Didn't like Disney...


Well-Known Member
It is strange when you come upon a person that just doesn't "get" Disney. I know a few... they rather lay on a beach and sun all day. I do think you have to have a certain something within you that absorbs WDW within you...... everyone is made of something different


Well-Known Member
My boss is a disney hater too She told me she went with s bunch of friends when she was 23 , You would think that would be the gest time get to go to clubs and be in disney!? She said she will never go back in her life and its stupid, so in Sept when i went i brought her back winnie the pooh beaney baby looking thing and she cut the head off.. WEIRDO!


Active Member
My boss is a disney hater too She told me she went with s bunch of friends when she was 23 , You would think that would be the gest time get to go to clubs and be in disney!? She said she will never go back in her life and its stupid, so in Sept when i went i brought her back winnie the pooh beaney baby looking thing and she cut the head off.. WEIRDO!

That was just disrespectful and immature. I would hate for someone like that to be authority over me.

I too have had to learn to let things go when I hear less than magical reports of peoples experiences at WDW. Master Yoda had a great quote on another thread about people that just don't get it. I can't seem to locate it. Maybe he can dust it off and give it to us again!


I have a friend that keeps telling me to go somewhere else other than Disney. She nevers wants to go back. Once was enough for her. We do go other places, but there is a magic about Disney that keeps drawing us back and also our grown children. It is just another world that makes you forget the problems of the real world. A wonderful place, I can't explain it. Back 2 weeks and can't wait to go back.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
#1. It was major bad timing. I always go in late September.
#2. There are many people who don't like disney. 90% are Teens.
#3. Avatar wasn't good in my opinion either. :)


Well-Known Member
I have a friend that keeps telling me to go somewhere else other than Disney. She nevers wants to go back. Once was enough for her. We do go other places, but there is a magic about Disney that keeps drawing us back and also our grown children. It is just another world that makes you forget the problems of the real world. A wonderful place, I can't explain it. Back 2 weeks and can't wait to go back.

See, now that is what MY buddy keeps telling me too. And he LOVES WDW just as much as me, so it doesn't make sense! I don't know if he is jealous that I have been going more lately or something, but he is the one who got me to even go in the first place. :shrug:


We regularly get negative comments about DH and I going 'without children' - we love it and are going for our 8th trip this September. The same people can't understand why DD and I go to DLP to see the Xmas displays 'without children'. They think that because we also enjoy city breaks and cruises (proper adults holidays :) )that we shouldn't enjoy Disney. Less in the queues I say !


Well-Known Member
Awwwww I feel bad for the kids. I find it hard to believe the kids didn't like it. More like Mom and Dad were stressed out.

You will have to take your nieces/nephews with you and show them what it is really all about.

Absolutely. Part of my family just went and they had an 'awful' time. To their defense, it was during spring break. But still, parents need to be prepared to wait and be prepared that their kids will get tired and grouchy after a long day.


Premium Member
I wouldn't take a trip anywhere without doing research (and yes, I do enjoy research to an extent people don't, but...) and it seems every time I hear people having a bad experience it's because they:

*Slept in, got to the parks around 11 or so.
*Encountered huge crowds because they came so late
*Try to eat right at the same time everyone else is
*Don't look at a time schedule to know what's going on in the park that day, and to find or avoid what they do/don't want to see/get stuck in.
*Get frustrated because they go to big attractions at peak times

Yep, that's it...in addition to

*Didn't learn about Fastpasses and think that people are skipping the lines all the time
*Can't understand why they have to wait in line to take a photo with Mickey Mouse
*Tried to buy souvenirs during park closing time and couldn't move through the mob of people in the shops on Main St.
*Didn't know which rides were rollercoasters and which were slow moving dark rides.

Lack of research can really affect your experience.


Well-Known Member
I could have, or SHOULD have , taken my niece and Nephew to Disney world, when I had the chance.. with this exception.. my Brother in Law and my sister in Law both made way more money then we did..

and in speaking to my late brother in law, He said,, No,, my kids wouldn't like it..


no. they wouldn't like it.. I know..


I can tell you WHO WOULDN"T LIKE IT.. HE wouldn't because it would have cost him money. well guess what, He died at work, having spent few nickels on his kids.. and his kids won't be going with HIM..

his daughter got married right before he died.. and that was good..

but his son.. never to see it.. but bought into the brainwashing.. No
you won't like it..

Well John.. you probably know much more now then you did then.. but I 'll bet its not what you thought..

I feel for the original family in this story.. I have only met one family that didn't like Disney.. and they were camping and out doors only.. and there is nothing wrong with that..

but for the original family.. some one please send them the Unofficial Guide to Disney World and give them a viewing plan and have them follow it to a tee, and then let them tell you that they didn't like it. . I would bet that they all sing a much different song..


New Member
Spring Break is the ONLY time I have ever gone to WDW and it is actually one of the reasons I keep going back! My friend thinks I am totally nuts for wanting to be down there when the parks are absolutely packed with Spring Breakers, but I LOVE it!!! I know no different I guess. But I love the weather in March down there compared to ours up here, I love that the parks stay open later than usual to accommodate the crowds, I love everything about being there in March.

Now I have to admit that my stance did change a little bit after this past trip. The parks were CRAZY packed, as we have come to expect, and the lines were as insane as ever. But this time we missed out on a bunch of stuff that we usually enjoy doing because of the crowd levels. So I said to my wife after we got home, maybe we should listen to everyone and just TRY a trip during a non-peak season. My friend swears it will make our love for WDW grow even that much more, not having to wait in long lines and being able to walk right on most of the attractions. So I am thinking it is just going to be my wife and I maybe next May or October for a nice 10 day getaway so that we can experience WDW minus all of the Spring Breakers! :p

The crowds during Spring Break didn't seem that bad to me? :shrug: Maybe because the only other time I've been is mid-June? That was my family's first trip. We loved it, but we were NOT dealing with that heat and humidity again. Also, we don't go during Canadian spring break... And I think most of the states in the South (yes, including OK) have spring break around the same time.

It's bad to not know what you're getting yourself into. Research is your friend. Our first trip, there was a lot of research involved. My mom and my uncle are the planners of our two families, and I think everyone fully realized the amount of resources that were invested into this trip. So research for them was important to ensure they got the biggest bang for their hard-earned buck. I would suggest a second, more prepared trip, or maybe you take the girls yourself. After that, if no one likes it, then okay. It's not their thing.

And for all us Disney lovers, maybe we do need to look in to different vacations? ... Nah. Lol. Although, I do want to visit some other places, and it helps that my bf is not a Disney fanatic. We gotta compromise and without him, I probably would never think about going to Ireland over WDW.


Well-Known Member
The crowds during Spring Break didn't seem that bad to me? :shrug: Maybe because the only other time I've been is mid-June? That was my family's first trip. We loved it, but we were NOT dealing with that heat and humidity again. Also, we don't go during Canadian spring break... And I think most of the states in the South (yes, including OK) have spring break around the same time.

It's bad to not know what you're getting yourself into. Research is your friend. Our first trip, there was a lot of research involved. My mom and my uncle are the planners of our two families, and I think everyone fully realized the amount of resources that were invested into this trip. So research for them was important to ensure they got the biggest bang for their hard-earned buck. I would suggest a second, more prepared trip, or maybe you take the girls yourself. After that, if no one likes it, then okay. It's not their thing.

And for all us Disney lovers, maybe we do need to look in to different vacations? ... Nah. Lol. Although, I do want to visit some other places, and it helps that my bf is not a Disney fanatic. We gotta compromise and without him, I probably would never think about going to Ireland over WDW.

Yeah, go during September and then again in Spring Break and you'll see the difference. The longest we've waited for Peter Pan in September was 15 minutes, compared to 40-50 during Spring Break.


New Member
I know a few people who don't like Disney(I used to be one of them). As a parent of a 3 year girl who LOVES Disney, I've grown more knowledgeable and aware of what Disney's all about: family fun. With that said, here are the 3 biggest complaints I've heard:

1. Too expensive! 4 days in 4 parks, especially with kids, can suck your bank account and credit cards dry!

2. LONG lines! Even during the offseason, and even with Fast Pass, Disney still has much longer lines than central FL's other parks.

3. Lack of MAJOR roller coasters & thrill rides! I know a lot of people are going to defend Disney here and say that Disney doesn't need major thrill rides. And you're right, they don't. But a lot of teens and adults(myself included) love big roller coasters. Which is why certain people prefer a Universal or Busch Gardens over Disney.


Well-Known Member
I have a new coworker in her early 20s who has never been...why?...b/c her mom went to WDW once on her own for a work related conference. It was quite crowded during her stay and she vowed never to take her kids or permit them to go. I've since convinced the girl that she should go, but her mom is trying to talk her out of it and her friends are griping about costs. We're hoping she can sway a couple of people at some point in the next year.


Well, when I told my uncle I was going to FL for the first time last year he told me straight out "Meghan and I went to FL and to Disney World we HATED IT!" My jaw just dropped. It really bothered me and they're reasoning was long lines and too many people.


New Member
I love Disney and I love thrill rides. I once thought that there weren't enough thrill rides at Disney. BUT....last weekend, I had a revelation!

Every year we get season passes for Carowinds (Charlotte, NC area). In the one park there are at least 7 roller coasters. LOVE ALL OF THEM!! But last weekend I realized that we were just going from ride to ride (which is usually great) and I was wishing there were some other show-type attractions like at Disney. Meaning....I was dizzy riding back to back coasters and was wishing there were some Disney-like attractions that you can just sit down and relax in.

There is something to be said for going to sit in Mickey's Philharmagic or Indiana Jones stunt show, etc. I once may have thought they these type things were boring, but now I see how wonderful they can be. Plus, people like my husband that don't like roller coasters have ways to be entertained!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Lack of research can really affect your experience.

You'd think research is imperative on any vacation. Its just incredible to me that people would go to one of the major vacation resorts in the world and not do any research. If they didn't enjoy themselves, that's thier fault.


Every year we get season passes for Carowinds (Charlotte, NC area). In the one park there are at least 7 roller coasters. LOVE ALL OF THEM!! But last weekend I realized that we were just going from ride to ride (which is usually great) and I was wishing there were some other show-type attractions like at Disney. Meaning....I was dizzy riding back to back coasters and was wishing there were some Disney-like attractions that you can just sit down and relax in.
That's a lot like our local Six Flags park we had growing up...all cake, no icing. Sure the park had some great coasters, but there was mostly a concrete and steel fashion about the place. The Batman ride, for instance, overlooked the guest parking area. It was a fairly good coaster, but really had nothing to do with Batman; no story involved. By the end of the day, if felt no different than spending the afternoon at an elaborate state fair. Fun rides, a little dizzy, but no theme or order involved like seen at Disney & Universal parks.

Well, when I told my uncle I was going to FL for the first time last year he told me straight out "Meghan and I went to FL and to Disney World we HATED IT!" My jaw just dropped. It really bothered me
That ain't right. :mad: He's family, and as family the respectable thing would be for him to like what you like. There is no morale left in today's society.


Well-Known Member
The crowds during Spring Break didn't seem that bad to me? :shrug: Maybe because the only other time I've been is mid-June? That was my family's first trip. We loved it, but we were NOT dealing with that heat and humidity again. Also, we don't go during Canadian spring break... And I think most of the states in the South (yes, including OK) have spring break around the same time.

It's bad to not know what you're getting yourself into. Research is your friend. Our first trip, there was a lot of research involved. My mom and my uncle are the planners of our two families, and I think everyone fully realized the amount of resources that were invested into this trip. So research for them was important to ensure they got the biggest bang for their hard-earned buck. I would suggest a second, more prepared trip, or maybe you take the girls yourself. After that, if no one likes it, then okay. It's not their thing.

And for all us Disney lovers, maybe we do need to look in to different vacations? ... Nah. Lol. Although, I do want to visit some other places, and it helps that my bf is not a Disney fanatic. We gotta compromise and without him, I probably would never think about going to Ireland over WDW.

My friend couldn't get over the crowds in my pictures from our past Spring/March Break trips when I showed them to him, and he has gone in May, June, September, October, November. I knew it would be packed before we left and REALLY realized it that first year when we could not find one vacant room in Georgia for the night on our way down. I learned from that and now book a room in Georgia at least 3 months out so that we have a place to crash. The whole drive down you see nothing but Canadian license plates.

After four family trips to WDW in 6 years, I think our next one will DEFINITELY be just my wife and I, wherever we end up going. Would be nice to be able to relax and not have to cater to the kids and listen to them complain (19 year old daughter and 14 year old son - so not really kids anymore I guess :ROFLOL:). I would rather go to WDW more than anywhere else on the planet really, and my wife likes it just as much as I do now, so she wouldn't be a hard sell. But after 4 straight WDW vacations at FULL speed for 10 straight days each time, I am wondering if laying on a beach somewhere down in the Caribbean or Dominican for a week doing absolutely nothing might be something worth trying for a change. Who knows....WDW will probably ultimately win out!!! :p

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member

(OK - JOKE. NOT SERIOUS :) - just can't imagine it :))

Nice Lenin joke, Trotsky. ;) :lol:

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