Dining Plan worth the $$$ ???


Hi everyone,
Just a quick question about Disney's Dining Plan. Is it worth it??? Have already booked for April 2011, but don't know whether or not the dining plan is worth the $$$. Three in my family, myself, my husband, and my 16 year old daughter. Any suggestions are welcomed :) Thanks

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
Just a quick question about Disney's Dining Plan. Is it worth it??? Have already booked for April 2011, but don't know whether or not the dining plan is worth the $$$. Three in my family, myself, my husband, and my 16 year old daughter. Any suggestions are welcomed :) Thanks

My suggestion: check out the menus (which include prices) both here and allears.net. You know how you eat normally, and how much more you may eat on vacation, better than any of us, so you'll be able to tell if it's worth it. For us, we don't save crazy money, but it does work out to get it.
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Active Member
Hi everyone,
Just a quick question about Disney's Dining Plan. Is it worth it??? Have already booked for April 2011, but don't know whether or not the dining plan is worth the $$$. Three in my family, myself, my husband, and my 16 year old daughter. Any suggestions are welcomed :) Thanks
You received an excellent suggestion above.

To make it worth the money, you usually have to try to do so. It can be an incredible bargain, or it can be a waste of money.

Your trip is in 3 months or less ... have you booked any Advance Dining Reservations (ADRs) yet? If you haven't, do so ASAP! You might find that you're locked out of some of the places you want to eat, which would further reduce the value of your table-service credits on the Dining Plan.

Please keep in mind that TIPS are NOT included in the price of the DDP, and if you want an appetizer or alcoholic beverage you'll pay for that out of pocket, too.
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I personally haven't found it worth it. I like to order what I want, not be restricted to what they offer.

On the DDP you're given one Table Service [TS], on Quick Service [QS] and one Snack per day. The TS doesn't include appetizer or gratuity. I always found I used more TS and had QS credits left over.

To get any savings, you almost have to only order the most expensive entrée available. I much prefer to get an Annual Pass, take advantage of room-only discounts and buy the Tables in Wonderland dining discount card.

But that's what works for me and my son. With more people, your circumstance will be different. Also, a lot of people enjoy the DDP for the "convenience" of pre-paying for their meals, regardless of whether there are savings to be had.
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Active Member
It depends if you want TS or QS. Also, if you are going in April and have ADR's then it is probably worth it. If no ADR's the probably not since you most likely won't get a sit down meal anyway
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Well-Known Member
How much is the dining plan nowdays, about $43? It used to be 38 or 39 dollars per person per day, but even at this higher price, it can still be a savings. Just how much the savings end up being depends on what kinds of restaraunts you pick, or are able to get at this late date. Another thing depends on how many, if any, children under 10 you have. Because it seems like the savings for a child is alot more than the savings per adult. For example, if I am not mistaken, the dining plan for a child is right around $12 per child, per day. And the child's price for the Garden Grill restaraunt is $14.99. So if you eat at Garden Grill on the dining plan, the table service portion alone would pay for the child's dining plan for the day.

Using the Garden Grill restaraunt as an example, my wife and I plan to eat there on our upcoming April trip. The adult price for that restaraunt is $30.99 plus tax. So, with tax, I'll assume around $33. That leaves about $10 left to cover a counter service and a snack for the day, which isn't that hard at all. My wife wants to eat at that new Via Napoli place for lunch at some point, and if we do, it would be that same day. I need to find out if that is a counter service location or not, and when I find out, I'll see how much I could expect my meal to cost there. In the meantime, I'll plug in some numbers from the burger joint at Liberty Inn. I would get the bacon double cheeseburger meal for $8.59, and a soft drink for $2.49. So that's around $11.10 plus tax, so we'll say maybe $13 (I'm totally estimating on the tax, since I don't know what the sales tax rate is). So without even counting the counter service dessert to which I am entitled (since I may choose not to get it if I were paying out of pocket), we're at $46 for the day. So I've already surpassed the cost of the dining plan by $3 (if my $43 per person per day amount is correct) and I haven't used my snack entitlement yet for the day. So the dining plan is definitely saving me money for that day. Now, on the day when we eat at the $19.99 Crystal Palace breakfast, I may not be saving as much, at least not MY portion. But again, it seems that the savings for children is alot more than the savings for adults. So when you average out my son's dining plan with mine and my wife's, it may still net a good savings over the course of a 10 day trip.
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Well-Known Member
As most of the PP's said, look at the menus for the places you want to eat at. (And hopefully already have ADR's for) See what you would eat, and do the math. See if it comes out in your favor or not.

Do you normally eat desserts with each meal? Both the TS and CS come with a dessert. Do you all get a drink with each CS meal? Some families will share drinks. If you normally don't get drinks/dessert every CS meal, you pay for them on the dining plan. So you end up paying for food you don't eat, or you eat food you don't want. In those cases, it may not be worth it. Will your 16yo always eat an adult entree? Or will they want to say, just eat an appetizer one night. That may not be a valid substitution for an entree, it seems to depend on the waiter/restaurant.

Some people love the DDP. They think its the greatest thing since sliced bread. Not sure if they truly end up saving that much money, or if they simply like the convenience of not having to pay OOP for each meal, but they love it. Others really think its bad value, and can't bring themselves to ever use it.

Personally, I think its a waste of money for us. We just don't eat the way the plan wants us to eat.
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Well-Known Member
Do you normally eat desserts with each meal? Both the TS and CS come with a dessert.

I would elaborate on that a bit more and ask, would you like to have a dessert with each meal? Some people may be interested in a dessert, but can't bring themselves to spend the extra for it, on top of everything else they just ate. In that case, the dining plan may be an attractive idea, since it allows a dessert to be included...a dessert they may want, but don't want to pay for if they are paying everything out of pocket. On the other hand, there may be those who don't care at all about having dessert, and are only getting it so they can feel like they are getting their money's worth on the dining plan. In that case, then it isn't helping them.

It's kind of like the discount I used to book the Wilderness Lodge. I was initially booked at Carribbean Beach, and upgraded to the Wilderness Lodge with this 30% off discount (or 35% or 40%, I can't remember which). Technically, it isn't "saving" me any money, since I am now paying $506 more than I was originally paying. But the Wilderness Lodge is my dream resort and I jumped at the chance to stay there for $500 more, rather than the $2000 difference that I was going to be paying earlier in the year when I compared the two resorts. So, am I paying $500 extra? Or am I saving $1500? It depends on my attitude towards the resort. Is this a hotel that doesn't really appeal to me and I have no desire to stay there, but am only doing so in order to feel like I'm saving some money? Or is this my dream resort that I have longed to stay at for quite some time, and just haven't been able to justify the kind of money that is was going to cost? If it is the former, then I am wasting my money. If it is the latter, then it is a good deal.

Same with the dessert on the dining plan. Are you saving money on a dessert that you would like to have, but ordinarily wouldn't be willing to pay for? Or are you spending extra money for a dessert you don't want just so you can have some perceived savings? It all depends on how you feel about dessert.
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Well-Known Member
Get a price quote with the ddp and without the ddp to find out what you are really paying. Write down where you really want to eat and what you would get as well as the approximate price. If what you come up with (make sure to include tax, tip, and drink) is less than DDP, don't get DDP. If it is more, get it. Just remember DDP doesn't include tips. The ddp price is also more than what it seems on face value. That's why I suggest trip prices with and without the ddp so you'll know how much you are paying for it. We were surprised that it cost us what it did.
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Dining Plan

I agree with everyone else. From where you plan to eat to what you are actually going to eat, might depend on the value of the DDP. Keep in mind of what you get at every meal, drink, meal and dessert. Our group of four (my mom, me ,hubbie and 11 year old son). We were on the dining plan (which we got free) and we ate at places we would have never been able to eat because I was always worried about price.Previous visits were always TS meals and those get old after awhile. But eating two desserts and snacks is a lot of food. If you purchase the dining plan then you dont need to worry about price of the meals. If I had purchase the dining plan, it would have saved me $100.00. I even had snack credits left at the end of our trip.
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Well-Known Member
Get a price quote with the ddp and without the ddp to find out what you are really paying. Write down where you really want to eat and what you would get as well as the approximate price. If what you come up with (make sure to include tax, tip, and drink) is less than DDP, don't get DDP. If it is more, get it. Just remember DDP doesn't include tips. The ddp price is also more than what it seems on face value. That's why I suggest trip prices with and without the ddp so you'll know how much you are paying for it. We were surprised that it cost us what it did.

I'm confused as to why you are suggesting to figure up the tip? If you pay out of pocket, you're gonna pay a tip (well, I guess you don't HAVE to, but it's customary, LOL) and if you use the dining plan, you're still gonna pay tip. So, since you're paying tip either way, tip really shouldn't factor in to the value of it.

Or are you saying that you might order a cheaper entree out of pocket vs the dining plan, in which case you'll be paying 15%-18% on a cheaper price, thereby affecting the amount of the tip?
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Well-Known Member
Prior posters reference dessert a lot - keep in mind you can make your Quick Service dessert be a bottle of water, or a fruit (they have grapes, sliced apple or whole fruit like bananas or apples at some places) - all of which you can take with you for later in the day.

We have always found it worth it - but again - depends on where you are planning on eating and what price entree you like.

I am also one who psychologically likes paying off EVERYTHING but the tips and souveniers before I go. For some reason a big bill is easier to swallow when I am in my "pre-trip high" state, as opposed to my "post-trip blues".
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Well-Known Member
Prior posters reference dessert a lot - keep in mind you can make your Quick Service dessert be a bottle of water, or a fruit (they have grapes, sliced apple or whole fruit like bananas or apples at some places) - all of which you can take with you for later in the day.

We have always found it worth it - but again - depends on where you are planning on eating and what price entree you like.

I am also one who psychologically likes paying off EVERYTHING but the tips and souveniers before I go. For some reason a big bill is easier to swallow when I am in my "pre-trip high" state, as opposed to my "post-trip blues".

that is the main reason we still use the plan...I love the fact that i know all our food is paid for (other than the tip) 45 days BEFORE we go and eating is not taking away from my spending cash. I have a seperate allowance for the tips. And we tend to eat very different when on vacation...I also love the face I, for once can look at the selection of food first instead of the prices first then choosing my dinner. We do deluxe as we dont do QS meals..unless the kids do when they are not with us. And by the end of the week or when i an done with dessert i just ask for water to go instead of dessert and most places will do without question. I refuse to order a dessert just beacuse its part of the plan if i will not eat it...I still have to pay tip on it. We eat a signature dinner almsot everynight! It works well for us and that is all that matters.....money paid already who cares I am on vacation!!!!!
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disney magic 06

Well-Known Member
Our trip in May will be the first time we've used the dining plan. We got it free but looking at the figures I wouldn't have bothered if we'd had to pay. We aren't massive eaters and it seems an awful lot of food, especially in (hopefully) hot weather. However, I'm very much looking forward to eating at some places we'd never have tried had we been paying OOP. As it's also our first time staying at a deluxe hotel, it will be quite a different trip for us, can't wait!
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Well-Known Member
that is the main reason we still use the plan...I love the fact that i know all our food is paid for (other than the tip) 45 days BEFORE we go and eating is not taking away from my spending cash. I have a seperate allowance for the tips. And we tend to eat very different when on vacation...I also love the face I, for once can look at the selection of food first instead of the prices first then choosing my dinner. We do deluxe as we dont do QS meals..unless the kids do when they are not with us. And by the end of the week or when i an done with dessert i just ask for water to go instead of dessert and most places will do without question. I refuse to order a dessert just beacuse its part of the plan if i will not eat it...I still have to pay tip on it. We eat a signature dinner almsot everynight! It works well for us and that is all that matters.....money paid already who cares I am on vacation!!!!!

I know there are a lot of people that do this, but I just don't understand it.

If you are in a place where the entrees are, lets say $28 on average, then you know you are dropping $60 per person at the end of the night.

So if you end up with $57 or $63 is it really such a big difference that you went with the chicken over the steak? The way I look at it, if you really wanted the steak but got the chicken instead, you did not save $6 - you just wasted $57.

I WILL ask prices on specials, because I have been hit with some insane special pricing. Average cost on the menu is $28 and the special comes in at $45. Those are scary.

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Well-Known Member
We tried it for the first time this past October when BF and I went. It turned out to be free for us but to us, the value of not having to worry about carrying cash around all day in the park or worrying if you'll have enough cash was priceless. It was so nice to be able to go in to a restaurant and order whatever you want instead of worrying about the price. I don't know exactly how much money we would have saved, but we really thought it was worth it. The only thing we weren't crazy about was the included dessert in every meal. We aren't huge sweet tooths so having a dessert included in every meal was a bit excessive. We would have much rather preferred an appetizer/dessert option or every other.

Hope you have fun!
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Well-Known Member
if it's free...hands down take the plan.

But no I do not think it is worth the money to pay the flat out rate. I would rarely order dessert at any meal (leaves more room to eat mickey ice cream bars/sandwiches and other snacks around the parks) and my boyfriend and I usually split a lot of counter service (like turkey legs!) so we really don't need all that food.

We had the dining plan for free...so we didn't really care about not finishing our desserts but if I had put money into it, I would be ordering the most expensive thing and trying to finish every bite.

If you got a pin, I would pay the upgrade or free dining of course I would definitely take. But I would definitely not pay the full price for the dining plan. Too much food, too much restrictions and I can spread my snacks/desserts meals out among a bunch of places.
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New Member
I think it was well worth it. I went after Thanksgiving for 5 days. Had the table service, quick service & snack plan (actually was free with their promo they ran.) Stayed at a value resort. Had 2 adults and one 5 year old. The only restaurant we were unable to get in without reservations was the steakhouse in Epcot in Canada. Ate at Ohana (was there 30 minutes prior to opening and waited 30 minutes for a table), Whispering Canyon (had a 20 minute wait after we walked up one night). The bill was over $100 each meal for the 3 of us. Same went to the quick service in the food court. If we all used a meal (for lunch) the bill was $45+. Different ways to use the quick service too. Get a meal, desert, a drink (would get the energy drinks, etc..) For the snacks, we had plenty to use. Also some days we would use the snack for breakfast and get a cinnamon bun at the food court, then saved the quick service for lunch. Be creative and ask questions with the cast members. I found many would offer advice on how to get the most out of it. Would do it again in a heartbeat!!
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Jedi Wizard

New Member
It definitely depends on what you would normally eat and where vs. what you will do on the DDP. I ran the math after my last trip with my family of 4 including 2 kids under 9. Math worked out almost exactly to what I would have normally paid. It was within $15 total for the whole trip.

However, as the saying goes... "your mileage may vary"
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