Dining with four-year-old


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Mom is having a girl's only trip with my adult cousin, sister-in-law and four-year-old niece*. Other than Cinderella's, she said they are going cool on sit-downs with the fidgety niece in mind. But I know how much my Mom and cousin like nice restaurants, and I think they'll regret eating CS all week. It's cousin's first ever trip. About 25th for Mom. I'd appreciate your dining experiences with energetic humans in this age group! Thanks.

*Yup, I'm not going as I don't qualify.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Our first trip, my son was 5. He was fine at any TS restaurant. But when he was younger we occasionally had to do "tag-team" dining... One would take him outside to be away from other restaurant patrons while the other ate and then we'd switch every few minutes so neither of us had an entirely frigid meal to eat.

I'm SO glad to be past that!
Our last trip had two 4 year olds & a three year. They did fine at all the TS restaurants. You aare hearded in & out so quickly, there was no time to get fidgety.


I second the Rainforest Cafe. My almost-4 year old is pretty good in restaurants, but she will sit a lot longer there than in a typical setting.

For any place else, as long as she has crayons, books, etc. she is pretty happy. I'd imagine that's pretty typical at this age. If they want to try a TS restaurant, they should give it a shot. If she gets too antsy, your SIL can take her outside- I've had to do that on occasion and don't mind a bit. Sort of goes along with the territory, being a mom ;)
I third the Rainforest Cafe, my daughter is now 4 and that has been her must go to since she was 2. She also loved Akershus with the princesses, 1900 Park Fare, & Chef Mickeys. They are all buffet and character meals, but they are def. better than counter service!


Well-Known Member
Mom is having a girl's only trip with my adult cousin, sister-in-law and four-year-old niece*. Other than Cinderella's, she said they are going cool on sit-downs with the fidgety niece in mind. But I know how much my Mom and cousin like nice restaurants, and I think they'll regret eating CS all week. It's cousin's first ever trip. About 25th for Mom. I'd appreciate your dining experiences with energetic humans in this age group! Thanks.

*Yup, I'm not going as I don't qualify.

You say fidgety, but is she really fidgety, or are you just saying that.

A lot depends on the kid. My kids did OK in restaurants at that age. It all depends on the kid.


Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
On our last trip, my 2YO did not have a lot of patience for sitting at a TS. Unfortunately, it was free dining and we had something like 13 ADRs in 9 or 10 days! Sometimes, we would look at the menu online beforehand, have parent inside order for both, and my son got to spend more time running around outside. Then we came inside, he at his meal for 10-15 mins and the other parent went back outside with him when he started to go crazy.

I'll go with the others and say Rainforest is probably a good idea; there's just so much going on and it's pretty loud already. Also, we found my son had an easier time sitting at character meals because you can watch the characters walking around the restaurant even when they're not at your table. Tons of other kids making noise there already, obviously. Anything outside of a full-blown tantrum and nobody will bat an eye. Buffets in general are nice with a fidgety kid because you eliminate that time between when you order and when your food arrives.


Active Member
Our first trip, my son was 5. He was fine at any TS restaurant. But when he was younger we occasionally had to do "tag-team" dining... One would take him outside to be away from other restaurant patrons while the other ate and then we'd switch every few minutes so neither of us had an entirely frigid meal to eat.

I'm SO glad to be past that!
This is a GREAT idea, my daughter will be 4 when next we visit, so we 3 "adults" will try this! Thanks!


Active Member
I agree that is all depends on the individual kid. My kids were both great in restaurants by age four, but I've known a few four year olds that I would NEVER take to a table service restaurant...lol. But I'd say that most kids are okay by age four, especially if you have something to entertain them like crayons, etc.

I would suggest Sci Fi Dine In, Whispering Canyon Cafe, Coral Reef, T-Rex or Rainforest Cafe, and any character meal (my favorite is Garden Grill).


New Member
Original Poster
You say fidgety, but is she really fidgety, or are you just saying that.

I'm basing this on recent family dinners where she can't sit still for more than 15 minutes. So I'm not seeing an hour at an EPCOT sit-down; and definitely not two hours at Citricos or Artist Point. They are staying at the YC so perhaps the clam bake, or the other good suggestions might work. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Our boy loves Rainforest Cafe as does his twin sister. We ask for a table by one of the fish tanks and they really enjoy this. We've done RC since they were toddlers and they have always enjoyed it almost as much as Chuck E Cheese:lol:.


Well-Known Member
Last time I was at WDW, my son was only 30 months. He sat perfectly no matter where we ate and the only hiccup was when we where being shown to our table in Sci-Fi and (bear in mind there was a New Yorker outside cursing loudly into his mobile) he shouted out 'F@%*ing Table'. Oh how the CM blushed and then burst into laughter.

When we go in may he'll be 4 and given that he sits perfectly in restaurants over here, far better than he does at home, I've got no qualms at all about taking him into WDW's better restaurants.


Active Member
I'm basing this on recent family dinners where she can't sit still for more than 15 minutes.

You can't really predict her behavior in restaurants by how she acts at family dinners. My kids will do great in restaurants for two hours....but 10 minutes into a family dinner they are soooo done with sitting there....lol (I must admit that at times I am too:lookaroun).


Active Member
When we go in may he'll be 4 and given that he sits perfectly in restaurants over here, far better than he does at home, I've got no qualms at all about taking him into WDW's better restaurants.

My kids are the same way. They do fine in restaurants at home, but they do much better at Disney...even if it is not a character meal.


Well-Known Member
Rainforest Cafe, 1900 Park Fare, Chef Mickey's, Akershus, 'Ohana, Crystal Palace, Sci-Fi, Whispering Canyon Cafe, and I'm sure there's many more restaurants that would be acceptable to eat at with a four year old, even a figity one.


My youngest son celebrated his 4th birthday last year on our trip to disneyworld. We were on the deluxe dining plan for 21 days so that was alot of eating at TS restaurants. Most restaurants give you a kids menu that they can colour in and we wouldn't go anywhere without his Nintendo DS. Some of the restaurants have great desserts for kids like the Yachtman Steakhouse and Flying Fish where they can paint their a chocolate puzzle with food paints. Our servers would bring it as soon as our son was finished his main meal so he played with his dessert while we ate our meal in peace!



My 4YO is pretty good with sitting at TS restaurants, eventually he gets fidgety, but he's mostly fine. I did find, however, on our last trip, he did MUCH better if we did TS lunches rather than dinners. By dinner time, he was completely burnt out and tired and didn't much care for having to sit still at a table. Lunch was much better. It gave all of us a break from the heat and walking and afterwards we were refreshed and ready to get back into having fun.


Well-Known Member
Nintendo Ds....God they are worth their weight in gold.....Our girls bring them everywhere..Very helpful especially if you need to wait in line at WDW or at a Restaurant....My youngest got hers at 4 and she understood how to play certain games......Also I think any handheld game would probably do (leapfrog and such) ..Also I Know they have the real small Portable DVD players, very handy....Crayons and coloring books, sticker books.....I also use to get the party size containers of Playdoh...(yeah not for everyone but helped at the time ,Crayola has a similar dough as well).

Try not to stress to much over it...Chances are being in a different place lots to see will help as well.......Believe me I've been there....It gets easier, and for some reason no matter what age.....they love the bathrooms, anywhere, god only knows..even if they just went...:lol: Have a drink and try not to stress to much over it!

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