Discusted with Disney World

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Well-Known Member
dismedic said:

Now that was a mouthful, Whew wait till I get my breath. So you loved Disney as a kid, you are all of 20 years of age now , so you saw it in lets say late 80S? Disney was not even like it was originaly in the late 80s changes had already begun. Disney is like stated an entertainment company to provide entertainment to old young and people of all ages, Hence not too many teens I know may like the old traditional rides at WDW, Do they still care to play Nintendo that was hot in the 80s but not now.

See changes must happen they have to occure thats life in the corperate community. Accept it you may not like it but then the choice is your to go to WDW or not. Dont care for WDW as it stands then by all means go and enjoy Universal, I for one didnt care for it too commercial, IOA well it was great but I could do the same here in PA.

Each time a ride is deemed to be changed the flags are raised on both sides do and dont but inevidibaly it happens . Sometimes for the good sometimes not but we all grin and bear it ie: SGE now there is a real 50/50 split.

Everyone has an opinion yes but those who know how to voice thier opinions do it eliquintly and factualy , The cahnges you have cited to happen are RUMORS never assume because you make an as* out of u not me.

Relax have fun at Universal then sit back and decide what is better. Memories are just that memories , they are to be looked back at fondly with a smile of what was and how good, Progress must be made to keep going forward and to follow Walts dreams not his past.

hay if we go back to the disney in the 80's could we have the prices the way they were too??..lol..


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Original Poster
dflye said:
Wow. All I can say, I hope my son never attends any form of public(?) education system similar to what you attended and that he doesn't apply to the same college that you did.

If you want to be taken seriously on a serious board you must always:
  • Always, always be able to properly spell words that you use.
  • Find the return key for those changes in thought you may have (some of us call them paragraphs.)
  • The apostrophe (when used properly) is your friend, not your enemy.
Ok, take a deep breath.

Next time, before selecting Submit Reply, instead select Preview Post. I do this before every post I make, as this board can be even more critical than the HR department that reviews your resume.

When I said you need to get in the face of corporate Disney, I mean that you need to get media attention.

Organize a group, and stage a protest in front of all of the parks at WDW on the same day, with something catchy like signs that say "What would Walt do?"

If one more person insults my education I honeslty dont know what I'm going to do. I know nobody cares about my business but to insult me like that is not fair. I was typing fast, as I said 100 times because I was upset and was thinking about much. You do not know anything about me. I happen to be a straight A student and work hard for my A's. I hold down 3 jobs, dance 2 hours a day and take 6 classes a semester. At times I work on 4 hours of sleep if I have to. I am very intelligent and am a very good student. I am loved by my teachers and am in 2 seperate honor societies. (not that anyone cares but if your gonna insult me I'm going to tell you) It upsets me that people find it ok to insult eachother on this board. You don't know me so dont assume I am lacking proper education or intelligence based on only one post. Especially when it is obvious that I was upset and writing fast. I'm sorry everyone has a problem with my post but I happen to have a problem with a lot of people on this board. I would never go out of my was to insult or hurt someone's feelings based only on there opinions. Especially if there opinions are not directed at me.


Well-Known Member
I think what might be attempting to be addressed here is 'growing up'. I enjoyed the hell out of Oscar Mayer hot dogs as a kid. Heck, I loved 'em so much I couldn't even wait for my mom to heat them up, I'd eat it raw :hurl:

But now, I'm older, with more refined (?) tastes. I like Nathan's hot dogs, or Sabretts. And they MUST be cooked.
What happened? Did Oscar Mayer change their hot dogs? Maybe. Are Nathan's hot dogs new or improved? Nope, not really. But MY TASTES changed. Because I grew up.

Nothing you enjoy as a child is going to have the same sparkle to it as you grow older, not even WDW, unless you are still a child at heart. I have been to Disneyland five or six times as a child, but my first trip to WDW was less than a year ago. I think I was more amazed as an adult than I was as a child becauseI let myself be.

Nothing gold can stay.


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:

Hello all.....puppies, kittens, marshmallows, babies, puffy white clouds.....and other positive thoughts......


It's a small world after all......lol..in the words of those little people... :sohappy: sorry could not resist....


Account Suspended
BRYANSBABY06290 said:
If one more person insults my education I honeslty dont know what I'm going to do. I know nobody cares about my business but to insult me like that is not fair. I was typing fast, as I said 100 times because I was upset and was thinking about much. You do not know anything about me. I happen to be a straight A student and work hard for my A's. I hold down 3 jobs, dance 2 hours a day and take 6 classes a semester. At times I work on 4 hours of sleep if I have to. I am very intelligent and am a very good student. I am loved by my teachers and am in 2 seperate honor societies. (not that anyone cares but if your gonna insult me I'm going to tell you) It upsets me that people find it ok to insult eachother on this board. You don't know me so dont assume I am lacking proper education or intelligence based on only one post. Especially when it is obvious that I was upset and writing fast. I'm sorry everyone has a problem with my post but I happen to have a problem with a lot of people on this board. I would never go out of my was to insult or hurt someone's feelings based only on there opinions. Especially if there opinions are not directed at me.

You have to understand that many people here take Disney very personally, and an attack on Disney IS an attack on them.

I have a couple simple questions for you:

1. When you go to WDW, how long do you stay for?
2. How often do you go to WDW?
3. Where do you stay when you go to WDW?
4. What are you favorite three attractions?

If you don't want to answer, thats fine, but it will help us see why you are so upset with WDW.


Account Suspended
warlord said:
I want to contribute to this thread by providing some inspirational quotes from George W. Bush

"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?" —Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." - George Bush, 5 August, 2004

I found this one most inspirational

"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." —Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000

Ban this member. Political attacks are unwarranted. I am offended.


Active Member
Everyone else has already stated what I would have said anyway, so I'll skip to the most important thing.

I will say this once and only once:

No person can rightfully say "Walt would do this..." or "Walt would do that...".
Because No one knows what Walt would have done.

We can speculate on what he may have doen. But no person can be sure.

*steps down off of soapbox*


Active Member
warlord said:
I want to contribute to this thread by providing some inspirational quotes from George W. Bush

"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?" —Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." - George Bush, 5 August, 2004

I found this one most inspirational

"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." —Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000

Posts like this make me search for my "ignore" button since they don't say anything worth hearing.


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Original Poster
Thrawn said:
You have to understand that many people here take Disney very personally, and an attack on Disney IS an attack on them.

I have a couple simple questions for you:

1. When you go to WDW, how long do you stay for?
2. How often do you go to WDW?
3. Where do you stay when you go to WDW?
4. What are you favorite three attractions?

If you don't want to answer, thats fine, but it will help us see why you are so upset with WDW.

1. I stay for two weeks.
2. I have been 6 times.
3. I stay at the carribean.
4. My fav. rides were Horizons, Space ship Earth and Journey into Imagination.


Well-Known Member
warlord said:
I want to contribute to this thread by providing some inspirational quotes from George W. Bush

"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?" —Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." - George Bush, 5 August, 2004

I found this one most inspirational

"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." —Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
Thrawn said:
Ban this member. Political attacks are unwarranted. I am offended.

That's a political attack? On who, George W.?


RunDisney Addict
I don't think you're uneducated at all...maybe a bit uneducated (at least with WDW info), or maybe just confused.

First, please don't believe every rumor you read, whether it be from here or any other site. Most of the rumors are just that - conjecture and speculation with no fact or misunderstood tidbits that were misconstrued. Learn who has the reliable information here, and then believe that. Anybody else is here to add to the sense of community, discussion, and family that we share here.

I think this plays into the whole "purists" vantage point. I consider myself a moderate in this sense. I think that the purity and old charm of WDW has to be maintained, but at the same time, I won't hesitate to bring my daughter because things are changing and evolving.

Remember that your childhood memories are usually better as memories than they ever were in real life. I know, for me, that even though birthdays are special, they're not as special as the memories of birthdays I had as a child...with all the anticipation, excitement, and wonder they brought.

Now, with that in mind, please don't hesitate to bring children to the world. Even though their memories will not be the same as yours, it will still be special to them if you make it that way. They look upon any kind of break from normality into a fantasyland as exciting, and just as wonderous as any memory you may have.

It's all in perception.....don't make what you remember rob somebody else of something they may look back at as special years from now.

Lastly - and this is coming from a pretty hard person. The people that immediately decided to turn e-thug on you and play the "insult through a keyboard" game should be ashamed of themselves. Just because a person is upset here doesn't mean that they are a bad, or unintelligent person. It means they are upset. Remember that when reading their post. She never insulted any of YOU. She was expressing a bit of anger and sadness with the current state of things.

This is a place for us to be both happy and HONEST with each other. We're not DisneyBlues, but we're not all pixie dust, either. If we remember to use respect, then every conversation will turn out much better.

Anybody else - can deal with me. I have a good history here - but I've never lost an argument, because I pick them very carefully.


New Member
BRYANSBABY06290, you're 20. I remember being 20. A lot of the world seems different than it did when you were 5. I remember walking back into the house I grew up in thinking "Wow, it sure is small now." No, it hadn't changed size, by my reality (that which I encountered every day) had changed.

The magic is far from gone at Disney World. Yes, some changes turn out to be duds, but others are great winners. The Imagineers work hard to make everything a winner, then they re-work hard when they fail.

We're all sad when something from our childhood goes away (I still pine over the loss of Adventure thru Inner Space (AtIS)). But, rather than let those wounds blind you to the new great experiences, you must learn to open up to the new magic. And truth be told, your memories will be better than the actual ride in many cases. AtIS probably would be silly to today's park goers.

And you look at something like "Flight to the Moon" -- totally fun in the '60s, absolutely dull and pitifull (and somewhat comical) by today's standards.

As has been mentioned previously, Disney does not remove a ride for no reason -- it costs a lot of money to take a ride out; it costs even more to put a new one in.

And please, do not get worked up by rumors. Please scan the older posts on this site and you'll find hundreds of rumors that never saw the light of day.

So, take a deep breath. Go to Universal if that makes you happy. The magic at Disney World will be waiting for you when you come back.

[As a final note, if you do decide to return to Disney World, I'd encourage you to book a "Dinner with an Imagineer" (I hope it's still being offered). I think you'll be surprised how passionate the imagineers are about what they're doing. You can call 407-WDW-DINE to see if they're still being offered]


Account Suspended
warlord said:
wow I can't believe that you would want me banned or ignored for providing quotes that I found from google. I typed in "Quotes George W." It wasn't political. I wanted to bring a lighter side because you were all bashing the new person. If steve wants it down I will. You should be banned for hating on the new girl.

Hmm, and where did I make a post attacking her? Quote that for me.

If you are unaware, George W. Bush is the President. He is a political figure. You made posts degrading him, which is obviously because you don't agree with him. Don't say it wasn't political, because you know thats a lie. Don't try to threaten me, you are the one breaking forum rules in this thread, not me.


Account Suspended
BRYANSBABY06290 said:
1. I stay for two weeks.
2. I have been 6 times.
3. I stay at the carribean.
4. My fav. rides were Horizons, Space ship Earth and Journey into Imagination.

Ok. Six times may seem like a lot, but trust me, there are people that go six times a year, for weekends or some for longer. You've always stayed at Caribbean Beach? Maybe you should try another resort. Port Orleans Riverside is very nice, my personal favorite resort on property, or maybe even try one of the deluxes.

As I said in a previous post, Horizons had to come down. Disney couldn't keep it open because of the problems with the structure. Spaceship Earth is still in all of its glory. Have you been on JIYI recently? By recently, I mean since its third version? The second was awful, for sure, but the third is definetly more like the first.

Oh, and where are you from? Have you gone to a local Six Flags to see how awful an amusement park can be?


I’ll probably regret wading into this, but here goes. First, while you were upset when you wrote this it is always advisable to use spell check and worry about structure. A well written post will be better received and easier to understand. Also, this was your first post and it was came off as a rant. I am not saying your opinions are invalid, but keep in mind that no one here knows you and your first impression could have been better.

<O:pNow to address your issues in the form of the discussion you wanted.

It was the kind of place you could go as child wth your parents, your grandparents and any other family members or friends and everyone would have an amazing time.<O:p
The rides are still unique and much of this is derived from the theming and presentation. TOT, RNC, Soarin, Mission Space, Dinosaur (IJA in CA) are examples of newer attractions that are themed extremely well. Stitch is even unique although reviews are mixed. It is not possible to design rides that EVERYONE can go on and love. Ipersonally have no problem with Mr. Toad being gone and would not miss some other “classics.” Disney is not filling the parks with thrill rides. They have (to their credit) kept up with the times and modern rides are necessary and unfortunately some “classics” will fall; that is just a fact of life and while you don’t have to like it the jump to “destroying the magic” is a leap that should probably be reserved until you have experienced WDW again for yourself.<O:p

I personally loved Horizons (gone), Journey into Imgaination (completely changed)<O:p</O:p
Again, change is going to happen; Disney is a business and they MUST change and adapt to survive. We may not all the changes, but they are coming. I had a 12 year hiatus from WDW and though I was happy about some changes and sad about others; the magic was still there for me and I was able to pass it on to my son.<O:p

Universe of Energy (soon to be changed)
This attraction as already been changed at least once.<O:p

SPace Ship Earth (probably changing sometime in the near future)
RUMOR. I think it is a mistake to get all worked up over rumors. Many of the rumor’s ont his board prove to be false.<O:p

<O:pThey need to expand and add to appeal to everyone…Pirates of the Carribean is about to be completely renovated which is never a good thing with WDW lately<O:p
This is not true. IASW was a great renovation. The changes rumored for POTC are not in my opinion bad. The LAND looks great. Ice Station Cool to Club Cool has great potential.

<O:pIt is obvious they dont care what the people think which I find funny since the people are who spend the money on their parks.
While some may have issues with a all of changes I have no doubt that Disney does listen to the customer. They are having a great year attendance wise and that is the best measurement of customer satisfaction. However, they also do many surveys, but it would be naïve to think that they will try to keep everything as it was in 1971 because we want our childhood memories to be there to revisit.

WDW is still a place the whole family can enjoy. Enjoy your memories and when you return to WDW be open to the magic because it is still there and you can make new memories. After all, you are only 20 and still a kid; I know because I am 34 and still not grown up yet!


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Original Poster
Thrawn said:
Ok. Six times may seem like a lot, but trust me, there are people that go six times a year, for weekends or some for longer. You've always stayed at Caribbean Beach? Maybe you should try another resort. Port Orleans Riverside is very nice, my personal favorite resort on property, or maybe even try one of the deluxes.

As I said in a previous post, Horizons had to come down. Disney couldn't keep it open because of the problems with the structure. Spaceship Earth is still in all of its glory. Have you been on JIYI recently? By recently, I mean since its third version? The second was awful, for sure, but the third is definetly more like the first.

Oh, and where are you from? Have you gone to a local Six Flags to see how awful an amusement park can be?

YOur right 6 times is not a lot. Well i went a few other times but I stayed in disney 6 times. But 5 times were between age 3 and 7.....so that was a big part of my childhood. I know I cant do anything about it but I hate change. I was obsessed with disney world my whole life. And I was amazed with the rides the first time I visited WDW. EVen my parents feel the parks have lost a lot of its magic in recent years. If I go back I will deffinitly stay at the Carribean. With everything changing I have to keep something familiar but thanks for the advice about the other hotels.


New Member
BRYANSBABY06290 said:
1. I stay for two weeks.
2. I have been 6 times.
3. I stay at the carribean.
4. My fav. rides were Horizons, Space ship Earth and Journey into Imagination.
Ok, since you have been there for what amounts to about three months in your six stays, you obviously have not been scared away from WDW by any atrocity you may think Disney has committed.

We all have different opinions on how Disney is handling the growth and evolution of their image at WDW. They can't stay stagnant, and hope that PotC is the best show in town, whether it gets a major refurb that tosses out the old AA pirates or not.

They have to evolve into something that captures the imagination of folks who are new to Disney, and are comparing WDW to local attractions, not to what they experienced decades ago.

That person likely isn't you, and it probably isn't me.

However, there are still any number of things to do at WDW that bring back ancient memories of the past, such as the tea cups.

While I can relate to your indignation to Disney changing what was apparently a defining moment of your childhood, you have to realize that Disney is trying to capture the audience of today, not the past.
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