would not have taken them to see Strange World, as that's just too young for me to get involved in that sort of discussion or topic. If the nephews were 14 and 16, then sure, I'd take them to Strange World if they wanted to see it. But 10 or younger? Nope.

I'd imagine my younger sister, who was very supportive of my coming out experience decades ago and my only family ally for years, would feel the same way about taking her young sons to see Strange World.

It seems that Disney pushed the envelope too much for a family cartoon with Strange World. What sounds like a great movie idea to a bunch of childless gay men at brunch in Silver Lake, is likely not going to sound that great to middle class parents of young children in Savannah. Disney should stick to making their family cartoons for the parents budgeting their entertainment dollars in Savannah, instead of the gays having a second round of Mimosas in Silver Lake. :cool:

View attachment 793250
…what would you know…it’s only YOUR LIFE AND EXPERIENCES…

…you also caught some of the accusers off guard (my guess)…because they had no clue until you just said it. I bet you had the backwards bigot label until now.


Well-Known Member
To the degree it impacted box office will always be a question mark. I don't think many people would argue the issue single handedly sunk the movie. It genuinely wasn't a great movie and is similar in style to other movies like Atlantis and Treasure Planet that didn't do well. The primary reason it failed was likely quality, but the attacks couldn't have helped.

We shouldn't let this distract from the effort that occurred to attack the movie. Many people don't want any people of colour or any gay characters in their movies, and they relentlessly attacked the movie despite not having seen it themselves. We see plenty of that in these very forums.

It's not just trying to sink a movie, it's wielding a movie that doesn't do well as a weapon. Audiences don't like YOU. Parents are afraid of YOU.

The arguments that younger kids shouldn't see any gay characters in an animated movie are rooted purely in bigotry. Young kids have gay parents or have friends and relatives that are gay. Are they supposed to live in a cave until they're adults less they be exposed to all types of people?
sci fi animation has been a difficult sell. Treasure planet, Atlantis, Light Year, Strange World. Titan A.E.
Will Elio continue that trend?

Or.. be like Lilo & Stitch. That was sci-fi but I think about Hawaii and Elvis when thinking about that film.


Premium Member
I very strongly suspect you are very, very willing to acknowledge the existence of a loose, informal network of ideologically likeminded outlets - mainstream media, YouTube, bloggers, etc - attempting to influence public opinion if we start talking about MSNBC, the New York Times, BBC etc.
Ironic that you have just linked a bunch of independents as sharing goals like a cadre…

There is a commonality to all forms of “media”…it’s profit. So they drive controversy…

That is also a common acknowledged thing for the 24 since print went into decline…unpaid internet rose…and broadcast decided it was no longer acceptable to have news as a loss leader


Well-Known Member
Yes, I certainly can. I just double checked. It's a webpage that has their title and then says "Powering solutions to extremism, hate and disinformation".

That's not entirely clear which side they are on. Do they want to ban free speech or opinions they deem "disinformation"? Their hazy image underneath their title page has an Irish flag waving. Are they against NATO? Are they pro IRA? Why the Ireland angle to this website?

View attachment 793247

Lotso questions before I dig into some (assumedly) European website I've never heard of "powering solutions to hate"

I can't really answer those questions here in any detail, but I would humbly suggest that most of the answers you seek are all in the words in the screenshot you shared. Disinformation has a pretty specific, accepted meaning, regardless of what your particular free speech beliefs are. The Ireland piece is literally one article that happens to be on the front page right now because they think it's topical. And again, the lede of that piece should tell you all you need to know.

As should the flow of the entire conversation in this forum, really.


Well-Known Member
…what would you know…it’s only YOUR LIFE AND EXPERIENCES…

…you also caught some of the accusers off guard (my guess)…because they had no clue until you just said it. I bet you had the backwards bigot label until now.

Wait until they find out I can successfully round up every gay man over age 60 in southwest Utah (there's only 8 of us, 10 if you count the two old Lesbians that live in a yurt near Zion National Park) and I host Mimosa-fueled brunches on my own patio!

When you are 400 miles from Silver Lake, you have to do something. :cool:

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
You act as if he's not just merely retreading the greatest hits from two years ago on this movie/topic. None of this is news.
Everyone is familiar with TP’s routine, just like we’re familiar with yours and most posters are familiar with mine. You, of course, just make up convenient characters that have little to do with what posters actually say.


Premium Member
Oh. Well, it didn't work.

And no wonder, because Disney's entire business model is built on decadent luxury and wasteful use of resources.

There's no good reason why you need giant air conditioned warehouses in a Florida swamp full of singing robots, on a property that encourages the entire audience to either fly across oceans or drive across multiple states to get there. The whole concept of Disney World and Disneyland is wasteful and practically sinful, at least if you really do believe that using more energy than is required for your basic safety and health is bad for the planet.

Just the fleet of Gulfstream jets that Disney maintains at Van Nuys Airport to fly executives and company talent around the globe for business and leisure, just so they don't have to suffer the indignities of First Class commercial air travel with the peasants, undermines the preachy lecture against using energy that is contained in Strange World.


Look at the shine on those Gs!!!

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