I'm not sure why floridians would care that Potter is going to Hollywood. I mean, how does it affect them? It's not like now they are going to have to pack their bags and fly to Hollywood to experience Potter. They still have the original Potter in their own backyard. And so what if attendance numbers drop because it's available on two coasts. IMO I doubt it will have that much of an affect, but if it does affect attendance in florida, all that means is shorter lines for the people who enjoy it in florida.
IoA was a dud in attendance when it first opened, same with DCA. In order to combat those issues, massive expansion projects had to be made at both parks, and both projects have been met with critical and financial success.
I don't live out west so I don't mean to speak for anyone, but I just can't see how people have such an emotional attachment to Carsland after only 3 months. The Matterhorn or the original Pirates I can see the emotional attachment because they are classic. But Carsland I honestly can't see why people are so attached to it already to the point where they don't want it anywhere else.
DCA just caught a break with Carsland and the rest of the expansion. That isn't going to change if Carsland is moved to DHS. Just like with Potter on two coasts, the people who enjoy the original Carsland are not affected by the Carsland on the east coast, so I'm just not sure why it's such a big deal
There are Easterners on MiceChat talking about how they don't want Potter in Hollywood. It's not talked about here but there was some chit chat going on about the subject over on MiceChat and I honestly don't blame them.
I don't think I've ever brought up attendance, so I won't speak on that. There's been an emotional attachment for Cars Land pretty much ever since it was first announced out here in CA. That was all everyone was talking about, how great Cars Land was going to be and how happy we were and appreciative that we were finally getting something awesome for DCA. You probably will never understand and you will probably never think it's a big deal because each park that was built in Florida was pretty much great and well off.
Imagine being a Disneyland fan in CA in the 80's and 90's, one by one watching each new park in FL pop up, while you get squat. After years and years, the company announces they plan on building a second park for Disneyland. The park debuts and it's total crap. There may be one or two well themed areas but as a whole, the park flat out sucks. To say Westerners felt jipped and totally got the short end of the stick would be an understatement. It was an insult to the fans to have a park like DCA 1.0 sitting across from Disneyland. It was cheap looking, tacky and overall pathetic. Pretty much everyone was ed. No love for Disneyland fans.
Fast forward six years and the company announces they plan on putting loads of money into DCA to fix it, and the big draw of the new expansion will be a new land called Cars Land. Everyone went nuts, not only because Cars Land looked seriously impressive, but the company was not blind to the fact that DCA was just not doing it for the Disneyland fans and they wanted to fix that. Five years go by and the debut of Cars Land hits. People are having heart attacks over our new present. Westerners are expressing their love over not only Cars Land but DCA in general. I've never heard so many people get so excited for
DCA, the same park we couldn't care less about eleven years ago. Pretty much everyone's finally happy.
Not even six months later, Florida management is having conversation about putting Cars Land in one of the parks. California's new present and the redeemer of the black sheep of the Disney parks, and Florida wants it. It's like your mom buying you a crazy, expensive birthday gift and your sibling starts whining and crying, explaining he/she wants the same thing and your mom breaks down and ends up buying your sibling the same thing, on your special day. That's how Westerners feel.
For decades, Californians watched money and parks go to Florida. Finally, an amazing product is making our second park amazing and worthy for the guests. Yes, there's an emotional attachment for it and there's reason for it too. Cars Land isn't just some new ride, it's an entire package that's been keeping Disneyland guests happy to visit its brother, without complaints and whining. It's corny to put it this way but it's a savior. That's where the attachment comes from. Once again, I don't expect for you to fully understand why Californians don't want to see Cars Land in Florida, because you're WDW vet and not a Disneyland one, but that's how the West Coast (Disneylanders) feels. Sorry for the rant.