
Well-Known Member
The thing is, your costs aren't the same as others. For me, it's still cheaper for me to go to WDW, but that gap is getting smaller and the quality of the two resorts is changing. To that point, I'm considering an additional trip to Disneyland next year, and less trips to Disney World.

We went to DL for the first time last year from the east coast and I was surprised at how little difference price wise it was to get over there. Granted, we didn't spend the full week there (split between Vegas and DL) nor did we stay on property (the good neighbor hotels are fine for us) but it wasn't nearly as cost prohibitive as I expected. I went into it thinking it would be a once in 10 years type thing and now I am thinking more like once in 3. (For some reason, it was quite less expensive for us to fly in to vegas and do a one-way car rental than lax. The drive is wonderful anyway.

Even with the prospect of going back to DL soon, I still can't find much to complain about as far as cloning goes. I feel almost like we are at the point where we should be glad we are getting the capital investments like this at all, clone or no clone.


Active Member
As I stated before, I'm just happy that DHS is going to get some attention. I'm not a huge fan of Carsland but I think it's better than what is currently there (Backlot and LMA).

You know what I really want to see? A real Toontown. THAT's what I think DHS should get.

Oh, and tear down the hat! LOL


Well-Known Member
Some Spirited thoughts:

I still won't say this is a done deal yet because I'm hearing there are some folks on both coasts with reservations (that they likely made 180 days in advance!:D) . There's a strong west-coast contingent led by John Lasseter that does not want to see this immediately cloned and sent to the swamps. And there's a strong contingent in FLA, that says this gets built and EPCOT remains stagnant and that park is going to have its numbers plummet (only so long you can coast on food and beverage sales).

Clearly 'something' is happening as we head into FY'13. Bids are going out, planning is being done, the orb of secrecy is starting to kick up. Whether we're going to see RSRs, which is sure seems like, is still the question ... but I sure see that growing in likelihood by the day.

I spent the late morning doing two enjoyable things. One was watching The Dictator, which I had never seen and was a good way to in advance of posting here. The other was speaking to a very valued friend and contact who said many interesting things that I can't post here, but had one very interesting thought which is this project -- whatever form 'it' takes at TPFKaTD-MGMS -- may well not simply open up before Avatar (loved that joke in The Dictator as wel) but simply takes its place instead.

Yes, the Spirit is still saying don't count your blue alien sex kittens until you are having cyber relations with them while Soarin Over Pandora.

Cost is relative as RSRs was the most expensive theme park attraction ever built. My number is a lot closer to $400 million for just the ride and area (not Carsland here) work than the crazy $300 million people talk about.

I don't like clones. I understand them from a business standpoint, but I still don't like them. It shows a lack of faith in your ability to create compelling product. I don't like with Transformers at UNI, so I'm not going to turn around and say its fine if it's Disney. It ultimately diminishes your product, not because you'll have people visit WDW and blow off DLR (how many crazy fans will whine and make every excuse in the book here why they've been to WDW 31 times, but haven't just been able to get to DL yet!) but because your product all-around beccomes more homogenized. It's fine to have some sharing, that makes sense. But Disney is in the state of wanting everything to appear in as many places as possible. That's why they don't like dealing with the Chinese because they are demanding unique product.

I didn't read through the entire thread because well ... it did what sorta happens around these parts when something newsworthy happens, so I apologize if I'm covering a lot of the same.

Also, LMA has its own 'issues' that make TDO want to get rid of it and quickly, which again shows very poor thought on their part when the attraction debuted only seven years ago.

Oh, and over at UNI, Potter 2.0 sounds better all the time. Just heard of a BIG change coming to help facilitate the expansion and it splains a lot (like why UNI execs were seen visiting a competitor recently!)


Well-Known Member
Lee, other than making an argument against building CL/RSR in Orlando, has Lasseter presented any serious alternatives (with designs)? If so, can you give any hints regarding what those plans included?

Also, how likely is it that DCA will start Phase 2 of their refurb/expansion by the time something is finished at DHS?

I'm not Lee, he's the one with the hot wife and great singing voice, but I'll answer ... Phase II at DCA is like most Disney Phase IIs ... not very likely to ever exist.

Right now, Disney's interested in the original park and possibly a third one down the road (still many years).

As to alternatives to RSRs, there always are ... hell, I came up with an idea for a Cars ride using the same system and basically the backdrop of a Cars 2 race around the world deal, but it doesn't look like TDO wants anything but a clone.

Disney is VERY worried about its business in O-Town ... maybe you can talk to your pals on The Disney Parks Blog about that? I'm sure they'll respond to you ...


Well-Known Member
I don't get this complaint at all. RSR and TT are completely different rides and experiences. It's only obvious that they are the same ride system if you are the type of person who is really into that sort of information. The typical guests sees two unrelated rides and more opportunity for fun.

Besides which, lots of ride systems are copied within a resort. Should there only be one Omnimover in all of WDW? One spinner? Once tracked boat ride? Somehow having two attractions, with completely different themes, in different parks is not really a big deal to me if RSR comes to DHS.

I'm just saying that I don't personally don't understand the point of it. Omnimovers, coasters, off the shelf rides make sense cause of the multiple applications for it. TT's ride system is more centralized on giving the sensation that it's a car. It's just not my cup of tea when having two versions of an exclusive ride system that's first incarnation was here at Epcot.

My biggest beef with it, though, isn't that: It's for the fact that the ride system is still inconsistent and still unreliable. Look at RSR and it's downtimes right now and the probable heightened downtimes TT will have when it reopens. Having two attractions that are inconsistent in how they run and both are on the same property...that would be interesting.


Well-Known Member
I'm not Lee, he's the one with the hot wife and great singing voice, but I'll answer ... Phase II at DCA is like most Disney Phase IIs ... not very likely to ever exist.

Right now, Disney's interested in the original park and possibly a third one down the road (still many years).

As to alternatives to RSRs, there always are ... hell, I came up with an idea for a Cars ride using the same system and basically the backdrop of a Cars 2 race around the world deal, but it doesn't look like TDO wants anything but a clone.

Disney is VERY worried about its business in O-Town ... maybe you can talk to your pals on The Disney Parks Blog about that? I'm sure they'll respond to you ...

It seems like TDO would get on board with a "Cars 2" overlay for RSR, especially because that could facilitate the deletion of alot of expensive rock work ... they could keep the aniomatronics virtually the same, change some paint and change the dialogue that comes out of their speaking boxes ... viola.


Well-Known Member
Very few peoples costs are the same as others. The point was visiting DL it is not as simple as just hopping on a plane.

No, travel isn't simple (especially with the TSA intimidating flyers at every airport to discourage travel). But a great deal of domestic WDW travelers don't get in the old Chevy and drive on down. They fly ... and if you can fly to FL, you can fly to CA.

I know that but the wife is dead set on staying at a DL hotel. The straw that always breaks the camels back is the airfare for a party of 4.

Well, if someone demands staying at a hotel that may be $500 night when one can be purchased across the street for $50, then reason is thrown right out the window. It is a poor excuse for not going to DL. But, again, I feel people who have been to WDW multiple times and insist on staying at Disney Resorts are not the smartest, savviest travelers out there. I saw people gushing about $155 discounted moderates for the fall. These places are barely worth $99 and that's adding for location.

As for airfare, it always depends on where/when someone is traveling (from). I live in FL, but travel to LA frequently and if I pay over $300, that's a lot.

I see (not talking YOU) more people making bad excuses for not traveling beyond WDW here than anything. I chalk it up to being addicted to WDW and afraid of Crazy California.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
If people actually really wanted to visit the Disneyland Resort, they'd save up for it. You spend thousands for a trip to WDW. Okay. So it takes a little longer to save for the DLR trip. Those who sincerely want to travel to California to make the trip will save and do it. That's what I have to say on the subject. I live in California, about 30-40 mins away from DLR. The most I spend for a trip to DLR is maybe $100. Obviously it will cost me more than ten times that much to go to Florida, but I'm willing to do it because I sincerely want to visit WDW. So I'll have to save for a few years. That's okay because I'm getting to the place where I want to be. The whole "I can't/don't want to go to Disneyland because it's more expensive" excuse is so weak in my opinion. You can spend thousands of dollars and spend two whole friggin' weeks at WDW but you can't spend thousands at the DLR? I don't get it. It's not that you can't do it, you DON'T WANT to do it. Simple as that.


Well-Known Member
I'm not Lee, he's the one with the hot wife and great singing voice, but I'll answer ... Phase II at DCA is like most Disney Phase IIs ... not very likely to ever exist.

Right now, Disney's interested in the original park and possibly a third one down the road (still many years).

As to alternatives to RSRs, there always are ... hell, I came up with an idea for a Cars ride using the same system and basically the backdrop of a Cars 2 race around the world deal, but it doesn't look like TDO wants anything but a clone.

Disney is VERY worried about its business in O-Town ... maybe you can talk to your pals on The Disney Parks Blog about that? I'm sure they'll respond to you ...

i kind of think they should be. you made a great point about EPCOT (and i don't want to highjack this thread with EPCOT stuff), but having just visited, i can tell you the most disappointing days were the morning (read: hour and a half) we spent were at future world and the 2 hours we spent at DHS. we didn't spend that little time at those two parts of property for lack of trying. it's just there flat out isn't that much to do for repeat guests at either place.

this could have a great impact on DHS, whether we want to debate the merits of cloning something or not. however, i do agree that EPCOT might stand to suffer the most, not UNI or anyone else. after all, once you go soarin' over the dust particles and lament the loss of jeremy irons' narration on SE, there's not many places to turn...
I don't think we're going to see the rock work that they have over at DCA. I know it seems odd to think that they could build RSR without the Cadillac range, but could you imagine the sightlines? The mountains dominate the DCA skyline from various areas of the park, and are ugly when standing behind them (which only occurs outside of the theme park). We all complain about the BAH, but you don't mind a southwestern mountain range popping up in a studios theme park?... o_O

I think we very well could see the mountain range if they place the entire attraction indoors, which I think they should do. It may be tricky, but I think it could work better. Pixar Place has the backstory that the animators have left their offices and the characters are taking over. Theme the exterior similar to Toy Story Mania and have the entire RSR attraction take place indoors. It kind of bothers me that in the current version you go from daytime to nighttime then back to daytime. If they enclosed the attraction the story would flow better, they could use forced perspective to create the Cadillac range indoors, and we wouldn't have to worry about rain causing the ride to break down for hours every summer afternoon.

Yes, the Spirit is still saying don't count your blue alien sex kittens until you are having cyber relations with them while Soarin Over Pandora.
I am assuming they would want RSR opened up in late 2014, early 2015 to coincide with DHS' 25th and the opening of Transformers. Pandora isn't planned to open until 2016, no? That would line up with Harry Potter 2.0.


Well-Known Member
I'm not Lee, he's the one with the hot wife and great singing voice, but I'll answer ... Phase II at DCA is like most Disney Phase IIs ... not very likely to ever exist.

Right now, Disney's interested in the original park and possibly a third one down the road (still many years).

As to alternatives to RSRs, there always are ... hell, I came up with an idea for a Cars ride using the same system and basically the backdrop of a Cars 2 race around the world deal, but it doesn't look like TDO wants anything but a clone.

Disney is VERY worried about its business in O-Town ... maybe you can talk to your pals on The Disney Parks Blog about that? I'm sure they'll respond to you ...

Glad to hear it really, maybe they will continue to get onto TDO on some things and demand changes. But next time you speak to one of your contacts could you pass the word to TEAR DOWN THE HAT ALREADY? please? :D


Well-Known Member
Some Spirited thoughts:

I still won't say this is a done deal yet because I'm hearing there are some folks on both coasts with reservations (that they likely made 180 days in advance!:D) . There's a strong west-coast contingent led by John Lasseter that does not want to see this immediately cloned and sent to the swamps. And there's a strong contingent in FLA, that says this gets built and EPCOT remains stagnant and that park is going to have its numbers plummet (only so long you can coast on food and beverage sales).

Clearly 'something' is happening as we head into FY'13. Bids are going out, planning is being done, the orb of secrecy is starting to kick up. Whether we're going to see RSRs, which is sure seems like, is still the question ... but I sure see that growing in likelihood by the day.

I spent the late morning doing two enjoyable things. One was watching The Dictator, which I had never seen and was a good way to in advance of posting here. The other was speaking to a very valued friend and contact who said many interesting things that I can't post here, but had one very interesting thought which is this project -- whatever form 'it' takes at TPFKaTD-MGMS -- may well not simply open up before Avatar (loved that joke in The Dictator as wel) but simply takes its place instead.

Yes, the Spirit is still saying don't count your blue alien sex kittens until you are having cyber relations with them while Soarin Over Pandora.

Cost is relative as RSRs was the most expensive theme park attraction ever built. My number is a lot closer to $400 million for just the ride and area (not Carsland here) work than the crazy $300 million people talk about.

I don't like clones. I understand them from a business standpoint, but I still don't like them. It shows a lack of faith in your ability to create compelling product. I don't like with Transformers at UNI, so I'm not going to turn around and say its fine if it's Disney. It ultimately diminishes your product, not because you'll have people visit WDW and blow off DLR (how many crazy fans will whine and make every excuse in the book here why they've been to WDW 31 times, but haven't just been able to get to DL yet!) but because your product all-around beccomes more homogenized. It's fine to have some sharing, that makes sense. But Disney is in the state of wanting everything to appear in as many places as possible. That's why they don't like dealing with the Chinese because they are demanding unique product.

I didn't read through the entire thread because well ... it did what sorta happens around these parts when something newsworthy happens, so I apologize if I'm covering a lot of the same.

Also, LMA has its own 'issues' that make TDO want to get rid of it and quickly, which again shows very poor thought on their part when the attraction debuted only seven years ago.

Oh, and over at UNI, Potter 2.0 sounds better all the time. Just heard of a BIG change coming to help facilitate the expansion and it splains a lot (like why UNI execs were seen visiting a competitor recently!)

CarsLand as a replacement for Avatar would make sense.

I spoke to a couple of guys from ILM at SWCVI over the weekend who said that Avatar 2 & 3 are in a complete holding pattern. They said the movies were in an indefinite holding pattern because they couldn't get the costs down to a point where it would be acceptable (same thing as the Star Wars live-action tv series). They said the company was working feverishly on new technologies that would bring the costs down, but that they were still a long way off. They wouldn't even speculate as to when they thought the movies would actually come out. They just said "years and years". Daniel Logan (young Boba Fett) said the exact same thing about Avatar when talking about the SW tv show.

I'd welcome something from a Disney franchise any day over them going outside the company (unless it's Star Wars). It has always seemed bizarre to me that they would go outside the company when they have so many of their own properties that have yet to be exploited.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
No, travel isn't simple (especially with the TSA intimidating flyers at every airport to discourage travel). But a great deal of domestic WDW travelers don't get in the old Chevy and drive on down. They fly ... and if you can fly to FL, you can fly to CA.

Well, if someone demands staying at a hotel that may be $500 night when one can be purchased across the street for $50, then reason is thrown right out the window. It is a poor excuse for not going to DL. But, again, I feel people who have been to WDW multiple times and insist on staying at Disney Resorts are not the smartest, savviest travelers out there. I saw people gushing about $155 discounted moderates for the fall. These places are barely worth $99 and that's adding for location.

As for airfare, it always depends on where/when someone is traveling (from). I live in FL, but travel to LA frequently and if I pay over $300, that's a lot.

I see (not talking YOU) more people making bad excuses for not traveling beyond WDW here than anything. I chalk it up to being addicted to WDW and afraid of Crazy California.
Two things. First, If the difference was $500 on property $50 off property we would not be having this conversation. The difference for me is around $50-$100 per night thanks to being a TA. Second, flying out of Jacksonville sucks and can be costly. Flights from JAX to LAX typically start in the $400 range. To only other option is to drive 2-3 hours one way to Orlando and pay for long term parking. With a party of 4 that can save a decent bit but it is a major freaking hassle. I can drive up to 7 people to WDW for about $60 round trip

Like I have said until I am blue in the face, with my situation my money goes considerably farther at WDW than it does at DL.

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