There is, generally speaking, only one place in all of Walt Disney World that I believe would be strictly improved by being bulldozed and paved over into an empty lot. This is because the Tomorrowland Speedway is literally a blight on the Magic Kingdom whose existence makes everything around it actively worse.
Dinoland, by comparison, really just needs some actual love and attention, starting with a long-overdue CTX refurb/modernization and continuing into a renewed emphasis on exploration of nature and the wonders of the past instead of the carnival subtheming. Swap out the restaurant formerly known as McDonalds for a "bounty of nature / heirloom foods" themed QS establishment, add a hiking trail attraction/experience themed around following in the footsteps of a roaming dinosaur (or, if you're a child, pretending that you're the dinosaur stomping through the forest), and maybe a tree climbing / ropes course upcharge opportunity if you can get it past the risk assessors in legal.
Or, you know, go all-in on the painfully self-aware "dinosaurs operating a two-bit carnival in the last days before the apocalypse" routine. Sell out for it so hard and so completely that the sheer audacity wraps back around to being somewhat impressive! (ATTN Disney: please actually don't pick this option.)