DHS Pixar Place Rumor in Need of Confirmation

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Mary Poppins is not authentically Disney. Most of Disney's movie is based off of the book, not the other way around.

Not being created soley by Walt does not make it bad. IMO it's one of his greatest movies- if not his greatest.

Yeah, Disney's Mary Poppins was SO close to the book that its author, P.L. Travers, wanted most of it thrown out - especially the music and animation. Come now. There's a big difference between a book that's been optioned by Disney and "plussed" with the classic Disney magic, and a property that stopped being popular decades ago that Disney had no hand in. You can argue all day that an acquisition is an acquisition. If you can't tell the difference between Disney's Mary Poppins and the Muppets, then let's let the argument lie there rather than waste bandwidth trying to convince each other, 'kay?


Well-Known Member
Most people start these threads with "my friend told me," "an imagineer I tackled admitted," or "the bus driver said." Instead, we'll just skip that here since I don't want anybody in trouble for me blabbing. I just know that some people on here are in the know, and I'm wondering if one those "in the know" people can verify this information.

Would you mind if I asked "Informed by whom?" :)

Maybe read the whole post...:shrug:

Anyway...this all sounds pretty good to me!
Na just anti pixar stuff for awhile :wave:. To much of it everywhere.

You all are Anti Universal so what's the problem :)?

Just because something new doesn't mean its great. And the new stuff Disney has announced lately (besides Star Tours 2) aren't all that exciting to me.

So because it's not exciting to you, they shouldn't do it?

Also, people need to understand that Pixar IS Disney now and more specifically, Disney Animation IS Pixar now. Pixar has taken the place of Disney animation of old. There will be no more Lion Kings, or Cinderellas; not for a while at least. So just accept the fact that Pixar is everywhere because it has every right to be and, quite frankly, SHOULD be everywhere. They're one of the only things keeping Disney afloat right now. Them, ESPN, and ABC.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see the Playhouse Disney area redone as well. MM ClubHouse, Handy Manny, and Oso seem to be the basis of the programming, yet the last time I was there, JoJo's Circus or whatever it was called was still used. I didn't even look to see if the Bear in the Big House was still there. But also, I think with the Popularity of Phineas and Ferb, that something has to be in the works. From what I understand about the film side, the Muppet reboot is kind of fast tracked, so I would imagine they wait to see how that goes before any changes are made. If it is true that Kodak wants out of Disney, a complete overhaul of Muppet Area could be in order. Hopefully that includes an expansion into Statler and Waldorf. I love those guys. Plus I would love to see the Chef get his own restaurant. AWESOMETASTIC!


Well-Known Member
I would love to see the Playhouse Disney area redone as well. MM ClubHouse, Handy Manny, and Oso seem to be the basis of the programming, yet the last time I was there, JoJo's Circus or whatever it was called was still used. I didn't even look to see if the Bear in the Big House was still there. But also, I think with the Popularity of Phineas and Ferb, that something has to be in the works. From what I understand about the film side, the Muppet reboot is kind of fast tracked, so I would imagine they wait to see how that goes before any changes are made. If it is true that Kodak wants out of Disney, a complete overhaul of Muppet Area could be in order. Hopefully that includes an expansion into Statler and Waldorf. I love those guys. Plus I would love to see the Chef get his own restaurant. AWESOMETASTIC!

The Playhouse Disney show has featured them for a while now, with the exception of Oso. Tigger and Pooh and Little Einsteins are also in it. The H&V meals are finally being updated as well, so JoJo will soon be gone.


Well-Known Member
I say switch Pizza Planet and Midway Mania, converting TSMM into Muppet Midway Mania. :sohappy:

I strongly believe any Muppet-related retheming will not happen until after the next Muppet movie. I imagine that will be in another year or two. If successful, re-Muppet-ization at Disney should be ready a year or two after.

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
Funny, I've read the book "Mary Poppins", and I don't remember a song entitled "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" in it. Or penguin waiters. That required the Disney touch. Walt re-created both Poppins and Jungle Book in his own image, so to speak. So they are authentically Disney, much more so than a property that is merely acquired, like Muppets and Marvel. Both of which are an ill fit, IMO, within the Disney pantheon. I wish Eisner and Iger had taken that money and invested it into more in-house creativity; I regard both acquisitions as a waste.

The reason the Muppets belong in DHS can be summed up in the simple statement that Walt Disney and Jim Henson were kindred spirits. The worlds they each created were birthed from their respective collective imaginations and both maintain a heart and soul that really make the two worlds a perfect match for one another. If you can't see that...than I really don't think that A) You're very versed in the Henson universe or B) Just plain don't like the Muppets and nothing is going to change your opinion.


Active Member
The Playhouse Disney show has featured them for a while now, with the exception of Oso. Tigger and Pooh and Little Einsteins are also in it. The H&V meals are finally being updated as well, so JoJo will soon be gone.

With the new Pooh movie coming out, Tigger and Pooh are now pretty much gone (Except for Ads for DVDs) and Little Einsteins is on at 4am or something ridiculous like that now.

They really need to keep that show more updated to the current programming.


Well-Known Member
BLT Easily could be rethemed Cars. With Cars 2 coming in 2012, an easy 2013 retheming is very doable. The only thing is I can't see multiple retheming and/or construction going on at the same time. At DHS alone, you have SW2.0, MI coaster, street show to replace HSM (most likely Camp Rock). I just don't see BLT being closed down for an extended period. The only retheme that is remotely plausible is RnR due to video change and ride music change.
With the new Pooh movie coming out, Tigger and Pooh are now pretty much gone (Except for Ads for DVDs) and Little Einsteins is on at 4am or something ridiculous like that now.

They really need to keep that show more updated to the current programming.
I'm sure when the rebranding of Playhouse Disney occurs over the next 3 years, we'll see the show get a new name and new shows..... I hope. :hammer:

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
The reason the Muppets belong in DHS can be summed up in the simple statement that Walt Disney and Jim Henson were kindred spirits. The worlds they each created were birthed from their respective collective imaginations and both maintain a heart and soul that really make the two worlds a perfect match for one another. If you can't see that...than I really don't think that A) You're very versed in the Henson universe or B) Just plain don't like the Muppets and nothing is going to change your opinion.

Nothing is going to convince me that Disney should buy up charity cases and invest money trying to bring something back to life that is better off dead. I've seen some of the awful post-Jim Henson stuff. And I remember the contentiousness that went on during the initial negotiations for the sale, after Jim died. I remember reading the news stories about mean ol' evil Disney, how the Henson employees put up a Christmas tree that had a figure of Mickey brandishing a whip on top of it, one that they gleefully showed a reporter. And so, when the initial negotiations fell through, I thought, "Great. Good riddance. Let the kids handle those characters. Disney is better off without them." And then Eisner made his dumb move - nearly losing Pixar but buying the Muppets, whoopee. After which he got buttkicked out of the company. Good riddance to him too, but unfortunately the damage was already done.

Jim and Walt kindred spirits, ha ha ha. Oh you're serious? The aesthetic is very different. God knows their lifestyles and values were pretty different too. It's a bit of a stretch to say their worlds fit together. By such logic, the Disney company should buy up Woody Woodpecker too. Walter Lantz created animated characters, and wow, he and Walt even had the same first name! It's a perfect fit!!!

Yeah, you're right. Nothing is going to change my opinion. Facts keep getting in the way.

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
Nothing is going to convince me that Disney should buy up charity cases and invest money trying to bring something back to life that is better off dead. I've seen some of the awful post-Jim Henson stuff. And I remember the contentiousness that went on during the initial negotiations for the sale, after Jim died. I remember reading the news stories about mean ol' evil Disney, how the Henson employees put up a Christmas tree that had a figure of Mickey brandishing a whip on top of it, one that they gleefully showed a reporter. And so, when the initial negotiations fell through, I thought, "Great. Good riddance. Let the kids handle those characters. Disney is better off without them." And then Eisner made his dumb move - nearly losing Pixar but buying the Muppets, whoopee. After which he got buttkicked out of the company. Good riddance to him too, but unfortunately the damage was already done.

Jim and Walt kindred spirits, ha ha ha. Oh you're serious? The aesthetic is very different. God knows their lifestyles and values were pretty different too. It's a bit of a stretch to say their worlds fit together. By such logic, the Disney company should buy up Woody Woodpecker too. Walter Lantz created animated characters, and wow, he and Walt even had the same first name! It's a perfect fit!!!

Yeah, you're right. Nothing is going to change my opinion. Facts keep getting in the way.

The only FACTS you presented were the malcontent some Henson company folks held and the fact that Eisner devolved into a useless CEO by the end of his tenure. Other than that everything you posed was opinion.

Let's face it, regarding the Muppets being in DHS you are going to find yourself in a very sparse minority.

Did the Muppet franchise fall on difficult creative times after Henson's death? You bet they did! So did Disney or are you forgetting the late 70's through say around 1988? The place was a creative graveyard! It was the self same maligned Michael Eisner that brought Disney Animation back from the brink of extinction with his implemented "Disney Decade" project. Disney believes the muppets can have the same renaissance and the majority of fans do as well. The Muppets franchise is timeless and with the right creative minds can be invovled in new projects that bring their magic back.

The Jim Henson legacy is storied and rich just as the Walt Disney one is. Whether their "values" matched doesn't amount to a hill of beans. It's the passion for their work and their creative minds I was referring to regarding kindred spirits.

The Muppets were purchased for the sole purpose of making them a part of DHS and to further the franchise and to introduce them to a new generation. I for one see absolutely no problem with that!


New Member
Jim and Walt kindred spirits, ha ha ha. Oh you're serious? The aesthetic is very different. God knows their lifestyles and values were pretty different too. It's a bit of a stretch to say their worlds fit together. By such logic, the Disney company should buy up Woody Woodpecker too. Walter Lantz created animated characters, and wow, he and Walt even had the same first name! It's a perfect fit!!!

WOW! Hostile much?

How dare someone describe 2 creative people in 1 sentence. Lifestyle comments & values aside, they were both creative geniuses.

Take a Valium & ease up on people sharing their opinions, sheesh. :eek:

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
The only FACTS you presented were the malcontent some Henson company folks held and the fact that Eisner devolved into a useless CEO by the end of his tenure. Other than that everything you posed was opinion.

Let's face it, regarding the Muppets being in DHS you are going to find yourself in a very sparse minority.

Did the Muppet franchise fall on difficult creative times after Henson's death? You bet they did! So did Disney or are you forgetting the late 70's through say around 1988? The place was a creative graveyard! It was the self same maligned Michael Eisner that brought Disney Animation back from the brink of extinction with his implemented "Disney Decade" project. Disney believes the muppets can have the same renaissance and the majority of fans do as well. The Muppets franchise is timeless and with the right creative minds can be invovled in new projects that bring their magic back.

The Jim Henson legacy is storied and rich just as the Walt Disney one is. Whether their "values" matched doesn't amount to a hill of beans. It's the passion for their work and their creative minds I was referring to regarding kindred spirits.

The Muppets were purchased for the sole purpose of making them a part of DHS and to further the franchise and to introduce them to a new generation. I for one see absolutely no problem with that!

When Disney was foundering, it eventually saved itself. All Jim Henson's heirs did is sell the characters over and over.

The Jim Henson legacy is storied and rich just as the Walt Disney one is.

Wow, Jim invented theme parks? Animatronics? New film technologies like sound and color? Hardly in the same league.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
WOW! Hostile much?

How dare someone describe 2 creative people in 1 sentence. Lifestyle comments & values aside, they were both creative geniuses.

Take a Valium & ease up on people sharing their opinions, sheesh. :eek:

Sorry. I'm quite passionate about the REAL Disney legacy, which IMO is being buried beneath unnecessary acquisitions and corporate penny-pinching on what really matters (i.e. broken Yeti). Those defending the Muppet/Marvel purchases are obsessed with those entities and I suppose really can't be reasoned with. It does make me impatient, so I'll avoid talking with those people in the future.

To be fair - I don't like the Marvel purchase either, for exactly the same reasons. Plus Iger's logic seems to be that the purchase would solve Disney's problems attracting a young male audience. But...despite attracting a young male audience, Marvel declared bankruptcy around 1996, I believe. While the Marvel characters might still have a sizable audience, it wasn't enough to keep the company afloat. Surely Iger knew that? The man just mystifies me at times...

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