Guys, I know some of you would love for Cars Land to come to Florida but I hope it stays exclusive to California.
I agree. When Disney comes up with a new idea for one of their resorts, the first things that comes to people's minds is "let's duplicate it in other disney parks" I'm not sure that will work as well with Carsland. It's one thing to take Tower of Terror, or other singular rides and duplicate them in other disney resorts, but it's a whole other thing to take an entire newly created "land" and just plop it right down in other parks. And if it is cloned for DHS, I doubt it will be as good or expansive as the one in DCA, so why not just avoid all those comparisons and start something new!
There are plenty of Pixar films that can be utlized, and haven't been yet in Disney World. Wall-E, The Incredibles, Brave just off the top of my head, and I'm sure there are going to be more Pixar movies in the next decade. Those offer a great starting point for imagination. Carsland was great partly because it was a brand new concept people had never seen before. It's also why Epcot is great. So duplicating that new concept, doesn't make it all that "new" the second time around, and I believe it wouldn't be as good a fit in DHS.